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1、2014届江西新余一中宜春中学高三年级联考英语卷(带解析) 其他 1 If you are applying for an American higher education, you probably dream of getting into an Ivy League (常青藤联盟) university The eight schools with the best reputations attract top students from the United States and many other countries However, on average, the Ivy L

2、eague schools accept less than 15 percent of applicants And with the applicants growing in size year on year, it is becoming more and more difficult _ 2 So how can you give yourself the best chance of admission 3Having a high school grade point average ( GPA) in the top 10 percent of your class and

3、being ranked among the top few students dramatically betters your chances But although GPA and SAT scores are important, they only tell admission deans( 主任) part of the story 4 The whole admissions process will single out (挑选出) from a large pool of academically strong applicants the unique individua

4、ls They stand out because they have shown in their interviews a range of virtues (优点) expected of these universities Take Harvard for example Although there is no guarantee of admission, the school judges applicants based on 15 additional criteria 5 Intellectual curiosity (求知欲) comes first tor almos

5、t all admission deans Schools look to such students because they believe their peers find them stimulating(激励人的) inside and outside the classroom 6 Leadership also weighs heavily The school would rather see an applicant who takes on additional responsibility in one or two areas where he or she is go

6、od at, rather than one who is merely very good academically This can mean the class presidency(主席职务) , leading the cheerleading team or being the officer of a student union 7 Whether a person has personal warmth and cares about others counts a lot with the admission deans Writing an essay on a perso

7、nal experience, like a summer spent raising funds for the earthquake victims or teaching in a local school, can show that a person has qualities in addition to academic experience 【小题 1】 According to the passage,whats the attraction of Ivy League universities ( no more than 3 words)_ 【小题 2】 What is

8、the purpose of the writer ( no more than 15 words)_ 【小题 3】 Fill in the blank in the first paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (no more than 5 words)_ 【小题 4】 Based on the passage, list three additional criteria for admission besides academic performance( no more than 10 w

9、ords) _ _ _ 【小题 5】 What does the word “They” (Line 2, Paragraph4) probably refer to (no more than 3 words) _ 答案: 【小题 1】 the best reputations 【小题 2】 To tell applicants how to get into an ivy / To introduce the criteria by which an ivy admits students / To show applicants how to give themselves the be

10、st chance of admission to an ivy 【小题 3】 to get a place / to be admitted / to enter an Ivy / to become a student there 【小题 4】 Intellectual curiosity Leadership Personal warmth and caring attitude 【小题 5】 the unique individuals 试题分析:文章介绍了美国常青藤大学吸引很多学生,作者介绍了一些方法告诉读者怎样申请进入常青藤大学。 【小题 1】细节题:从第一段的句子: The ei

11、ght schools with the best reputations attract top students from the United States and many other countries可知常青藤学校是因为名胜好吸引美国和其他国家的学生的,答案:是: the best reputations 【小题 2】写作意图题:从第二段的句子: So how can you give yourself the best chance of admission 可知作者是想告诉读者怎样申请进入常青藤大学,答案:是To tell applicants how to get into

12、an ivy / To introduce the criteria by which an ivy admits students / To show applicants how to give themselves the best chance of admission to an ivy 【小题 3】完成句子题:这句话是:每年申请的人越来越多,被常青藤大学录取就越来越难了。 “被录取 ”可以是 to get a place / to be admitted / to enter an Ivy / to become a student there 【小题 4】细节题:文章最后三段提到

13、除了学习成绩,还有三个标准是: Intellectual curiosity Leadership Personal warmth and caring attitude 【小题 5】猜词题:从这段的第一句话: The whole admissions process will single out (挑选出) from a large pool of academically strong applicants the unique individuals可知这里的 they指的是前面提到的 the unique individuals“独特的个体 ”。 考点:考查阅读表达 单项选择 * M

14、ost scientists seem to agree that _certain limit should be set on _consumption of cars to ease air pollution. A a; the B /; the C the; / D the; the 答案: A 试题分析:考查冠词:句意:大多数科学家似乎同意要对汽车的消费设置一定的限制来缓解空气污染。第一空填 a,因为 limit是可数名词, a certain limit一定的限制,第二空填 the,是特指 “汽车的消费 ”,所以选 A。 考点:考查冠词 Most highways are lin

15、ed with billboards of advertisement, which_by passing car-drivers. A are intended to be read B are intended to be reading C are intending to reading D are intending to read 答案: A 试题分析:考查词组:句意:大多数高速公路都排列着广告牌,这是准备给过路司机读的。 be intended to do 为 准备 (设计 )的。再依据后面的 by passing car-drivers 可知,此处应用被动语态,所以答案:为 A

