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1、 Guide for Crew Habitability on Workboats GUIDE FOR CREW HABITABILITY ON WORKBOATS FEBRUARY 2016 American Bureau of Shipping Incorporated by Act of Legislature of the State of New York 1862 Copyright 2016 American Bureau of Shipping ABS Plaza 16855 Northchase Drive Houston, TX 77060 USA Foreword For

2、eword (1 February 2016) This Guide, originally published in December 2008, has undergone significant revision. Key revision areas include changes to the Whole-body Vibration (WBV) and Noise measurement and evaluation methodology and criteria, changes to the ambient Lighting methodology and criteria,

3、 and changes to the Accommodation Area criteria. These revisions are due to several factors, including: 1. Input from industry (i.e., Owners, designers, and construction yards) 2 Revisions to standards referenced in this Guide 3. Revised statutory regulations 4. Changes in current vessel design prac

4、tices and principles ABS has produced this Guide for Crew Habitability on Workboats in order to provide a single source for habitability criteria suitable for workboats. This Guide may be applied to vessels falling under the categories of offshore support vessels, tug boats, tow boats, dredgers, res

5、earch vessels, anchor handling vessels, or other vessels providing service to offshore oil and gas exploration and production. This Guide does not apply to vessels such as oil or chemical tankers, bulk or combination carriers, container carriers, multi-purpose cargo vessels, or mobile offshore drill

6、ing units (MODUs). These types of vessels are addressed in other ABS Habitability Guides*. This Guide provides the assessment criteria and describes the measurement methodology for obtaining a workboat Habitability notation. It is intended for use by vessel Owners or companies requesting the optiona

7、l notations of workboat Habitability (HAB(WB), workboat Habitability Plus (HAB+(WB), or workboat Habitability Plus Plus (HAB+(WB). For the assessment of habitability in terms of whole-body vibration, criteria are provided for workboats less than or equal to 60 meters (200 feet) in length and for wor

8、kboats greater than 60 meters (200 feet) in length. For the HAB(WB) level, this Guide focuses on five (5) categories of habitability criteria that can affect task performance and can be controlled, measured, and assessed in crew work, rest, and recreation areas of workboats. These categories are: ac

9、commodation area design, whole-body vibration (separate criteria for accommodation areas and work spaces), noise, indoor climate, and lighting. For the HAB+(WB) level, this Guide invokes more stringent accommodation area, whole-body vibration, and noise criteria aimed at increasing crew comfort and

10、safety. For the HAB+(WB) level, there are more stringent accommodation area, whole-body vibration, noise, and indoor climate criteria. To be awarded any of these notations, a vessel must meet the appropriate prescriptive criteria across the various habitability categories. In addition to the HAB not

11、ation assignment, at the Owners request, ABS may review the accommodation area design for compliance with ILO MLC, 2006 Title 3 requirements, as related to the MLC-ACCOM, MLC-ACCOM(SPS) and MLC-ACCOM(WB) notations. * Note: The other ABS Habitability Guides include: ABS Guide for Crew Habitability on

12、 Ships, ABS Guide for Crew Habitability on Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, and ABS Guide for Crew Habitability on Offshore Installations. This Guide becomes effective on the first day of the month of publication. Users are advised to check periodically on the ABS website www.eagle.org to verify that

13、 this version of this Guide is the most current. We welcome your feedback. Comments or suggestions can be sent electronically by email to rsdeagle.org. ii ABSGUIDE FOR CREW HABITABILITY ON WORKBOATS .2016 Table of Contents GUIDE FOR CREW HABITABILITY ON WORKBOATS CONTENTS SECTION 1 General 1 1 Intro

14、duction . 1 2 Application 1 3 Scope 1 4 Terminology 2 5 Associated Documentation . 3 6 Notation . 3 7 Data and Plans to be Submitted . 3 7.1 General 3 7.2 Accommodation Areas 3 7.3 Ambient Environment 4 8 Process for Obtaining a Notation 4 8.1 Accommodation Areas 5 8.2 Ambient Environment 6 8.3 Resu

15、lts 7 9 Initial Requirements 7 10 Surveys after Construction 7 11 Alternatives . 7 11.1 General 7 11.2 National Regulations . 7 11.3 Departures from Criteria 7 TABLE 1 Threshold for Measurements to be Considered Close to Non-Compliance . 6 FIGURE 1 Process for Obtaining a Habitability Notation . 5 S

16、ECTION 2 Accommodation Areas 8 1 Background . 8 2 Scope 8 3 Terminology 8 4 Associated Documentation . 8 5 Criteria . 9 6 Accommodation Area Documentation 9 6.1 Data Requirements . 9 ABSGUIDE FOR CREW HABITABILITY ON WORKBOATS .2016 iii 7 Submittal Review and Verification 9 8 Results 10 SECTION 3 Wh

