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1、浙江省杭州 2010届二模(英语) 其他 Laurie Scott, Kate So, Molly Morris, Patsy Wincher和 Joy Perryman各自打算加入一个志愿者组织。第 61和 65题是他们的个人情况介绍。阅读下面六个志愿者组织的简介,选出符合个人需要的最佳选项。选项中有一项是多余选项。 61 Laurie Scott and her husband have just moved to Las Vegas. They are looking for a way to get connected and involved in the community. Si

2、nce their son is far away from home in college, they really want a member at their house to fight off the loneliness. 62 Kate So is a teacher of 38 years who also practiced law early in her career. She enjoyed being with children, so she left law and courts behind her and became a teacher. Now she w

3、ants to use her special knowledge to protect and help those abused children. 63 As a successful real estate agent, Molly Morris is now looking for a place to get involved with local youth and inspire others in her community, but also ones that encourage her to learn and grow on her own. 64 Being a v

4、ictim of home violence herself, Pasty Wincher wants to provide services to those women who suffer from the same misfortune. She wants to use her own experience to tell them how to protect themselves and create their own happiness. 65 As a busy communications major at Northern Illinois University, it

5、 isnt easy for Joy Perryman to find a volunteer opportunity that would work out. However, she is anxious to use her energy and major related skills to help where she could. A B Media volunteer Media volunteer is helping hundreds of nonprofit groups get their stories covered in the media through the

6、innovated strategy call “distributed work”. With a commitment of just a few minutes, volunteers can sign up to update Media volunteers Media Contact Database and provide media contact information to help organizations campaign for positive changes. American Red cross of Greater Los Angeles The Ameri

7、can Red Cross is the leading humanitarian organization in the world, providing relief to victims of disaster and helping people prevent and prepare for emergencies. The American Red cross of Greater Los Angeles is the second largest Red Cross Chapter in the nation and the largest on the East Coast.

8、C D EF Foundation fro Foreign Study EF Foundation for Foreign Study connects talented, enthusiastic high school students form around the world with caring families across the country. Together, the organization builds friends ship trust that Voices for Children Voices for Children tries to ensure th

9、at abused, neglected and abandoned children who have become dependents of the San Diego County Court will have a safe and permanent home. Through its has the power to change the world. Since 1979, Efs team of dedicated volunteer families, local coordinators, and staff ahs helped over 100,000 student

10、s from nearly 40 countries participate in international exchange programs. network of trained and educated volunteer Court Appointed special advocated ( CASAs) , Voices for Children works with key agencies, legal lawyers and community resources to identify and protect the best interests of each chil

11、d inside and outside of court. E F Domestic Abuse Helpline For Men and Women Domestic Abuse Helpline For Men and Women ( DAHMW) is dedicated to providing support and services to victims of home violence. The organization works to educate the public at large as well as those who work in the domestic

12、field and its goal is to end home violence for all victims so that families can live in peace and safety in their homes. Heart House Austin Heart House is dedicated to raising academic achievement levels for low income and at risk children in inner cities and to encourage them to become active and c

13、ontributing members of society. Heart House also has a free summer program in which children participate in fine arts classes, sports, swimming and more. The agencys main goal is to ensure healthy, happy, and confident children. 答案: . C 62. D 63. F 64. E 65. A 单项选择 * - Id like to be on my own for a

14、while. Do you mind - . Go ahead. A Not in the least B No way C Yes, of course D Im afraid so 答案: A Peace and development remain the permanent themes of our times, the world we live in is anything but quiet. A and B if C so D but 答案: D - Why are you so late - I got stuck in the traffic jam, or I earl

15、ier. A arrived B had arrived C would arrive D would have arrived 答案: D Though many extra planes and trains are used to carry passengers, traffic tools are still needed during “May Day” holidays. A eagerly B badly C equally D slightly 答案: B After the quarrel, I tried all my best to fix the misunderst

16、anding between us, but all my efforts seemed . A in vain B in case C in time D in trouble 答 案: A When I was twenty, I had to before graduation and work in a clothes shop to help support my family. A come out B stay out C leave out D drop out 答案: D Not until all the fish died in the river how serious

17、 the problem of water pollution was. A did they realize B they did realize C had they realized D they had realized 答案: A The little boy got rice to feed the chickens in the yard. A a piece of B a number of C a handful of D a loaf of 答案: C by a greater demand for green products, the food company has

