API PUBL 1612-1996 Guidance Document for the Discharge of Petroleum Distribution Terminal Effluents to Publicly Owned Treatment Works《油气分布码头污水公有处理工程指导性文件.第1版》.pdf

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API PUBL 1612-1996 Guidance Document for the Discharge of Petroleum Distribution Terminal Effluents to Publicly Owned Treatment Works《油气分布码头污水公有处理工程指导性文件.第1版》.pdf_第1页
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API PUBL 1612-1996 Guidance Document for the Discharge of Petroleum Distribution Terminal Effluents to Publicly Owned Treatment Works《油气分布码头污水公有处理工程指导性文件.第1版》.pdf_第2页
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API PUBL 1612-1996 Guidance Document for the Discharge of Petroleum Distribution Terminal Effluents to Publicly Owned Treatment Works《油气分布码头污水公有处理工程指导性文件.第1版》.pdf_第3页
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API PUBL 1612-1996 Guidance Document for the Discharge of Petroleum Distribution Terminal Effluents to Publicly Owned Treatment Works《油气分布码头污水公有处理工程指导性文件.第1版》.pdf_第4页
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API PUBL 1612-1996 Guidance Document for the Discharge of Petroleum Distribution Terminal Effluents to Publicly Owned Treatment Works《油气分布码头污水公有处理工程指导性文件.第1版》.pdf_第5页
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1、_ STD.API/PETRO PUBL LbL2-ENGL L77b U732270 05b2827 247 Guidance Document for the Discharge of Pet rol eu m Distribution Terminai Effluents to Publicly Owned Treatment Works API PUBLICATION 1612 FIRST EDITION, NOVEMBER 1996 American Petroleum Institute STD.API/PETRO PUBL LbLZ-ENGL 177b 0732270 05b28

2、28 183 Guidance Document for the Discharge of Petroleum Distribution Terminal Effluents to Publicly Owned Treatment Works Manufacturing, Distribution and Marketing Department API PUBLICATION 161 2 FIRST EDITION, NOVEMBER 1996 American Petroleum 1. Institute I STD.API/PETRO PUBL LbL2-ENGL 177b m 0732

3、270 05b2827 OLT m SPECIAL NOTES API publications necessarily address problems of a general nature. With respect to partic- ular circumstances, local, state, and federal laws and regulations should be reviewed. API is not undertaking to meet the duties of employers, manufacturers, or suppliers to war

4、n and properly train and equip their employees, and others exposed, Concerning health and safety risks and precautions, nor undertaking their obligations under local, state, or federal laws. Information concerning safety and health risks and proper precautions with respect to par- ticular materials

5、and conditions should be obtained from the employer, the manufacturer or supplier of that material, or the material safety data sheet. Nothing contained in any API publication is to be construed as granting any right, by implication or otherwise, for the manufacture, sale, or use of any method, appa

6、ratus, or prod- uct covered by letters patent. Neither should anything contained in the publication be con- strued as insuring anyone against liability for infringement of letters patent. Generally, API standards are reviewed and revised, realrmed, or withdrawn at least every five years. Sometimes a

7、 one-time extension of up to two years will be added to this review cycle. This publication will no longer be in effect five years after its publication date as an operative API standard or, where an extension has been granted, upon republication. Status of the publication can be ascertained from th

8、e API Authoring Depamnent telephone (202) 682-8000. A catalog of API publications and materials is published annually and updated quarterly by API, 1220 L Sireet, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005. This document was produced under API standardization procedures that ensure appropri- ate notification and

9、participation in the developmental process and is designated as an API standard. Questions concerning the interpretation of the content of this standard or com- ments and questions concerning the procedures under which this standard was developed should be directed in hting to the director of the Au

10、thoring Department (shown on the titie page of this document), American Petroleum Institute, 1220 L Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005. Requests for permission to reproduce or translate all or any part of the material published herein should also be addressed to the director. API standards are pub

11、lished to facilitate the broad availability of proven, sound engineer- ing and operating practices. These standards are not intended to obviate the need for apply- ing sound engineering judgment regarding when and where these standards should be utilized. The formulation and publication of API stand