17、ole-body Vibration 11 1 Background . 11 2 Scope 11 3 Terminology 11 4 Associated Documentation . 12 5 Criteria . 13 6 Test Plan . 14 6.1 Documentation 14 6.2 Test Personnel 14 6.3 Test Conditions 14 6.4 Measurement Locations 14 6.5 Data Acquisition and Instruments 15 6.6 Data Analysis . 15 6.7 Test

18、Schedule 15 6.8 Data Collection Sheets 15 6.9 Conflict of Interest Declaration . 15 7 Test Requirements 15 7.1 General 15 7.2 Data Acquisition and Instruments 15 7.3 Test Conditions 15 7.4 Measurement Locations 16 8 Test Report . 18 8.1 Test Details 18 8.2 Transducer Placement Positions . 18 8.3 Mea

19、surement Equipment Details . 18 8.4 Results . 18 8.5 Deviations 19 8.6 Surveyor Witnessing Documentation . 19 9 Results 19 TABLE 1 Maximum Weighted Root-Mean-Square Acceleration Level (Workboats Less than or Equal to 60 Meters in Length) 14 TABLE 2 Maximum Weighted Root-Mean-Square Acceleration Leve

20、l (Workboats Greater than 60 Meters in Length) 14 TABLE 3 Distribution of Transducer Positions Within Spaces . 17 FIGURE 1 Measurement Axes . 13 SECTION 4 Noise 20 1 Background . 20 2 Scope 20 3 Terminology 20 iv ABSGUIDE FOR CREW HABITABILITY ON WORKBOATS .2016 4 Associated Documentation . 21 5 Cri

21、teria . 21 5.1 Equivalent Continuous A-weighted Sound Pressure Level 21 5.2 Acoustic Insulation 21 6 Test Plan . 23 6.1 Documentation 23 6.2 Test Personnel 24 6.3 Test Conditions . 24 6.4 Measurement Locations 24 6.5 Data Acquisition and Instruments 24 6.6 Data Analysis 24 6.7 Test Schedule . 24 6.8

22、 Data Collection Sheets 24 6.9 Conflict of Interest Declaration 24 7 Test Requirements 24 7.1 General 24 7.2 Data Acquisition and Instruments 25 7.3 Test Conditions . 25 7.4 Measurement Locations 26 7.5 Measurement Procedures and Recorded Results . 27 8 Test Report . 27 8.1 Test Details . 27 8.2 Mea

23、surement Positions . 27 8.3 Measurement Equipment Details 27 8.4 Results 28 8.5 Deviations 28 8.6 Surveyor Witnessing Documentation 28 9 Results 28 TABLE 1 Noise Criteria for Workboats (GT 2040 m2(215431 ft2) 2 4080 m2 (431861 ft2) 3 80120 m2(8611291 ft2) 4 120200 m2 (12912150 ft2) 5 Greater than 20

24、0 m2(2150 ft2) 6 For vessels without crew cabins, transducers shall be located at standing positions normally occupied by crew near the port side, near the centerline and near the starboard side. Transducers shall be evenly distributed fore and aft. Transducers located at one (1) measurement positio

25、n shall be orthogonally positioned (positioned at a 90 degree angle) to measure whole-body vibrations in the vertical, longitudinal and transverse axes. Translational accelerometers oriented in different axes at a single measurement position shall be as close together as possible. ABSGUIDE FOR CREW

26、HABITABILITY ON WORKBOATS .2016 17 Section 3 Whole-body Vibration 8 Test Report As stated in 1/7.3.2, “Test Reports”, a Test Report shall be submitted to the ABS Surveyor to determine whether the vibration levels meet the whole-body vibration criteria and whether this part of the notation requiremen

27、t has been met. The details listed in the following paragraphs shall be provided in the Whole-body Vibration Test Report. 8.1 Test Details (1 February 2016) The following details shall be recorded for each period of testing: i) Loading conditions (mean draft and trim) ii) Number of crew and other pe

28、rsons onboard during tests iii) Power output iv) Class of Dynamic Positioning (e.g., DP-0, DP-1, etc.) v) Vessel course and speed vi) Average water depth under keel vii) Sea state viii) Direction of swell relative to vessel heading ix) Any indications of abnormal activity during the test that might

29、skew results x) Machinery and equipment operated during the test 8.2 Transducer Placement Positions (1 February 2016) Actual transducer placement positions (for both transit and dynamically positioned operations) shall be indicated on appropriate drawings. 8.3 Measurement Equipment Details Details o

30、f measurement and analysis equipment (e.g., manufacturer, type and serial number, accuracy and resolution), including frequency analysis parameters (e.g., resolution, averaging time, and filtering), shall be provided. Copies of the relevant instrumentation reference calibration certificates, togethe

31、r with the results of field setup and calibration checks before and after the field tests, shall be provided. 8.4 Results (1 February 2016) The following results per measuring location, shall be provided in table format (for both transit and dynamic positioning operations): i) Measurement position i

32、i) Measurement period if different from requirements iii) Sample number iv) Multi-Axis weighted RMS values v) Equipment operating in proximity to the measurement position vi) Indication of Pass/Fail For all the remaining spaces that were checked through walkthrough verification inspection and spot c

