API PUBL 4479-1989 Proceedings 1989 Oil Spill Conference Prevention Behavior Control Cleanup《1989年溢油会议防治 行为方式 控制 清理的诉讼》.pdf

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API PUBL 4479-1989 Proceedings 1989 Oil Spill Conference Prevention Behavior Control Cleanup《1989年溢油会议防治 行为方式 控制 清理的诉讼》.pdf_第1页
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API PUBL 4479-1989 Proceedings 1989 Oil Spill Conference Prevention Behavior Control Cleanup《1989年溢油会议防治 行为方式 控制 清理的诉讼》.pdf_第5页
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1、 API PUBL*4479 89 0732290 0501803 b 1989 Oil Spill Conference Proceedings 1989 Oil Spill Conference (Prevention, Behavior, Control, Cleanup) 20th Anniversary Conference February 13-16,1989 San Antonio, Texas Sponsored by: American Petroleum Institute, Environmental Protection Agency, and United Stat

2、es Coast Guard API PUBL*4479 89 W 0732290 050L805 T W Printed in the United States of America Library of Congress Catalog No. 75-4161 American Petroleum Institute publication No. 4479 American Petroleum Institute 1220 L Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005 The first Oil Spill Conference was held in N

3、ew York in December 1969. It was jointly sponsored by the American Petroleum Institute and the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration (FWPCA), predecessor of the Environmental Protection Agency. That conference attracted an international audience of 1,100 to hear 41 technical papers, several

4、 of which dealt with the Santa Barbara oil spill which occurred in January of that year. The goals of the first conference were “to delineate the overall dimensions of the oil spills problem, explore the present state of the art of prevention and control of oil spills, and review the relevant resear

5、ch and development efforts of government and private industry, both here and abroad.” The 1989 Oil Spa Conference celebrates the 20th anniversary of that first conference. Although academic research is widely recognized as having contributed equally with government and industry research, the goals o

6、f the 1989 conference remain largely as stated in 1969. However, both the state of knowledge and overall spill preparedness are vastly different from what they were 20 years ago. The Oil Spill Conference has become the major forum for sharing this information, and the Conference Proceedings volumes

7、are critical references for anyone working in the field. The current sponsors-the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Coast Guard, and American Petroleum Instituteare proud of the part the Conference has played in the progress on all aspects of the oil spill problem over the past 20 years. We

8、 also recognize that our work is not yet complete. For example, spill cleanup methods that increase, rather than minimize, the environmental impacts of spills are still occasionally used in areas that contain sensitive habitats. We need to reach a consensus about those habitats for which ecological

9、considerations are to be primary and, similarly, those where esthetic considerations will prevail. In addition, further work is needed to improve our response capability for inland spils. With this meeting, the Conference will have recorded 20 years of international thought on oil spill issues, The

10、sponsors look to future Conferences to build on this base, and take this opportunity to thank the authors whose papers comprise the eleven Proceedings volumes, as well as the members of the Conference panels and planning committees who have contributed generously to it. June Lindstedt-Siva V 1989 OI

11、L SPILL CONFERENCE COMMITTEES Steering Committee Chairman June Lindstedt-Siva Atlantic Richfield Company Vice Chairman Vice Chairman Ronald D. Hill U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (=apt. Richard M. Larrabee US. Coast Guard John S. Farlow US. Environmental Protection Agency Jack R. Gould America

12、n Petroleum Instih4te James Hildrew Mobil Oil Corporation Lt. Cdr. Wayne Hollingsworth US. Coast Guard Kurt Jakobson US. Environmental Protection Agency Cdr. Mark L. Lavache US. Coast Guard Scott Loll Atlantic Richfield Company Alexandra Moore Amoco Corporation John Riley U.S. Environmental Protecfi

13、on Agency Dilworth Chamberlain (Vice Chairman) Atlantic Richfield Company John Riley (Vice Chairman) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency John P. Bennington Amoco Transport Company Gerard P. Canevari G. P. Canevari Economic impact Critical accumulation, 580 Crude oil, 289,479,23, 357 burning charact

14、eristics, 181 waxy, 105 Curie point wires, 13 Currents, 517 Cutter 206, 347 Convention on the Protection of the Japan, 247 API PUBLU4479 89 m 0732290 0501825 5 D Damage assessment, 275,293, 303, 459 Data Processing system, monitoring Deep Water Ports Act (DWA), 513, 253 Dernulsifiers, 289 Department