16、。 考点:考查词组 The idea of travelling abroad really_ a lot of Chinese people.Thats why every year witnesses more people applying for passports. A takes to B attends to C appeals to D Caters to 答案: C 试题分析:考查动词短语: take to 开始喜欢。 attend to 照看,处理; appeal to(吸引 )。 cater to迎合,满足某人的要求;句意:出国旅行的想法真的吸引很多中国人,这就是为什么每

17、年都会有很多人申请 护照了。选 C。 考点:考查动词短语 I telephoned him twice and I couldnt get through to him. The line might have been out of order, A dont you B wasnt it C do you D hadnt it 答案: B 试题分析:考查反意问句:句意: -我给他打了两次电话都打不通。 -线路有可能出了问题,是吗? might have done表示对过去情况的推测。表推测的情态动词的反意疑问句看有没有过去时间,因为第一句话中是过去时,所以反意问句也是过去时。故选 B。 考

18、点:考查反意问句 Can you_your car up so that I can get through ! A hold B look C back D rush 答案: C 试题分析:考查动词短语的搭配:几个选项都可以接 up,但意思不同: A.hold up 举起,耽搁, B.look up抬头看,查询, C back up支撑,倒车, D.rush up催促,句意:你可以把 倒车吗?这样我就可以通过了。选 C。 考点:考查动词短语的搭配 Can we go camping tomorrow , as planned Im afraid not.The dark clouds _a

19、heavy rain. A promise B instruct C expect D forecast 答案: A 试题分析:考查动词辨析: A promise答应,许诺,预示(主语是物), B instruct指导,指示 C expect期待,预料, D.forecast预测(主语是人),句意: -明天我们可以象计划的那样去露营吗? -恐怕不能,乌云预示着要有一场大雨。故选 A。 考点:考查动词辨析 But for the fact that China _also affected by the global economic crisis, we _ fewer unemployed

20、workers now. A were; would have B is; would have C was; would have had D were; would have had 答案: B 试题分析:考查的是一个含蓄虚拟条件句,题意:要不是中国也受全球经济危机的影响,我们现在失业的工人就会更少了。其条件隐含在 But for短语里面,而该短语里 that后是一个同位语从句,指的现在 fact的情况,是事实,因此用一般现在时;而后面部分是主句,表示与现在的情况相反,因此用虚拟语气( would / should / could / might + 动词原形)。 考点:考查含蓄虚拟条件句

21、 -I called him twicw and I couldnt get through to him. -The line might have been out of order,_ A mightnt it B hadnt it C wasnt it D havent it 答案: C 试题分析:考查反意问句:句意: -我给他打了两次电话都打不通。 -线路有可能出了问题,是吗? might have done表示对过去情况的推测。表推测的情态动词的反意疑问句看有没有过去时间,因为第一句话中是过去时,所以反意问句也是过去时。故选 C。 考点:考查反意问句 Blamed for brea

22、king my promise, I felt my face _ hot, and hung my head in shame. A to grow B to be growing C grow D grown 答案: C 试题分析:考查省略 to 的动词不定式做宾语补足语:感官动词 feel后面可以加原形,也可以加 Ving形式,或者是过去分词做宾语补足语,这句话的意思是:因为违背诺言受到责备,我觉得我的脸变得很热,羞愧的低下头,只有 C项可以做 feel的宾语补足语,选 C。 考点:考查宾语补足语 -You _ it up during the meeting -I_ know it w

23、as so sensitive an issue. A might not have brought ;dont B neednt have brought;dont C shouldnt have taken,didnt D shouldnt have brought ,didnt 答案: D 试题分析:考查情态动词的完成式和时态:句意: -你不该在开会的时候把它提出来。 -我不知道这是这么敏感的一个问题。第一空是 shouldnt have done本不该做而做了, might have done过去可能做了, neednt have done本不必做而做了, bring up“提出,养育

24、 ”, take up“占据,从事,拿起 ”,第二空用过去时,表示过去不知道,现在知道了,选 D。 考点:考查情态动词的完成式和时态 The incomes of skilled workers went up. _, unskilled workers saw their earnings fall. A Moreover B Therefore C Meanwhile D Otherwise 答案: C 试题分析:考查副词词义辨析。根据句意:熟练工人的收入在上升,同时,不熟练工人的的收入在下降。 skilled workers表示 熟练工人 和 unskilled workers 表示 不

25、熟练工人 两者情况的对比。 Moreover“再者,加之,此外,而且 ”;therefore“因此,所以 ”; otherwise“否则,要不然 ”; meanwhile“在此期间,同时 ”,符合句意,故选 C. 考点:考查副词 My uncles house in the downtown area is much smaller than ours , but it is twice_ expensive . A as B so C too D very 答案: A 试题分析:本题考查倍数的表达:倍数 +as. . . as. . . 结构。句意为:我叔叔在闹市区的房子比我们(不在闹市)的

