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1、 Notices and General Information GUIDE FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING INTERNATIONAL NAVAL SHIPS 2016 NOTICES AND GENERAL INFORMATION American Bureau of Shipping Incorporated by Act of Legislature of the State of New York 1862 Copyright 2015 American Bureau of Shipping ABS Plaza 16855 Northchase Drive Hou

2、ston, TX 77060 USA Table of Contents part Notices and General Information CONTENTS Introduction . 1 TABLE 1 Applicable Editions of Booklets Comprising the 2016 Guide 4 TABLE 2 Division and Numbering of Rules and Guides 5 TABLE 3 Summary of Changes from the 2014 Guide . 5 Definition of Terms Used Thr

3、oughout the Guide . 11 ii ABSGUIDE FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING INTERNATIONAL NAVAL SHIPS .2016 Notices and General Information Notices and General Information Introduction 1. The year 2016 edition of the Guide for Building and Classing International Naval Ships consists of the Parts shown in Table 1.

4、Content has been added as necessary to extend its applicability to military vessels and other Government owned vessels in non-commercial service. The following is provided for information regarding each Part: a) Part 1: The purpose of the generic title ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification (Par

5、t 1) is to reflect the expanded contents of PART 1, as a result of including consolidated requirements for “Classification” applicable to all types of and sizes of vessels, barges and specific shipboard arrangements/systems, etc., except for those in offshore service, as specified in the Foreword to

6、 Part 1. b) Part 2: The purpose of the generic title ABS Rules for Materials and Welding (Part 2) is to reflect the common applicability of the requirements to all ABS-classed vessels, other marine structures and their associated machinery, and thereby make PART 2 more readily a common “PART” of var

7、ious ABS Rules and Guides, as appropriate. c) Part 3: The ABS Guide for Building and Classing International Naval Ships (Part 3) is based upon other existing ABS Rules and Guides to inherently incorporate baseline standards for hull design, construction, safety and environmental protection expected

8、of all commercial vessels worldwide. d) Part 4: The ABS Guide for Building and Classing International Naval Ships (Part 4) is based upon other existing ABS Rules and Guides to inherently incorporate baseline standards for machinery design, construction, safety and environmental protection expected o

9、f all commercial vessels worldwide. e) Part 5: The ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels (Part 5A, 5B, 5C) contains structural requirements for specific vessel types (tankers, bulk carriers, container carriers, liquefied gas carriers, passenger carriers, chemical carriers, and vessels in

10、tended to carry vehicles) that are normally classed in accordance with ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels. The inclusion of this existing Part 5 in the ABS Guide for Building and Classing International Naval Ships is mainly for its potential application to certain naval ships (e.g., O

11、ilers) and will require special consideration when applying its requirements since they were intended for application to commercial vessels and are therefore based heavily upon SOLAS and other IMO Convention standards; no modifications have been made to it at this time to tailor its applicability to

12、 military vessels or other Government-owned vessels in non-commercial service. f) Part 6: The ABS Guide for Building and Classing International Naval Ships (Part 6) provides requirements regarding those optional notations offered by ABS that are most frequently requested and/or considered to be most

13、 applicable or unique to military vessels and other Government owned vessels in non-commercial service. A complete listing of available optional notations is on the ABS website (www.eagle.org). The requirements in Part 6 apply in addition to the basic requirements for Classification, but only apply

14、for those optional notations that are requested. g) Part 7: The purpose of the generic title ABS Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7) is to reflect the common applicability of survey requirements to all ABS-classed vessels, other marine structures and their associated machinery. 2. The numbe

15、ring system applied in the Guide is shown in Table 2. 3. The effective date of each technical change is shown in parentheses at the end of the subsection/paragraph titles within the text of each Part. Unless a particular date and month are shown, the years in parentheses refer to 1 January of the ye

16、ar shown. This Guide becomes effective on 1 January 2016. ABSGUIDE FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING INTERNATIONAL NAVAL SHIPS .2016 1 Notices and General Information 4. Until the next edition of the Guide for Building and Classing International Naval Ships is published, Rule Change Notices and/or Corrigend

17、a, as necessary, will be published on the ABS website www. eagle.org only, and will be available free for downloading. It is not intended to publish hard copies of future Rule Change Notices and/or Corrigenda to existing Rules or Guides. The consolidated edition of the Guide for Building and Classin

18、g International Naval Ships, which includes Rule Change Notices and/or Corrigenda using different colors for easy recognition, will be published on the ABS website only when Rule Change Notices and/or Corrigenda are issued. 5. The listing of CLASSIFICATION SYMBOLS AND NOTATIONS is available from the

19、 ABS website http:/www.eagle.org for download. 6. In association with the harmonization of the Common Structural Rules (CSR) for Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers, on 1 July 2015, the three Sub-parts, 5A, 5B, and 5C, of Part 5 of the Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels are as follows: Contents

