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1、2012-2013学年广东省佛山市佛山一中高一下学期第一次段考英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 阅读下列各小题,根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子,并把答案:填写在答题卷相应的位置上。 【小题 1】他面对危险时的勇敢给我们留下了深刻的印象。 We _ _ _ _ his bravery in the face of danger. 【小题 2】他呆在水里并且屏住呼吸了一段时间。 He stayed under the water and _ _ -_ for some time. 【小题 3】我很难使眼睛一直注视着强烈的阳光。 It is hard to keep my eye

2、s _ _ the strong sunlight. 【小题 4】在这幅名为 “奔马 ”的画中,我们看到一匹骏马如导弹穿越天空那样飞速地奔驰。 Across the painting, _ Racing Horse, we can see a horse _ _ high speed like a missile across the sky. 【小题 5】我们的学校始建于 1913年。 Our school _ _ _ 1913. 【小题 6】在陈逸飞画作之一中,他画一位年轻漂亮的女子坐在那里,沉思着,同时他在她手中的扇子和衣服的布料上加入很多的细节。 In one of Chen Yife

3、is paintings, he draws a beautiful young lady sitting there, _ _ _, with a lot of detail _ _ the fan in her hand and the cloth of her dress. 答案: 【小题 1】 were greatly impressed by 【小题 2】 held his breath 【小题 3】 fixed on / upon 【小题 4】 named running at 【小题 5】 dates back to/goes back to 【小题 6】 deep in tho

4、ughtadded to 试题分析: 【小题 1】 were greatly impressed by 动词 impress留下 的印象;本题是一个被动语态的形式,后面使用介词 by来表示。 【小题 2】 held his breath 固定词组 hold ones breath屏住呼吸。 【小题 3】 fixed on / upon 固定词组 fix ones eyes on 然后把 eyes提前,后面使用过去分词表示被动。 【小题 4】 named running at 这幅画和动词 name构成了被动的关系,故使用过去分词表示被动; see sth/sb doing sth看见某人正在做

5、某事,这一结构中的doing表示事情正在发生;介词 at与名词 speed连用构成 at high speed以高速; 【小题 5】 dates back to/goes back to 固定词组 date back to追溯到,该短语没有被动语态也没有进行时。 【小题 6】 deep in thoughtadded to 使用 deep in thought对句子主语 he进行说明;第二空的动词 add 与 a lot of detail 构成被动关系,使用过去分词表示被动。 考点:考查动词短语和固定句式 点评:本题要求考生有较高的语法素养和词汇量,能根据句中的语义来选择所需要的时态和结构,

6、要特别注意时态,语态,非谓语动词以及固定搭配等。 完型填空 In the clinic, I asked if Michael could be retested, so the specialist tested him again. To my 16 , it was the same score. Later that evening, I 17 told Frank what I had learned that day. After talking it over, we agreed that we knew our son much better than an IQ test.

7、 We decided that Michaels score must have been a 18 and we should treat him 19 as usual. We moved to Indiana in 1962, and Michael studied at Concordia High School in the same year, he got 20 grades in the school, especially in biology and chemistry, which was a great comfort. Michael 21 Indiana Univ

8、ersity in 1965 as a pre-medical student. Soon afterwards, his teacher permitted him to take more courses than 22 . In 1968, he was accepted by the School of Medicine, Yale University. On graduation day in 1972, Frank and I 23 the ceremony (典礼 ) at Yale. After the ceremony, we told Michael about the

9、24 IQ score he got when he was six. Since that day, Michael sometimes would look at us and say 25 , “My dear mom and dad never told me that I couldnt be a doctor, not until after I graduated from medical school!” It is his special way of thanking us for the 26 we had in him. Interestingly, Michael t

10、hen asked for another IQ test. We went to the same clinic where he had 27 the test eighteen years before. This time Michael scored 126, an increase of 36 points. A result like that was supposed to be 28 . Children often do as well as what adults, particularly parents and teachers, 29 of them. That i

11、s, tell a child he is “ 30 ” , and he may play the role of a foolish child. 【小题1】 A joy B surprise C dislike D disappointment A tearfully B fearfully C cheerfully D hopefully A joke B mistake C warning D wonder A specially B strictly C naturally D carefully A poor B good C average D standard A visit

12、ed B entered C passed D chose A allowed B described C required D offered A missed B held C delayed D attended A high B same C low D different A curiously B eagerly C calmly D jokingly A confidence B interest C pride D delight A received B accepted C organized D discussed A imperfect B impossible C u