26、房子要小得多,但是它的价格却是我们的房子价格的两倍。 it is twice as expensive后面省略了 as ours,所以选 A。 考点:考查倍数的表达 _she is not so cheerful_she used to be A How it is that; as B How is it that; as C Is it why; that D Why is it that; what 答案: B 试题分析:考查强调句的特殊问句和比较级:强调句的特殊疑问句式是:特殊疑问词 +is/was it that+其他部分?句意:为什么(怎么)她不像以前一样那么高兴,像 一样 = a

27、s .as(陈述句) = so .as(否定句) ,选项 D中的what不能和前面的 so构成同级比较,因此 B项正确。 考点:考查强调句的特殊问句和比较级 Dreams occupy your mind; Goals take over your reality.But_will it take to turn your dreams into goals A how B when C what D why 答案: C 试题分析:考查疑问词:句意:梦想占据你的心灵 .,目标接管你的现实。但是把梦想变成目标需要花费什么?这句话使用的是句型: It takes sth to do sth“做 花

28、费 ” ,在 take后面缺少宾语,用 what做疑问词。选 C。 考点:考查疑问词 About income, I think most people deserve more than what they get. _. A It serves you right B You have a point C Not likely D Dont mention it 答案: B 试题分析:考查交际用语。 A 你活该; B 你说得太对了; C 不可能; D 不用谢;句意: 关于收入,我认为大部分人应该得到的比现在的要更多。 你说的太对了。根据句意说明 B正确。 考点:考查交际用语 完型填空 An

29、 increase in students applying to study economics at university is being attributed to the global economic crisis awakening a public 36 for knowledge about how the financial system 37 . Applications for degree courses beginning this autumn were up by 15% this January, 38 UCAS, the Universities and C

30、olleges Admissions Service. A spokesman for the Royal Economic Society said applications to do economics at A-level were 39 up. Professor John Beath, the president of the society, and a 40 lecturer at St Andrews University, said his first-year lectureswhich are open to students from all departmentsw

31、ere 41 crowds of 400, rather than the 42 250. “There are a large number of students who are not economics 43 who would like to learn something about it. One of the things I have done this year is to 44 my teaching to contemporary events in a way that one hasnt 45 done.” He added. University applicat

32、ions 46 7% last year. But there were rises 47 average in several subjects. Nursing saw a 15% jump, with peoples renewed 48 in careers in the public sector, which are seen as more secure in economic crisis. A 49 study showed almost two thirds of parents believed schools should do more to teach pupils

33、 about financial 50 and almost half said their children had asked them what was 51 , although a minority of parents felt they did not understand it themselves well enough to explain. Zack Hocking, the head of Child Trust Funds, said: “Its possible that one good thing to arise from the 52 will be a g

34、eneration thats financially 53 and better equipped to 54 their money through times of economic 55 .” 【小题1】 A concern B thirst C sense D taste A works B performs C serves D affects A in terms of B according to C on account of D in spite of A yet B once C also D still A outstanding B inspiring C convi

35、ncing D leading A catching B appealing C drawing D covering A usual B regular C average D common A majors B interests C preferences D standards A attach B adapt C approach D relate A generally B frequently C traditionally D originally A raised B rose C fell D struck A by B in C over D above A effect

36、 B focus C interest D benefit A recent B late C present D unique A matters B affairs C events D issues A taking up B going on C calling up D keeping on A overturn B downturn C breakthrough D breakout A cleverer B smarter C brighter D wiser A strugglt B measure C manage D earn A stability B puzzle C

37、uncertainty D recovery 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 D 【小题 6】 C 【小题 7】 A 【小题 8】 A 【小题 9】 D 【小题 10】 C 【小题 11】 B 【小题 12】 D 【小题 13】 C 【小题 14】 A 【小题 15】 A 【小题 16】 B 【小题 17】 B 【小题 18】 D 【小题 19】 C 【小题 20】 C 试题分析:文章大意:文章介绍申请到大学中学习经济专业的学生的增加被归因于全球性的经济危机激起了民众对于金融系统运作知识的渴望。通过举例说明这样的现象的 好处。 【小

38、题 1】考查名词和句意理解: A concern关心,担心, B thirst渴望,C sense 感觉, D taste品尝,品味,这句话的意思是:越来越多的学生申请大学经济系是由于经济危机唤醒了人们对于金融系统是如何运作的知识的渴望。所以选 B 【小题 2】考查动词和句意理解: A works运作,起作用, B performs表演,表现, C serves服务, D affects影响,这句话的理解同上题,指金融系统的运作,所以选 A 【小题 3】考查词组和句意理解: A in terms of就 而言, B according to根据, C on account of因为 D in

