可持续发展的煤炭利用Transforming Coal for Sustainability.ppt

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1、可持续发展的煤炭利用 Transforming Coal for Sustainability,国合会 能源专题组 TFEST of CCICED,中国目前的能源系统是不可持续的 The energy system in China is unsustainable,将来面临的风险: 过度依赖石油进口 环境状况迅速恶化 温室气体减排代价高昂,China will become overly dependent on oil imports as a result of rapidly growing demand for liquid fuels Severe environment dama

2、ges caused by direct combustion of coal China will not be able to make its contribution to mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions under low cost.,中国一次能源将来仍将以煤炭为主 The coal is the main part of primary energy in China,以合理成本降低上述风险的方案 To mitigate these risks at reasonable cost,中国能源模型分析表明,面对这些风险,传统的技术方

3、案无法解决问题。通过采用煤炭现代化利用的战略能够以合理的代价降低上述风险,The business as usual mode cant solve the above mentioned problem .Through modernization of coal utilization, the above mentioned problems could be solved with reasonable cost.,煤炭现代化利用的含义 Meaning of Modernization of coal utilization,煤炭的现代化是指通过煤气化技术来生产热能,电力,运输用清洁燃

4、料,炊事用燃料等,即多联产能源系统。,Modernization of coal utilizationlarge scale gasification of coal and coproduction of liquid fuels(methanol, dimethyl ether, etc), other value-added chemicals and electric power. If necessary, syngas and heat for residential use could also be provided. It is so-called polygenerati

5、on system.,采用先进技术方案的效果 The effect of Advanced Technologies Scenario,成本与传统技术方案相当 煤炭开采量与传统技术方案相当 SO2的排放从1995年的2370万吨下降到2020年的1620万吨、2050年的880万吨。 石油与天然气进口量限制在总消耗量的30%左右。累计CO2排放量少于660亿吨碳,Provides the same energy services at about the same cost as the Base technologies strategy SO2 emissions are reduced

6、from 23.7 Mt in 1995 to 16.2 Mt in 2020 and 8.8 Mt in 2050 Imports of oil and natural gas are limited to 30% of consumption of oil and gas over the long-term 66 Gt C caps,实施煤炭现代化利用战略刻不容缓 Urgent Action by Chinas Leadership is Required,要增加到2020年的小康水平 ,中国的煤电装机增量约为5亿kW 若不早做安排,新建煤电会全部采用直接燃烧的方式,左右今后30年煤炭利

7、用格局 需要国家总体调控下,在总量中安排部分以煤气化为核心的多联产项目。,For modernization, rapidly growth of electricity is needed. large investments are planned for electricity over the next decade that will lock in the mode of coal use of China through 2020 and for many decades thereafter. It is extremely necessary to have strategi

8、es programmed to arrange the polygeneration plants just from now,实施煤炭现代化战略刻不容缓(一) Urgent Action by Chinas Leadership is Required (1),今后20年燃煤发电装机容量预测 Projection for Coal Power Plant Capacity,实施煤炭现代化战略刻不容缓(二) Urgent Action by Chinas Leadership is Required (2),如果延误过渡到以气化为基础的多联产技术的时机,将会:显著增加将来中国治理空气污染的成

9、本; 难以控制未来石油进口 大大增加减排温室气体的成本。,Delaying the start of the transition to coal gasification-based polygeneration technology would significantly increase: the costs to China of air pollution damages, the costs of oil imports, the costs of reducing GHG emissions.,增加空气污染的治理成本 The costs of air pollution dama

10、ges,我国环境已经非常恶劣酸雨面积占国土面积的40 大气污染主要是燃煤排放 城市污染主要是汽车尾气 按现有技术,能耗总量持续增长,将对环境与公众健康造成非常大的损害(损失占GDP13%),The environment of China is seriously bad The majority of air pollution comes from direct combustion of coal The main cause of urban area air pollution is the emission of car Severe additional public healt

11、h and environmental damages will occur in China with very large economic consequences (projected to grow from over 7% of GDP to 13% of GDP in 2020),我国液体燃料短缺现象日趋严重 Shortage of liquid fuel and energy security,预计到2020年,进口量将超过总消费量的50%以上,这将严重影响我国的能源安全。 加强石油勘探开采,实施走出去战略,多渠道进口石油是主要措施 从我国比较丰富的煤炭转化为车用液体燃料是一个

12、重要的战略,The import oil percentage by the year of 2020 will be more than 50%.the enhancement of exploitation of the petroleum is the main method. the production of liquid fuel from the relative abundant coal reverse in china is strategically important.,我国煤炭转化为车用液体燃料战略 Production of liquid fuel from coa

13、l,直接液化基本投资大,所得油品质量低 间接液化能量转换率低 最重要的是在经济上无法和石油炼制竞争 煤气化多联产系统 是较好选择,the quality of fuel is bad (direct liquefaction) The energy transformation ratio is low (indirect liquefaction), economically unfeasible The poly-generation is a good option,增加温室气体减排成本 Increase the costs of reducing GHG emissions,我国在19

14、95年所排放的CO2 总量达30亿吨,占世界总排放量的13.6% 我国的CO2 排放迟早会受到限制 常规技术的燃煤电站减排CO2 非常困难,The CO2 emission of China in 1995 is 13.6% of total emission in the world The CO2 emission will be limited sooner or later.mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in conventional coal power plant will lead to high cost.,煤气化多联产的技

