1、Intelligent transport systems Traffic and travel information (TTI) via transport protocol experts group, generation 2 (TPEG2) Part 15: Traffic event compact (TPEG2-TEC) PD ISO/TS 21219-15:2016 BSI Standards Publication WB11885_BSI_StandardCovs_2013_AW.indd 1 15/05/2013 15:06National foreword This Pu
2、blished Document is the UK implementation of ISO/TS 21219- 15:2016. The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee EPL/278, Intelligent transport systems. A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary. This publication
3、 does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application. The British Standards Institution 2016. Published by BSI Standards Limited 2016 ISBN 978 0 580 90970 2 ICS 03.220.01; 35.240.60 Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer
4、 immunity from legal obligations. This Published Document was published under the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 30 June 2016. Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication Date Text affected PUBLISHED DOCUMENT PD ISO/TS 21219-15:2016 ISO 2016 Intelligent transport syst
5、ems Traffic and travel information (TTI) via transport protocol experts group, generation 2 (TPEG2) Part 15: Traffic event compact (TPEG2-TEC) Systmes intelligents de transport Informations sur le trafic et le tourisme via le groupe expert du protocole de transport, gnration 2 (TPEG2) Partie 15: vne
6、ment trafic compact (TPEG2-TEC) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION ISO/TS 21219-15 Reference number ISO/TS 21219-15:2016(E) First edition 2016-06-01 PD ISO/TS 21219-15:2016 ISO/TS 21219-15:2016(E)ii ISO 2016 All rights reserved COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT ISO 2016, Published in Switzerland All rights reserved
7、. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at
8、 the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Ch. de Blandonnet 8 CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel. +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 copyrightiso.org www.iso.org PD ISO/TS 21219-15:2016 ISO/TS 21219-15:2016(E)Foreword v Introduction
9、vii 1 Scope . 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Terms and definitions . 1 4 Abbreviated terms 2 5 Application specific constraints . 2 5.1 Application identification 2 5.2 Version number signalling 2 5.3 Ordered components . 3 5.4 Extension . 3 5.5 TPEG Service Component Frame. 4 6 TEC Structure . 4 7 TE
10、C Message components . 5 7.1 TECMessage . 5 7.2 MMCSwitch . 5 7.3 MessageManagement 5 7.4 Event 5 7.5 Cause 8 7.6 DirectCause 9 7.7 Causes and sub-causes 10 7.8 LinkedCause .10 7.8.1 Rules 11 7.8.2 Further constraints .11 7.8.3 Coding Examples .11 7.9 Advice .14 7.10 VehicleRestriction14 7.11 Divers
11、ionRoute 15 7.11.1 Description for Creating and Applying Diversions 15 7.11.2 Strategy for Coding a Diversion .15 7.12 TemporarySpeedLimit .17 7.13 ProblemLocation 21 7.14 RestrictionLocation 21 7.15 SegmentLocation 21 8 TEC Datatypes .21 8.1 RestrictionType .21 8.2 SegmentModifier 21 8.3 TemporaryS
12、peedLimitSection 21 9 TEC Tables 22 9.1 tec001:EffectCode .22 9.2 tec002:CauseCode .22 9.3 tec003:WarningLevel .24 9.4 tec004:LaneRestriction 25 9.5 tec005:AdviceCode .25 9.6 tec006:Tendency 26 9.7 tec007:RestrictionType 27 9.8 tec008:DiversionRoadType .28 9.9 tec009:VehicleType 28 9.10 tec100:SubCa
13、useType 29 9.11 tec101:TrafficCongestion 30 9.12 tec102:Accident .30 ISO 2016 All rights reserved iii Contents Page PD ISO/TS 21219-15:2016 ISO/TS 21219-15:2016(E)9.13 tec103:Roadworks 30 9.14 tec104:NarrowLanes 30 9.15 tec105:Impassability 31 9.16 tec106:SlipperyRoad.31 9.17 tec108:Fire .32 9.18 te
14、c109:HazardousDrivingConditions .32 9.19 tec110:ObjectsOnTheRoad 32 9.20 tec111:AnimalsOnRoadway 33 9.21 tec112:PeopleOnRoadway .33 9.22 tec113:BrokenDownVehicles.34 9.23 tec115:RescueAndRecoveryWorkInProgress 34 9.24 tec116:RegulatoryMeasure .34 9.25 tec117:ExtremeWeatherConditions 35 9.26 tec118:V
15、isibilityReduced 35 9.27 tec119:Precipitation 36 9.28 tec120:RecklessPersons .36 9.29 tec123:MajorEvent .36 9.30 tec124:ServiceNotOperating 37 9.31 tec125:ServiceNotUseable .37 9.32 tec126:SlowMovingVehicles .37 9.33 tec127:DangerousEndOfQueue .38 9.34 tec128:RiskOfFire 38 9.35 tec129:TimeDelay .38
16、9.36 tec130:PoliceCheckpoint .39 9.37 tec131:MalfunctioningRoadsideEquipment .39 9.38 tec200:SubAdviceType . .39 9.39 tec202:OvertakingNotAllowed.40 9.40 tec203:DrivingNotAllowed 40 9.41 tec207:GiveWayToVehiclesFromBehind 40 9.42 tec208:FollowDiversion .41 9.43 tec213:DriveCarefully 41 9.44 tec214:D
