1、Date of Issue: October 2011 Affected Publication: API MPMS Chapter 7, “Temperature Determination”, First Edition, June 2001 ADDENDUM 1 The below listed sections are removed from API MPMS Chapter 7, “Temperature Determination”, 1stedition 2001 and will now be covered by API MPMS Chapter 7.3 “Temperat
2、ure DeterminationFixed Automatic Tank Temperature Systems”, 2ndedition, 2011. Remove the following sections: 5.1 Fixed Automatic Tank Thermometers (ATTs) 5.5 Thermowells 5.6 Data Collection, Data Transmission, and Receiving Equipment 6.1 Ambient Temperature 6.3 Fixed Automatic Tank Thermometers 8.1
3、Fixed Automatic Tank Thermometers (ATTs) 9.1 Fixed Automatic Tank Thermometers Revision of API MPMS Chapter 7-2001 is ongoing. The revision of API MPMS Chapter 7 will divide the current standard into four separate standards. It is anticipated that these four standards, including API MPMS Chapter 7.3
4、-2011 referenced above, will supersede the sections of API MPMS Chapter 7-2001 as follows: API MPMS Chapter 7, “Temperature Determination, 1stedition 2001, sections: 5.3 Glass Thermometers 5.5 Thermowells 5.6 Data Collection, Data Transmission, and Receiving Equipment 6.1 Ambient Temperature 6.5 Mer
5、cury-in-Glass Thermometers 8.3 Glass and Mercury-in-Glass Thermometer Verification to be covered by API MPMS Chapter 7.1, 2ndEdition, “Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers”. API MPMS Chapter 7, “Temperature Determination”, 1stedition 2001, sections: 5.2 Portable Electronic Thermometers (PETs) 5.4 Electronic
6、 Temperature Devices 5.5 Thermowells. 5.6 Data Collection, Data Transmission, and Receiving Equipment 6.1 Ambient Temperature 6.4 Portable Electronic Thermometers 8.2 Portable Electronic Thermometers (PETs) to be covered by API MPMS Chapter 7.2, 3rdEdition, “Portable Electronic Thermometers (PETs)”.
7、 API MPMS Chapter 7, “Temperature Determination”, 1stedition 2001, sections: 5.5 Thermowells. 5.6 Data Collection, Data Transmission, and Receiving Equipment 7 Dynamic Temperature Measurement 8.4 Dynamic Verification and Calibration 9.2 Dynamic Temperature Equipment to be covered by API MPMS Chapter 7.4, 2ndEdition, “Dynamic Temperature Measurement”.