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1、2011年四川省绵阳中学 2012级高二下学期半期考试英语试卷与答案 单项选择 * -_, but the noise is really disturbing. I cant sleep. - Im sorry. I didnt know you would mind. A I hate to say this B Id like to say this C You seem to be upset D I beg your pardon 答案: A _ crying sadly, he raised his head and let tears stream down his face o

2、n purpose. A To be seen B Seeing C To see D Having seen 答案: A _, Im sure, and youll find her friendly and easy-going. A If you have a talk with Sara B Having a talk with Sara C Have a talk with Sara D After having a talk with Sara 答案: C I_ to the see the film Alice in Wonderland last night but for t

3、he fact that I was busy preparing for the English exam. A must have gone B must go C might have gone D might go 答案: C According to the insurance contract, all the items lost will be replaced with a new one, _ their age or condition. A in spite of B regardless of C in terms of D by means of 答案: B _hi

4、mself to his lab research, the famous scientist missed _from the liver cancer. A Devoted; being saved B Devoting; being saved C Devoted; to be saved D Devoting; to be saved 答案: B His efforts to persuade him to make a donation were _ because he showed no intention to take a cent out of his pocket. A

5、in place B in sight C in vain D in effect 答案: C It was _ back home from the restaurant _ he stayed for a whole day. A not until midnight did he go; which B until midnight when he didnt go; there C not until midnight that he went; where D until midnight that he didnt go; that 答案: C _ anyone phone, wr

6、ite down the phone number and tell him Ill call back later. A Would B Shall C Should D Can 答案: C The accidents of coal mines are believed _ hundreds of deaths in China so far. A to result in B to have resulted in C resulting in D being resulted in 答案: B Tom _ for 5 years, but he has been leading a n

7、ew life since he was set free. A was put in prison B was in prison C has been put in prison D has been in prison 答案: B Thinking that the students were having an evening class, the teacher left the classroom, _. A slowly and gentle B slowly and gently C slow and gentle D slow and gently 答案: B 这题考察副词做

8、状语,修饰动词 left the classroom,句意是:认为学生在上晚自习,老师轻轻地慢慢地离开了教室。选 B。 Mr Williams, _ of the long speech, sat there, _ to death. A tired; boring B tiring; bored C tired; bored D tiring; boring 答案: C The PLA soldiers came to the ruins of Yushu and after _ seemed to be a long time, they helped some victims out.

9、A which B that C what D when 答案: C Everyone has a responsibility to save _ water, if future generations are to enjoy a similar standard of living to _ we enjoy now. A the; the one B不填 ; the one C the; one D不填 ; one 答案: B 完型填空 When I was young, I belonged to a club that did community service work. Th

10、ere was one specific_36_that was unusual for me. I spent three or four hours handing out warm dinner to the homeless out in the streets. After that I went to a homeless shelter not far from the Bay Bridge. I was in high school and at the time my sister was too young to _37_. She wanted to help, _ 38

11、_ she made four or five dozen chocolate chip cookies for me to _39_ and hand out to people. When_40_ to the homeless shelter, I passed out the _41_meals. I began making sandwiches and _42_ them with the crowd. I had the containers with my _43_ cookies in them and began to _44_, offering them to anyo

12、ne near me. I _45_ an old gentleman and said, “Sir, would you like a cookie ” He stopped and turned around, looked at me rightly and said, “What did you say Did you call me sir ” I told him I _46_, and his eyes _47_a little bit and said, “No one has _48_ called me sir. So he was completely moved. It

13、 _49_ me. I explained I had been raised that _50_ color and social status, everyone deserved(应得 ) respect. It _51_ me to think that just because he was homeless, no one _52_ him the honor. It broke my heart. I just didnt understand _53_ no one ever called him sir I had never thought that anyone was

14、below me because I wasnt raised that way. Every _54_ person deserves to be treated with respect. Years later, I still carry that memory and the_55_ it taught me. Sometimes, what we take for granted can really make a difference in someones life. How have you made a difference to others How have other

15、s made a difference to you 【小题 1】 A accident B incident C event D affair 【小题 2】 A participate B attend C choose D go 【小题 3】 A however B but C yet D so 【小题 4】 A bring B fetch C collect D take 【小题 5】 A arriving B getting C reaching D coming 【小题 6】 A remained B remaining C remain D left 【小题 7】 A shared