17、oNotLeaveYourVehicle 41 9.45 tec216:UseTollLanes .41 Annex A (normative) TPEG TEC, TPEG-Binary Representation .42 Annex B (normative) TPEG application, TPEG-ML Representation 50 Bibliography .63 iv ISO 2016 All rights reserved PD ISO/TS 21219-15:2016 ISO/TS 21219-15:2016(E) Foreword ISO (the Interna
18、tional Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has be
19、en established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical stan
20、dardization. The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accord
21、ance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www.iso.org/directives). Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details
22、 of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www.iso.org/patents). Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endo
23、rsement. For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISOs adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information The committee resp
24、onsible for this document is ISO/TC 204, Intelligent transport systems. ISO/TS 21219 consists of the following parts, under the general title Intelligent transport systems Traffic and travel information (TTI) via transport protocol experts group, generation 2 (TPEG2): Part 1: Introduction, numbering
25、 and versions (TPEG2-INV) Technical Specification Part 2: UML modelling rules Technical Specification Part 3: UML to binary conversion rules Technical Specification Part 4: UML to XML conversion rules Technical Specification Part 5: Service framework (TPEG2-SFW) Technical Specification Part 6: Messa
26、ge management container (TPEG2-MMC) Technical Specification Part 9: Service and network information (TPEG2-SNI) Technical Specification Part 10: Conditional access information (TPEG2-CAI) Technical Specification Part 14: Parking information application (TPEG2-PKI) Technical Specification Part 15: Tr
27、affic event compact Technical Specification Part 18: Traffic flow and prediction application (TPEG2-TFP) Technical Specification Part 19: Weather information (TPEG2-WEA) Technical Specification The following parts are under preparation: Part 16: Fuel price information and availability application (T
28、PEG2-FPI) Technical Specification Part 23: Road and multi-modal routes application (TPEG2-RMR) Technical Specification Part 24: Light encryption (TPEG2-LTE) Technical Specification ISO 2016 All rights reserved v PD ISO/TS 21219-15:2016 ISO/TS 21219-15:2016(E) Part 25: Electromobility charging infras
29、tructure (TPEG2-EMI) Technical Specification The following parts are planned: Part 7: Location referencing container Technical Specification Part 11: Universal location reference Technical Specification Part 21: Geographic location referencing Technical Specification Part 22: OpenLR location referen
30、cing Technical Specificationvi ISO 2016 All rights reserved PD ISO/TS 21219-15:2016 ISO/TS 21219-15:2016(E) Introduction History TPEG technology was originally proposed by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) Broadcast Management Committee, who established the B/TPEG project group in the autumn of
31、1997 with a brief to develop, as soon as possible, a new protocol for broadcasting traffic and travel-related information in the multimedia environment. TPEG technology, its applications and service features were designed to enable travel-related messages to be coded, decoded, filtered and understoo
32、d by humans (visually and/or audibly in the users language) and by agent systems. Originally, a byte-oriented data stream format, which may be carried on almost any digital bearer with an appropriate adaptation layer, was developed. Hierarchically structured TPEG messages from service providers to e
33、nd-users were designed to transfer information from the service provider database to an end-users equipment. One year later, in December 1998, the B/TPEG group produced its first EBU specifications. Two documents were released. Part 2 (TPEG-SSF, which became ISO/TS 18234-2) described the Syntax, Sem
34、antics and Framing structure, which was used for all TPEG applications. Meanwhile, Part 4 (TPEG- RTM, which became ISO/TS 18234-4) described the first application for Road Traffic Messages. Subsequently, in March 1999, CEN/TC 278, in conjunction with ISO/TC 204, established a group comprising member
35、s of the former EBU B/TPEG and this working group continued development work. Further parts were developed to make the initial set of four parts enabling the implementation of a consistent service. Part 3 (TPEG-SNI, ISO/TS 18234-3) described the Service and Network Information Application used by al
