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1、2010年高考二轮复习完形填空模拟训练 完型填空 原创(一) It is not so much what happens to each of us that determines our quality of life, but rather our reaction to what happens. Though we may have no 36 in unexpected events that happen to us, we most certainly have choice in 37 we interpret what happens, and in whatwe choo

2、se to do about it. These choices make all the 38 in how we experience our world and very much determine our 39 of life. Neither does what we own 40 a major role in quality of life. One person with all the money and possessions in the world may have a 41 life, while another in the lowest income class

3、es may 42 love their life. It is what we do with what we own that 43 our level of satisfaction and joy in life. Its not what you 44 or what happens to you in life that 45 , but rather what you do with it. Every 46 something is happening in our lives. And every moment we 47 or a judgment about what h

4、appens. By choosing to become more 48 of how we react to what happens, we can 49 towards what we really want in our lives. 50 following habitual, reactive patterns which 51 more of the same, we can recognize and 52 our old habits to move powerfully in the 53 of creating the life we really want. Yet

5、to do this, we must first find the 54 to look at some of the disempowering, often unconscious 55 which get in the way and dont serve to increase our quality of life. But by continually reminding ourselves of our intention to be creators, we can transform our life. 36 A need B courage C choice D nece

6、ssity 37 A what B whether C that D how 38 A difference B troubles C decisions D measures 39 A type B quality C amount D level 40 A take B play C make D get 41 A miserable B accessible C acceptable D adaptable 42 A practically B privately C absolutely D adequately 43 A creates B investigates C affect

7、s D handles 44 A lack B need C reserve D possess 45 A means B exists C works D matters 46 A time B period C date D moment 47 A make a mistake B make a discovery C make a decision D make a fortune 48 A conscious B sensitive C reasonable D active 49 A alter B shift C differ D distinguish 50 A Other th

8、an B Rather than C As well as D According to 51 A lead to B lie in C call for D appeal to/ equal to 52 A transplant B transform C transport D transmit 53 A edge B way C direction D center 54 A hope B interest C chance D courage 55 A patterns B frames C landscape D examples 答案: 36-55 CDABB ACCDD DCAB

9、B ABCDA 决定我们的生活质量好坏的因素,不是发生在我们每个人身上的事情,而是我们对这些事情所作出的反应;我们不是生活的被动承受者,而是人生主动的创造者,明白了这一点,我们就能改变我们的人生。 36 C 根据 37空见可以看出答案:,意思是 “我们的生活品质很大一部分并非取决于发生了什么,而是我们的处事态度。纵然我们无法选择发生在我们身上的意外,但我们理所当然可以选择怎样理解和处理所发生的事情。 ”difference“大有影响 ”。 Make troubles“制造麻烦事 ”, trouble 作为可数名词,意思为 “麻烦事,问题等 ”; make decisions“做出决定 ”; m

10、easure应该和 take搭配。这些选择造就了我们所体验生活的不同,并很大程度上决定了我们的生活质量。 37. D / 38. A 39 B 根据文章大意 及第一句可知,此处应为 “生活质量 ”,非 “类型 ”和 “水平 ”。 40 B play a major role短语,意思为 “我们所拥有的东西也不构成决定生活质量的主要因素。 ” 41 A 拥有世界上所有财富的人也可能过着悲惨的生活。 42 C 与上一句相对应,一个拥有全世界金钱和资产的人依然可能生活得很痛苦,而收入位于最低列的另外一个人则可能绝对热爱他的生活。本题易误选 D。 43 C 此句为强调句型( Itthat )。我们如何

11、对待我们所拥有的才真正影响我们满意水准和生活乐趣。本题易误选 D。 44 D possess“拥有 ”,在意义上与上下文保持一致,符合题意要求;而 lack 意为 “缺乏 ”, need“需要 ”, reserve意为 “保留;预计 ”均不合题意。句意为 “你拥有什么或者发生了什么都不重要,你怎样看待和处理这些才至关重要。 ” 45 D matter“有关系,有重要性 ”。本题易误选 C。 46 D 每时每刻,而不是每一次。参考 47空可知。 47 C And every moment we make interpretations or judgments about what happen

12、s.make a mistake犯错误、弄错了; make a discovery发现; make a decision 做出决定; make a fortune赚一笔钱。生活的每一刻都在发生着什么。每一刻我们也都在作出决定和判定到底发生了什么。 48 A be conscious of“意识到 ”。句意为 “通过有意识的选择怎样应付发生的事情,我们可以更接近我们生命中真正想要的。 ” 本题易误选 D。 49 B shift“改变,移动 ”, shift to/toward; alter,改变; differ,是 difference的动词形式,意思是 “不同 ” , differ in.,

