九年级 unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious A 2a-2d.ppt

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1、Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious.,Section A 2a-2d,Look at the pictures and what festivals they are.,A: What is your favourite festival? B: I like best. A: Why do you like it? B: I think that ,Discussion,Objectives,To learn new words: stranger, relative, put on, pound,To learn to use excla

2、matory with what and how,To learn to use objective clauses with that, if and whether (I know/wonder/believe),stranger relative put on Pound,n. 陌生人 n. 亲属 v. 增加体重,发胖 n. 镑(重量单位)英镑(英国货币单位),Listen and circle the correct words.,Wu Ming and Harry are cousins /strangers / friends. 2. Wu Ming went to Singapo

3、re / Hong Kong / Macao for his vacation. 3. He visited his relatives / friends /classmates. 4. He enjoyed eating out / shopping / the Dragon Boat Festival best.,2a,Listen again and fill in the chart.,2b,Downsides,Fun activities,Eating out,Shopping,Dragon Boat Festival in June,Put on five pounds,Spen

4、t much money,hot,不足之处,Are there any downsides when you travel in a place? What were they?,Free Talk,A: What did you do on your vacation? B: I visited my cousins. I think that we ate five meals a day! Ive put on five pounds! A: I guess the food was delicious ,right? B:,Make a dialogue about a vacatio

5、n, using 2c as a model.,Pair Work,Have you ever been to Thailand? Do you know where Chiang Mai is?,Free Talk,It is the largest city in northern Thailand. It attracts over 5 million visitors each year. Its on the list of 25 best destinations in the World.,Read and answer the questions.,2d,When is the

6、 Water Festival?Why do they throw water at each other?,A: Guess what? Im going to Chiang Mai想不到吧?in two weeks.过两个星期 B: Sounds like fun! But I believe that听起来很有趣April is the hottest month of the year there. A: Yes, thats true. But there is a water festival 泼水节there from April 13th to 15th. B: I wonde

7、r if its similar to the Water Festival不知道 与类似of the Dai People in Yunnan Province.傣族,A: Yes, I think so. This is the time of the Thai就是 New Year. People go on the streets to throw water at each other. 扔向 B: Cool! But why do they do that? A: Because the New Year is a time for cleaning清理and washing aw

8、ay bad things. Then you will冲走,赶走 have good luck in the new year.获得好运,Read and answer the questions.,2d,When is the Water Festival?What do they throw water for?,From April 13th to 15th.,Because the new year is a time for cleaning and washing away bad things.,Language points,1. Guess what?“想不到吧?你知道吗?

9、猜猜看!” 其答语:What?,例如:A: Guess what! 你猜猜看!B: What? 什么?A: I am going to the mountains with my family this weekend.这个周末我和我家人要去山上。B: That sounds like fun. 听起来很有趣。,2. Im going to Chiang Mai in two weeks.in two weeks 两周之后,与将来时连用,3. Sounds like fun. 听起来很有趣。 sounds like =It sounds like 听起来像,知识拓展,感官动词 + like f

10、eel like 摸起来像 smell like 闻起来像 look like 看起来像taste like 尝起来像,4. But I believe that April is the hottestmonth of the year there.1)I believe that + 句子 “我相信 / 我知道”,练习: 我相信你们天生具有学习能力。I believe that you are born with theability to learn. 我相信通过留心听老师你能学好英语。I believe that you can learn English well by listen

11、ing for the teacher., Peter is _ student in our class. He often helps us with our homework.A. popular B. more popularC. most popular D. the most popular _ you study, _ grades youll get.A. The hard, the good B. Harder, betterC. The harder, the better D. The hardest, the best,D,C,2)I believe that Apri

12、l is the hottest month of the year.形容词的最高级。标志词:of, in,,5. I wonder if its similar to the Water Festival of the Dai People in Yunnan Province.,+ if / whether/ what/ when等疑问词+ 句子,1) wonder 想知道/不知道注:wonder v. 不接that句子,I wonder if he eats well every day. I wonder when he will give a report. I wonder whe

13、ther you pay attention to words.,2). be similar to “跟 . 类似的; 与 . 同样的”be different from “与不同”,On my visit to Australia, I feel Australians are similar _ us in many ways.A. with B. in C. to D. at Can you tell the differences betweenthese two pictures? Differences? Oh, no. They look quite _. A. differe

14、nt B. similar C. strange D. interesting,C,B,Guess what? 想不到吧?wash away 冲走,消除have good luck 获得好运throw at 扔向, 丢向be similar to 跟 . 类似的; be different from 与不同in two weeks 两周之后sounds like 听起来像I wonder whether 不知道是否,I think that_.,Halloween is a fun festival.,根据图片补全句子。,Halloween万圣节,I believe that _.,July is the hottest month,of the year,July,I wonder _.,whether she likes the ring,


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