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1、 GUIDE FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING FLOATING OFFSHORE LIQUEFIED GAS TERMINALS JUNE 2010 Guide to Color Coding Used in Online Version of the Guide The following summarizes the colors corresponding to Rule Changes, Corrigenda items and editorial changes in the Guide files which are available for download

2、. Rule Changes: NOTICE NO. 1 September 2010 (effective 1 September 2010) NOTICE NO. 2 November 2010 (effective 1 January 2011) NOTICE NO. 3 September 2012 (effective 1 September 2012) NOTICE NO. 4 June 2013 (effective 1 June 2013) NOTICE NO. 5 June 2014 (effective 1 June 2014) Corrigenda: CORRIGENDA

3、/EDITORIALS 1 September 2010 CORRIGENDA/EDITORIALS 6 March 2012 CORRIGENDA/EDITORIALS 1 September 2012 CORRIGENDA/EDITORIALS 1 June 2013 CORRIGENDA/EDITORIALS 1 February 2014 CORRIGENDA/EDITORIALS 1 June 2014 Editorials: Editorial Changes Guide for Building and Classing Floating Offshore Liquefied G

4、as Terminals GUIDE FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING FLOATING OFFSHORE LIQUEFIED GAS TERMINALS JUNE 2010 (Updated June 2014 see next page) American Bureau of Shipping Incorporated by Act of Legislature of the State of New York 1862 Copyright 2010 American Bureau of Shipping ABS Plaza 16855 Northchase Drive

5、Houston, TX 77060 USA Updates June 2014 consolidation includes: February 2014 version plus Notice No. 5 and Corrigenda/Editorials February 2014 consolidation includes: June 2013 version plus Corrigenda/Editorials June 2013 consolidation includes: September 2012 version plus Notice No. 4 and Corrigen

6、da/Editorials September 2012 consolidation includes: March 2012 version plus Notice No. 3 and Corrigenda/Editorials March 2012 consolidation includes: November 2010 version plus Corrigenda/Editorials November 2010 consolidation includes: September 2010 version plus Notice No. 2 September 2010 consol

7、idation includes: June 2010 version plus Notice No. 1 and Corrigenda/Editorials ABSGUIDE FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING FLOATING OFFSHORE LIQUEFIED GAS TERMINALS .2010 iii Foreword Foreword (1 June 2014) The industry and ABS share a large and successful body of experience with membrane tank Liquefied Nat

8、ural Gas (LNG) carriers, independent tank liquefied gas carriers and ship-type FPSOs that have been designed to Part 5C, Chapter 12 of the ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels, ABS Guide for Building and Classing Liquefied Gas Carriers with Independent Tanks, and ABS Rules for Building

9、and Classing Floating Production Installations (FPI Rules), respectively. The development of this ABS Guide for Building and Classing Floating Offshore Liquefied Gas Terminals is based on the design and analyses experience with these types of vessels. This Guide provides criteria that can be applied

10、 in the Classification of the hull and tank structure of floating offshore liquefied gas terminals with membrane tanks or independent prismatic tanks. The Guide addresses liquefied gas terminals with ship-shaped or barge-shaped hull forms having a single row of cargo tanks at centerline or a row of

11、two cargo tanks abreast. ABS recognizes that industry participation is a vital factor due to the rapidly progressing use of offshore gas terminals. To understand and apply this new technology and its standards, ABS, the offshore and onshore community and regulatory agencies can benefit from a common

12、 understanding of the terms and concepts involved, and an awareness of how these concepts are to be applied to ABS rule-making. The hull strength criteria contained herein are to be considered as an alternative to those for corresponding aspects of Classification as given in Part 5C, Chapter 8 of th

13、e Steel Vessel Rules (SVR 5C-8) which includes requirements from the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code). The Owner may elect to use either this Guide or SVR 5C-8. In the same design, for aspects of the hull structural design tha

14、t are covered by both this Guide and SVR 5C-8 it is not valid to switch between the criteria in this Guide and SVR 5C-8. This Guide does not cover the design, fabrication and installation of the liquefied gas containment system, except for the structural design of independent tanks. In June 2014, th

15、e definitions of permissible bending stress in Chapter 3, Sections 4 and 6 were revised to cover the strength evaluation of longitudinal members beyond 0.4L amidships. The effective date of this Guide is 1 June 2010. In general, until the effective date, plan approval for designs will follow prior p

16、ractice unless review under this Guide is specifically requested by the party signatory to the application for classification. After a certain period for trial use, the criteria contained in this Guide will be incorporated and published as part of the Offshore Rules. ABS encourages and welcomes at a

