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1、2010届福建省福州市高三下学期第一次质量检查 其他 第 卷(共 35分) 第四部分:写作(共两节,满分 35分) 第一节 短文填词(共 10小题;每小题 1分,满分 10分) 阅读下面短文,根据以下要求:( 1)汉语提示;( 2)首字母提示;( 3)语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词,所填单词要求意义准确、拼写正确。 The college entrance exam is on the way and all the teachers work very hard, encouraging us to build our confidence 76 and inspiring u

2、s to i our studies. Whenever we meet 77 with difficulties, they are r to come to our help. Meanwhile, 78 our school also (提供) great help for us students, for example, 79 the library stays in the evenings and even on the weekends. 80 At home, our parents take good care of so that we can always 81 be

3、full of energy. Im very grateful for the (努力) of our parents 82 And teachers. Im (决心) to try my best to prepare for the exam. 83 I am sure that w their timely help Ill be able to achieve my goal 84 and be a useful person of our society in the near f . 85 答案: 76. up 77. improve 78. ready 79. provides

4、 80. open 81. us 82. efforts 83. determined 84. with 85. future 第二节完型填空(共 20小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 3655 各题所给 的四个选项( A、 B、 C和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 My grandmother became a widow in 1970. Shortly after that, we went to the 36 shelter to pick out a dog to keep her 37 . Grandma decided o

5、n a little dog with a reddish-brown spot above each eye. 38 these spots, the dog was named Penny. Grandma and Penny quickly became very 39 to each other, but that attachment grew much stronger about three years later 40 Grandma had a stroke(中风) . Grandma could no longer 41 , so when she came home fr

6、om the hospital, she and Penny were 42 companions. After her stroke, it became a real 43 for Grandma to let Penny in and out because 44 was at the bottom of a flight of stairs. So a mechanism(机械装置) using a rope and pulley(滑轮) was 45 from the door to a handle at the top of the stairs. Grandma just ha

7、d to pull the handle to open and close the door. If the store was 46 Pennys favorite dog food, Grandma would make one of us 47 Penny browned beef with potatoes in it. I can remember 48 my grandmother by saying that she loved that dog better than she loved her family. As the years passed, it was not

8、49 for Grandma and Penny to separate each other. If Grandma went to take her nap(打盹) , Penny stayed by her side until she 50 . As Penny aged, she could no longer jump up on the bed, so she 51 on the rug (垫子)beside the bed. If Grandma went into the 52 , Penny would walk along beside her, wait outside

9、 the door and accompany her 53 to the bed or chair. Grandma never went anywhere without her 54 companion by her side. The time came when both my grandmothers and Pennys 55 were failing fast. After fifteen years of loving companionship, Grandma and Penny passed away within a few hours of each other.

10、36 A animal B toy C fish D bird 37 A business B firm C company D friend 38 A In spite of B Because of C Instead of D In front of 39 A linked B fastened C attached D tied 40 A before B while C until D when 41 A think B speak C work D walk 42 A contrary B content C confident D constant 43 A problem B

11、question C practice D rule 44 A the door B Grandma C the window D Penny 45 A repaired B fixed C bought D loaded 46 A out of B ahead of C away from D apart from 47 A show B hand C buy D cook 48 A drawing attention to B making use of C breaking away from D making fun of 49 A necessary B possible C imp

12、ortant D convenient 50 A recovered B awoke C slept D screamed 51 A rolled B stood C waited D lay 52 A kitchen B bedroom C living-room D bathroom 53 A back B up C off D down 54 A splendid B remote C faithful D legal 55 A smell B health C habit D living 答案: 3640 ACBCD 4145 CDAAB 4650 A DDBB 5155 DDACB

13、 单项选择 * Straight away I went to buy the tickets, but there were left for the next public holiday. A nothing B none C neither D no one 答案: B -Would you mind if asked you where youre from - . A Of course. Im from London. B Sure. I was born in London. C Not really. You can do it. D Not in the least. Im

14、 from London. 答案: D -But for your timely warning, we into great trouble. -Well, you know were friends. A would get B must have got C would have got D cant have got 答案: C from a Chinese character meaning people, the mascot(吉祥物) “Haibao” shows the character of Chinese culture. A Created B Creating C T

