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1、英语语法填空解题技巧与方法,1、阅读/理解语篇的能力; 2、分析句子结构的能力; 3、熟练运用语法的能力。,1. 语法填空题能力要求,2. 语法填空题解题步骤,1、快速浏览全文,把握文章大意和作者写作意图,总体时态; 2、分析句子结构-主谓结构; 3、根据上下文把握空格意思。,3.语法填空题空格设计,纯空格,介词,代词,连词,冠词 (情态动词/助动词) (每空1词),有提示词,谓语动词:(适当形式:时态/语态) 非谓语动词:(to do / doing / done) 名词:(可数/不可数/单复数、词类转换) 形容词或副词:(词类转换、比较等级) (每空可多个词),3. the head of

2、 the village was tying up his horse to my car to pull it to small town some 20 kilometers away. 4. I still remember taking _ visiting friend from Canada to a local Black Country pub(酒店) for lunch.,考点一:冠词,:名词之前,There once were a goat (山羊) and a donkey(驴). So the farmer killed _ goat and gave the donk

3、ey medicine made from its heart. 2.When I see a child subject to(受到) this kind of pressure, I think of Donnie. He was _ shy , nervous perfectionist(完美主义者).,考查语法点: 定冠词,不定冠词的用法,考点分析,无提示词,考点二: 介词,(1)介词+宾语(名词) (2)不及物动词+介词+宾语,1. In short, I believe that it is _ great use to keep a dairy in English 2. Whe

4、n I took the money from her grandparents, I looked back _the girl, who was giving me the most optimistic, largest smile I had ever seen. 3. She found some good quality pipes_ sale. 4. He was very tired _doing this for a whole day,考查语法点: 介词的基本用法及惯用搭配,考点分析,无提示词:注意固定搭配,当空格后的名词(一般前有限定词)、代词或动名词在句中不是作主语、表

5、语,也不是作动词的宾语时,那就是作介词的宾语,即填介词。因为名词和代词最典型的用法是在句中作主语或宾语,既然不作主语和动词的宾语,那就是作介词的宾语了,所以要填介词。具体填什么介词,可能是由介词与该名词的搭配及其意义来决定,也可能是由动词或形容词与介词的句式搭配来决定。,考点三:代词,(1)作主语用主格,作宾语用宾格,注意形容词词性和名词性物主代词的区别。 (2)指示代词,不定代词、反身代词等 (3)有关it的特殊句型,考查语法点: 代词的基本用法,1. She remembered how difficult _ was to choose a suitable Christmas pres

6、ent for her father. 2. When the time came for me to say goodbye to my friends in my village, I wanted to reward the old woman for the trouble I had caused _ . 3. It has been said before, but experiencing it myself has made _ want to say it again: a smile,无提示词,因句子的主语或宾语主要由名词、代词、动名词或不定式等充当,而名词、动名词或不定式

7、等实词通常会放在有提示词的空格中考查,所以纯空格所填词在句子中作主语或宾语时,通常填代词:,在名词前作定语就只能用形容词性物主代词(my/your/his/her等)。,考点四:连词或从句引导词,两个主谓结构连接,Historically, it was famous for industry, which explains_the area is called the Black Country. 2. It got its name during the industrial revolution, _ factory pollution turned the local skies bl

8、ack and local dust from the mines made the soil the same color. 3. Jane paused in front of a counter(柜台) _ some attractive ties were on display. 4. One day, he came up with an idea _ he would pluck up (拔起)all of his crop a few inches.,考查语法点: 各类复合句中连词,引导词的用法,考点分析,无提示词,解题技巧,(1)连接两个功能对等的单词或短语时,应填并列连词an

9、d, or, but等。 (2)若两个句子(即两个主谓结构)之间,没有句号或分号,也没有连词,那空格处必定是填连接词,否则,句子结构就不完整。根据两句之间的意义和逻辑关系,或者根据句式结构,确定是并列句(多要求考生填and, but, while, when, or 等) 还是某种主从复合句。然后根据各类从句的特点,结合连接词的意义和用法,确定填具体的某个连词。,并列句:简单句并列连词简单句 复合句:主句(主谓宾)从句(连接词主谓),第二部分:有提示词,考点五:谓语动词,有提示词与主语构成主谓结构,1. I was certain she would like it because I _ (

