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1、2014届江西宜春上高二中高三上期第二次月考英语卷(带解析) 其他 阅读下面短文 , 并根据短文后的要求答题(请注意问题后的字数要求)。 1A great number of people spend a lot of time earning money because they believe the money it-self will make them happy, or will guard them against things that will make them unhappy They make great efforts to achieve the perfect r

2、elationship, the perfect house, the beautiful body, the approval of others, all in an attempt to be happy 2Sometimes these things make people happy; other times, people stress over not having reached the goals, or reach them and find theyre still unhappy Other times, people focus on just one goal an

3、d don * t have time for other things that will make them truly happy 3Some experts studying human happiness and the factors that contribute to it have identified several key areas of life that seem to be more related to personal happiness Some of them are the things like money, friends, health and l

4、iving conditions; others are things you may not think of in your daily life, such as your neighborhood and sense of meaning in life 4So while setting your goals, remember all of the areas of life that are important to you and find a balanced lifestyle including social support, personal development,

5、physical health and meaningful pursuits besides career success and financial security _, your attitude about life and the things that happen to you each day can also have a great effect on your level of happiness and life satisfaction In addition to being optimistic, happy people tend to believe the

6、y are the masters of their fate, rather than the victims of circumstance 5Explore the state of your life, assess how truly happy you are, and find a direction to work to-ward that will likely bring more happiness Reach your goals, set new ones and live a life that truly makes you happy 【小题 1】 Whats

7、the main idea of the passage ( no more than 5 words) -_ 【小题 2】 What would happen to those who focus on just one goal and dont have time for other things ( no more than 6 words) _ 【小题 3】 Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words( Please answer within 5 words) _ 【小题 4】 List three other factor

8、s that can make people happy except money and friend. ( no more than 13 words) 【小题 5】 What does the word it ( Line 1, Paragraph 3) probably refer to ( 2 words) _ 答案: 【小题 1】 How to be happy/how to stay happy 【小题 2】 They will lose/miss true happiness 【小题 3】 Moreover/whats more/In addition/ Besides 【小题

9、 4】 health ; living condition; your neighbourhood; sense of meaning in life (任意 3个) 【小题 5】 human happiness. 试题分析:这篇文章讲的是如何快乐。除了金钱,还有很多东西可以使我们快乐,如个人发展,健康,有意义的追求等。 【小题 1】主旨题:从第三段的句子: Some experts studying human happiness and the factors that contribute to it have identified several key areas of life t

10、hat seem to be more related to personal happiness可知这篇文章讲的是如何快乐。 【小题 2】推理题:从第二段的句子: Other times, people focus on just one goal and don * t have time for other things that will make them truly happy可知专注于一件事的人最后会失去真正的快乐 They will lose/miss true happiness 【小题 3】前面说 social support, personal development,

11、physical health and meaningful pursuits 会让人快乐,后面说 your attitude about life and the things that happen to you each day 也会影响快乐的水平。所以填 Moreover/whats more/In addition/ Besides表示并列关系, 【小题 4】第三段列出了可以让人们快乐的东西: Some of them are the things like money, friends, health and living conditions; others are things

12、 you may not think of in your daily life, such as your neighborhood and sense of meaning in life(可以任意 3个) health ; living condition; your neighbourhood; sense of meaning in life 【小题 5】句意:专家研究人类的快乐和导致快乐的因素, it指代: human happiness. 考点:考查阅读表达 单项选择 * - Excuse me, is the shop open around the clock - _. On

13、ly from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. A Im not sure B Well, it depends C Im afraid not D Thats right 答案: C 试题分析:考查交际用语:句意: -请问,这个商店是 24小营业吗? -恐怕不是,仅仅从早晨 8:00到下午 4:00. Im not sure我不确定; Well, it depends看情况吧; Thats right这是对的; Im afraid not恐怕不是。根据句意故选 C。 考点:考查交际用语的用法。 As is known to us all, under no circumstan

14、ces_ temporary economic development at the expense of the environment and resources. A should we seek B we should seek C we had sought D had we sought 答案: A 试题分析:考查倒装句:句意:我们都知道我们绝不能以环境和资源做代价寻求暂时的经济发展。 Under no circumstances绝不,否定词在句首的时候,句子用部分倒装,情态动词 should提到主语前面,这句话不能用过去完成时,排除CD项,选 A。 考点:考查倒装句 We don