13、ncertain D unsatisfactory A hear B learn C expect D speak A wise B rude C shy D stupid 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 B 【小题 6】 B 【小题 7】 C 【小题 8】 D 【小题 9】 C 【小题 10】 D 【小题 11】 A 【小题 12】 A 【小题 13】 B 【小题 14】 C 【小题 15】 D 试题分析:本文讲述了教育学中的罗森塔尔现象,如果我们对一个孩子期待值高,那么这个孩子就会有很好的表现。如果我们对他的期待值较低,他表现得

14、就不会很好。所以我们要多鼓励孩子,这样他们才会有更快的进步。 【小题 1】 D 名词辨析。 A开心 B惊讶 C不喜欢 D失望;让个我们失望的是第二次分数也低。 【小题 2】 A 副词辨析。 A留着泪 B恐惧 C高兴 D有希望;我留着泪告诉丈夫这次测试情况。 【小题 3】 B 名词辨析。 A玩笑 B错误 C警告 D奇观;我们决定认为这个测试结果是错误的。 【小题 4】 C 副词辨析。 A特别 B严格 C自然 D细心;我们和 以前一样很自然地对待他。 【小题 5】 B 形容词辨析。 A穷 B好 C评价 D标准;根据下文可知他在学校表现很好。 【小题 6】 B 动词辨析。 A参观 B进入 C通过 D

15、选择;在 1965年儿子进入了印第安纳大学。 【小题 7】 C 动词辨析。 A允许 B描述 C要求 D提供;老师允许他学习比要求本要求更多的。 【小题 8】 D 动词辨析。 A错过 B举行 C延误 D参加;指我们参加了儿子的毕业典礼。 【小题 9】 C 上下文串联。根据文章第一段可知儿子在小时候参加智商测试分数很低。 【小题 10】 D 副词辨析。 A好奇 B急切 C镇定 D开玩笑;儿子总是开玩笑地和我们说 【小题 11】 A 名词辨析。 A信心 B兴趣 C骄傲 D高兴;儿子感谢我们对他拥有的信心。 【小题 12】 A 动词辨析。 A接受 B接受 C组织 D讨论;我们去小时接受测试地方重新测试

16、。 【小题 13】 B 形容词辨析。 A不完美 B不可能 C不确定 D不满意;这次测试的分数很高,和上次相比较有点不可能。 【小题 14】 C 动词辨析。 A听见 B学会 C期待 D说话;孩子们会像父母老师对他们的期待那样的成长。 【小题 15】 D 形容词辨析。 A聪明 B粗鲁 C害羞 D愚蠢;告诉一个孩子他愚蠢,也许他就会成为一个愚蠢的孩子。 考点:考查教育类短文阅读 点评:本文讲述了教育学中的罗森塔尔现象,从本篇完型我们可以看出完形的考查趋势。突出考察学生词汇与结构,词汇与结构这部分既是整个考试的基础,也是本题考察的重点部分,在以后的复习中,要特别重视词汇与语法的复习,重视自己基础的夯实

17、与提高,只有这样,才能以不变应万变,在高考中中立于不败之地。 阅读理解 I am a good mother to three children. I have tried never to let my profession stand in the way of being a good parent. I no longer consider myself the center of the universe. I listen. I try to laugh. I am a good friend to my husband. I have tried to make marriage

18、 vows (誓约 ) mean what they say. I am a good friend to my friends, and they to me. Without them, there would be nothing to say to you today. So heres what I wanted to tell you today: Get a life. A real life, not a desire of the next promotion (提升 ), the bigger paycheck, the larger house. Get a life i

19、n which you are not alone. Find people you love, and who love you. And remember that love is not leisure (空闲 ), it is work. Pick up the phone. Send an e-mail. Write a letter. And realize that life is the best thing and that you have no business taking it for granted. It is so easy to waste our lives

20、, our days, our hours, our minutes. It is so easy to exist instead of to live. I learned to live many years ago. Something really, really bad happened to me, something that changed my life in ways that, if I had my choice, it would never have been changed at all. And what I learned from it is what,

21、today, seems to be the hardest lesson of all. I learned to love the journey, not the destination. I learned to look at all the good in the world and try to give some of it back because I believed in it, completely and totally. And I tried to do that, in part, by telling others what I had learned. By