10、tell) by my classmates that she loved hot food. 2. His fear of failure _ (keep) him from classroom games that other children played with joyous abandon. 3. Being too anxious to help an event develop often _ (result) in the contrary to our intention.,考查语法点: 谓语动词的时态、语态、主谓一致,当句中缺少谓语动词时,括号中的动词就是谓语动词。此时要

11、考虑_、_、_、_等四个方面。 【确定时态的3条依据】 (1)依据上下文时态一致。看上下文谓语动词是什么时态(过去/现在/将来),空格要填的动词时态一般应与上下文的时态一致。这是高考语法填空中确定时态的最重要的依据。但需注意:客观事实或真理可能时态不一致;直接引语的时态会与引号外的时态不一致。 (2)依据并列谓语动词的时态一致。 (3)依据时间状语。如recently, so far, up to now, up to the present, in the past few years常与现在完成时连用;by the end of, since 1980, for three years常与

12、完成时连用。 提示:尽管课标或考纲中列出了10种时态,但近两年全国卷和九年广东卷的高考真题主要考查了一般现在时和一般过去时两种时态。,时态、 语态、 语气、 主谓一致,考点六:非谓语动词,有提示词非谓语动词及变形的使用,1. We must also consider the reaction of the person _ (receive) the gift. 2. I then noticed that I had just 10 minutes left _ (complete) the rest! 3. My pupils, Donnie _ (include), adored he

13、r. 4. Before the waitress could even finish describing the menu, my friend looked at me with his eyebrows(眉毛) (raise).,当句中已有谓语动词,横线前又没有并列连词与括号中的动词并列时,所给动词就是非谓语动词(无连则非)。此时,就要根据非谓语动词的用法确定用具体的某种形式(doing, done, to do)。,考点七:词性转换,有提示词介词,冠词,所有格后接名词,形容词修饰名词,副词修饰形容词/动词/整个句子,1. “Thirty-five cents,” she said 3

14、6_ (rude). 2. As far as I am concerned, my 37 _ (suggest) is that we should always have a notebook and a Chinese-English within easy reach. 3. This proverb is saying we have to let things go in their _ (nature) course. 4. _ (doubt), although there is still room for improvement to this policy, I thin

15、k it is still a good one which brings more good than harm to the students and the nation.,考查语法点: 各类词性的正确使用及转化,当空格处所需词类与括号中所给词的词类不同时,就需要词类转换。这类题一般可根据以下5点顺利解决: (1)作主语或宾语用_形式。 (2)在形容词性物主代词、冠词(+形容词)、不定代词(some, any, a lot of等)、介词后还没有名词时,就用_形式。 (3)作定语、表语或补足语用_形式。 (4)作状语,修饰动词、形容词或另一副词,或放在句首修饰全句,用_。 (5)当所给词

16、的词性与空格处所需词的词性相同时,无需改变词性,而可能是只改变词义但不改变词性的前缀或后缀,也可能用其比较级或最高级。,在高考全国卷中出现的考纲词的派生词是不算生词的,也不用汉语注明,因此,掌握基本的构词法知识非常重要。 从近两年全国卷的语法填空来看,词类转换仅考查了以下3点: (1)形容词副词。 (2)形容词名词。 (3)名词形容词。,考点八:形容词副词的级,有提示词 通常,有表示范围的in /of介词短语或形容词前有the时,一般要用最高级;than的前面一定要用比较级,One of the _ (bad) gift choices I ever made was for my high

17、school English teacher 2. We were both laughing the whole time at our complete inability to communicate in words. When it was time to leave, I said “thank you” in Korean, using some of the few words I had learned. I felt _ (lonely) than I had expected that night. 3. Lucille Clifton is an award-winni

18、ng poet and writer. Critics call her one of the _ (great) writers of our time.,当括号中所给词是形容词或副词,且空格处需要的仍是形容词或副词时,要根据语境,理解句意,若该词意思不变,逻辑上讲得通,就很可能填该词的比较级或最高级。注意: 要善于分析语境,辨别省略了than的隐性比较级。若需要用与该词意义相反的意思,逻辑才通顺的,就要在该词前加表示否定或相反意义的前缀或后缀。,1. (2015卷I65) seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the

19、Li River which are pictured by artists in so many Chinese _ (painting). 2. (2014卷I49) While there are amazing stories of instant transformation, for most of us the _(change) are gradual and require a lot of effort and work, like cleaning up a polluted river.,考点九:名词,做主语或宾语,考查语法点: 名词的单复数转化 / (可数与不可数),