15、 of Interior (DOI), 547 Diauxie, 479 Dispersants, 61, 105, 447, 317 programs, 239 application, 337 benefits, 343, 347, 357 contingency planning, 309, 455 effectiveness, 365, 333 guidelines, 321, 331, 343, 91, 353 toxicity, 343, 309 Dispersant-to-oil ratio, 347 Displacement, 137 Disposal sites, 201 D

16、roplet entrainment, 580, 567 Ducks, 493 Ecological. See Environmental Econonic impact, 61, 509,503, 473,293, 303 spill management, 201 See also Cleanup costs Economic risk analysis, 281 Edison evaluation, 181 Ediz Hook, 421, 487,459 Eider duck, 493 Electromagnetics (EM), 13 Endicott Development, 573

17、 England, 580 Ensenada Honda, 407 Environment evaluation, 239 protection plan, 239 recovery, 433, 487, 4M sessment, 533 assessment, 533 evaluation, 578 spill management, 201 See also Natural resources Environmental monitoring, 413 Environmental Protection Law of the Peoples Republic of China, 235 En

18、vironmental sensitivity, 463 Environmental sensitivity index (ESI), 572, 583, 463 Estuarine systems, 401, 95 Evaporation, 105, 357 Explosimeters, 13 Exxon, 575 Environmental effects, computerized as- Environmental impact, 509, 503, 95, 459 See also River monitoring Falmouth, 115 Federal Region I, 57

19、5 Federal Region II, 321,407 Federal Region III, 77, 39, 45,81,463, 85 Federal Region W, 293,303, 95,353,583 Federal Region VI, 309, 383, 572, 533, Federal Region E, 568, 321,413, 91,257, Federal Region X, 321, 421, 573, 231, Federal Republic of Germany, 239,225, Federal Water Pollution Control Act,

20、 353 Feoso Ambassador, 197 Fertilizer, oil-soluble, 439 353,71 65,353, 581,289 275, 487, 87, 459 265 Field trials, 525, 455, 347, 576, 289, 375, 433, 479, 123, 127, 439, 357 dispersants, 337, 317 wildlife, 447 See also Modeling; Research, laboratory Financial management, pollution, 189 Fire, 105, 18

21、1 case history, 137 Fish, 309, 389,239 See also Mariculture; Salmon Fisheries, 309, 389 Fish netting, 105, 123 Flooding, 572 Floreffe, 39, 45, 81 Florida, 321, 533, 353, 583 Fog, 413 Follow-up activities, 39 Fore River, 575 Forfies Crude Oil Trial, 525 Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) system, Fourier

22、 transform infrared (FTIR) spec- France, 401, 353, 289, 53, 337, 503 Froude number, 459 FUND conventions, 513 579 troscopy, 427 Gas emissions, 181 Gasoline spill, 115 Geographic information system (GIS), 583 Georgia, 293, 303, 95, 353 German Bight, 265 Germany. See Federal Republic of Glossary, 39 G

23、olden Craig, 568 Government relations, 201 Grenfell, 347 Groundwater, 539, 395, 53, 115, 7 See also Water supply Guam, 568 Guemes Channel, 87 Gulf of Finland, 205 Gulf of Mexico, 309, 533 Harbour Superintendency Administration, 197 Hardware needs, 261 Hawaii, 321 Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments

24、 to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 27 Hazardous Waste Cleanup Statutes (HWCS), 275 Heavy oil recovery, 123 Helsinki Convention, 265 Hibernia Crude oil, 105, 479 Hillya, 205 Hot-tap method, 137 Hydrocarbons, 427, 357 concentrations, 421 detection, 13, 439 polynuclear aromatic (PAH), 579,

25、 181, 555 Ice cover, 181 IMOIUNEP guidelines, 321 Implementation procedures needs, 261 Indemnification, 499 Indian tribes, sovereignty and proprietary -. -. rights, 297 Industrial hygiene devices, 13 Industries, 473 Infaunal recovery, 421 INIPOL EAP22, 439 Inland spills, 261 Inspections, 581 Institu

26、t Francais du Petrole (IFP), 289 International Commission for Radiological Protection (ICRP), 7 International cooperation, 205 International Oil Pollution Compensation (IOPC) Fund, 509 International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation (ITOPF), 473 Intertidal sediments, 401, 487 Invertebrates, 61, 459