36、l service implementations to ensure appropriate referencing from one service source to another. Part 1 (TPEG-INV, ISO/TS 18234-1) completed the series by describing the other parts and their relationship; it also contained the application IDs used within the other parts. Additionally, Part 5, the Pu
37、blic Transport Information Application (TPEG-PTI, ISO/TS 18234-5), was developed. The so-called TPEG-LOC location referencing method, which enabled both map-based TPEG-decoders and non-map- based ones to deliver either map-based location referencing or human readable text information, was issued as
38、ISO/TS 18234-6 to be used in association with the other applications parts of the ISO/TS 18234 series to provide location referencing. The ISO/TS 18234 series has become known as TPEG Generation 1. TPEG Generation 2 When the Traveller Information Services Association (TISA), derived from former foru
39、ms, was inaugurated in December 2007, TPEG development was taken over by TISA and continued in the TPEG applications working group. It was about this time that the (then) new Unified Modelling Language (UML) was seen as having major advantages for the development of new TPEG Applications in communit
40、ies who would not necessarily have binary physical format skills required to extend the original TPEG TS work. It was also realized that the XML format for TPEG described within the ISO/TS 24530 series (now superseded) had a greater significance than previously foreseen, especially in the content-ge
41、neration segment and that keeping two physical formats in synchronism, in different standards series, would be rather difficult. As a result, TISA set about the development of a new TPEG structure that would be UML based. This has subsequently become known as TPEG Generation 2. TPEG2 is embodied in
42、the ISO/TS 21219 series and it comprises many parts that cover introduction, rules, toolkit and application components. TPEG2 is built around UML modelling and has a core of rules that contain the modelling strategy covered in ISO/TS 21219-2, ISO/TS 21219-3, ISO/TS 21219-4 and the conversion to two
43、current physical formats: binary and XML; others could be added in the future. TISA uses an automated tool to convert from the agreed UML model XMI file directly into an MS Word document file, to minimize drafting errors, that forms the Annex for each physical format. ISO 2016 All rights reserved vi
44、i PD ISO/TS 21219-15:2016 ISO/TS 21219-15:2016(E) TPEG2 has a three container conceptual structure: Message Management (ISO/TS 21219-6), Application (many Parts) and Location Referencing (ISO/TS 21219-7). This structure has flexible capability and can accommodate many differing use cases that have b
45、een proposed within the TTI sector and wider for hierarchical message content. TPEG2 also has many location referencing options as required by the service provider community, any of which may be delivered by vectoring data included in the Location Referencing Container. The following classification
46、provides a helpful grouping of the different TPEG2 parts according to their intended purpose. Toolkit parts: TPEG2-INV (ISO/TS 21219-1), TPEG2-UML (ISO/TS 21219-2), TPEG2-UBCR (ISO/TS 21219-3), TPEG2-UXCR (ISO/TS 21219-4), TPEG2-SFW (ISO/TS 21219-5), TPEG2-MMC (ISO/TS 21219-6), TPEG2-LRC (ISO/TS 212
47、19-7), TPEG2-LTE (ISO/TS 21219-24); Special applications: TPEG2-SNI (ISO/TS 21219-9), TPEG2-CAI (ISO/TS 21219-10); Location referencing: TPEG2-ULR (ISO/TS 21219-11), TPEG2-GLR (ISO/TS 21219-21), TPEG2-OLR (ISO/TS 21219-22); Applications: TPEG2-PKI (ISO/TS 21219-14), TPEG2-TEC (ISO/TS 21219-15), TPEG
48、2-FPI (ISO/TS 21219-16), TPEG2-TFP (ISO/TS 21219-18), TPEG2-WEA (ISO/TS 21219-19), TPEG2-RMR (ISO/TS 21219-23), TPEG2-EMI (ISO/TS 21219-25). TPEG2 has been developed to be broadly (but not totally) backward compatible with TPEG1 to assist in transitions from earlier implementations, while not hinder
49、ing the TPEG2 innovative approach and being able to support many new features, such as dealing with applications having both long-term, unchanging content and highly dynamic content, such as Parking Information. This part of ISO/TS 21219 is based on the TISA specification technical/editorial version reference: SP13001/3.2/002viii ISO 2016 All rights reserved PD ISO/TS 21219-15:2016 Intelligent transport systems Traffic and travel information (TTI