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1、河北省高邑县第一中学 2009-2010学年高二下学期期末测试试题(英语) 其他 第四部分:写作(共二节,满分 45分) 第一节 阅读表达(共 5小题;每小题 3分,满分 15分) 阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题(请注意问题后的字数要求)。 Courage is admitting that you are afraid and facing the fear directly. Its being strong enough to ask for help and humble enough to accept it. Courage is standing up for what

2、you believe in without worrying about the opinions of others. Its following your own heart, living your own life, and settling for nothing less than the best for yourself. Courage is daring to take the first step, a big leap, or the different path. Its attempting to do something that no one else has

3、 done before and all others think impossible. Courage is keeping in the face of disappointment and looking at defeat not as an end but as a new beginning. Its believed that things will ultimately get better even as they get worse. Courage is your own actions and admitting your own mistakes without p

4、lacing blame on others. Its not relying on others for your success, but on your own skills and efforts. Courage is refusing to quit even when you are threatened by impossibility. Its choosing a goal, sticking to it, and finding solutions to the problems. Courage is thinking big, aiming high, and sho

5、oting far. Its taking a dream and doing anything, risking everything, and stopping at nothing to make it a reality. 76 Whats the best title of this passage 77 Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one Courage is supporting what you trust without being influenced by others. 7

6、8 Please fill in the blank in proper words.( within 10 words) 79 What definition of courage do you most agree Why (within 30 words) 80 Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese. 答案: 76 Courage/ Take Courage / Whats Courage 77 Courage is standing up for what you believe in without worrying about

7、 the opinions of others. 78 being responsible for 79略 80勇气就是在面对失望时保持积极心态,不是把失败看作结束而是崭新的开始。 第二节:完形填空(共 20小题;每小题 1分,满分 20分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 36 55各题所给的四个选项( A、 B、 C和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 I had spent over five exhausting(令人疲乏不堪的) years on my essay for my Ph. D(哲学学士) . and was anxiously preparing for my oral boa

8、rds which were to be held in California, and I had 36 a flight through Minneapolis, where I was to change 37 . My flight was very late, and I was soon in an allout run to 38 my flight. I had to stop to catch my 39 on a moving sidewalk when I 40 a woman in her fifties 41 with a carry-on bag. I dont k

9、now 42 , but I looked at her face and blurted out, “Are you going on flight 567 to California ” She responded, “Yes.” “So am I ,” I responded “Give me your bag. Ill run 43 and tell them to wait for you.” I took her bag and started running again. I 44 onto the plane and told a flight attendant that o

10、ne more passenger was behind me and to please 45 the plane for her. I 46 myself with her bag, and a few moments later she arrived and was the last person on the plane 47 they closed the doors and 48 . After the plane leveled off, I 49 the bag to her, and she smiled at me and thanked me. I didnt slee

11、p a wink in the hotel and arrived at the 50 at seven oclock in the morning. The 51 kept me waiting for an hour in a room. I walked into the boardroom and was initially frightened by all the 52 in their robes. As I slowly 53 at the faces of all the board members, I noticed the bright face of a woman.

12、 She gave me a smile 54 a young schoolgirl. It was the same woman whose bag I had carried ahead the night before. 55 , whenever I made a mistake on any questions, she did a great job of relaxing me. 36 A prepared B caught C scheduled D ordered 37 A trains B buses C planes D directions 38 A catch B r

13、un C get D hold 39 A flight B breath C bag D companions 40 A greeted B met C noticed D seek 41 A walking B struggle C carrying D running 42 A how B why C what D where 43 A before B immediately C fast D ahead 44 A raced B got C solved D opened 45 A leave B hold C remain D reserve 46 A found B took C

14、seated D occupied 47 A after B when C while D before 48 A left out B run away C took off D carried away 49 A presented B preserved C proved D showed 50 A place B university C palace D city 51 A meeting B board C essay D argument 52 A professors B ladies C staffs D teachers 53 A stared B watched C gl

15、anced D looked 54 A like B as C of D from 55 A Needless to say B No matter how C Whats more D In the end 答案: 36 C schedule 37 C 38 A 39 B 40 C 41 B 42 B 43 D 44 A 45 B 46 C 47 D 48 C 49 A 50 B 51 B 52 A 53 C 54 A 55 C 单项选择 * The final _ of the play will take place on Monday. A action B performance C

