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1、 Guide for Ice Loads Monitoring Systems GUIDE FOR ICE LOADS MONITORING SYSTEMS MAY 2011 American Bureau of Shipping Incorporated by Act of Legislature of the State of New York 1862 Copyright 2011 American Bureau of Shipping ABS Plaza 16855 Northchase Drive Houston, TX 77060 USA ii ABSGUIDE FOR ICE L

2、OADS MONITORING SYSTEMS .2011 Foreword Foreword This Guide provides requirements for the installation of, and the information to be provided by, Ice Loads Monitoring Systems fitted on ice-classed ABS vessels. These systems are intended as an aid to the Master and navigating officers when a vessel is

3、 operating in ice infested waters so that appropriate action can be taken to minimize the likelihood of the vessel sustaining structural damage from interaction with the ice. The Ice Loads Monitoring Systems specified by this Guide extend from basic monitoring systems to sophisticated, integrated sy

4、stems, the selection of which is left to the Owner. The information provided in the Guide is intended to assist the Owner in selecting the most appropriate system for a vessel based on the vessels probable operating parameters. The Guide describes the Ice Loads Monitoring process and the procedures

5、for collecting, recording, processing, evaluating, and presenting the data in a manner that permits the Master and or navigating officer to better measure vessel performance in ice and determine if remedial action should be taken. The monitoring systems specified in the Guide can assist in identifyi

6、ng when the vessel is operating in ice in a manner that could lead to structural damage or failure by providing early warning to the navigator when the performance parameters relating to vessel strength are approaching the preset allowable levels. It is emphasized that the scope of the ice loads mon

7、itoring system selected for a specific vessel, the nature of the display and the form and aims of data processing are decisions that should be made by the vessels Owner in conjunction with the system supplier as appropriate. If requested, ABS is able to provide technical assistance to an Owner consi

8、dering installing an ice loads monitoring system based upon the information contained in this Guide. ABS considers that it would be of mutual benefit to ABS and the Owner of an ABS-classed vessel that is fitted with an ice loads monitoring system for the recorded in-service data to be made available

9、 to ABS for evaluation for the purpose of further refining these requirements and improving safety, in accordance with the ABS mission. An ABS-classed vessel that is fitted with an ice loads monitoring system that complies with the requirements of this Guide may, at the request of the Owner, be assi

10、gned the appropriate notation for entry in the ABS Record. The requirements of this Guide are applicable to all types and sizes of ice-class vessels. The requirements are applicable both to new construction and to the retrofitting of an approved ice loads monitoring system to existing vessels. The e

11、ffective date of this Guide is the first day of the month of publication. ABS welcomes comments and suggestions for improvement of this Guide. Comments or suggestions can be sent electronically to rsdeagle.org. ABSGUIDE FOR ICE LOADS MONITORING SYSTEMS .2011 iii Table of Contents GUIDE FOR ICE LOADS

12、 MONITORING SYSTEMS CONTENTS SECTION 1 General 1 1 Application 1 3 Scope1 5 Terminology 1 7 Modifications and Alternatives 2 9 Notations.2 9.1 Basic Ice loads Monitoring System, ILM2 9.3 Optional Ice Loads Monitoring Systems 2 9.5 Table of Notations .2 11 Information to be Submitted3 13 Sensors.3 SE

13、CTION 2 Basic Ice Condition Monitoring System (ILM) . 4 1 Application 4 3 Local Hull Stress Monitoring due to Ice Loads .4 3.1 Stresses during Transit in Ice4 3.3 Prediction of Near Term Extreme Events 4 3.5 Strain Gauges .4 5 Data Sampling 6 7 System Display .6 7.1 Parameters6 7.3 Display Requireme

14、nts .6 FIGURE 1 Strain Gauge Locations for Transverse Frames.5 FIGURE 2 Strain Gauge Locations for Longitudinal Frames .5 SECTION 3 Optional Ice Loads Monitoring Systems 7 1 Application 7 3 Optional Extension “(n)” for “System with an Additional Number of Strain Gauge Locations” .7 3.1 Transversely-

15、framed Vessels7 3.3 Longitudinally-framed Vessels.7 5 Optional Extension “+T” for “Turning Ice Loads Monitoring on Quarter”.7 5.1 Application.7 5.3 Ice Loads Due to Turning Monitoring 8 iv ABSGUIDE FOR ICE LOADS MONITORING SYSTEMS .2011 7 Optional Extension “+G” for “Global Ice Loads Monitoring”8 7.