33、heck measurements, the following information shall be provided: i) Name and number of spaces ii) Walkthrough inspection observations iii) Measurement results, if necessary 18 ABSGUIDE FOR CREW HABITABILITY ON WORKBOATS .2016 Section 3 Whole-body Vibration 8.5 Deviations All deviations from the appro

34、ved Test Plan shall be reported. 8.6 Surveyor Witnessing Documentation (1 February 2016) The equipment field calibration and data collection process of vibration tests conducted at sea shall be witnessed by an ABS Surveyor. The ABS Surveyor shall sign or initial each page of the Test Report and shal

35、l prepare a witnessing document stating whether all steps of the vibration testing were completed to their satisfaction. A copy of the witnessing document shall be given to the person conducting the onboard testing, for insertion into the final Whole-body Vibration Test Report. The original shall be

36、 retained for ABS files. 9 Results The Whole-body Vibration Test Report shall be reviewed by the ABS Surveyor against the appropriate HAB(WB), HAB+(WB), or HAB+(WB) criteria for notation confirmation. ABSGUIDE FOR CREW HABITABILITY ON WORKBOATS .2016 19 Section 4: Noise SECTION 4 Noise 1 Background

37、A large amount of research has been performed on the effects of noise on humans. Established or commonly used criteria exist for the effects of noise on speech communication, hearing loss, sleep, concentration, and “annoyance”. These have provided a basis for the criteria in this Guide. A detailed d

38、iscussion of the effects of noise on human performance, health, and comfort is found in Kryter (1994) The Handbook of Hearing and the Effects of Noise: Physiology, Psychology and Public Health. 2 Scope (1 February 2016) In this Section, noise criteria have been selected to improve crew performance a

39、nd to facilitate communication and sleep in appropriate vessel spaces. An additional goal is to enhance crew safety and comfort. In this instance, “comfort” means the ability of the crew to use a space for its intended purpose with minimal interference or annoyance from noise. The noise criteria pre

40、sented in this Section are lower than the levels commonly associated with hearing loss. Further guidance with respect to hearing conservation is provided in the IMO Resolution MSC.337(91): Code on Noise Levels On-board Ships and should be followed for noise levels and exposure duration, particularly

41、 for areas with noise levels in excess of 85 dB(A). This Section applies to manned spaces as defined in Section 1. Examples of such spaces include accommodation spaces (e.g., cabins, mess areas, recreation spaces, etc.) and work spaces (e.g., galley, control rooms, duty stations, etc.) both inside a

42、nd, in other vessel locations, outside the accommodation block. Compliance with this Section is a prerequisite for the workboat Habitability (HAB(WB), workboat Habitability Plus (HAB+(WB), or workboat Habitability Plus Plus (HAB+(WB) notation confirmation. 3 Terminology (1 February 2016) A-weighted

43、Sound Pressure Level: The magnitude of a sound, expressed in decibels (i.e., 20 micropascals); the various frequency components are adjusted according to the A-weighted values given in IEC 61672-1 (2004) in order to account for the frequency response characteristics of the human ear. The symbol is L

44、A; the unit is dB(A). The measurement LAeqis an equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level, measured over a period of time. Calibration Checks: Field calibration of a measuring instrument conducted before and after a field test, using a reference calibrated signal or through zero calibrat

45、ion. Sound calibrators shall comply with the standard IEC 60942:2003, as amended, type/class (1) standard and shall be approved by the manufacturer of the measuring instrument used. Dynamic Positioning: A system to automatically maintain a workboats position and heading by controlling propellers and

46、/or thrusters. Dynamic positioning can maintain a position to a fixed point over the bottom, or in relation to a moving object (such as another vessel). It can also be used to position the vessel at a favorable angle towards wind, waves, and current. Equivalent Continuous A-weighted Sound Pressure L

47、evel: The A-weighted sound pressure level of a noise fluctuating over a period of time T, expressed as the amount of average energy. The symbol is LAeq; the unit is dB(A). 20 ABSGUIDE FOR CREW HABITABILITY ON WORKBOATS .2016 Section 4 Noise Reference Calibration: Calibration of measuring instrument

48、and sound calibrator, conducted at least every two (2) years (or more frequently if specified by the manufacturer) by an accredited Testing and Calibration Laboratory accredited according to ISO 17025:2005, as amended, with traceability to a national or international standard. Transit Conditions: Th

49、ose conditions where the vessel is transitioning (moving) from one location to another by its own means of propulsion. 4 Associated Documentation (1 February 2016) The following documents provide details about Test Plan preparation, test measurement procedures and/or test reporting: ISO 2923:1996, Acoustics Measurement of Noise Onboard IEC 61672-1:2013, Electroacoustics Sound Level Meters Part 1: Specifications IEC 60942:2003, Electroacoustics Sound Calibrators IMO Resolution MSC.337(91) (2012), Code on Noise Levels Onboard Ships ISO 10140-2:2010, Aco


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