22、 telling them this: Read in the backyard with the sun on your face. Learn to be happy. And think of life as a deadly illness, because if you do, you will live it with joy and passion as it ought to be lived. 【小题 1】 The best title of this passage probably is _. A Love your friends B Live a real life

23、C Dont waste time D Be a good mother and wife 【小题 2】 How did the author form her view of life A By working and social experience B Learning from her friends. C Through an unfortunate experience. D Because of her children and husband. 【小题 3】 The underlined sentence “It is so easy to exist instead of

24、to live” in the fifth paragraph probably means _. A it is so easy to keep alive but not to live a real life B it is very hard to live a real life C it is more difficult to exist than to live a happy life D it is so easy to make a living 【小题 4】 What is the authors attitude toward work A Do it well to

25、 serve others. B To earn enough money to make life better. C Try your best to get higher position and pay. D Dont let it affect your real life. 【小题 5】 It can be inferred from the passage that _. A the author is a success in personal life B the author didnt try her best to work well C the author spen

26、t all her time caring for her children D the author likes traveling very much 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 D 【小题 5】 A 试题分析:本文讲述了什么是真正的生活。真正的生活就是按照自己的内心去生活,不要受到其它任何东西的影响,爱自己该爱的人,过自己想要的生活。 【小题 1】 B 主旨大意题。根据文章第三段 So heres what I wanted to tell you today: Get a life. A real life, not a desire o

27、f the next promotion (提升 ), the bigger paycheck, the larger house.说明她这次演讲的主题就是过一种真实的生活。故 B正确。 【小题 2】 C 推理题。根据文章倒数第二段 I learned to live many years ago. Something really, really bad happened to me, something that changed my life in ways that, if I had my choice, it would never have been changed at all

28、. And what I learned from it is what, today, seems to be the hardest lesson of all. 说明我是从过去的那场不好的经历中得到的这次的教训,故 C正确。 【小题 3】 A 推理题。根据 It is so easy to waste our lives, our days, our hours, our minutes. It is so easy to exist instead of to live.字面意思:存在而不是或者是如此的容易。故说明活着很容易,但是要想过着自己想要的生活是不容易的。 A正确。 【小题 4

29、】 D 推理题。根据文章第一段 I am a good mother to three children. I have tried never to let my profession stand in the way of being a good parent.和第四段And remember that love is not leisure (空闲 ), it is work. Pick up the phone. Send an e-mail. Write a letter. And realize that life is the best thing and that you h

30、ave no business taking it for granted.说明要把工作当成生活的一部分,但是不要受到工作的影响,故 D正确。 【小题 5】 A 推断题。 根据文章第一段 I am a good mother to three children. I have tried never to let my profession stand in the way of being a good parent.和最后一段 I learned to love the journey, not the destination. I learned to look at all the g

31、ood in the world and try to give some of it back because I believed in it, completely and totally.说明作者在生活中很成功。故 A正确。 考点:考查人生哲理类短文阅读 点评:本文告诉我们真正的生活就是按照自己的内心去生活,测试考生在阅读基础上的逻辑推理能力,要求考生根据文章所述事件的逻辑关系,对未说明的趋势或结局作出合理的推断;或根据作者所阐述的观点理论,对文章未涉及的现象、事例给以解释。考生首先要仔细阅读短文,完整了解信息,准确把握作者观点。 When former American Presid

32、ent Bill Clinton traveled to South Korea to visit President Kim Young Sam, he repeatedly referred to the Korean presidents wife as Mrs. Kim. By mistake, President Clintons advisers thought that Koreans have the same naming customs as the Japanese. Clinton had not been told that, in Korea, wives keep

33、 their family names. President Kim Young Sams wife was named Sohm Myong Suk. Therefore, she should be addressed (称谓 ) as Mrs. Sohm. President Clinton arrived in Korea directly after leaving Japan and had not changed his culture gears. His failure to follow Korean customs gave the impression that Kor

34、ea was not as important to him as Japan. In addition to Koreans some Asian husbands and wives do not share the same family names. This practice often puzzles English-speaking teachers when talking with a pupils parents. They become puzzled about the students correct last name. Placing the family nam

35、e first is common among a number of Asian cultures. Mexican naming customs are different as well. When a woman marries, she keeps her family name and adds her husbands name after the word “de”, which means “of”. This affects how they fill in forms in the United States. When requested to fill in a mi

