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1、 RULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING STEEL FLOATING DRY DOCKS 2009 Guide to Color Coding Used in Online Version of the Rules The following summarizes the colors corresponding to Rule Changes, Corrigenda items and editorial changes in the Rules files which are available for download. Rule Changes: Corrig

2、enda: CORRIGENDA/EDITORIALS 1 July 2014 CORRIGENDA/EDITORIALS 10 September 2014 Editorials: Editorial Changes Rules for Building and Classing Steel Floating Dry Docks RULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING STEEL FLOATING DRY DOCKS 2009 (Updated September 2014 see next page) American Bureau of Shipping Inco

3、rporated by Act of Legislature of the State of New York 1862 Copyright 2009 American Bureau of Shipping ABS Plaza 16855 Northchase Drive Houston, TX 77060 USA Updates September 2014 consolidation includes: July 2014 version plus Corrigenda/Editorials July 2014 consolidation includes: September 2009

4、version plus Corrigenda/Editorials ABSRULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING STEEL FLOATING DRY DOCKS .2009 iii Table of Contents RULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING STEEL FLOATING DRY DOCKS CONTENTS Notices and General Information 1 PART 1 Conditions of Classification 4 CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of Class

5、ification . 5 See also separately published booklet ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification (Part 1) PART 2 Materials and Welding . 11 See separately published booklet ABS Rules for Materials and Welding (Part 2) PART 3 Hull Construction and Equipment 12 CHAPTER 1 General 13 CHAPTER 2 Hull Struct

6、ures and Arrangements . 17 CHAPTER 3 Stability 28 CHAPTER 4 Testing During Construction Hull 31 PART 4 Machinery Installations 33 CHAPTER 1 Classification of Machinery 34 PART 7 Surveys After Construction . 42 See also separately published booklet ABS Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7) APP

7、ENDIX 1 Comparison of the Numbering System of the 1977 Rules vs. 2009 Rules 43 This Page Intentionally Left Blank ABSRULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING STEEL FLOATING DRY DOCKS .2009 1 Notices and General Information Notices and General Information CONTENTS Introduction . 2 TABLE 1 Applicable Editions

8、of Booklets Comprising 2009 Floating Dry Dock Rules 3 TABLE 2 Division and Numbering of Rules . 3 2 ABSRULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING STEEL FLOATING DRY DOCKS .2009 Notices and General Information Introduction For the year 2009 edition of the Rules for Building and Classing Steel Floating Dry Docks

9、, the Rules have been re-organized and re-formatted for the purpose of improving their ease of use. In this regard, we advise the following primary changes. 1. The year 2009 edition is a complete re-print of the Floating Dry Dock Rules. 2. A new numbering system was incorporated into the Rules, in a

10、ccordance with Table 2, which organizes the requirements into “Parts,” “Chapters” and “Sections”. A comparison of the old “1977” numbering system versus the new “2009” numbering system is shown in Appendix 1 as a guide map for users who are familiar with the existing Rules. 3. The 2009 edition of th

11、e Rules becomes effective on 1 October 2009. 4. The effective date of each technical change is shown in parenthesis at the end of the subsection/ paragraph titles within the text of each Part. Unless a particular date and month are shown, the years in parentheses refer to the following effective dat

12、es: (2000) and after 1 January 2000 (and subsequent years) (1995) 15 May 1995 (1999) 12 May 1999 (1994) 9 May 1994 (1998) 13 May 1998 (1993) 11 May 1993 (1997) 19 May 1997 (1992) 13 May 1992 (1996) 9 May 1996 5. The Rule Changes contained in the previously published Notices 1 and 2 to the 1977 Float

13、ing Dry Dock Rules (together with Corrigenda) have been incorporated into the text of the reformatted 2009 Floating Dry Dock Rules. 6. Until the next edition of the Floating Dry Dock Rules is published, Rule Change Notices and/or Corrigenda, as necessary, will be published on the ABS website www.eag

14、le.org and will be available free for downloading. 7. The listing of CLASSIFICATION SYMBOLS AND NOTATIONS is available from the Rules and Guides Downloads page of the ABS website www.eagle.org for download. Notices and General Information ABSRULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING STEEL FLOATING DRY DOCKS .