15、t care if a hunting dog smells _, but we really dont want him to smell _. A well, well B bad, bad C well, badly D badly, bad 答案: D 试题分析:考查形容词和副词:根据语意: “我们不在乎一只猎犬是不是嗅觉很灵敏,但是我们真的不希望他身上有味道。在前一句话中, smell是一个实意动词,而第二句中 smell则是一个感官动词,相当于系动词,所以第一句里要用badly,一个副词来修饰,而第二句则可以用形容词,选 D。 考点:考查形容词和副词 The present que

16、stion is _ many students consider it impossible _ is really possible if effort is made. A what; that B that ; that C that; what D what; what 答案: C 试题分析:考查名词性从句:句意:现在的问题是很多学生认为如果努力就可能的事情是不可能的。第一空 that 引导表语从句, that 起连接作用,不做成分,第二空 what引导的是宾语从句, it是形式宾语,在宾语从句中 what做主语,选C。 考点:考查名词性从句 Some very common thi

17、ngs such as to the sun for a long time will do harm to peoples skin and even cause skin cancer A exposing B being exposed C having exposed D exposed 答案: B 试题分析:考查动名词做主语,句意:一些非常普通的事情,如暴露在太阳下面很长时间,会对人的皮肤有害甚至造成皮肤癌。 Will do是这句话的谓语,前面是主语,用动名词做主语, be exposed. ,是 “暴露于 ”,选 B。 考点:考查动名词做主语 you may have , you

18、should gather your courage to face the challenge . A However serious a problem B Whatever serious a problem C However a serious problem D No matter how a serious problem 答案: A 试题分析:考查让步状语从句。本题的让步状语从句是由 “特殊疑问词 +ever”组成,本句中的特殊疑问词是 how,该词所修饰的形容词或者名词要紧跟在 how的后面,然后再接所修饰的成分。故 A 正确。而 What 后面要接名词或者代词。句意:无论你

19、也许遇见什么样的问题,你都应该鼓起勇气去面对它。故 A 正确。 考点:考查让步状语从句 Looking back on the three - year life in the mountain village, Thomas it as a milestone in his personal development A values B confirms C declares D assumes 答案: A 试题分析:考查动词: A values评价, B confirms证实, C declares 宣布,D assumes假定,句意:回顾在乡村的三年的生活,托马斯评价它是个人发展的里程碑

20、。 Value sth as“ 评价 是 ” ,选 A。 考点:考查动词 - - How dangerous it was! - - Yes, but for the passer - by s quick action, the girl _ A was drowned B could have been drowned C had drowned D should be drowned 答案: B 试题分析:考查虚拟语气的运用。句意: -多危险啊。 -是,要不是那个过路者动作快,这个女孩就死了。 But for要不是,是虚拟语气句型。相当于 If it had not been for t

21、he passer - by s quick action,所以主句用 could/would/should have done,因为 the girl和 drown是被动关系,选 B。 考点:考查虚拟语气 -When will the expert come and give the lecture on economic development -Not until our program _by the government A approves B is to approve C will be approved D has been approved 答案: D 试题分析:考查时态语

22、态:句意: -什么时 候专家来给我们做经济发展的讲座?-直到我们的项目被政府批准。因为 not until后面不能用将来时,用一般现在时或现在完成时,而且 our program和 approve是被动关系,选 D。 考点:考查时态语态 The question that puzzled them is _ they can get rid of the air pollution in the area. A how is it that B that is how C what is that D how it is that 答案: D 试题分析:考查强调句的特殊问句做表语从句:句意:那

23、个令他们无法理解的问题是 -怎么才能 -他们才可以除掉这里的空气污染。强调句的特殊问句是:特殊疑问词 +is it+that ,这里做表语从句,用陈述语序,所以选 D。 考点:考查强调句的特殊问句做表语从句 Rock-climbing is a breathtaking activity, very popular nationwide among young people, _ cooperation as well as courage plays an important role. A who B which C where D of which 答案: C 试题分析:考查定语从句。句

24、意:攀岩是一种惊险的活动 , 全国范围内在年轻人中很受欢迎 ,在这个活动中合作以及勇气起着重要的作用。本题的先行词是rock-climbing,短语从句 cooperation as well as courage plays an important role的结构非常完整,所以使用关系副词 where=in which。选 C。 考点:考查定 语从句 -What about todays temperature -Its the same as, if the weather report is exact as usual, _ of yesterday. A one B that C