17、ny time the submission of comments on this Guide. Changes to Conditions of Classification Chapter 1, Section 1, “Scope and Conditions of Classification” was consolidated into a generic booklet, entitled Rules for Conditions of Classification Offshore Units and Structures (Part 1) for all units, inst

18、allations, vessels or systems in offshore service. The purpose of this consolidation was to emphasize the common applicability of the classification requirements in “Chapter 1, Section 1” to ABS-classed offshore units, pipelines, risers, and other offshore structures, and thereby make “Conditions of

19、 Classification” more readily a common Rule of the various ABS Rules and Guides, as appropriate. Thus, Chapter 1, Section 1 of this Guide specifies only the unique requirements applicable to floating offshore liquefied gas terminals. These supplemental requirements are always to be used with the afo

20、rementioned Rules for Conditions of Classification Offshore Units and Structures (Part 1). Reference Note Reference to a paragraph in the Steel Vessel Rules, MODU Rules or FPI Rules is made in the format P-C-S/ss.p where P is the Part, C is the Chapter, S is the Section, ss is the Subsection and p i

21、s the Paragraph. Reference to a paragraph in this Guide is made in the format C-S/ss.p, where C is the Chapter, S is the Section, ss is the Subsection and p is the Paragraph. Reference to a Figure or Table in this Guide is made, respectively, in the format C-S/Figure #, or C-S/Table #. iv ABSGUIDE F

22、OR BUILDING AND CLASSING FLOATING OFFSHORE LIQUEFIED GAS TERMINALS .2010 Table of Contents GUIDE FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING FLOATING OFFSHORE LIQUEFIED GAS TERMINALS CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 Conditions of Classification 1 Section 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification (Supplement to the ABS Rules for Con

23、ditions of Classification Offshore Units and Structures 2 See also separately published booklet ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification Offshore Units and Structures (Part 1) CHAPTER 2 Design Considerations 6 Section 1 Classification of Floating Offshore Liquefied Gas Terminals . 8 Section 2 Desi

24、gn of Floating Offshore Liquefied Gas Terminals . 22 CHAPTER 3 Structural Design Requirements . 40 Section 1 Introduction 52 Section 2 General Requirements . 57 Section 3 Load Criteria 63 Section 4 Initial Scantling Criteria 123 Section 5 Total Strength Assessment 194 Section 6 Hull Structure Beyond

25、 0.4L Amidships 208 Section 7 Design and Analysis of Other Major Hull Structural Features . 223 Appendix 1 Guide for Fatigue Strength Assessment 231 Appendix 2 Calculation of Critical Buckling Stresses . 270 Appendix 3 Determination of Environmental Severity Factors . 281 Appendix 4 Hull Girder Ulti

26、mate Strength . 285 Appendix 5 Hull Structural Modeling and Analysis . 293 Appendix 6 Guide for Offshore Hull Construction Monitoring Program . 321 CHAPTER 4 Surveys . 323 Section 1 Surveys During Construction, Installation and Commissioning 325 Section 2 Surveys After Construction and Maintenance o

27、f Class . 330 Section 3 Risk-based Surveys for Maintenance of Class 345 ABSGUIDE FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING FLOATING OFFSHORE LIQUEFIED GAS TERMINALS .2010 1 Chapter 1: Conditions of Classification CHAPTER 1 Conditions of Classification CONTENTS SECTION 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification . 2 1

28、Classification . 2 3 Purpose . 2 5 Classification Symbols and Notations . 2 5.1 Class Notations . 2 5.3 Geographical Limitations . 3 5.5 Floating Terminals Not Built Under Survey 3 7 Rules for Classification . 3 7.1 Application of Rules . 3 7.3 Scope of Class 3 7.5 Alternatives 3 9 Units 4 11 Abbrev

29、iations and References 4 11.1 Abbreviations . 4 11.3 References 5 2 ABSGUIDE FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING FLOATING OFFSHORE LIQUEFIED GAS TERMINALS .2010 Section 1: Scope and Conditions of Classification (Supplement to the ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification Offshore Units and Structures) CHAPTE

30、R 1 Conditions of Classification SECTION 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification (Supplement to the ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification Offshore Units and Structures) 1 Classification The requirements for conditions of classification are contained in the separate, generic ABS Rules for Condi

31、tions of Classification Offshore Units and Structures (Part 1). Additional requirements specific to floating offshore liquefied gas terminals are contained in the following Subsections. 3 Purpose A Floating Offshore Liquefied Gas Terminal provides liquefied gas storage and receives and/or offloads l