20、名词在句中的典型用法就是作主语或宾语(位于及物动词或介词后)。如果括号中所给词是名词,又是在句中作主语或宾语时,就无需作词类转换,应考虑是否需要用复数形式。,关于名词,从近两年的高考题来看,在语法填空中只考查了名词的复数形式,但名词的所有格也是可能要考的。,二根据上下文意义及语法,确定词形,冠词,定冠词,不定冠词,并列句及复合句,非谓语动词 to do, doing, done 及变形,谓语动词的时态及语态, 及主谓一致,介词的常用用法及词组搭配,词汇, 构词法,代词,人称代词,物主代词,不定代词,指示代词,反身代词,根据语义, 确定词形,分析句子,确定词性,解题四步走,提示:四步走归根到底其

21、实就是寻找依据每一个语法填空的空格里所需的单词或短语其实都可以在所在的句子中或者上下文中找到它的依据,通读全文,理解大意,检查搭配, 前后连贯,最后注意: 1、重读全篇、仔细核查、语法正确、语意贯通。 2、拼写正确、书写规范、大小写准确(注意三写)。,短文改错常见考点和热点专题,存在问题:做这种题时,往往感觉无从下手,似乎感到某个地方有错,却又无法准确地找出来。当一看答案,或经老师一讲,便豁然开朗,这种现象明显反映出,学生平时缺乏练习,不熟悉常见的考点和热点,因而也就不具备问题的分析能力,更谈不上有对语言的准确使用能力。为了备战高考,提高短文改错能力,现以高考命题角度及一些试题为例,作些浅析。

22、,一、多词 1、抽象名词前多余的冠词。 2、不可数名词前多余的不定冠词。 3、专有名词前多余的冠词。除特殊情况外,专有名词前不用冠词。 4、泛指复数可数名词前多余的冠词。 5、固定词组中名词前多余的定冠词。 I caught a sight of my English teacher in the crowd。(a) 6、one+名词,指示代词+名词,every+名词及last/next+名词组成的时间状语前多余的介词。 7、在某些固定搭配中,宾语补足语用不带 to 的动词不定式,加 to 是多余的。几个动词作并列谓语,加 to 也是多余的。 8、及物动词与直接宾语间多余的介词。 9、某些及物

23、动词,因词义混淆,用了多余的介词或副词。 10、某些及物动词的固定词组中,直接宾语前用了多余的不定冠词。 11、单音节形容词比较级前用多余的more。如:more longer。 12、其他情况。,二、缺词 1.表示一类事物的单数可数名词前缺冠词。 Its famous mountain with all kinds of plants and animals. (a) 2.单数名词前缺少表示“”(一个/所/)的不定冠词。 3.特指名词前缺定冠词 the。 4.作宾语或状语用的动词不定式缺to。 My Parents love me dearly of course and will do a

24、ll they can make sure that I get a good education.(to) 5.作定语用的动词不定式后缺少必要的介词,否则语意不合逻辑。 6.作状语的介词词组缺少必要的介词。 7.作宾语的词前缺少必要的物主代词。 8.不及物动词的间接宾语缺少介词。 9.形容词最高级前缺冠词 the。如:one of most important things (most 前缺the)。 10.并列句缺并列连词。 11.句子 as+形容词+名词+as+主语+动词结构中缺副词 as。如:In some places you may borrow many books as you

25、 want(many books 前缺 as)。 12.动词短语中缺必要的介词。 13.名词性从句作主语缺连词、代词、副词。,14.定语从句中缺作主语的关系代词。例 1:The changes have taken place are great. (have 前缺定语从句中作主语的关系代词 that/which)例 2:Is he the boy did the good deed?(did 前缺定语从句中表人的关系代词 who) 15.缺系动词或动词结构不完整。三、错词 1.动词时态和语态(主要指行为动词)的错误。I remembered her words and calm down.