16、1 Application .8 7.3 Warning Signals.8 9 Optional Extension “+L” for “Local Ice Loads Recording”.9 9.1 Application .9 9.3 Storage Data .9 9.5 Recording and Storage Devices 9 11 Optional Extension “+P” for “Local Ice Pressures Recording”9 11.1 Application .9 11.3 Storage Data .9 11.5 Recording and St

17、orage Devices 10 SECTION 4 Installation, Testing, Setup, and Calibration 11 1 General .11 3 Electrical and Mechanical Systems 11 5 Physical Protection of Sensors .11 7 Mounting .11 9 Display, Processing and Recording Equipment11 11 Initial Settings12 13 Calibration.12 15 Thermal Stresses12 17 Traini

18、ng .12 SECTION 5 Survey Requirements. 13 1 General .13 3 Survey of the Initial Installation of the System13 5 Simulation Test .13 7 Annual Surveys.13 9 Special Periodic Surveys 14 11 Surveys due to Damage, Repair, or Modification of the System14 ABSGUIDE FOR ICE LOADS MONITORING SYSTEMS .2011 1 Sect

19、ion 1: General SECTION 1 General 1 Application This Guide is applicable to new construction and existing ABS-classed vessels for which any of the ice load monitoring system notations indicated in Subsection 1/9 of this Guide have been requested by the applicant. The ice loads monitoring system is in

20、tended to: Provide to the bridge near real-time information of the measured data while transiting in ice. Warn the vessels personnel that the near real-time parameters specified in Subsection 1/5 are approaching permissible levels so that corrective actions may be taken. Warn the vessels personnel t

21、hat during the voyage the value(s) of these parameters could be equal to or higher than corresponding permissible level(s) in the near future based on recent impacts. The permissible level of the selected parameter(s) should be derived from applicable recognized criteria. While the ice loads monitor

22、ing system is intended to aid in the operation of a vessel, it is not a substitute for the judgment and the responsibility of the Master to take appropriate corrective action when operating the vessel. The Guide also recommends onboard prediction of the short-term extreme value(s) of parameters spec

23、ified in Subsection 1/5. The term “Guide” in this document denotes the ABS Guide for Ice Loads Monitoring Systems, and “Rules” denotes the ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels or the ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels Under 90 Meters (295 Feet) in Length, as applicable. 3

24、 Scope This Guide describes the general conditions and procedures for assessing, evaluating and recording structural conditions of a vessel navigating in ice by measuring and monitoring parameters related to the structural response of the vessel. This Guide addresses “active” monitoring which provid

25、es near real-time onboard operational support. The type of monitoring system, the methods of recording and processing data and the derivation of warning signals are largely decisions that should be made by the vessels Owner, in conjunction with the systems supplier as appropriate. The general recomm

26、endations given in this Guide are intended to assist the Owner in selecting, installing and using the system for collecting, processing, and evaluating the necessary data for predicting vessel behavior in ice. 5 Terminology Performance. Performance defined by the measurement, calculation or both of

27、one or more parameters which provide information about the vessels structural condition and/or response when in ice. Parameters. Conditions and properties that could indicate that a structural defect(s) and/or abnormal vessel behavior may occur and that corrective actions are advisable. The most imp

28、ortant parameters for ice loads are local stresses in the icebelt structure. Monitoring System. The system that monitors parameters and compares them with permissible levels that were established using recognized applicable criteria. Section 1 General 2 ABSGUIDE FOR ICE LOADS MONITORING SYSTEMS .201

29、1 7 Modifications and Alternatives ABS may consider ice loads monitoring system arrangements which do not fully comply with the requirements of this Guide provided they can be shown to be equally effective in meeting the overall standards of this Guide. Such alternative systems may be considered pro

30、vided that details of any modifications, additions and alternatives to the system are submitted to ABS for satisfactory review. Any modification, addition or alternative to the approved systems is to be carried out under survey. 9 Notations At the request of the vessels Owner or the shipyard, when a

31、 vessel is fitted with an ice loads monitoring system that complies with requirements of this Guide, it may be eligible to be assigned the ILM notation and the applicable optional extensions. 9.1 Basic Ice loads Monitoring System, ILM The notation ILM may be assigned when the vessel has been provide

32、d with the basic ice loads monitoring system to monitor the local icebelt stresses in compliance with Section 2 of this Guide. The system warns the vessels navigators when these stresses are approaching the permissible levels and a corrective action is advisable. 9.3 Optional Ice Loads Monitoring Sy