32、iquefied gas. There are two major variations of offshore liquefied gas terminal: Load Terminals and Discharge Terminals, with various configurations of each. A Load Terminal receives gas directly from one or more wells or from another offshore facility where it may or may not have been processed. Th

33、e gas is liquefied in an onboard liquefaction facility and stored for offloading as liquefied gas to a trading liquefied gas carrier. Alternatively, a Load Terminal may receive liquefied gas from a liquefaction plant via a pipeline. A Discharge Terminal receives liquefied gas from trading liquefied

34、gas carriers and stores it. In such terminals, the stored liquefied gas is normally vaporized in a re-gasification facility and discharged ashore. However, offloading liquefied gas in a lightering operation is also feasible. 5 Classification Symbols and Notations A listing of Classification Symbols

35、and Notations available to the Owners of vessels, offshore drilling and production units and other marine structures and systems, “List of ABS Notations and Symbols” is available from the ABS website “http:/www.eagle.org”. The following notations are specific to floating offshore liquefied gas termi

36、nals. 5.1 Class Notations Floating offshore liquefied gas terminals that have been built, installed and commissioned to the satisfaction of the ABS Surveyors to the full requirements of this Guide, where approved by the Committee for service for the specified design environmental conditions, may be

37、classed and distinguished in the ABS Record by the symbol null A1, followed by Offshore Liquefied Gas Terminal and the appropriate notation for the intended service listed below. Chapter 1 Conditions of Classification Section 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification 1-1 ABSGUIDE FOR BUILDING AND CLA

38、SSING FLOATING OFFSHORE LIQUEFIED GAS TERMINALS .2010 3 Class notations were chosen to provide a clear description of the function of each configuration using the following symbols: F Floating L Liquefaction Facility O Transfer of Liquefied Gas (Offloading/Loading) P Gas Processing Facility R Re-Gas

39、ification Facility S Storage Facility T Terminal with processing facilities which are not classed A complete description of applicable class notations for floating liquefied gas terminals is provided in 2-1/1.1 of this Guide. 5.3 Geographical Limitations Floating offshore liquefied gas terminals whi

40、ch have been built to the satisfaction of the ABS Surveyors to special modified requirements for a limited service, where approved by the Committee for that particular service, may be classed and distinguished in the Record by suitable symbols or notations, but the symbols or notations will either b

41、e followed by or have included in them the appropriate service limitation. 5.5 Floating Terminals Not Built Under Survey The symbol “null” (Maltese-Cross) signifies that the system was built, installed and commissioned to the satisfaction of the ABS Surveyors. Floating offshore liquefied gas termina

42、ls and their equipment that have not been built under ABS survey, but which are submitted for Classification, will be subjected to special consideration. Where found satisfactory and thereafter approved by the Committee, they may be classed and distinguished in the Record by the notation described a

43、bove, but the symbol “null” signifying survey during construction will be omitted. 7 Rules for Classification 7.1 Application of Rules This Guide contains provisions for the classification of new build floating offshore liquefied gas terminals. This Guide is intended for use in conjunction with the

44、ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels (Steel Vessel Rules), ABS Rules for Building and Classing Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Rules), ABS Rules for Building and Classing Offshore Installations, ABS Rules for Building and Classing Floating Production Installations (FPI Rules) or ot

45、her applicable ABS Rules and Guides. 7.3 Scope of Class A description of the parts of a floating offshore liquefied gas terminal included in the ABS classification is provided in 2-1/1 of this Guide. 7.5 Alternatives Any departure from the requirements of this Guide may be considered by ABS on the b

46、asis of an additional risk assessment to that required per 2-2/5 of this Guide, or at least a separate, clearly identified part of the risk assessment. In the case of such departures, classification is subject to ABSs approval upon a demonstration of fitness for purpose in line with the principles o

47、f ABS Guides and Rules, as well as recognized and generally accepted good engineering practice. Risk acceptance criteria are to be developed in line with the principles of the ABS Rules and are subject to ABSs approval. The ABS Guidance Notes on Risk Assessment Application for the Marine and Offshor

48、e Oil and Gas Industries contain an overview of risk assessment techniques and additional information. Chapter 1 Conditions of Classification Section 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification 1-1 4 ABSGUIDE FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING FLOATING OFFSHORE LIQUEFIED GAS TERMINALS .2010 A risk approach just

49、ification of alternatives may be applicable either to the terminal as a whole or to individual systems, subsystems or components. As appropriate, account must be given to remote hazards outside of the bounds of the system under consideration. Such account must include incidents relating to remote hazards directly affecting or being influenced by the system under consideration. ABS will consider the application of risk-based techniques in the design of the terminal, verification surveys during construction an


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