18、set higher standards to ensure the quality. A Driven B Being driven C To drive D Having driven 答案: A - Mum, I am feeling tired and sleepy now. - You so late last night. A couldnt have stayed up B mustnt have stayed up C shouldnt have stayed up D neednt have stayed up 答案: C She said that the building

19、 would be finished by October, I doubt very much. A that B this C when D which 答案: D Lisa hasnt been feeling well . Youd better go and see her. A late B later C lately D latest 答案: C I that actress in quite a few films, but her name escapes me for the moment. A saw B have seen C see D had seen 答案: B

20、 I got bad toothache yesterday, which kept me awake whole night. A a; the B不填 ; a C the; a D a; 不填 答案: A - You didnt tell me the truth about this matter, Barbara. - Are you me of lying A charging B criticizing C catching D accusing 答案: D Mrs Smith managed to settle the quarrel between Michael and Al

21、len without hurting the feelings of . A neither B none C either D both 答案: C A powerful earthquake struck Haitis capital, tens of thousands homeless and buried in ruins. A left B to leave C being left D leaving 答案: D - Be careful! Dont forget you are on a ladder. - But you are holding it for me, not

22、hing . A worry about B to worry about C is worried about D worrying about 答案: B Yesterday there wasnt time for breakfast, so she had to without. A come B go C struggle D manage 答案: B I understand why Sophie was angry but was no need to be so rude to her brother. A it B that C there D this 答案: C 完型填空

23、 完形填空(共 20小题;每小题 1分,满分 20分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 2140 各题所给的四个选项( A、 B、 C和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。 I wouldnt ask for a dressing room. My mom always asked for me. The evening before I had 21 risen from my seat and piled on excess (过量) noodles. Then I licked(舔) my bowl with the buttered garlic bread, 22 no

24、 evidence of the four servings I had eaten greedily. In the morning I would be forced to lie on my bed and suck in my 23 just to button my jeans. I feared school 24 . The sale rack, with its slender size markers, knew my number continued to grow. I learned 25 to eat from my dad: fast and without thi

25、nking. In our house, the dinner table involved 26 ,with the children on defense. One 27 move and our dinner would be snatched off our plates without warning and eaten up by our father 28 than we could blink. We soon learned to keep a hand up while 29 our chicken, and if Mom decided to cook that nigh

26、t we needed to hurry and get 30 before it was gone. Only one pair of jeans I tried on fit. I 31 and told my mother I could button every pair but only needed the jeans that lay 32 in my hands. We walked to the checkout. I kept my head down as we passed a group of girls. They 33 . I glanced up only lo

27、ng enough to know my place. Their 34 cut at me, hands cupped over their mouths in secrecy. The shop was about to close and I 35 two girls in my third grade class out. “I like your pants. Where did you get them ” Marcy asked Alicia. I nodded in agreement, 36 they had removed their cupped hands and I

28、could hear the 37 . “Really I like yours better,” Alicia replied. “We should trade. What 38 are you ” Marcy asked. “I dont know ” Alicia said, finding the tag in the back of her pants. “Seven.” “Me too,” Marcy said. I 39 in line as I held the jeans, tag folded in so 40 could see the number on it was

29、 12. I am not a size seven. 21 A hurriedly B hungrily C repeatedly D worriedly 22 A leaving B offering C collecting D examining 23 A stomach B legs C waist D hands 24 A uniforms B meals C holiday D shopping 25 A what B how C why D when 26 A battle B game C strike D debate 27 A big B unusual C false

30、D bold 28 A harder B further C earlier D faster 29 A swallowing B biting C tasting D cooking 30 A excuses B seconds C opportunities D demands 31 A ordered B lied C paid D promised 32 A closed B guided C guarded D satisfied 33 A laughed B murmured C shouted D whispered 34 A mouths B hands C eyes D ea

31、rs 35 A led B followed C invited D walked 36 A thankful B afraid C anxious D excited 37 A interview B conversation C question D report 38 A number B size C color D weight 39 A jumped B waited C cried D hid 40 A everybody B anybody C nobody D somebody 答案: . C 22. A 23. A 24. D 25. B 26. A 27. C 28. D

32、 29. A 30.B 31. B 32. C 33. D 34. C 35. B 36. A 37. B 38. B 39. D 40. C 阅读理解 It was a cold grey day in late November. The weather had changed overnight, when a backing wind brought a pale sky and a muzzling rain with it, and although it was now only a little after two oclock in the afternoon the gra