36、ddle name, they generally write the fathers family name. But Mexicans are addressed by the family name of the mother. This often causes puzzlement. Here are a few ways to deal with such difficult situations: dont always think that a married woman uses her husbands last name. Remember that in many As

37、ian cultures, the order of first and last names is reversed (颠倒 ). Ask which name a person would prefer to use. If the name is difficult to pronounce, admit it, and ask the person to help you say it correctly. 【小题 1】 The story of Bill Clinton is used to _ . A improve US Korean relations B introduce

38、the topic of the text C describe his visit to Korea D tell us how to address a person 【小题 2】 The word “gears” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _. A action plans B naming customs C travel maps D thinking patterns 【小题 3】 When a woman marries in Korea, she _. A continues to use her family name B

39、 uses her husbands given name C shares her husbands family name D adds her husbands given name to hers 【小题 4】 To address a married woman properly, youd better _ . A use her middle name B use her husbands first name C ask her which name she likes D change the order of her names 【小题 5】 What can NOT be

40、 inferred from the text _ . A Wives do not keep their family names in Japan. B Different countries have different naming customs in some way. C Naming custom will not cause any puzzle among Asian countries. D The naming custom in Korea is different from that of Japan. 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 A

41、【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 C 试题分析:本文介绍了亚洲女性在结婚以后并没有像西方女性一样改变自己的姓,这让西方人感到很困惑,文章中还提及了其它的一些例子。 【小题 1】 B 推理题。在文章第一段中用克林顿总统所犯的这个错误来引起本文所要讨论的关于已婚女性的姓的话题。这个例子只是起介绍引导的作用,故B正确。 【小题 2】 D 推理题。根据 President Clinton arrived in Korea directly after leaving Japan and had not changed his culture gears.字面意思为:克林顿总统离开日本直接去了韩国,还没有

42、改变他的文化思维方式,仍然把日本的文化思维带到了韩国。故该词应该是指思维方式,故 D项正确。 【小题 3】 A 细节题。根据第一段第三行 in Korea, wives keep their family names.说明在韩国女性结婚以后仍然保留自己的姓,故 A正确。 【小题 4】 C 细节题。根据文章最后 2行 Ask which name a person would prefer to use. If the name is difficult to pronounce, admit it, and ask the person to help you say it correctly

43、说明要想适当地称呼别 人,就请直接问对方,故 C正确。 【小题 5】 C 细节题。根据文章第三段 1,2行 In addition to Koreans some Asian husbands and wives do not share the same family names. This practice often puzzles English-speaking teachers when talking with a pupils parents.说明亚洲人的称呼方式会让欧洲人感到很困惑,故 C项说法是错误的,符合本题的要求 。 考点:考查文化类短文阅读 点评:本文介绍了东西方在女

44、性结婚以后在姓方面的不同的方式。文章基本上是考查细节题,对此类题型考生可以首先从问题中找到关键词,然后以此为线索,运用略读及查阅的技巧在文中迅速寻找这一细节,找到后再把这一部分内容仔细阅读一遍,仔细比较所给选项与文中细节的细微区别,在准确理解细节的前提下,最后确定最佳答案:。 I recently turned fifty, which is young for a tree, midlife for an elephant, and ancient for a sportsman. Fifty is a nice number for the states in the US or for

45、a national speed limit but it is not a number that I was prepared to have hung on me. Fifty is supposed to be my fathers age, but now I am stuck with this number and everything it means. A few days ago, a friend tried to cheer me up by saying, “Fifty is what forty used to be.” He had made an inspira

46、tional (有灵感的 ) point. Am I over the hill People keep telling me that the hill has been moved, and I keep telling them that the high-jump bar has dropped from the six feet I once easily cleared to the four feet that is impossible for me now. “You are not getting older, you are getting better.” Says D

47、r. Joyce Brothers. This, however, is the kind of doctor who inspires a second opinion. And so as I approach the day when I cannot even jump over the tennis net, I am moved to share some thoughts on aging with you, I am moved to show how aging feels to me physically and mentally. Getting older, of co

48、urse, is obviously a better change than the one that brings you eulogies(悼词 ). In fact, a poet name Robert Browning considered it the best change of all: Grow old along with me ! The best is yet to me. Whether or not Browning was right, most of my first fifty years have been golden ones, so I will settle for what is ahead being as good as what has gone by. I find myself moving toward what is ahead with a curious blend(混合 ) of both fighting and accepting


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