27、 recovery, 421 IR spectra oil, 427 Isla Desolacin, 61 Israel, 395 Italy, 579 Jamaica, 455 James T. Quigg, 87 Japan, 247,221 Jet propulsion fuel (JP-5), 407 Kelp, 459 Kerosene, 395 Kuwait, 215 La Rosa crude oil, 181 Law for Prevention of Disasters in Petro- leum Complexes and Other Petroleum Faciliti

28、es, 221 Law Relating to the Prevention of Marine Pollution and Maritime Disaster, 221 Leak detection systems, 3 Legislation, 509, 247 compensation, 513 dispersants, 353 domestic, 275, 353, 253 foreign, 235, 221 spill management, 201 Lessons, 39 Liability, 509, 513, 297 insurance, 499 spill managemen

29、t, 201 storage tanks, 7 wreck removal, 137 Litigation, 503, 293 Louisiana, 383, 576, 353 Magellan Strait, 61 Maine, 575 Mangrove, 455, 433, 578,407, 447, 555 Mapping, 572, 463 computers, 585 Mariana Islands, Commonwealth of the Mariculture, 389 Marine Environmental Protection Law of Marine mammals,

30、231,257 Marine Pollution Control company Northern (CNMI), 568 the Peoples Republic of China, 235 - (MPC), 85 Marine wildlife contingency plan, 257 Maritime surveillance, 579 MARPOL Convention, 253,265 Marshes, 239, 65 recovery, 383 API PUBL*LiLi79 B m 0732290 050L82b 7 Martinez, 65 Mary Hitchens, 55

31、 Maryland, 463 Massachusetts, 115, 493 Mauritius, 193 Mayan crude oil, toxicity, 309 Mayaro Bay, 555 Microemulsion technology, 317 Mini Wave-Track, 580 Mixed Sweet Western (MSW), 105 Modeling, 517,239, 459, 547,281, 578, coastal interactions, 539, 566 North Sea, 525 See also Field trials; Research,

32、labora- MCN-5, 87 439 tory Molluscs, recovery, 421 Monitoring, 565 Monongahela River, 77,39, 81, 85 Mr. Clean, 91 Murban crude oil, 181 Mutual Aid Organization, 247 spill management, 201 National Association of Corrosion Engi- neers (NACE), 23 National Contingency Plan, 331 National Fire Protection

33、Association (NFPA), 23 National Manne Pollution Control Admin- istration (NMPCA), 205 National Research Council, 343 National Response Center (NRC), 586 Natural Resource Damage Assessment Model for Coastal and Marine Resources (NRDAWCME), 281 Natural resources, 375, 275, 95, 582, 459 damage claim, 2

34、93,297 recovery, 383, 433 See also Environmental impacts Netting, 105, 123 Newfoundland oil spill experiment, 347 Nickel, 555 Nightfall, 39, 81, 71 Nord Pacifc, 71 North Sea, 525 North Sound, 87 Notification requirements, 253 Occupational Safety and Health Adminis- tration (OSHA), 127 Ocean 11.5, 57

35、5 Offshore oil industry, 235 Ohio River, 39 Oil accumulation, 580 Oil discharge, reporting, 253 Ojl recovery, 205, 459, 123, 575,265 Oil removal techniques, 137 Oil sheen regulation, 253 Oil skimming, 570, 459 Oil slicks. See Slicks Oil spill combustion, 181 Oil Spill Cooperative (OSC), 247 Oil Spil

36、l Response Ltd. (OSR), 580 Oil Spill Risk Analysis (OSRA) model, Oil-to-water ratio, 365, 347 Oil toxicity, 433 Oil transfer, 565 Oil-water separator, 571 Oklahoma, 572 547 Organic vapor analyzer (OVA), 13 Osmosis reverse, 473 Outer continental shelf (OCS). See Conti- nental shelf Outer Continental

37、Shelf Lands Act, 513, 281,253 Owner liability insurance, 499 spill management, 201 See also Bivalves Oysters, 309, 447 Pac Baroness, 413, 91 PAH. See Hydrocarbons Panama, 433, 578, 447 Penetration rates, 539 Penikese Island, 493 Pennsylvania, 77, 39, 45, 81, 85 Pennsylvania Game Commission, 77 Penve

38、nan, 503 Perros Gulrec, 503 Petro Retriever, 87 Petro Service, 568 Petroleum products, 23 Peyton Slough, 65, 581 Photography, 581 See also Satellites Photoionization detectors (PID), 13 Piezometers, 115 Pipeline, ruptured, 383 Pittsburgh, 77, 81, 85 Plantings, 433, 407 PIants. See Vegetation, 383 Pl