26、(calmed)She liked it very much and reads it to the class. (read)2.非谓语动词。非谓语动词包括动词不定式、动名词和分词(新近语法称动名词和现在分词为动词的-ing 形式),改错中,判断非谓语的错误,下列几点很重要:非谓语动词具有动词性质,有时态和语态之分,但不能单独作谓语动词用。Soon I began to enjoy talk to myself on paper (talking)现在分词与过去分词在句中表示主语所处的状态,现在分词多含主动意义,过去分词多含被动意义。现在分词和动名词都以-ing 的形式出现,两者的主要区别是

27、:现在分词有形容词性质,动名词具有名词性质。,3.介词。 介词的含义很多,可表示时间、地点、方向、方位、状态、方式、方法、手段等,很多时间用于成语之中。短文改错时应根据句子意义或上下文检查介词是否用得准确。 介词在句中不能单独作谓语。 另一点值得指出的是不该用介词时用了介词。如next year 常写成 in next year. I was so tired that I fell asleep at the moment my head touched the pillow. (at) The main problem was in that I always thought in Chi

28、nese. (in) 介词与动词组成的词组要多加注意。Evening came down. (down)4.冠词。英语只有 a,an 和 the 三个冠词,用起来却很复杂。在短文改错中,错误不外乎该用冠词时没有用,不该用时又用了;该用 an 却用了 a;该用 a(an)却用了 the。检查短文改错中冠词的用法,基本要点有: 单数可数名词表一类事物,在它的前面要加a(an)或 the。 2003) My teacher advised me to keep my diary。(a)名词前使用哪个冠词最主要决定于名词是特指还是泛指。如果是泛指,单数名词前要加 a (an),如果是特指,名词前要加t

29、he。(2001)We may be one family and live under a same roof. (the),物质名词、抽象名词表示一般概念,通常不加冠词。专有名词前,除了上述特殊情况,一般不加冠词。5. 一致性原则。一般而言,有六点值得注意。 (1)注意主谓结构是否一致Now my picture and the prize is hanging in the library. (are)Their word were a great encouragement to me.(words)(2)注意谓语动词的时态、语态前后是否一致。My parents love me. T

30、hey did not want me to do any work.(do)We fed monkeys, visiting temples and told storiesThe time passes quickly (visited/ passed)I followed her advice and should put down 100 words or so each day.(should)(3)注意名词的数与格的使用前后是否一致。She said that she and my classmate all wished me success.(classmates)Ill ge

31、t good marks in all my subject (subjects)I was busy talking picture since the scenery was so beautiful.(pictures),(4)注意行文逻辑中指代词的一致。如人称代词,物主代词,反身代词指代时是否一致;不定代词、关系代词的使用是否正确;it 作形式主语、形式宾语或指代时有无缺漏。 ., and I always thought in Chinese and tried to translate anything into English (everything) ., as I was l

32、earning to express me in simple English (myself) One day I wrote a little story and showed to my teacher. (it)注意 (5)接词,如关系代词,关系副词及从属连词在复合句中的使用是否正确。 . it didnt matter that I would win or not. (whether) I felt so nervous as I shook like a leaf. (that) (6)搞清文字段落中的逻辑意义和逻辑关系,注意判断诸如象 and, or, but, so, how

33、ever, therefore 等词的运用是否正确。She was smiling but nodding at me. (and) It looks as if my parents treat me as a visitor and a guest (or) The food was expensive and the service was good. (but) 6.易混淆的词或词组。在短文改错中,常见的错误有: 把名词用作动词,如advice(n)代替 advise(v);practice(n)代替 practise(v),这样的词读音相同或相似,是很容易混淆的原因。,词性相同,词义

34、相近,但用法不一样,如:much(adv),very(adv);high(adv),highly(adv);hard(adv),hardly(adv);wide(adv), widely(adv); good(adj),well(adj);besides(prep),except(prep)等。 形相似,意义不同的词和词组,如:already,all ready;altogether,all together;everyday,every day;sometime, some time 等。另外有些动词形相似,但是及物动词还是不及物动词,应注意区别,如:rise(vi),raise(vt);lie(vi),lay(vt)等,一不小心就搞混了。动词词组中动词后接用的词也值得注意,如:finish,consider 等后只能接动名词,其他如 devote to,pay attention to, look forward to 中的 to 是介词,后面只能接名词或动名词。综上所述,所谓的高考考点及热点实际上源于学生习作中常犯错误,题材亦源于学生生活中常见的事情。因而,在平时的写作训练中,学生应力求语言使用的准确性,多背一些常用词组及精美文章,避免按照汉语的句式结构拼凑句子。同时,应加强同学间的互助合作。在完成一篇短文写作后,应交换批改,长期坚持,相互之间的改错能力大有提高。,


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