12、ards is not intended in any way to inhibit anyone from using any other practices. Any manufacturer marking equipment or materials in conformance with the marking requirements of an API standard is solely responsible for complying with all the applicable requirements of that standard. API does not re

13、present, warrant, or guarantee that such prod- ucts do in fact conform to the applicable API standard. All rights reserved No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior w

14、ritten permissionfrom the publisher Contact the Publishel; API Publishing Services, 1220 L Street, N. W, Washington, D. C. 20005. Copyright O 1996 American Petroleum institute STD.API/PETRO PUBL LbL2-ENGL L77b m 0732270 05b2830 831 m FOREWORD Petroleum product terminals receive bulk shipments of gas

15、oline, middle distillates, avia- tion gas, lube oil, and specialty products from pipelines, tankers, barges, railcars, and tnicks. The products are stored in tanks and warehouses and distributed to service stations, truck stops, and other points of use. There are approximately 1700 pipeline and petr

16、oleum product terminals in the United States. Terminals generate wastewaters consisting primarily of tank bottom water and stonnwater runoff from product transfer areas. The various wastewaters are treated by an oiywater sepa- rator to recover any free product, and the treated wastewater is discharg

17、ed as terminal efflu- ent. Often, because of geographic location, low effluent volume, or operating limitations, the most practical disposal option for terminal effluent will be discharge to the local publicly owned treatment works 0. Effluent discharge to a POTW usuaily requires a permit or agreeme

18、nt ffom the POTW, specifying conditions under which the discharge is acceptable. In some cases, POTWs may have significant concerns regarding the acceptance of termi- nal effluent. Concerns include the following: a. Terminal effluent may contain flammable liquids, creating an explosion hazard in the

19、 sewers or wastewater treatment plant. b. Treatment effluent contaminants may harm the treatment process, hindering the treatment plants ability to function effectively. c. Terminal effluent contaminants may not be treatable by the treatment plant and may thus be discharged to the environment in exc

20、essive quantities. d. Terminant effluent discharges may not be adequately controlled, leading to slugs of oil, contaminants, or volume entering the sewers. e. Terminal effluent contaminants may exposes POTW operators to health hazuds. These are important concerns for POTWs, but terminals can success

21、fully address them. The concerns are more logically associated with major industrial dischargers, as opposed to petroleum product terminals, which typically generate only small volumes of terminal efflu- ents, have systems in place to prevent flammable liquid discharges, and can readily imple- ment

22、effective discharge controls. This guidance document is written to assist the terminal through the negotiations of a pre- treatment discharge permit or agreement with the local POW. The document describes key systems at POTWs and terminals, explains POTW concerns, and presents reasonable meth- ods f

23、or addressing the concerns. This document is organized into seven sections addressing key issues involved in obtain- ing a pretreatment discharge permit. The sections are as follows: a. Section I-POW Characteristics-Explains the main components of POWs-the sewer system and the treatment plant. POTW

24、performance requirements are described, as well as operating limits, giving the terminal an understanding of the sources of POW con- cerns regarding the acceptance of terminal effluents. b. Section 2-Pretreatment Requirements-Discusses the pretreatment program, which is the framework for regulating

25、industrial discharges to POTWs. It describes the constraints POTWs may impose on terminal effluent discharges. c. Section i-characteristics of Terminal Effluent-Describes sources of terminal effluent and typical effluent compositions. Factors affecting effluent volume and contaminant loading are add

26、ressed. d. Section 4-POTW Concerns-Discusses specific concerns POTWs may have about accepting terminal effluents. Measures for mitigating the concerns are described. e. Section 5-Relations with POW Management-Guides the reader through the dis- charge application process, from initial contact to secu

27、ring the permit to maintaining good relations with the POW after discharge commences. a iii STD-API/PETRO PUBL LbL2-ENGL L99b 0732290 05b283L 778 m f. Section 6-Terminal Pretreatment Options-Addresses methods to reduce terminal efflu- ent volume and to treat the effluent to reduce contaminant levels