15、2009 3 TABLE 1 Applicable Editions of Booklets Comprising 2009 Floating Dry Dock Rules Rules for Building and Classing Steel Floating Dry Docks Notices and General Information 2009 Part 1: Conditions of Classification (Supplement to the ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification) (2)2009 Part 3: Hul

16、l Construction and Equipment 2009 Part 4: Machinery Installations 2009 Rules for Conditions of Classification not included (1,2)Part 1: Rules for Conditions of Classification 2009 Rules for Materials and Welding not included (1)Part 2: Rules for Materials and Welding 2009 Rules for Survey After Cons

17、truction not included (1)Part 7: Rules for Survey After Construction 2009 Notes: 1 These Rules are available for download from the ABS website at www.eagle.org, Rules and Guides, Downloads or may be ordered separately from the ABS Publications online catalog at www.eagle.org, Rules and Guides, Catal

18、og. 2 The requirements for conditions of classification are contained in the separate, generic ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification (Part 1). Additional specific requirements are contained in Part 1 of these Rules. TABLE 2 Division and Numbering of Rules Division Number Part Part 1 Chapter Par

19、t 1, Chapter 1 Section Section 1-1-1 Subsection (see Note 1) 1-1-1/1 Paragraph (see Note 1) 1-1-1/1.1 Subparagraph 1-1-1/1.1.1 Item 1-1-1/1.1.1(a) Subitem 1-1-1/1.1.1(a)i) Appendix Appendix 1-1-A1 or Appendix 1-A1-1 Note: 1 An odd number (1, 3, 5, etc.) numbering system is used for the Rules. The pu

20、rpose is to permit future insertions of even-numbered paragraphs (2, 4, 6, etc.) of text and to avoid the necessity of having to renumber the existing text and associated cross-references, as applicable, within the Rules and associated process instructions, check sheets, etc. 4 ABSRULES FOR BUILDING

21、 AND CLASSING STEEL FLOATING DRY DOCKS .2009 PART Part 1: Conditions of Classification (Supplement to the ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification) 1 Conditions of Classification (Supplement to the ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification) CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of Classificatio

22、n . 6 Section 1 Classification7 Section 2 Classification Symbols and Notations8 Section 3 Rules for Classification 9 Section 4 Submission of Plans 10 ABSRULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING STEEL FLOATING DRY DOCKS .2009 5 PART Foreword 1 Foreword (1 January 2008) In 2008, Part 1, “Conditions of Classifi

23、cation” was consolidated into a generic booklet, entitled Rules for Conditions of Classification (Part 1) for all vessels other than those in offshore service. The purpose of this consolidation was to emphasize the common applicability of the classification requirements in “Part 1” to ABS-classed ve

24、ssels, other marine structures and their associated machinery, and thereby make “Conditions of Classification” more readily a common Rule of the various ABS Rules and Guides, as appropriate. Thus, this supplement specifies only the unique requirements applicable to steel floating dry docks. This sup

25、plement is always to be used with the aforementioned Rules for Conditions of Classification (Part 1). 6 ABSRULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING STEEL FLOATING DRY DOCKS .2009 PART Chapter 1: Scope and Conditions of Classification 1 CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification CONTENTS SECTION 1 Class

26、ification 7 SECTION 2 Classification Symbols and Notations . 8 1 Dry Docks Built Under Survey 8 3 Dry Docks not Built Under Survey 8 SECTION 3 Rules for Classification 9 1 Application.9 3 Dry Dock Types 9 SECTION 4 Submission of Plans 10 ABSRULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING STEEL FLOATING DRY DOCKS .2

27、009 7 PART Section 1: Classification 1 CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification SECTION 1 Classification (1 January 2008) The requirements for conditions of classification are contained in the separate, generic ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification (Part 1). Additional requirements spec

28、ific to steel floating dry docks are contained in the following Sections of this Part. 8 ABSRULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING STEEL FLOATING DRY DOCKS .2009 PART Section 2: Classification Symbols and Notations 1 CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification SECTION 2 Classification Symbols and Nota

29、tions (1 January 2008) A listing of Classification Symbols and Notations available to the Owners of vessels, offshore drilling and production units, and other marine structures and systems, “List of ABS Notations and Symbols” is available from the ABS website “http:/www.eagle.org/absdownloads/index.

30、cfm”. The following notations are specific to steel floating dry docks. 1 Dry Docks Built Under Survey Dry docks which have been built to the satisfaction of the ABS Surveyors to the requirements as contained in these Rules will be classed and distinguished in the Record by the symbols A1 Floating D

31、ry Dock. Notations indicating the dry dock lifting capacities and the operating site also will be shown in the Record. 3 Dry Docks not Built Under Survey Dry docks which have not been built under survey to ABS, but which are submitted for classification, will be subject to a special classification s

32、urvey. Where found satisfactory and thereafter approved by the Classification Committee, they will be classed and distinguished in the Record by A1 Floating Dry Dock. The symbol signifying survey during construction will be omitted. Notations indicating the dry dock lifting capacities and the operat

33、ing site also will be shown in the Record. ABSRULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING STEEL FLOATING DRY DOCKS .2009 9 PART Section 3: Rules for Classification 1 CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification SECTION 3 Rules for Classification (1 January 2008) 1 Application These Rules apply in general to