39、oudalmezeau, 503 Plougasnou, 503 PIume dispersal analysis, 181 Pneumatic hammer, 115 Point Conception, 413 Pollutants, 566 Pollution, 389, 53, 579,289 case history 137 damage to property, 509, 389 financial, 189 foreign, 197 financial, 189 Pollution response, 568 Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons. S

40、ee Hydrocarbons Poole Bay, 580 Port Angeles Harbor, 459 Portland Harbor, 575 Ports and Waterways Management Information System (PAWS), 582 Preparedness. See Contingency planning Pressure drop, 289 Prevention, 565, 235, 577 needs, 261 Problems, 39, 61 Professor Goryunov, 205 Protection and indemnity

41、associations Protocols, 1984, 513 Public relations, 201 Puerto Rico, 47 Puerto Rican, 353 Pug Modeling Research Planning Institute (RPI), 321 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), 253 Response, 39, 193, 127, 95, 65, 289 evaluation, 45, 81 guidelines, 582 strategies, 205,39, 193, 573,580 tra

42、ining, 576 Restoration, 293 Risk assessment, 19 storage tanks, 7 Risk management, 19 Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory (=LI, 27 Rivers, 77 cleanup, 45, 572, 575, 303, 81 monitoring, 39,45 See also Estuarine systems 333, 427, 127 S. L. Ross Environmental Research, Ltd. (SLRI, 321 SABL crucie oil,

43、 toxicity, 309 Salinity, dispersants, 333 Salmon, 389 Salvage operations, 61, 509 techniques, 137, 87 San Joaquin Valley heavy crude, 65, 581 San Francisco Bay, 289 Sand-washing plant, 353 Satellites data, 583 mapping, 572 Savannah River, 293, 303, 95 Schwedeneck Sea Oilfield, 421 Scotian Shelf cond

44、ensate, 479 Seagrass 455, 578, 447 Seawater, industrial use, 473 Seaweed, 61,389 See also Kelp Sediments, 401,239,487 Sensitivity tests, 539 Settling time, 365 Shellfish, 239 Shell Oil, 65,289 Shell Marsh, 581 Shipboard dispersant equipment, 337 Ship sinking, 205, 413, 87, 91 case history, 137 Ships

45、 system, external activation, 137 Ship stranding, 137 Shore. See Coastal Sir Humphrey Gilbert, 347 Slicks, 580, 525, 337, 91, 357 shrimp, 309 detection, 576 spreading, 105 API PUBL*4479 89 m 0732290 0503827 9 m Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, 578 Smoke, 181 Soil-aquifer treatment, 53 Soil g

46、as analysis, 115, 13 Soil vapor probes, 115 Sorbents, 105, 23 Source identification, 555 South Carolina, 303 Soviet Union, 205 Spectroscopy, 427 Spill management, 201, 321, 87, 293 foreign, 197, 209, 235, 247, 337 Spill monitoring, 576, 459 Spill Prevention, Control, and Counter- measures (SPCC), 57

47、7, 19,581, 289 regulations, 23 Suill Resuonse and Effects Task Force. A 331 - Spill Response Information System (SRISI. 582 SPWi, 572 St. Pol de Leon, 503 Standard Alaska Production, 573 Statistical pattern recognition, 555 Statistical wind model, 547 Statistics, 459 Steam injection, 137 Storage tan

48、ks, 77, 574, 253, 407 failure, 39, 45, 433, 578, 581 leak detection, 3, 27 regulations, 23 risk assessment, 7 Strategic Petroleum Reserves (SPR), 576 Subtidal sediments, 487 Suisun Bay, 65 Sun Long No. 8, 568 Supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC), 427 Superfund Amendments and Reauthoriza- tion Ac

49、t (SARA), 275, 297, 253 Surf zone, 539 Surveillance system operator console (SSOC), 579 Svetlomor, 205 Tanio, 503 Technology needs, 261 Technology transfer needs, 261 Terminals, cleanup capability, 221 Terra Nova Sea, 347 Texas, 572,576, 353,71 Texas A Mangroves; Seaweed Wadden Sea, 239,265 Washington, 421, 275, 487, 87, 459 Washington Oiled Bird Rescue (WOBR), Water, industrial intakes, 473 Water Pollution Control Statutes (WPCS), Water sample collection, 567 Water supply, 39, 395, 53 See also Groundwater Wave monitoring, 580 Waxy oils, 105 Weathering, 427, 5

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