33、stems When requested, any or all of the following optional extension(s), specified in Section 3, may be added to the notation ILM (e.g., ILM (n) + optional extension(s), when the approved ice loads monitoring system has been provided with the appropriate equipment: (n) Number of additional strain ga

34、uge locations T Turning ice loads monitoring for quarter G Global ice loads monitoring L Local ice loads recording P Local pressure recording 9.5 Table of Notations Notation Definition Description ILM Basic Ice loads Monitoring System This notation is assigned to a vessel having the basic system tha

35、t monitors the hull girder bending stress Additional Optional Notations (n) Number of additional strain gauge locations (e.g., 2, 4 etc.) This notation is assigned to a vessel having strain gauge locations in addition to those required for the basic ice loads monitoring system. (n) denotes the addit

36、ional number of additional strain gauge locations +T (Turning Ice Loads) Turning ice loads monitoring on the quarter This optional notation, in addition to ILM, may be assigned to a vessel having ice loads monitoring systems with the additional purpose of monitoring the ice loads induced at the quar

37、ters of the vessel due to turning in ice. +G (Hull Girder Loads due to Ice Impact) Global ice loads monitoring This optional notation, in addition to ILM, may be assigned to a vessel having ice loads monitoring systems for hull girder bending and shear monitoring due to operation in ice, typically r

38、amming loads. Section 1 General ABSGUIDE FOR ICE LOADS MONITORING SYSTEMS .2011 3 Notation Definition Description +L (Recording) Local ice loads recording This optional notation, in addition to ILM may be assigned to a vessel having ice loads monitoring systems with the additional purpose of recordi

39、ng the stresses for analysis of ice loads. +P (Pressure Measurement and Recording) Local ice pressure monitoring and recording This optional notation, in addition to ILM may be assigned to a vessel having ice loads monitoring systems with the additional purpose of measuring and recording local impac

40、t pressures. 11 Information to be Submitted The following plans and documents are to be submitted to ABS for review: i) General arrangement showing the positions of the strain gauges, and of the accelerometer(s), pressure transducer(s) and motion sensor(s), if fitted ii) Hull structural drawings in

41、way of strain gauges iii) Block diagram and description, illustrating the operation of the system iv) Description of accuracy, range and frequency response of strain gauges v) Procedures for installation, set-up and calibration of the strain gauges vi) Procedures for system testing and operational v

42、erification vii) Description of the methods used to process the data for display viii) Description of the selection of the warning criteria ix) Description of the output display method x) Description of the method and capability of the data recording system and facilities for examination of the reco

43、rded data xi) Operating Manual for the system: An Operating Manual written in English and in a language appropriate to the vessels operating personnel is to be placed onboard. The Operating Manual is to include instructions on operating the system, instructions for interpretation of results, mainten

44、ance and repair including procedures for set-up, calibration and verification of sensors. Plans should generally be submitted electronically to ABS. However, hard copies will also be accepted. In some cases, ABS may request the submission of additional information when it is considered necessary to

45、review particular features of an ice loads monitoring system. 13 Sensors The sensors used in ice loads monitoring systems are to be suitable for use in the marine environment. It is recommended that ABS Type Approved sensors be used wherever possible. The frequency response of the sensors is to be s

46、uitable for the signal being measured. The accuracy of the sensors is to be suitable for the use to which the signal is put. 4 ABSGUIDE FOR ICE LOADS MONITORING SYSTEMS .2011 Section 2: Basic Ice Condition Monitoring System (ILM) SECTION 2 Basic Ice Condition Monitoring System (ILM) 1 Application Wh

47、ere requested, the notation ILM may be assigned to a vessel having a basic ice condition monitoring system to monitor local hull stresses caused by ice loads in compliance with this Section. The basic ice condition monitoring system is to display local stresses from strain gauges and to warn the ves

48、sels personnel that stresses are approaching levels at which corrective action is advisable. 3 Local Hull Stress Monitoring due to Ice Loads 3.1 Stresses during Transit in Ice A display of the local critical stresses associated with typical icebelt structure is to be available on the bridge to monit

49、or these stresses during operations in ice to minimize the possibility of vessel overloading and the overstressing and buckling of hull structures. An alarm is to be provided to indicate when the critical stresses exceed 80% of the material yield stress. Critical stresses are defined as stresses in areas of the icebelt structure that will have the highest stresses during ice impact loading. Depending upon the impact location, the magnitude and extent of the load, and the loading condition of the vessel, critical stresses may occur in different parts of the structure. To


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