39、spite of虽然,句意是:根据 UCAS的调查,今年一月份开始的学位课程的申请已经上升了 15%。选 B 【小题 4】考查副词和上下文理解: A yet 然而, B once 一旦,曾经,C also也, D still仍然,上句话说:学位课程的申请已经上升了 15%,这句话是申请 A水平经济学的学生也在上升,选 C 【小题 5】考查形容词和句意理解: A outstanding杰出的, B inspiring激励人心的, C convincing 使人相信的, D leading主要的,这里是介绍 John Beath,是协会的主席,是 St Andrews 大学的主讲师,选 D 【小题

40、 6】考查动词和句意理解: A catching抓住, B appealing和 to 搭配,是 “吸引 ”, C drawing 画,吸引,拉,临近, D covering 覆盖,涉及,句意:他的意图是面向所有的系科的第一年的讲座,吸引了 400多人。选 C 【小题 7】考查形容词和句意理解: A usual通常的, B regular常规的,定期的, C. average 平均的, D common 普通的,常见的 ,这几个是相似的形容词,这里强调和平常不一样,这次的讲座吸引 400多人,选 A 【小题 8】考查名词和句意理解: A majors主修 B interests兴趣,C pre

41、ferences偏爱, D standards水平, majors这里指是主修经济学的学生,句意:又很多学生不是主修经济学的,选 A 【小题 9】考查动词和词组搭配: A attach附上, B adapt适应,改编,C approach靠近,处理, D relate和 有关, relate sth to sth“把 和 联系起来 ”,这里是:教授今年的工作是把教学和当代的事件联系起来,选 D 【小题 10】考查副词和句意理解: A generally 普遍地, B frequently 频繁地,C traditionally传统地, D originally最初地,原始地,这里指教授的教学方

42、法和传统的方法不一样,选 C 【小题 11】考查动词和句意理解: A raised举起,提出,筹集,饲养,B rose 上升,上涨,起身, C fell 下降,跌倒, D struck 敲打,袭击,句意:去年的大学申请有上升,还有下面的句子: But there were rise average in several subjects 也可以看出答案:是 B。 【小题 12】考查介词和词组搭配: A by相差, B in 在 里面, C over 越过,D above在 上面, above average在平均值上面,高于平均值,句意:在几个学科上上升都在平均值以上,选 D 【小题 13】考

43、查名词和句意理解: A effect影响, B focus聚焦, C interest兴趣, D benefit利益,句意是:人们对公共部门又有了兴趣,这些部门在经济危机中更加安全,选 C 【小题 14】 考查形容词: A recent最近的, B late最迟的, C present现在的,在场的, D unique独特的,句意:最近的一项调查表明三分之二的父母认为学校应该做更多的事情来教学生关于经济问题,选 A 【小题 15】考查名词: A matters事情;事态;问题;关于 .的事情;物质;重要性 B affairs事务, C. events事件, D issues问题,(报刊的)期,

44、号,发行物,这里的 financial matters是 “和经济有关的事情 ”,选 A 【小题 16】考查词组和句意理解: A taking up从事,拿起,开始学,B going on进展, C calling up唤起, D keeping on反复,句意:有一半的人说孩子问过现在发生的事情,选 B 【小题 17】考查动词和句意理解: A overturn使)翻倒, B downturn .(价格或活动)开始下降,衰退,低迷时期 C breakthrough 突破, D breakout 爆发,句意:这次的衰退带来的好处之一是这一代人在经济上更理智,选 B 【小题 18】考查形容词比较级

45、, A cleverer更聪明, B smarter更聪明,C brighter更聪明 , D wiser更理智,这里指孩子在经济问题上更加理智,不是更聪明,选 D 【小题 19】考查动词和句意理解: A struggle努力,挣扎, B measure衡量,C manage设法,管理, D earn挣得,句意是:这代人在经济问题上更加理智,能够管理好自己的钱,选 C 【小题 20】考查名词和上下文串联: A stability稳定, B puzzle困惑,C uncertainty不确定, D recovery恢复,前面提到: the global economic crisis可知是经济不

46、确定的时期,选 C。 考点 :考查政治经济文化类完型填空 阅读理解 My newly-rented small apartment was far away from the centre of London and it was becoming essential for me to find a job, so finally I spent a whole morning getting to town and putting my name down to be considered by London Transport for a job on the underground.

47、They were looking for guards, not drivers. This suited me. I couldnt drive a car but thought that I could probably guard a train, and perhaps continue to write my poems between stations. The writers Keats and Chekhov had been doctors. T.S. Eliot had worked in a bank and Wallace Stevens for an insurance company


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