16、 view D sight 答案: B Seeing me, Tom- one of my old friend, walked across the street _ to me, saying “Long time no see.” A holding out B shouting out C reaching out D stretching out 答案: C There has been rising demand for grain as _ industrial material in spite of the nations good harvests. A / ;an B a

17、; an C the;an D a; / 答案: B At the meeting they discussed different _ to the study of mathematics. A approaches B means C methods D ways 答案: A The children were warned of not being too _ about things you are not supposed to know. A strange B amusing C curious D satisfied 答案: C It was difficult to gue

18、ss what her _ to the news would be. A impression B comment C reaction D opinion 答案: C Having been attacked by terrorists, _ A doctors came to their rescue B the tall building collapsed C an emergency measure was taken D warnings were given to tourists 答案: B We must know what we should do and what we

19、 should avoid _a good impression on others in public place. A to leave B leaving C to have left D leave 答案: A The party, which had been greatly _, was spoiled by the rude behavior of an uninvited guest. A looked forward to B looked up to C look into D called for 答案: A He looked around and caught a m

20、an _his hand into the pocket of a passenger A put B to be putting C to put D putting 答案: D - I will attend your lecture at 10:00 tomorrow. - I am sorry, by then my lecture will have ended and I _ my guests in my office. A is being met B will meet C will be meeting D will have met 答案: C The flowers _

21、sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature A to smell B smelling C smelt D to be smelt 答案: B How did you find the talk this morning _. A By asking my students B It was easy to find C Very disappointing D Just in time for it 答案: C As you the town, the first building you

22、see is the church. A cross B pass C draw D approach 答案: D Well, Kate, Im sorry, but I have to leave. -_. I hope to hear from you soon. A Keep in touch B Have s good time C Walk slowly D So am I. 答案: A 阅读理解 第三部分:阅读理解(共 20小题;每小题 2分,满分 40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项( A、 B、 C和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 Everybody has had at l

23、east one experience from which he knows the meaning of life. This time, which took place several years ago, but seems as if it just happened. On an afternoon several years ago, my brother-in-law opened the bottom drawer of my sisters dress and picked out a beautiful skirt. “ Jan bought this the firs

24、t time we went to New York, at least 8 or 9 years ago. She never wore it. She was saving it for a special occasion.” he said I guess this was the occasion: it was the funeral of my sister, after her unexpected death. He took the shirt and put it on bed, with the other clothes we were taking to the f

25、uneral. Then he closed the drawer and turned to me, “Dont ever save anything for a special occasion. Every day youre alive is a special occasion.” Im thinking about his words, and theyve changed the way I live my life. Im spending more time with my family and friends and less time in committee meeti

26、ngs. Whenever possible, life should be a kind of experience to enjoy, not to suffer. “Someday ”and “one of these days ”are losing their importance on my vocabulary. If its worth seeing or hearing or doing, I want to see and hear and do it now. Ever since that day, I have been trying very hard not to

27、 put off, hold back or save anything that would add laughter and color to our lives. Every morning when I open my eyes, I tell myself that every day, every minute, every breath, truly is a gift. So cherish every day and find the true meaning of your life. 56 Why did Jan buy the beautiful skirt but d

28、idnt wear it A She waited for a special occasion to wear it on. B She wanted to keep it for someone else. C She saved it till she grew up. D She would give it to herself as a gift some day. 57 What does the underlined word “cherish” mean A Treasure. B Waste. C Own. D Save 58 From his experience, the

29、 author learns that_. A everybody can have a happy life through efforts B every day in our lives is worth cherishing C enjoying ourselves is the most important thing in our lives D everybody will have some things left to do after his death 59 What does the author write this passage for A To show how

30、 to make good use of everyday in life. B To explain the true meaning of his brother-in-laws words. C To tell people to cherish every day and find the meaning of life. D To encourage people to waste time and enjoy themselves in life. 60 Whats the best title for this passage A Every Day IS a Gift B My