16、 B gave C helped D assisted 【小题 8】 A classmates B schoolmates C sisters D familys 【小题 9】 A walk around B knock around C come around D stand around 【小题 10】 A went B came C approached D met 【小题 11】 A had B called C would D do 【小题 12】 A watered B cried C tore D dropped 【小题 13】 A already B ever C still

17、D yet 【小题 14】 A hit B occurred C struck D beat 【小题 15】 A in spite of B regardless of C concerned about D for fear of 【小题 16】 A strengthened B saddened C frightened D pleased 【小题 17】 A handed B offered C provided D supplied 【小题 18】 A what B when C whether D why 【小题 19】 A single B poor C ordinary D no

18、rmal 【小题 20】 答案: 阅读理解 When my daughter, Sophie, was admitted to a college we were very happy, but a little worried about becoming empty nesters. I knew I had to do something to help myself adapt, starting with the summer before she left. Sophie had a pack of colorful T-shirts. I knew she wouldnt wea

19、r them any more, so I decided to make a quilt out of them for her bed at college. It focused my energy, and also let me relive some memories. I tried to work on the quilt when Sophie wasnt at home-which turned out to be often. She was very busy with her friends. Even when she was around, her door wa

20、s shut more than usual. I felt a bit hurt. After all, we didnt have much time together before she went to college, I was already missing her, and she hadnt ever left yet. When we arrived at the college, a wave of emotion flooded me. I tried to hold it back, but Sophie saw it in my face. She took a b

21、ig red book from her bag. “I made this for you, Mom,” she said. Then I knew why she had been staying behind a closed door that summer. It was an album of photographs documenting the life of our family over the last 17 years. I broke into tears. Some of it was sadness at having to let her go, but som

22、e of it was joy. I knew that our connection was more powerful than ever, and that wed always be connected by the strongest of threads, the love that went into every stitch of her quilt and every photo of my album. In Sophies dormitory I unfolded the quilt on her bed. For a moment she was speechless.

23、 Then she threw her arms around me. “Mom, I love you,” she said. One of her new friends was calling her outside. Sophie turned, and I let her go. 【小题 1】 What do we learn about Sophie from the passage A She did not understand how her mother felt about her leaving. B She had few friends, and kept to h

24、erself at home that summer. C She made a photo album to show her love. D She liked her colorful T-shirts very much. 【小题 2】 Why did the author feel hurt, according to the second paragraph A Because Sophie was not interested in what she was doing. B Because Sophie had little time for her. C Because So

25、phie was going to leave home for a long time. D Because Sophie did not help her to make the quilt. 【小题 3】 How did the author feel when they arrived at the college A She felt worried. B She felt nervous. C She was sorry to be leaving her daughter. D She missed her daughter very much. 【小题 4】 Why did t

26、he author finally let her daughter go A She realized that her daughter had to go to college by herself. B She realized that the love between them would never be cut off. C Sophies present had made her forget her sorrow. D Sophies new friends were calling her outside the dormitory. 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1

27、】 B 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 B Beliefs form a big part of our lives. Successful people have always believed that they can be and will be successful in their lives, such as Michael Phelps. Many of us have seen Michael Phelps win 8 gold medals in a single Olympic Games. That has created a history for himself.

28、Many people have admired his success and the first reaction in their mind will be, “Wow, how I wish I could be like him!” Have you ever wondered what brought him success In fact, anyone can achieve what they have wanted to achieve. It is about beliefs. Everyone is a born winner. It is this belief th

29、at drives an individual to be successful in his or her own field. All successful individuals have strong beliefs and it is one of the bases for their success. If we start to believe in ourselves, the things that we can achieve will definitely give us a pleasant surprise. Other than having a strong b

30、elief, it is the attitude that drives the individual to create their own history. The devotion towards themselves and the drive must also be present. Imagine having a strong belief in oneself and having a poor attitude towards life. Then how would that individual turn out to be Ones attitude compris

31、es the drive, the devotion and the desire to achieve his goals. If one has strong beliefs about the goals that he can achieve and he displays good attitudes towards them, it would be no surprise to anyone that he will be able to achieve his goals. Start believing in yourself and you will achieve you