28、. g. Section 7-Associated Costs-Outiines costs associated with discharging terminal efflu- ent to a POTW. Two appendixes provide information that may be useful in preparing for a pretreatment permit negotiation: a. Appendix A-Mass Balance Calculations: This appendix shows how to calculate con- tamin

29、ant concentrations in terminal effluent and demonstrate the insignificant impact of the contaminants on a POTW. b. Appendix B-Petroleum Product Terminal Wastewater Characterization Data: This appendix summarizes available data on specific terminal wastewaters and composite termi- nal effluents. API

30、publications may be used by anyone desiring to do so. Every effort has been made by the Institute to assure the accuracy and reliability of the data contained in them; however, the Institute makes no representation, warranty, or guarantee in connection with this publication and hereby expressly disc

31、laims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from its use or for the violation of any federal, state, or municipal regulation with which this publication may conflict. SuEested revisions are invited and should be submitted to the director of the Manufactur- ing, Distribution an

32、d Marketing Department, American Petroleum Institute, 1220 L Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 2000.5. STD.API/PETRO PUBL LbLZ-ENGL 177b m 0732270 05b2832 b04 m CONTENTS Page SECTION 1POTW CHARACTERISTICS 1 1.1 Introduction . 1 1.2 Components of a POTW System 1 POTW Sewer System Components . 1 1.2.1 1.

33、2.2 Typical Wastewater Treatment System components . 1 1.3 Performance Requirements of P0“s 4 1.3.1 Concentration Limits 4 1.3.2 FiowLimits . . 4 1.4 Operating Lits of POTWs . 4 1.4.1 How Limitations 4 1.4.2 Mass Loading Letations . 4 1.5 Referenced Publications 4 SECTION 2-PRETREATMENT REQUIREMENTS

34、 5 2.1 Introuction . 5 2.2 Pretreatment Programs 5 2.2.1 EPA Regulations . 5 industrial User Classifications 6 2.3.1 SIU Definition 6 2.3.2 Typical Requirements for Nonsignificant Industrial Users . 6 2.3.3 Typical SIU Requirements . 8 2.4 Development of Local Limits . 8 2.5 Typical Pretreatment Req

35、uirements Likely to Affect Terminals 9 2.5.1 POTW Connection . 9 2.5.2 Seif-Monitoring . 9 2.5.3 How Control . 9 2.5.4 Waste Disposal . 9 2.5.5 Spill Prevention 9 2.5.6 PretreanendWaste Minimization 9 2.5.7 Fees . 9 2.2.2 Objectives . 5 2.3 SECTION 3-CHAR4CERISTICS OF TERMINAL EFFLUENT . 10 3.1 Intr

36、oduction . 10 3.2 Background on Petroleum Product Terminals 10 3.3 Terminal Effluent Sources . 10 3.3.1 Tank Bottom Water . 10 3.3.2 Stormwater 10 3.3.3 Other Effluent Sources . 10 3.4 Terminal Effluent Volumes 11 3.4.1 Tank Bottom Water . 11 3.4.2 Stormwater 11 3.4.3 Other Effluent Sources 11 Termi

37、nal Effluent Contaminants 12 3.5 3.6 Typical Terminal Effluent Composition . 12 SECTION 4-POTW CONCERNS . 13 4.1 Introduction 13 4.2 Flammable Discharges . 13 V STD.API/PETR PUBL LbL2-ENGL 177b 0732290 05b2833 540 Page 4.3 Contaminants 14 4.3.1 Interference 14 4.3.3 Sludge Contamination . 15 4.4 Flo

38、w Loading . 15 4.4.1 Slug Loading 15 4.4.2 Stormwater Discharge . 16 4.4.3 Timing of Discharge 16 4.5 Worker Exposure 16 4.3.2 PaSS-ThrOugh . 14 SECTION 5-RELATIONS WITH POTW MANAGEMENT 17 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Introduction 17 Preparing for Permit Application . 17 5.2.1 Preliminary Steps . 17 5.2.2 Ch