25、ones D those 答案: B 试题分析:考查代词:句意: -今天的温度怎样? -如果天气预报和平常一样准确,就和昨天一样。这里需要代词指代 the weather, one是泛指可数名词单数,that指代前面的可数名词单数或不可数名词,后面有后置定语, ones泛指可数名词复数, those特指可数名词复数,后面有后置定语,选 B。 考点:考查代词 Can I pay the bill by check Sorry, sir. But its the management rules of our hotel that payment _be made in cash. A can B

26、 need C will D shall 答案: D 试题分析:考查情态动词:句意: -我可以用支票付账吗 ? -对不起,先生账单需要现金支付这是我们旅店的管理规定。 Shall 可以用于第三人称,表示 “规定,命令,警告,允诺 ”, can表示 “能力 ”, need“需要 ”, will“愿意 ”,选 D。 考点:考查情态动词 Agriculture _ about 14 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, and transporting the food around adds to the environmental cost. A

27、 cares for B applies for C accounts for D answers for 答案: C 试题分析:考查动词短语:句意:农业约占全球 14%的温室气体排放,运送食物也增加了环境的成本。 A. cares for喜欢,照顾,想要, B. applies for 申请, C. accounts for占据,是 原因, D. answers for对 负责,选 C。 考点:考查动词短语 Living in ever increasingly fast-paced world, we must take_ advantage of every opportunity to

28、 develop A an; the B an; an C the; an D the; 答案: D 试题分析:考查冠词:句意:生活在一个越来越快速的世界,我们必须连用每个机会发展。第一空是泛指, a ever increasingly fast-paced world,一个越来越快速的世界,第二空是固定短语, take advantage of利用,不用加冠词。选 D。 考点:考查冠词 完型填空 I was at the post office early that morning, hoping to be in and out in a short while Yet, I 36 mys

29、elf standing in a queue that went all the way into the hallway I had never seen so many people there on a weekday It seemed someone might have made an announcement, welcoming customers to carry as many 37 as they could and bring them in when I needed to have my own package 38 The queue moved very sl

30、owly My patience ran out and I got 39 The longer it took, the angrier I became When I got to the counter finally, I finished my 40 quickly and briefly, and then walked past the queue that was now extending past the front door Excuse me, I said, trying not to be too pushy Several people had to move 4

31、1 to make room for me to get to the 42 I stepped out, complaining about the 43 conditions Thinking I was going to be late for my dentist appointment, I headed into the parking lot A woman was coming across the lot in my 44 She was walking with determination, and each step sounded very heavy I 45 tha

32、t she looked as if she could breathe fire It stopped me in my tracks I 46 _ myself and it wasnt pretty Had I looked like that Her body language said that she was having a _47 day My anger melted away I wished I could wrap her in a hug but I was a 48 So I did what I could in a minute 49 she hurried p

33、ast me-I smiled In a second everything changed She was astonished, then somewhat 50 Then her face softened and her shoulders 51 I saw her take a deep breath Her pace slowed and she smiled back at me as we passed each other I continued to smile all the way to my _52 Wow, its amazing what a simple smi

34、le can do From then on, I became aware of peoples 53 and my own, the way we show our feelings Now I use that _54 every day to let it 55 me that when facing the world, I can try a smile 【A found B helped C troubled D enjoyed 小题1】 A things B packages C chances D dollars A lifted B cashed C weighed D c

35、arried A pleased B disappointed C delighted D annoyed A business B choice C situation D attitude A away B about C along D aside A counter B cashier C exit D entrance A weather B service C work D shopping A satisfaction B decision C direction D imagination A announced B discovered C proved D noticed

36、A trusted B recognized C hid D persuaded A rough B bright C big D nice A gentleman B stranger C customer D passenger A until B though C before D since A attracted B frightened C cheered D confused A trembled B raised C relaxed D tightened A car B office C home D doctor A appearances B reactions C be

37、haviors D expressions A treatment B awareness C conclusion D achievement A remind B show C give D tell 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 D 【小题 5】 A 【小题 6】 D 【小题 7】 C 【小题 8】 B 【小题 9】 C 【小题 10】 D 【小题 11】 B 【小题 12】 A 【小题 13】 B 【小题 14】 C 【小题 15】 D 【小题 16】 C 【小题 17】 A 【小题 18】 D 【小题 19】 B 【小题 20】 A 试题