34、 dry docks over 61 m (200 ft) in length. Dry docks of less length will be subject to special consideration. When the dry dock is to be operated or towed in other than sheltered waters, special consideration is to be given to the longitudinal strength, wing wall strength, reinforcement against slammi

35、ng, freeboard and stability, and other items as considered necessary. 3 Dry Dock Types These Rules apply to the following dry dock types. One piece dry dock type in which the wing walls and the pontoon are continuous and inseparable along the dock structure Continuous-wing, sectional-pontoon type in

36、 which the wing walls run continuously and the bottom is formed of separable or permanently attached sectional pontoons Continuous pontoons and discontinuous wing walls. Sectional type with discontinuous sections of the wing walls and the bottom pontoon in which rotation or vertical movement or both

37、 is possible between each discontinuous section. 10 ABSRULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING STEEL FLOATING DRY DOCKS .2009 PART Section 4: Submission of Plans 1 CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification SECTION 4 Submission of Plans Plans showing the scantlings, arrangements, and details of the pr

38、incipal parts of the structure to be built under survey are to be submitted for review or approval before construction is commenced. These plans are to clearly indicate the scantlings, joint details and welding, or other methods of connection. Plans should generally be submitted electronically. If p

39、lans are submitted in hard copy, then they are generally to be submitted in triplicate, one copy to be returned to those making the submission, one copy for the use of the Surveyor where the vessel is being built, and one copy to be retained in the Bureau Technical office for record. Additional copi

40、es may be required where the required attendance of the Surveyor is anticipated at more than one location. In general, these plans are to include the following where applicable. General arrangement plan Transverse section scantlings at mid-length of dry dock Structural plans of the wing walls and po

41、ntoons Structural plans of the decks and bulkheads Tank arrangements showing also maximum service heads and heights of overflows and vent pipes and where used in design, data showing the maximum differential service head Pumping arrangements Machinery and electrical plans Piping systems Fire extingu

42、ishing systems Stability calculations and hydrostatic curves Calculations and data for longitudinal strength analysis Block loading data Operating manual Crane load distribution Particulars of indicator systems for tank water level and drafts Particulars of deflection indicating system ABSRULES FOR

43、BUILDING AND CLASSING STEEL FLOATING DRY DOCKS .2009 11 PART Part 2: Materials and Welding 2 Materials and Welding The independent booklet, ABS Rules for Materials and Welding (Part 2), for steels, irons, bronzes, etc., is to be referred to. This booklet consists of the following Chapters: Rules for

44、 Testing and Certification of Materials CHAPTER 1 Materials for Hull Construction CHAPTER 2 Equipment CHAPTER 3 Materials for Machinery, Boilers, Pressure Vessels, and Piping APPENDIX 1 List of Destructive and Nondestructive Tests Required for Materials and Responsibility for Verifying APPENDIX 4 Pr

45、ocedure for the Approval of Manufacturers of Hull Structural Steel APPENDIX 5 Procedure for the Approval of Manufacturers of Hull Structural Steels Intended for Welding with High Heat Input APPENDIX 6 Nondestructive Examination of Marine Steel Castings APPENDIX 7 Nondestructive Examination of Hull a

46、nd Machinery Steel Forgings APPENDIX 8 Additional Approval Procedure for Steel with Enhanced Corrosion Resistance Properties Rules for Welding and Fabrication CHAPTER 4 Welding and Fabrication APPENDIX 2 Requirements for the Approval of Filler Metals APPENDIX 3 Application of Filler Metals to ABS St

47、eels APPENDIX 9 Welding Procedure Qualification Tests of Steels for Hull Construction and Marine Structures 12 ABSRULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING STEEL FLOATING DRY DOCKS .2009 PART Part 3: Hull Construction and Equipment 3 Hull Construction and Equipment CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 General 13 Section 1 Defi

48、nitions 14 Section 2 General Requirements.16 CHAPTER 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements . 17 Section 1 Longitudinal Strength.18 Section 2 Transverse Strength 20 Section 3 Local Strength21 Section 4 Welding and Corrosion Control27 CHAPTER 3 Stability . 28 Section 1 General Requirements.29 Section 2 F

49、reeboard 30 CHAPTER 4 Testing During Construction Hull 31 Section 1 Tank, Immersion, and Inclining Tests32 ABSRULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING STEEL FLOATING DRY DOCKS .2009 13 PART Chapter 1: General 3 CHAPTER 1 General CONTENTS SECTION 1 Definitions. 14 1 Application 14 3 Length .14 5 Breadth14 7 Depth.14 9 Clear Draft.14 11 Safety Deck.14 13 Top Deck.14 15 Pontoon.15 17 Residual Water .15 19 Ballast Water.15 21 Lifting Capacity .15 21.1 Rated Lifting Capacity .15 21.3 Maximum Lifting Capacity .15 23 Buoyancy Cha


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