15、o create D To be created 答案: A our national football team lost the game to a weak team as Syria by 2 to 3, I held no doubt about the new coachs ability. A Until B By the time C Unless D After 答案: A If your composition by the end of this week is delayed, youre sure to lose some points from your final

16、 result. A to be finished B is finished C will have been finished D finishing 答案: A After a second thought, Jean a better method to deal with the problem. A put up with B came up with C added up to D made up for 答案: B -Is the book Lock And Key in the library - . The school has just bought many new b

17、ooks. A Shall be B Would be C Might be D Should be 答案: D -How often do you visit your granny in the village -I feel ashamed. . A Very often B By accident C Just once in a while D All of a sudden 答案: C After the argument, he spoke with the department manager and the problem . A solving B had been sol

18、ved C was solved D solved 答案: C James Camerons movie Avatar, set in 2154, place on a planet called Pandora. A will take B will be taken C takes D is taken 答案: C Out of the crowded bus ,who was dressed in a black suit and waved to a woman. A a tall man in his thirties stepped B stepped a tall man in

19、his thirties C did a tall man in his thirties step D did a tall man step in his thirties 答案: B It is the customers needs that has made chain stores so popular in big cities in China. A meeting B met C to have met D being met 答案: A the zoologists tried to prove was that the photo of the South China T

20、iger had been staged or technologically dealt with. A That B Why C Whether D What 答案: D The size of the audience, we had expected, was well over one thousand. A whom B who C which D as 答案: D 阅读理解 Though “nanometer”(纳米) is now a fashionable term all over the world, few people know exactly what it is.

21、 It has become a new favorite of manufacturers and sellers in recent years.Many “high-tech” products bearing the name “nano” have entered the market,bringing more mysterious feeling to surprised consumers. Nanometer is a very small length unit of measure,and is very small.One millimeter is 1000 micr

22、ometers,and one micrometer is 1000 nanometers.That is,one nanometer is one billionth of a meter.Nano materials are solid materials composed of particles(粒子) or crystallites(晶体) of less than 100 nanometer in size.Then,is a cup made of nano material really any different from an ordinary cup in functio

23、n as far as how it works Are nano cups really so wonderful A reporter went to the Institute of Nanomedicine,which is the first such institute of such a sort in the world and the only one in China,specializing in researching the investigation of the application of nano technology into medicine. A wat

24、er molecule(分子) is composed of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom.It can be changed only by special manipulation of the atoms. The material constituting the cup can have ananometer particles . But it cannot change the chemical and physical properties of the water contained in it.The water in the cup

25、 is still water. When people drink it,it will produce no special effect on human body. Professor Ji who worked in the Instiute of Nanomedicine told the reporter, so far, the investigation of nano materials is still limited in the laboratory. No commercial micro products can be produced yet. With the

26、 present level of science and technology, the time of everyday goods made of nanometer materials is still years away. The products labeled with nano marks in the market now are only traditional products coated with a thin layer of nanometer material, which makes them more abrasion resistant(耐磨) , mu

27、ch easier to be cleaned, or oil resisting or moth proof(防蛀) . Professor Ji explained that nano cup is a real up. It can also be included in the list of nano products in a certain sense. But the nano up has not changed its property and function as a cup. It is not a magical medicine for curing and he

28、alth care. 72 Which of the following shows the right relationship A nanometermillimetermicrometermeter B micrometermillimeternanometermeter C nanometermicrometermillimetermeter D millimetermicrometernanometermeter 73 It can be inferred from the passage that . A nano materials have been put into use

29、in daily goods B real nano products havent become available for people C the nano cup is very effective in curing and health care D real nano products are being produced by some companies 74 The underlined word “properties” in the fourth paragraph probably means . A possessions B qualities C reactio

30、ns D symbols 75 What would be the best title for the passage A High-tech Products B Nano Cups C Nano Materials D High-teach Research 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 C C TELP courses D TELP term dates in 2011 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 A The first double hand transplant patient in th

31、e US has left a hospital after medicine cleared up small red spots on his skin that signaled he might be rejecting his new hands. Jeff Kepner, a 58-year-old former chief cook in a restaurant, lost his hands and feet a decade ago to a bacteria infection. The donor was a 23-year-old man. A second majo