32、r goals and with the right positive attitude, you will definitely be able to create the miracle that you have always dreamt of. 【小题 1】 Which of the following is the best summary of Paragraph2 A Where there is a will, there is a way. B Good begun is half done. C No pains, no gains. D God helps those

33、who help themselves. 【小题 2】 The underlined word comprises in Paragraph3 most probably means_ A serve as B belongs to C consists of D stands for 【小题 3】 It can be inferred from the passage that _. A attitudes can be learned from ones parents B only strong beliefs cant ensure you a promising future C c

34、opying others behaviors is a good way to succeed D attitudes can only be learned through ones success 【小题 4】 What would be the best title for the passage A Differences Between Beliefs and Attitudes B The Nature of Beliefs and Positive Attitudes C Relationship Between Beliefs and Attitudes D The Powe

35、r of Beliefs and Positive Attitudes 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 D Win a trip to the OREGON COAST- Dare to Explore the Pacific Ocean. Build the biggest sand castle on the beach. Search tide pools for sea life. Watch the bright orange sunset over the ocean. Whether youve been to the Pacific

36、Ocean before or have only closed your eyes and imagined it, we want to know how you would explore the Oregon Coast if you had the chance to go this summer. JUDGING 1. Clear relationship between the Essay and the Drawing 40%. 2. Creativity and skill in design and form of the Drawing 40%. 3. Expressio

37、n of the passion to draw and explore 10%. 4. Journalistic quality, uncluttered(整洁的 )nature and overall quality of the Essay 10%. PRIZE By entering, you will have the chance to win an all-expense paid trip to the OREGON COAST. Activities will include: Kite flying, studying beautiful sea creatures, se

38、arching for sea life on a boat, science exploration at a science center and roasting over a beach campfire. Who may enter: The competition is open to kids aged 6-14. TEAM: Entries must be postmarked no later than July 31, 2010. How to enter Surf to download and print out an entry form. Be sure to m

39、ark whether you have to or have not been to the Pacific Ocean in the form. Create a drawing of the Pacific Ocean on a piece of paper using a pen or paints. Write an article of 100 words or less to explain why you want to go, what you think you would see, and what you would explore if you have never

40、been to the Pacific Ocean, or describe your favorite memories from your last visit. Send to Dare to Explore the Pacific Ocean, NG1145 17th street NW, WashingtonD.C.20036. 【小题 1】 What is the most important for the judging A Whether your article is written in a neat way. B The article and the drawing

41、should be closely related. C Whether you show your passion to draw and explore. D The skill in your drawing the map of the Atlantic Ocean. 【小题 2】 If you win the competition, you may_. A fly a kite on the beach B search the ocean for sea plants C build the biggest tower on the beach D roast the sea c

42、reatures over a beach campfire 【小题 3】 What information can you get from the passage A Your article should be at least 100 words. B Every kid can take part in the competition. C You should mark the drawing with your name. D You must send the drawing before July 31, 2010. 【小题 4】 You can most probably

43、read the passage in_. A a textbook B a travel guide C a newspaper D a research book 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 C It is Saturday afternoon You and your friends are planning to go to the movies and then spend the night together Just as you start to get ready, your dad reminds you it is your

44、 aunts birthday and the whole family is going out to dinner to celebrate How can this possibly end without a huge argument One of the greatest sources of tension(紧张情绪) between teenagers and their families is the struggle to balance personal desires with family expectations As you are getting older,

45、you are becoming more independent and more interested in being with your friends However, at the same time, your family is trying to figure out how to deal with these changes While you once spent most of your free time with your family, you are now often absent from home Parents may get their feelin

46、gs hurt Or they might feel that they are losing control of their family during this period You might feel angry that so many family demands are placed on you There are a few things you can try to make it a little easier to ease(缓解) the tension * Make your plans in advance Ask your parents if there i

47、s anything else planned at that time * When something with your friends interferes(干扰;冲突) with a family event,try to figure out if there is any way you can do both * Suggest something you would really like to do with your family Sometimes parents feel better just knowing their teenager wants to spen

48、d time with them Some of the time you wont be happy with the outcome(结果) You might either have to disappoint your parents or have to miss out being with your friends However, if you show consideration(体谅) for the feelings of both your family and your friends, you can solve the problem in a tender way 【小题 1】 The purpose of the first paragraph is to _ A sh


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