33、y of a winter evening seemed to have closed upon the hills, surrounding them in mist. It would be dark by four. The leather seats felt damp to the hands, and there must have been a small crack in the roof, because now and again little drips of rain fell softly through, polluting the leather and leav

34、ing a dark blue stain like a spot of ink. The wind came in, at times shaking the coach as it traveled round the bend of the road, and in the exposed places on the high ground it blew with such force that the whole body of the coach trembled and swayed, rocking between the high wheels like a drunken

35、man. The driver, muffled (裹住) in a greatcoat to his ears, bent almost double in his seat in a faint endeavor to gain shelter from his own shoulders. The few passengers pressed together for warmth, exclaiming all together when the coach sank into a heavier rut (车辙) than usual, and one old fellow, who

36、 had kept up a constant complaint ever since he had joined the coach at Truro, rose from his seat in anger; and, feeling with the window frame, let the window down with a crash, bringing a shower of rain upon himself and his fellow passengers. He thrust his head out and shouted up to the driver, sco

37、lding him in a angry voice for a rogue and a murderer; that they would all be dead before they reached Bodmin if he persisted in driving at dangerous speed; they had no breath left in their bodies as it was, and he would never travel by coach again. 41 What is the main image the author gives in this

38、 description A In terrible weather, a coach was running fast in mud with complaining passengers on it. B On a cold and rainy day the coach broke and the driver was repairing it on the road. C On a cold night the driver and the passengers felt very cold and struggled in the rain. D The bad condition

39、of the road resulted in the bad mood of the passengers. 42 Which of the following is correct according to the text A The windows were tightly closed, so the cold air was kept outside the coach. B The spot of ink stained leather, so the seats felt damp to the hands. C Most probably the roof of the co

40、ach was broken. D There was a drunken man swaying constantly on the coach. 43 The expression “muffled in a greatcoat to his own shoulders” implies . A the driver felt very cold and tried to change his seat B the driver felt comfortable by doing in that way C The driver felt very cold and tried to ga

41、in warmth D The driver tried to protect his ears and shoulders 44 We can learn from the text that . A the coach was running slowly due to the bad weather B an old passenger who got on the coach at Truro was angry about the windows C one of the passengers on the coach was a murderer D the few passeng

42、ers let out exclamations as the coach moved violently 答案: . A 42. C 43. C 44. D Some names have special meanings in popular American expressions. One day, an average Joe was walking down the street. An average Joe is a common person Public is also a common person s Saturday.” “For Petes sake.” said

43、average Joe. This is also an expression used to show a feeling like surprise or disappointment. “I do not believe you,” said he. At that moment, Joe Blow was walking down the street with a woman. Joe Blow is also an expression for a common person. Now this Joe Blow was NOT walking next to a plain Ja

44、ne. A plain Jane is a woman who is neither ugly nor pretty. The woman with Joe Blow was a real Sheila “no.” “No way, Jose. Many banks are open on Saturdays.” Average Joe did not know either of these two people from Adam. That is, he did not know them at all. But he followed their directions to the n

45、earest bank. When he arrived, he walked to the desk and said: “I am here to withdraw some money so I can pay my taxes to Uncle Sam”. This represents the United States government. The banker produced some papers and told him to sign his John Hancock at the bottom. A John Hancock is a persons signed n

46、ame gnature and signed his name larger than all the others. 45 The main idea of this text is that . A some popular American names have special stories B some popular American expressions have some special names C some popular American names have special meanings D some popular American expressions a

47、re interesting 46 Which of the following refers to an ordinary looking woman A A average Joe B John Q. Public C Joe Blow D A plain Jane 47 The name “Jeez Louise” is . A an expression of surprise B a feeling like disappointment C an expression for a common man D a woman who is neither ugly nor pretty

48、 48 What does the banker really want to ask Joe to sign on the papers A John Hancock. B United States Declaration. C His own name. D Uncle Sam. 答案: 45. C 46. D 47. A 48. C Games originally are entertainment. Contemporary games are very realistic and for this reason they are a source of great experience for the player and develop the imagination. Games are entertainment and even more than that. The statistics (统计) of the New York University led by Green claim that the player preferring active games get improvement of some types of brain activity. In particu


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