32、r storm in less than a week was blowing yesterday toward the Washington area, where federal government offices were closed for a second day and workers struggled to restore power knocked out by a weekend heavy snowstorm. The storm could leave as much as 20 inches (50 centimeters) of new snow in Wash

33、ington and nearly as much near Philadelphia a Northeast travel-hub by tonight. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown will give evidence to a public inquiry into the Iraq War in early March, officials for the inquiry said yesterday. Browns appearance, just weeks before an election expected in May, coul

34、d hit the ruling Labour Patrys attempts to catch up in the polls (民意调查) behind the opposition party Conservatives. Brown, who will be questioned about his time as prime minister, will be a witness in the highest position at the inquiry since former Prime Minister Tony Blairs appearance last month. T

35、he head of the UN agency aiding Palestine refugees (难民) is warning a funding shortfall and appealing for another $100 million. Filippo Grandi says the money is necessary for education, health and social services for 4.7 million Palestinian refugees scattered across Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, the West B

36、ank and the Gaza Strip. The agencys 2010 budget is $620 million, and it expects a shortfall of $140 million. The agency says $100 million is necessary for basic services. 64 The passage is most probably adapted from . A new items in a newspaper B descriptions of the world situation C discussions on

37、foreign affairs D statements of a government report 65 It can be inferred from the passage that . A the man lost his hands for an unknown reason B the result of the transplant operation seems satisfying C another storm will hit Washington area in less than a week D the electricity supply was cut off

38、 in Philadelphia a week ago 66 According to the passage, Gordon Brown . A is the leader of the ruling Labour Party in Britain B will send army to the Iraq War in March this year C will compete with former Prime Minister Tony Blair D is now gaining more support from voters than others 67 Which of the

39、 following statements is TRUE according to the fourth news A $100 million should be needed for the survival of the refugees. B At least $100 million is to be raised for Palestinian refugees. C The refugees mentioned in the passage are in the Middle Africa. D It is a tough job for the UN agency to ge

40、t money for the refugees. 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 B On the outside Betsy Lueths school looks like any other in Minneapolis. Yet inside, it is Yinghua Academy, a public school where elementary(小学) students study subjects ranging from math to American history in Chinese. Yinghua, the fir

41、st such immersion(沉浸式) program in the Midwest is on the leading edge of a movement that in recent years has seen Chinese language programs spread rapidly throughout the U.S. The idea behind Yinghua is to introduce kids to the language and culture as early as possible ideally, before age 12. kinderga

42、rteners and first graders are taught in Chinese and a single period of English is introduced in second grade. By sixth grade, kids are learning half in English and half in Chinese, with the expectation of fluency in both. In Yinghuas classrooms, the walls are covered not with ABCs but with pictures

43、and Chinese characters. There are many challenges at Yinghua. Most teachers come from Taiwan or mainland China, and cultural misunderstandings are very common. Lueths teachers are learning to be tolerant of local customs as well as a lot more parental input than they are used to. “In China, teachers

44、 are respected. They are not questioned,” says Luyi Lien, Yinghuas Taiwan-born director. “In America, parents are more expressive of their opinions.” Research has shown that in the long run, immersion programs can provide benefits, including more flexible, creative thinking. Though students from the

45、 programs fall behind for a few years in English, by fifth grade they perform as well as or better than their monolingual(单语言) peers on standardized reading and math tests. For multicultural families, the psychological help can also be important. Lueth , a former teacher, co-founded the school as a

46、way to expose her adopted Chinese daughter Lucy to her native culture. Lucy used to be annoyed when cousins asked why her skin color was different from theirs; before she started at Yinghua, she resisted exploring anything related to China. Now, Lueth says, Lucy proudly answers her cousins, “Yeah ,I

47、 was born in China.” 60 Yinghua is different from other schools in Minneapolis in the way that . A it offers subjects to students mostly in Chinese B its language program is popular in the U.S.A C kids there begin to learn Chinese at the age of 12 D its students learn subjects half in English and ha

48、lf in Chinese 61 One of the challenges at Yinghua is that . A most parents do not respect its teachers B teachers need to get used to the local culture C its students are mostly from nontraditional families D there is misunderstanding between teachers and students 62 We can learn from the last paragraph that immersion program . A enables students pass tests more easily B benefits students in learning psychology C helps some students accept the local customs D contributes to the better development of students 63 Which of the fo


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