20、 Part 5A: General Hull Requirements (IACS CSR Part 1) Part 5B: Ship Types (IACS CSR Part 2) Part 5C: This Part is divided into two separate booklets as follows: Chapters 1 to 6: Tankers and Bulk Carriers not covered by Part 5A and Part 5B and Container Carriers Chapters 7 to 12: Passenger Vessels, L

21、iquefied Gas Carriers, Chemical Carriers, Vessels Intended to Carry Vehicles, Water Carriers, and Membrane Tank LNG Carriers. Application Oil Tankers The structural requirements in Part 5A, Pt 1 and Part 5B, Pt 2, Ch 2 of the Rules are applicable for double hull oil tankers of 150 m in length and up

22、ward, with structural arrangements as specified in Part 5A, Pt 1, Ch 1, Sec 1, 1.3. For oil tankers with structural arrangements not covered by Part 5A, Pt 1 and Part 5B, Pt 2, Ch 2, the requirements in Part 5C, Chapters 1 or 2, are to be complied with. Application Bulk Carriers The structural requi

23、rements in Part 5A, Pt 1 and Part 5B, Pt 2, Ch 1 of the Rules are applicable for single side skin and double side skin bulk carriers of 90m in length and upward, with structural arrangements as specified in Part 5A, Pt 1, Ch 1, Sec 1, 1.2. For vessels intended to carry ore or bulk cargoes, other tha

24、n the single side skin or double side skin bulk carriers of 90 m in length and upward with structural arrangements as specified in Part 5A, Pt 1 and Part 5B, Pt 2, Ch 1, the requirements in Part 5C, Chapters 3 or 4 are to be complied with. Application ABS Construction Monitoring Program These compul

25、sory requirements for CSR notation are specified in Part 5C, Appendix 2. Application Onboard Systems for Oil Tankers and Bulk Carriers The onboard systems for all tankers are to comply with the requirements of Part 5C, Chapter 1, Section 7, and for all bulk carriers are to comply with the requiremen

26、ts of Part 5C, Chapter 3, Section 7 of the Rules. Application References Other Parts of the ABS Rules that are referenced within Part 5A, 5B, or 5C are also to be applied. 2 ABSGUIDE FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING INTERNATIONAL NAVAL SHIPS .2016 Notices and General Information The following flow chart in

27、dicates the application of the Rules and typical Class Notations for tanker and bulk carrier vessels, of which arrangements and scantlings are in full compliance with the Rules: Vessels Intended to Carry Oil in Bulk Vessels Intended to Carry Ore or Bulk Cargoes L 150 m? Arrangement and layout comply

28、 with Part 5A, Pt 1, Ch 1, Sec 1, 1.3 and Part 5A, Pt 1, Ch 1, Sec 1, Figure 3? Part 5A, Pt 1 and Part 5B, Pt 1, Ch 2: Common Structural Rules and Part 5C, Appendix 2 Part 5C, Chapter 1, Section 7: ABS Steel Vessel Rules A1 Oil Carrier, CSR, AB-CM plus appropriate notations for oil carriers Part 5C,

29、 Chapter 1, Appendix 1 to Part 5C ABS Steel Vessel Rules (L 150 m) A1 Oil Carrier, SH, SHCM plus appropriate notations for oil carriers Part 5C, Chapter 2 ABS Steel Vessel Rules (L 150 m) A1 Oil Carrier plus appropriate notations for oil carriers L 90 m? Arrangement and layout comply with Part 5A, P

30、t 1, Ch 1, Sec 1, 1.2 and Part 5A, Pt 1, Ch 1, Sec 1, Figures 1 where 25 50 To clarify the cross-references. (Incorporates Notice No. 1) 4-3-9 (New) Contra-Rotating Propellers To provide requirements for contra-rotating propellers. (Incorporates Notice No. 1) 4-6-2/9.13.3 Connection Details To harmo

31、nize pipe size terminology in the Rules, in line with current IACS requirements. (Incorporates Notice No. 1) 4-6-3/1 General To incorporate the requirements of IMO Resolution MSC.313(88). (Incorporates Notice No. 1) 4-6-3/5.11.1 Level 1 To incorporate the requirements of IMO Resolution MSC.313(88).

32、(Incorporates Notice No. 1) 4-6-3/5.11.2 Level 2 To incorporate the requirements of IMO Resolution MSC.313(88). (Incorporates Notice No. 1) 4-6-3/7.1.1 Spacing To incorporate the requirements of IMO Resolution MSC.313(88). (Incorporates Notice No. 1) 4-6-3/13.7.2 After the Test To incorporate the requirements of IMO Resolution MSC.313(88). (Incorporates Notice No. 1) 4-6-3/Table 1 Fire Endurance Requirement Matrix To incorporate the requirements of IMO Resolution MSC.313(88). (Incorporates Notice No. 1) 6 ABSGUIDE FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING INTERNATIONAL NAVAL SHIPS .2016


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