13、“在某方面或某事上不同 ”的意思; distinguish,后面常跟介词 from或 between,意思是: “从 中区别出来,不同 ”。比较这四个词的意义及用法,可以看出只有 B才是正确答案:。本题易误选 D。 50 B 不再采用很少变化的习惯性地应对方式,这些方式(会)导致同样的结局。本题易误选 C。 51 A lead to“导致 ”。参考上句。 lie in后加原因。本题易误选 C。 52 B 句意为 “我们可以意识到并将我们的旧习有力地向创造我们想要的生活方向转变。 ” 53 C in the direction of“朝 方向 ”。参考上句。 54 D 然而要做到这一点,我们首先

14、必须有勇气审视某些消沉面,通常无意识 /潜意识行为会过来挡道,阻碍我们提升生活的品质。本题易误选 C。 55 A pattern指 “模式,行为 ”; frame指 “框架 ”; landscape指 “风景线 ”;example指 “范例,榜样 ”,可见 A为正确答案:。 原创(十二) In modern society there is a great deal of argument about competition. Some 36 it highly, believing that it is 37 for social progress and prosperity. Other

15、s say that 38 is bad, that it sets one person against another; that it 39 unfriendly relationship between people. I have taught many children who held the 40 that their self-worth relied on how well they 41 at tennis and other skills. For them, playing well and winning are often life-and death affai

16、rs. In their single-minded 42 of success, the development of many other human qualities is 43 forgotten. 44 , while some seem to be lost in the desire to succeed, others take a(n) 45 attitude. In a culture valuing only the winner and 46 to the ordinary players, they strongly 47 competition. They see

17、m to seek failure by not trying to win or 48 success. By not trying, they always have a(n) 49 : “I may have lost, but it doesnt matter 50 I really didnt try.” 51 , this belief is the same as 52 of the true competitors trying to prove themselves. Both are based on the 53 belief that ones self-respect

18、 relies on how well one performs in 54 with others. Both are afraid of not being valued. Only as this basic and often troublesome fear begins to dissolve(缓解) 55 a new meaning in competition. 36 A benefit B influences C value D impress 37 A cheerful B meaningful C comfortable D responsible 38 A compe

19、tition B ability C knowledge D challenge 39 A runs into B leads to C comes from D begins with 40 A promise B belief C dream D task 41 A planned B performed C delivered D practiced 42 A pursuit B memory C behalf D search 43 A shyly B cheerfully C sadly D faithfully 44 A Therefore B Meanwhile C Howeve

20、r D Afterwards 45 A proper B suitable C confident D opposite 46 A paying no attention B pays less attention C paid more attention D pays no attention 47 A excuse B blame C charge D trust 48 A enjoy B apply C receive D achieve 49 A opinion B explanation C excuse D reason 50 A unless B so C while D be

21、cause 51 A Firmly B Naturally C Unfortunately D Clearly 52 A that B one C it D this 53 A mistaken B different C single D common 54 A consequence B comparison C connection D common 55 A we can discover B can we discover C can discover D we discover 答案: 3640 : CDABB 4145 : BACCD 4650 : ABDCD 5156 : DA

22、ABB 本文为议论文。文中提到作者身边对 competition(竞争)的不同观点。一种是拼尽全力赢得比赛的人,他们认为输赢是生死攸关的事情,只有获胜才能体现个人价值。另一种人极力反对竞争,他们认为人们竞争压力过大,导致人际关系不友好,而且这些人极 力逃避努力奋斗,认为如果尽力去做而没有成功会导致自己不被别人承认,因此他们不做努力,以此做为失败的借口, “我没有去努力,因此失败也没什么了不起! ”作者对这两种态度运用了 “sadly”和 “mistaken”来评论,并在结尾表示,只有这种对成功的恐惧缓解,才能体会竞争的真正含义。 36 C value此处为动词,意为 “重视,看重 ” 37 D

23、 be responsible for“对 负责 ”。意思为 “他们相信,是竞争带来了社会的进步和繁荣。本题易误选 B。 38 A 由前文可知,另一部分人认为竞争是不好的。 39 B lead to“导致 ”。竞争会导致人际关系不友好。 40 B hold the belief持有这样的观点。 41 B 他们的个人价值取决于他们在网球和其它技巧方面的表现( perform)得如何。 42 A in the () pursuit of success 对成功的追求。 in search of 寻找 ; in memory of 为纪念 .; in behalf of为 的利益。本题易误选 BC。

24、 43 C 忘记培养的人类的其它素质是令人悲哀的事情。 44 C 根据上文可以看出,此处为转折之意。 45 D 根据前文意思,后面应说 “另一些人持有相反的观点。受前文 lost in the desire的影响,本题易误选 A。 46 A 根据前面的 only可以看出后面应是相反内容。句意为 ”只重视获胜者而不关注普通的选手。 ” 47 B 根据下文可以看出应选 blame“责备,谴责 ”。句意为 “那些人强烈谴责竞争 ”本题易误选 A。 48 D achieve (ones) success取得胜利。 49 C 从下文可知:用不去尝试 /努力(怕失败),以此做为失败的借口。本题易误选 A。

