IEEE 7-4.3.2-2016 - IEEE Standard Criteria for Programmable Digital Devices in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Generating Stations.pdf

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1、IEEE Standard Criteria for Programmable Digital Devices in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Generating StationsIEEE Std 7-4.3.2-2016(Revision of IEEE Std 7-4.3.2-2010)IEEE Power and Energy SocietySponsored by the Nuclear Power Engineering CommitteeIEEE3 Park AvenueNew York, NY 10016-5997USAIEEE Std 7

2、-4.3.2-2016(Revision of IEEE Std 7-4.3.2-2010)IEEE Standard Criteria for Programmable Digital Devices in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Generating StationsSponsorNuclear Power Engineering Committeeof theIEEE Power and Energy SocietyApproved 29 January 2016IEEE-SA Standards BoardAbstract: Additional

3、 specifi c requirements to supplement the criteria and requirements of IEEE Std 603 are specifi ed for programmable digital devices. Within the context of this standard, the term programmable digital device is any device that relies on software instructions or programmable logic to accomplish a func

4、tion. Examples include a computer, a programmable hard-ware device, or a device with fi rmware. Systems using these devices will also be referred to as digital safety systems in this standard. The criteria contained herein, in conjunction with criteria in IEEE Std 603, establish minimum functional a

5、nd design requirements for programmable digital devices used as components of a safety system.Keywords: commercial grade item, diversity, IEEE 7-4.3.2, programmable digital devices, safety systems, software, software tools, software verifi cation and validationThe Institute of Electrical and Electro

6、nics Engineers, Inc.3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USACopyright 2016 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.All rights reserved. Published 25 August 2016. Printed in the United States of America.IEEE is a registered trademark in the US. Patent and Trademark Offi ce, o

7、wned by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Incorporated.PDF: ISBN 978-1-5044-0859-2 STD20898Print: ISBN 978-1-5044-0860-8 STDPD20898IEEE prohibits discrimination, harassment, and bullying.For more information, visit http:/ par

8、t of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.3Copyright 2016 IEEE. All rights reserved.Important Notices and Disclaimers Concerning IEEE Standards DocumentsIEEE documents are made available

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35、cessed on the IEEE-SA Website at the following URL: http:/ Users are encouraged to check this URL for errata periodically.PatentsAttention is called to the possibility that implementation of this standard may require use of subject matter covered by pate

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40、ly advised that determination of the valid-ity of any patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely their own responsibility. Further information may be obtained from the IEEE Standards Association.6Copyright 2016 IEEE. All rights reserved.ParticipantsAt the time this stand

41、ard was completed, the Subcommittee Working Group 6.4 had the following membership:Warren Odess-Gillet, ChairAkira FukumotoDavid HerrellRonald JarretLee MeekKirklyn MelsonTy RogersRichard StattelMasafumi UtsumiDeanna ZhangThe following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this stan

42、dard. Balloters may have voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.Satish K. AggarwalAngela AnuszewskiGeorge BallassiRoyce BeacomDaniel BrosnanNissen BursteinRobert CarruthSuresh ChannarasappaTom CrawfordPaul CrollJohn DisoswayNeal DowlingJohn ErincStephen FlegerJames GleasonRandall GrovesAjit

43、GwalDaryl HarmonHamidreza HeidarisafaRaymond HerbDavid HerrellWerner HoelzlDavid HorvathGreg HostetterRonald JarrettChad KigerG. LangWilliam LumpkinsJohn MacdonaldMichael MayKirklyn MelsonWarren Odess-GillettJan PirrongBartien SayogoRaymond SenechalJohn VergisMichael WatermanWhen the IEEE-SA Standar

44、ds Board approved this standard on 29 January 2016 it had the following membership:Jean-Philippe Faure, ChairVacant Position, Vice ChairJohn Kulick, Past ChairKonstantinos Karachalios, SecretaryChuck AdamsMasayuki AriyoshiTed BurseStephen DukesJianbin FanJ. Travis Griffi thGary HoffmanRonald W. Hotc

45、hkissMichael JanezikJoseph L. Koepfi nger*Hung LingKevin LuAnnette D. ReillyGary RobinsonMehmet UlemaYingli WenHoward WolfmanDon WrightYu YuanDaidi Zhong*Member Emeritus7Copyright 2016 IEEE. All rights reserved.IntroductionThis introduction is not part of IEEE Std 7-4.3.2, IEEE Standard Criteria for

46、 Programmable Digital Devices in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Generating Stations.This standard evolved from IEEE Std 7-4.3.2-2010. It represents a continued effort by an IEEE working group to support the specifi cation, design, and implementation of digital programmable devices in safety systems

47、 of nuclear power generating stations.This standard specifi es additional digital system requirements to supplement the criteria and requirements of IEEE Std 603-2009.1 This standard should be used in conjunction with IEEE Std 603-2009 for completeness of the safety system design when a programmable

48、 digital device is to be used for a safety system function.This standard recognizes that development processes for programmable digital devices continue to evolve. As such, the information presented should not be viewed as the only possible solution. This is in keeping with the desire to use advance

49、s in digital technology, provided the criteria and requirements of IEEE Std 603-2009 and this standard are met. For example, while this standard does not address specifi cally artifi cial intelligence systems or fourth generation languages, their use is not precluded.Subclause 5.1 in IEEE Std 603-2009 defi nes the single-failure criterion. Guidance for the application of this criterion is provided in IEEE Std 379-2014 B15.2The approach stated in 5.5 of IEEE Std 379-2014 is also appropriate for potential common-cause failures associated with programmable digit


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