38、分析:文章介绍作者在邮局对漫长的队伍感到生气,在停车场看见的一个愤怒妇女,让他开始反思自己,并对这个妇女报以微笑,改变了妇女也改变了自己。 【小题 1】考查动词: A found发现, B helped帮助, C troubled困难,D enjoyed享受, find sb doing发现某人正做 ,我发现自己在很长的队伍里面排队,选 A 【小题 2】考查名词: A things事情, B packages包裹, C chances机会,D dollars美元, when I needed to have my own package .可知是邮局鼓励顾客尽可能多的带来包裹,选 B 【小题

39、3】考查动词: A lifted举起, B cashed支付, C weighed称重量,D carried携带, had my package weighed请人称包裹,选 C 【小题 4】考查形容词: A pleased高兴的, B disappointed失望的,C delighted高兴的, D annoyed生气的,从后面的句子: The longer it took, the angrier I became可知作者失去耐心很生气,选 D 【小题 5】考查名词: A business生意,交易, B choice选择, C situation形势, D attitude态度,很快的

40、结束我的交易,选 A 【小题 6】考查副词: A away离开, B about关于, C along沿着,D aside一旁,从后面的 make room for me to可知几个人让到一边,给作者腾出空间,选 D 【小题 7】考查名词: A counter柜台, B cashier收银台, C exit出口,D entrance入口,这些人让出地方是让作者出 去,选 C 【小题 8】考查名词: A weather天气, B service服务, C work工作,D shopping商店,作者抱怨服务条件,选 B 【小题 9】考查名词: A satisfaction满意, B decis

41、ion决定, C direction方向, D imagination想象,选 in ones direction朝着某人的方向,选 C 【小题 10】考查动词: A announced宣称, B discovered发现, C proved证明, D noticed通知,注意到,我注意到这个妇女好像很愤怒,选 D 【小题 11】考查动词: A trusted信任, B recognized承认, C hid躲避,D persuaded说服,从后面的句子: Had I looked like that Her body language said that she was having a _

42、 day可知作者是在自我认识,选 B 【小题 12】考查形容词: A rough粗鲁的, B bright聪明的, C big大的,D nice好的,从前面的句子: that she looked as if she could breathe fire可知这个妇女一天都不顺利,选 A 【小题 13】考查名词: A gentleman绅士, B stranger陌生人, C customer顾客, D passenger乘客,作者希望能拥抱这个妇女,但是自己是陌生人,选B 【小题 14】考查连词: A until直到, B though虽然, C before在 .前面,D since自从,在

43、她从我旁边走过之前我做了我能做的,选 C 【小题 15】考查动词: A attracted吸引, B frightened害怕, C cheered兴奋的, D confused困惑的,从 后面的 In a second everything changed She was astonished,可知这个妇女有点困惑,选 D 【小题 16】考查动词: A trembled颤抖, B raised提高,举起, C relaxed放松, D tightened加紧,从后面的句子: Then her face softened可知这个妇女肩膀放松了,选 C 【小题 17】考查名词: A car汽车,

44、 B office办公室, C home家,D doctor医生,从前面的句子: Thinking I was going to be late for my dentist appointment, I headed into the parking lot可知作者是去停车场拿车的,选 A 【小题 18】考查名词: A appearances外貌,出现, B reactions反应,C behaviors行为, D expressions表情,从后面的句子: and my own, the way we show our feelings可知作者开始注意人们的表情,选 D 【小题 19】考查

45、名词: A treatment对待, B awareness意识, C conclusion结论, D achievement成就,从前面的句子: I became aware of peoples and my own,可知填 aware的名词,选 B 【小题 20】考查动词: A remind提醒, B show展示, C give给与,D tell告诉,这件事提醒我,面对世界要微笑,选 A 考点:考查故事类短文 阅读理解 LONDON (Reuters) Children are dying for lack of drugs tailored to their needs, accor

46、ding to the World Health Organization (WHO), which launched a global campaign on Thursday to promote more research into child medicine. More than half of the drugs currently used to treat children in the industrialized world have not been specifically tested on youngsters. The problem is even worse

47、in developing countries where price remains a major barrier and 6 million children die each year from treatable conditions. In the case of HIV/AIDS, the few existing pediatric therapies(儿科的疗法)developed for children generally cost three times more than adult ones. As a result, clinicians lack clear guidelines on the best drug


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