25、 50 D 根据上文可以看出前后是因果 关系。 51 D 根据后面的 the same可以看出本题应选 D。本题易误选 C,如选 C,与the same不符。 52 A 此处 that=the belief。 that和 it 表示特指。 that与所指名词为同类,但不是同一个,而 it 与所指名词为同一个; one指代单数可数名词,泛指同类事物中的一个。本题易误选 C。 53 A 两者都是错误的观点。 54 B in comparison of“与 比较 ”; in consequence of. 的结果,因为 .的缘故,由于; in common with如同一样; in connecti

26、on with 与 .有关系 55 B only修饰状语且放在句首时,主句谓语要倒装。 【选改类】 改编 (十三 ) Our family finally managed to get together, but in a few days we scattered again to the ends of the earth, and I will begin my new job in a new city. My family has never been _1 _ in this way . When I think about the 2 future, my heart felt

27、grayish. When I 3 in the morning, it was raining outside and the sky was as 4 as my mood. My daughter 5 the new skirt that her uncle bought and she flew around the departure hall in the 6 and drew a small and beautiful picture in the dim crowd. The airplane had a good 7 of newspapers, magazines, tel

28、evision programs, food and drinks. The meal even 8 a serving of Haagen-Dazs ice cream. This small present brightened me up 9 . The gentle smile of the stewardess(空姐) was as beautiful as the 10 after the rain. When I 11 the airport, the language that entered my 12 was completely different from what I

29、 was 13 three hours ago. Although the street lights were as 14 as Allentowns, the different clothes and expressions of the people 15 me that I am in a new world. I stood in the busy streets like Alice 16 the world in a fairy tale. My heart was 17 with puzzlement about the uncertain future and longin

30、g for the new life. When I 18 being able to do what I like once more, that I will make new 19 and that I can enjoy the fun of exploration. I could not 20 to think about starting my new life. 1.A.separated B.gather C.divided D.surprised 2.A.bright B.exciting C.uncertain D.unusual 3.A.stood up B.got u

31、p C.stayed up D.woke up 4.A.clear B.high C.dark D.gray 5.A.dressed B.wore C.liked D.had 6.A.station B.airport C.port D.house 7.A.offer B.number C.supply D.amount 8.A.included B.contained C.followed D.matched 9.A.successfully B.especially C.eventually D.fortunately 10.A.rainbow B.ground C.sky D.flowe

32、r 11.A.got on B.got off C.left away D.took off 12.A.mouth B.eyes C.mind D.ears 13.A.finding B.learning C.hearing D.listening 14.A.long B.well C.brilliant D.mamy 15.A.told B.reminded C.suggested D.explained 16.A.visiting B.traveling C.wandering D.exploring 17.A.full B.filled C.satisfied D.pleased 18.

33、A.set about B.set out C.thought over D.thought about 19.A.friends B.enemies C.mistakes D.progress 20.A.wait B.help C.decide D.afford 答案: 15 : ACDDB 610 : BCACA 1115 : BDCCB 1620 : DBDAA 1.A separate和 divide都含 “分开 ”的意思。 separate指 “把原来在一起的人或物分开 ”, 如 : S-those two boys who are fighting, will you (你 )把那

34、两个打架的孩子拉开 , 好吗 divide 指 “施加外力或自然地把某人或某物由整体分成若干部分 ”, 如 : divide the candies among the children 给孩子们把糖块分开。 2.C根据 17空后 with puzzl ement about the uncertain future and 可以判断出答案:,其它选项不符合情景。 3.D。 woke up“醒来 ”; stood up 和 got up “站起来 ”; stayed up“熬夜,不睡觉 ”。本题易误选 B。 4.D。从第一段末及空后可以看出答案:。描述心情不愉,常用 gray。本题易误选 BC

35、。 5.B。 wore“穿、戴 ”,后接衣服等。 Dress“给 穿衣 ”,后面跟 sb.,构成 dress sb.。女儿穿着新裙子在 . 。本题易误选 A。 6.B。根据 around the dep arture hall( (飞机场的 )候机室)看出应填 airport. 7.C。 supply(有目的提供), have a good large supply of 备有许多; offer(无目的提供), offer常与 make搭配,构成 “make an offer (of) 提议 ; 出价 ; 提供 ”; number和 amount意思是大量的,后面分别跟可数和不可数名词。本题易