39、aracterize Terminal Effluent 17 Applying for the Permit . 18 5.3.1 SU Applications 18 5.3.2 Requirements of Nonsignificant industrial Users . 18 5.3.3 Discussions With POTW . 18 5.3.4 Legai Requirements . 18 Connecting to the System : . 18 Maintaining the Relationship . 18 5.5.1 Permit Compliance 18

40、 5.5.2 Sampling and Analysis 19 5.5.3 Reporting Changes in Discharge . 19 SECTION 6TERMiNAL PRETRFATMENT OPTIONS 20 6.1 introduction 20 6.2 Effluent Minimization 20 6.3 Discharge Control Methods . 20 6.3.1 Industrial Discharge Row Control 20 6.3.2 Flammable Liquid Discharge Safeguards . 20 6.4 Monit

41、oring Discharges . 20 6.5 Effluent Treatment 21 SECTION 7-ASSOCIATED COSTS . i 21 7.1 introduction 21 7.2 Permit Cornpliance Costs . 21 7.2.1 Sampling and Laboratory Analysis . 21 7.2.2 Recordkeeping . 22 7.3 User Costs . 22 7.3.1 Connection Fees 22 7.3.2 Flow-Specific Fees . 22 7.3.3 Contaminant-Sp

42、ecific Fees 22 7.3.4 High-Strength Surcharge . 22 7.4 Pretreatment Costs . 22 7.4.1 Capital Costs 22 7.4.2 Operating Costs 23 vi . STD.API/PETRO PUBL LbLZ-ENGL 177b 0732270 05b2834 487 Page APPEIWIX A-MASS BALANCE CALCULATIONS 25 APPENDIX B-PETROLEUM PRODUCT TERMINAL WASTEWATER CWCTERIZATION DATA .

43、31 Figures 1-Typical Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Process With Issues 2-Typical Treatment Plant Inflow Curves (Weekday. . Related to Terminals Noted) 2 Residential. Conditions) 2 4-Detemnination of Industrial User Classification . 7 3-EPA-Approved State Fretreatment Program . 5 Tables 1-Exam

44、ples of Terminal Effluent Contaminant Loadings . 13 24afeguards Against Flammable Liquid Discharge . 14 3-Steps to Alleviate Interference Concerns . 15 -teps to Alleviate Pass-Through Concerns 15 5-Steps to Alleviate Sludge Contamination Concerns 15 -teps to Alleviate Slug Loading Concerns . 16 7-St

45、eps to Alleviate Stormwater Discharge Concerns . 16 however, nontoxic gases are also of concern to the POW, as they displace air from the sewer system. Likewise, POW operators are also concerned about exposure to volatile and possibly toxic contaminants dis- charged by industrial users. 1.2.2 TYPICA

46、L WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM COMPONENTS Wastewater treatment plants typically purify wastewater using a combination of solids settling, biological degradation of dissolved contaminants, and disinfection of pathogenic organisms. Plant complexity, confi,gration, and process selection vary from POTW t

47、o POW. Most plants are con- structed for liquid and sludge treatment. However, some plants now include air and odor treatment as well. Key pro- cesses are described below, with POTW concerns noted. Fig- ure 1 shows a typical arrangement of many of these processes at a wastewater Qeatment plant. 1.2.

48、2.1 Influent Pumping At some plants, an influent pumping station lifts wastewa- ter to a higher elevation so wastewater can flow by gravity through the plant. These pumps have hydraulic limitations. Overloading can result in sewer backups and possible waste- water overows. Since an influent pumping

49、chamber is the low point in the conveyance system and the treatment plant, vapors heavier than air can collect here. Therefore, a POW may be concerned about explosion hazards at the influent pumping chamber. Equalization Basin Treatment processes work better with stable inputs of flow and waste. Wastewater flows to POWs tend to follow a “diurnal curve,” as shown in Figure 2. Typically this diurnal curve has high sewer flows at somewhat predictable times of day related to the workday. Peaks normally occur after the morning and afternoon commute hours. Low flows occur a

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