31、 Sister Jan C What Is the Meaningful Life like D The Most Important Time in Your Life 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 A New York State has passed the USAs first state law banning motorists talking on hand-held cell phones. The ban will begin November 1, although drivers caught using h

32、and-held cell phones will be given only warnings during the first month. First-time violators(违法者 ) will face a 100 fine. A second time call for a 200 fine and every violation after that will cost 500 At least a dozen localities(地方 ) have established bans, starting in 1999; and 40 states have had ba

33、ns proposed but not passed At least 23 countries, including the Great Britain, Italy, Israel and Japan, ban drivers from using hand-held cell phones. There are about 115 million cell phones in use in the United States and more than 6 million in New York State. “To think that Im not going to use cell

34、 phone when at the same time I can still use my laptop, I still can read a paper, I can still change my pants(裤子 ) while driving 65 mph. I think theres just something wrong,” an official said Other critics noted that other things like eating, drinking coffee and applying make-up while driving posed(

35、造成 ) at least as much of a concern. They suggested that the ban include a broader range of things. 61 How much fine will a hand-held cell phone user receive if he has been caught using it four times while driving after November A $500 B $1000 C $1200 D $1300 62 We can see from this passage that _. A

36、 the ban has been put into effect in most states in the U. S. B many of the developed countries forbid drivers using hand-held cell phones C over fifty localities or states ban drivers from using hand-held cell phones D more people in the U. S. are against the ban than for it 63 The official mention

37、ed in this passage _. A does not agree with this ban B doesnt believe using hand-held cell phones while driving will cause any danger C doesnt understand why hand-held cell phones alone should be banned among many others D believes changing pants while driving will cause greater danger 64 The writer

38、 intends to tell us in the last paragraph that _. A it is not fair to have this ban passed B the ban will never be passed in the whole country C more activities of the same kind should also be banned D the ban will meet with more criticism 65 This article is most probably taken from _. A a newspaper

39、 article B an advertisement C a personal diary D a letter 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 A Now, its time for some brief news items. Teens Go Online Some 13 million European children under 18 use the Internet for schoolwork, games and music according to research done by Nielsens “Net-

40、rating”. The study covered Britain, Germany, France, Italy and Spain. Experts advesed parents to limit the time their kids on line and keep them away from chat rooms. Chat to the magic Mum British author J.K.Rowling, mother of magic boy Harry Potter, will do an Internet interview about her new bool”

41、Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”on June 26. Before the event, children are invited to send their questions about Harry to the website. The book will hit stores in the US and UK on June 21 and will arrive in China in August. School Soldiers Russian school students will have to do basic militar

42、y training in their final year of school, the government has decided The lesson will include learning to fire guns, marching drills and how to deal with a chemical, nuclear or biological attack. The activity is seen as part of a drive toward the education of their love for their country. Is it hard

43、for you to get up early and get ready for classes Some students at Winter Park High School just roll our of bed in their pajamas(睡衣 ) and go to class in their own bedrooms. Of course, their teachers and classmates do not see them because all their class work is on the computer. The Florida High Scho

44、ol, the states only online school, had 250 students who are taking classed at home by computer. Students in this first online program take classed in algebra(代数 ), American government , chemistry, computer, economics, and web-page design. They also have to go to regular school to attend other classe

45、s. 66 In the first news item, which country is NOT covered in the research A Britain. B France. C Sweden. D Spain. 67 Why will Russian school students have basic military training A To get ready for a milirary parade. B To learn to protect themselves. C To gain some military knowledge. D To develop

46、their love for the country. 68 About Florida High School, which of these facts is true A Some of the students have to attend classed at home instead of in the school. B There are altogether 250 students who take classes in the classrooms. C As the states only online school, it has 250 students who t

47、ake classes by computer. D Students cant take classes in algebra, American government, chemistry, computer and so on. 69 The news from Florida can be given a title” ” . A Get up Lage B Online School C Magical Computers D No Teachers 70 What is the second news item mainly about A J.K.Rowling will hav

48、e an Internet interview. B Children will meet Harry Potters mother. C The Harry Potter book will be available on the Internet. D The Harry Potter book will arrive in China in early June. 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 B Baths and bathing have been considered of an important medical therapy to man. In Greece there are the ruins of a bath tub and water s


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