36、误选A。 8.A include表示一个整体由几个部分组成,侧重包括者只是整体的一部分。如: The bill includes tax and service contain指一个整体包括的内容,侧重 “内有 ”的意思。如: Try to avoid foods which contain a lot fat换句话说: include的宾语总是整体中的部分数量或部分组成部分 ,而 countain的宾语总是不涉及数量的内含元 素 ,如有数量词则往往是全部数量 .本题易误选 B。 9.C eventually“最终、最后 ”,带有主观色彩; successfully“成功地 ”;especia

37、lly“特别 , 尤其 ”; fortunately“幸运地 ”。本题易误选 BC。 10.A根据空后 after the rain.本句意思是 象雨后彩虹一样美。本题易误选 CD。 11.B got off“下车 /飞机等 ”; got on与 got off相反; left away“离开 ”; took off“取消 , 脱衣 , 起飞 ”等。 12.D enter ones ears“听到的 ” 。 13.C根据前面 language,当然是 hear, listening后要加 to。本题易误选 D。 14.C brilliant“闪耀的 ”等于 bright。本句意为 “尽管街上的

38、灯光象艾伦镇的一样闪耀 . ”本题易误选 B。 15.B remind“提醒 (of, that, how) ”; suggest“表明,暗示、联想 ”,构成 suggest to sb.。本题易误选 AC。 16.D根据 in a fairy tale 可以看出应选 exploring ,其他不符合题意。本题易误选 BC。 17.B be filled with 结构; be full of 。 CD后加 with表示 “对 满意 ”,不和句意。 18.D A.think about“想起 ”; set about“出发、开始 ”; B.set out( to do); thought ov

39、er“仔细考虑 ”。 本题易误选 BC。 19.A make friends“交朋友 ”,到一个新的地方,结交新的朋友。不是树敌 (make enemies)及犯错误 (make mistakes。本题易误选 D。 20.A wait后接表示目的的动词不定式。例如: They are waiting to have dinner他们正等着吃饭。 help to do“帮助做 ” ; decide to do“决定、决心做 ” ; afford常与 can, could, be able to 连用 担负得起费用 (损失、后果等 ), 花费得起,经受得住 ; 抽得出 (时间 )如: I cant

40、 afford to buy sth. 我买不起 . 改编(十四) You may not realize it, but you are doing much more than just studying when you are at school. School is also the place 36 you socialize and learn to get along with people. But this is 37 easy. What can you do 38 you just dont like one of your classmates If you disc

41、over that you have problems 39 your classmates or friends, the most important thing to learn is tolerance. Tolerance is the 40 to recognize and respect the 41 in others. We cannot change the way that other people act, 42 it is important to learn to live happily with them. Practicing tolerance will a

42、llow everyone to form better 43 with each other. Getting to know someone 44 help you understand why they do things 45 from you. It is important to remember that just because something is different does not mean that it is bad. 46 teaches us to keep an even temper and open mind. One thing to 47 is th

43、e old saying, “Treat others how you want 48 ”. You would like to be treated kindly by your classmates, so it is 49 to treat them with equal kindness. If you tolerate 50 it does not mean that you have to like it. No one is asking you to 51 who you are or what you believe in. Tolerance just means that

44、 you will be 52 of the differences in others and not try to make them change. It is important to 53 tolerance because it will make everyones lives easier. Learn to 54 people for their different abilities and interests. The world is a very 55 , and practicing tolerance in your own school and city can

45、 help make 56 . 36 A which B where C that D when 37 A very B no C not always D really 38 A unless B since C because D if 39 A getting along with B making apologies to C getting away from D fleeing from 40 A chance/ reflection B benefit C appeal/patience D ability 41 A imaginations B thoughts C conse

46、quence D differences 42 A so B and C but D although 43 A moods B habits C relationships D feelings 44 A must B may C should D can 45 A fortunately B easily C differently D attentively 46 A Patience B Experience C Tolerance D kindness 47 A keep in touch B keep in mind C keep up with D keep to yoursel

47、ves 48 A to treat B being treated C to be treated D to be treating 49 A attractive B important C desperate D fantastic 50 A something B anything C everything D nothing 51 A change B remind C promise D decide 52 A convenient B respectful C negative D unselfish/ considerable 53 A ignore B cancell C pr

48、event D practice 54 A accept B abandon/receive C thank D remember 55 A diverse B same C individual D apparent 56 A no difference B an effect C an apology D a difference 答案: 3640 : BCDAD 4145 : DACBC 4650 : CBCBA 5155 : ABDAD 你是否爱生气?是否爱发火?是否爱看不惯?是否经常伤害周围的人? 于是,你常常问自己: “为什么我不快乐? ”宽容,是生活中的一缕阳光,一片朝霞,一场润物细无声的春雨。以律人之心律已,以恕已之心恕人,多一点对别人的宽容,我们


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