15、术优势(一) The advantage of modernization coal utilization (1),污染排放水平接近天然气联合循环,满足最严格的环保要求 可以生产清洁液体燃料,缓解石油进口压力和城市污染 与IGCC相比,经济上具有竞争力,发电成本接近带脱硫脱销装置的燃煤蒸汽电站 合成气制造二甲醚:性质类似LPG,解决农村分散用能,The pollution of coal power generation will be lower down to the level of natural-gas fired combined cycle power plants. Poly

16、generation can provide clean transportation fuels, which are much better than petroleum derived gasoline and diesel fuels from them the point of view emission, thus, to reduce the petroleum import significantly. Not like “pure” integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC), polygeneration based on c

17、oal gasification can make the clean power generation economically competitive. Produce DME (similar as LPG), solve the distribution energy serve problem in rural area.,煤气化多联产的技术优势(二) The advantage of modernization coal utilization (2),将会使我国汽车工业、发动机制造业走出具有中国特色的道路,实现跨越式前进 清洁地利用高硫煤,解决相关问题。为低成本实现CO2减排提供

18、可能,A very prospective opportunity for Chinese automobile industry to have own intellectual property and to realize the leap-frog movement forward. Use the high sulfur coal cleanly. Provide the probability of low cost mitigation of CO2 in the long term.,煤炭现代化的前景 Vision for Modernized Coal,煤炭现代化的发展阶段

19、Three Step of Coal Modernization,近期,生产多种清洁合成燃料 中期,联产城市煤气、二甲醚、电力等多种能源载体来供应城市和农村的各种能量需求。 在远期,以最低廉的成本实现CO2近零排放的氢能生产。,Near term, product of various clean alternative liquid fuel Medium term, town gas, methanol, F-T liquids, and DME would be produced in polygeneration facilitiesProduce hydrogen at relati

20、vely low costs with near zero emission,实施煤气化多联产战略的政策建议(一) The recommendation for implementation of polygeneration system(1),充分认识以煤气化为核心的多联产系统在我国可持续发展能源系统中的重要战略地位。在充分论证的基础上,由国家牵头,制定详细发展规划,建立专门的研究组对多联产系统做出详细的可行性分析。,Fully recognize the strategic importance of the modernization coal utilization in the s

21、ustainable energy system of China. A detailed planning should be figured-out under the guidance of central government.,实施煤气化多联产战略的政策建议(二) The recommendation for implementation of polygeneration system(2),立即进行两个地区(东部富煤地区和西部)规模为20万吨甲醇和300400MW发电的煤气化多联产示范工程可行性研究.这些工程应由电力、化工、煤炭行业和当地政府联合操作,争取在57年内完成,Cond

22、ucting immediately the feasibility study of demo-plants in two areas( one in east China, and one in west China,) The scale could be 200tht/a of methanol and 300400MW power. These plants are desirable to be constricted within 57 years, under the joint effort of power, chemical and coal mining sectors

23、.,实施煤气化多联产战略的政策建议(三) The recommendation for implementation of polygeneration system(3),在示范工程的基础上规划今后2030年、甚至到2050年(每5年为一阶段)煤炭现代化利用的容量和这种利用方式占煤炭总消耗量的比例。 在多联产系统成熟阶段(510年)内,应在税收、贷款利率、国债资金使用等方面给予一定优惠。,On the base of demo-plants, Government should defined the capacity and portion of modernization of coal

24、 utilization in the total amount of coal consumption in coming 2030years, even up to 2050. In the “learning” period, the privileges in tax, low interest loan, funding, should be considered.,实施煤气化多联产战略的政策建议(四) The recommendation for implementation of polygeneration system(4),多联产系统的推广必须与电力部门紧密合作,或是共同投

25、资、共同经营,效益共享。电网必须以合理的价格收购多联产系统发出的电力,这是最为重要的。,The implementation and deployment of polygeneration system must be developed in the circumstance of close cooperation with power sector, for instance, joint investment, joint operation, joint sharing of the profits.Electric grid must purchase the electrici

26、ty generated by polygeneration systems at reasonable price, it is the most important issue,实施煤气化多联产战略的政策建议(五) The recommendation for implementation of polygeneration system(5),在近期(510年左右)大力推广使用掺混甲醇的M15燃料(含甲醇15)在汽车上的应用,大力推广二甲醚作为液化石油气的替代。中期(1015年)逐步推广二甲醚替代柴油,可以从公共汽车和卡车起步。,In the near term (510years),

27、wide-spread utilization of 15% methanol blended gasoline (15%, M15) should be taken place for motor vehicles, DME should be used as alternative of LPG. In the intermediate term (1015years), step by step disseminate the DME as alternative of diesel fuel.,实施煤气化多联产战略的政策建议(六) The recommendation for impl

28、ementation of polygeneration system(6),集中国内优秀科研力量 (包括开展国际合作),强化有关煤炭现代化利用技术的研究与开发。将其主要内容纳入到正在制定的国家中长期科技规划中。具体内容主要有:大规模高效的煤气化装置,一次通过浆态床反应器及其催化系统,大型先进燃气轮机的国产化,纯醇类和醚类燃料新型发动机的研制等。,Unite the best research teams (including the international collaboration) to conduct the R&D of polygeneration system, Includ

29、e the research projects concerning the modernization of coal utilization into the Intermediate/Long Term National Science and Technology Program. Research projects : high efficient large-scale coal gasifier, once through liquid phase reactor and corresponding catalyst system, problems linked with domestic manufacturing of large advanced gas turbine and finally, high efficient new methanol and DME engines.,谢谢!,Thank You!,


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