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1、 Guide for Liquefied Gas Carrier Storage Service GUIDE FOR LIQUEFIED GAS CARRIER STORAGE SERVICE NOVEMBER 2016 American Bureau of Shipping Incorporated by Act of Legislature of the State of New York 1862 2016 American Bureau of Shipping. All rights reserved. ABS Plaza 16855 Northchase Drive Houston,

2、 TX 77060 USA Foreword Foreword As global demand for liquefied gas grows, there is a corresponding growth in the global fleet of Liquefied Gas Carriers (LGCs), Floating liquefied gas terminals, bunker vessels and floating storage and regasification vessels. Small-scale consumers such as power plants

3、 at remote locations require storage facilities near shore and various factors suggest the use of floating storage units with or without regasification. ABS has developed this Guide to provide classification requirements for LGCs that for certain periods may be used for storage service that are bert

4、hed alongside a jetty in sheltered waters or at a protected location that enables the unit to quickly move away from a severe weather event. LGCs that comply with this Guide may in some cases extend the required drydocking period. This Guide references relevant international Regulations and guidelin

5、es that are considered to be applicable. While it is the intent of the Guide to be consistent with these Regulations and guidelines, it is the ultimate responsibility of the users of this Guide to refer to the most recent text of those Regulations and guidelines. This Guide is to be used in conjunct

6、ion with other ABS Rules and IMO Regulations. This Guide is for the use of designers, builders, owners and operators of liquefied gas carriers and specifies the ABS requirements for obtaining the optional classification notation Storage Service. This Guide becomes effective on the first day of the m

7、onth of publication. Users are advised to check periodically on the ABS website www.eagle.org to verify that this version of this Guide is the most current. We welcome your feedback. Comments or suggestions can be sent electronically by email to rsdeagle.org. ii ABSGUIDE FOR LIQUEFIED GAS CARRIER ST

8、ORAGE SERVICE .2016 Table of Contents GUIDE FOR LIQUEFIED GAS CARRIER STORAGE SERVICE CONTENTS SECTION 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification . 5 1 Classification . 5 3 Application 5 5 Classification Symbols and Notations . 5 7 Flag and Coastal State Administrations 6 9 Submission of Plans . 6 SEC

9、TION 2 Design Review 7 1 Design Basis . 7 3 Sloshing Analysis 7 SECTION 3 Surveys . 8 1 Conversion to Storage Service . 8 1.1 Survey Requirements 8 3 Surveys After Construction . 8 3.1 General 8 3.3 Drydocking Surveys 8 ABSGUIDE FOR LIQUEFIED GAS CARRIER STORAGE SERVICE .2016 iii This Page Intention

10、ally Left Blank Section 1: Scope and Conditions of Classification (Supplement to the ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification Units and Structures) SECTION 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification (Supplement to the ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification) 1 Classification The requirements for

11、conditions of classification are contained in the separate, generic ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification (Part 1). Additional requirements specific to Liquefied Gas Carrier (LGC), Storage Service are contained within this Guide. 3 Application This Guide is applicable to liquefied gas carriers

12、that may for certain periods be used for storage service while they maintain their appropriate liquefied gas carrier classification. The Storage Service notation is optional and only applicable when the vessels propulsion machinery is also to be retained to AMS classification requirements. This Guid

13、e is intended to cover the requirements specific for LGCs, which serve only in a storage capacity at a single designated location that is berthed alongside a jetty in sheltered waters or at a protected location that enables the unit to quickly move away from a severe weather event. Storage Service,

14、for the purpose of this Class notation means: i) Vessel is stationed at a single location, does not transit between ports or different sites and does not carry/discharge cargo between ports or sites. ii) When the vessel leaves the designated “storage service” location, other than to take refuge from

15、 severe weather, the “storage service” provisions provided herein no longer apply. iii) The vessel is not to transport and discharge liquefied cargo to a port or terminal when taking refuge from weather. It is envisioned that voyages, without cargo, may be necessary for repair works or to a lay-up s

16、ite when the storage service is seasonal. iv) The vessel can only depart the designated “storage service” location when it is loaded within the range of approved filling levels. Mooring, import/export systems and shore-transfer arrangements are the responsibility of the Owner, including compliance w

17、ith flag and Coastal State requirements. 5 Classification Symbols and Notations LGCs built to the satisfaction of the ABS Surveyors to the additional requirements of this Guide, where approved by the Committee for service may be classed and distinguished in the Record by the notation Storage Service

18、 inserted after the appropriate liquefied gas carrier notations. For example: i) A1 Liquefied Gas Carrier, Storage Service or A1 Liquefied Gas Carrier, Storage Service ii) A1 Liquefied Natural Gas Carrier, Storage Service or A1 Liquefied Natural Gas Carrier, Storage Service iii) A1 Liquefied Gas Car

19、rier with Independent Tanks, Storage Service or A1 Liquefied Gas Carrier with Independent Tanks, Storage Service ABSGUIDE FOR LIQUEFIED GAS CARRIER STORAGE SERVICE .2016 5 Section 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification 7 Flag and Coastal State Administrations Requirements additional to those given

20、 in the Guide may be imposed by the flag and Coastal State Administrations with whom the vessel is registered or by the Administration within whose territorial jurisdiction the vessel is intended to operate. 9 Submission of Plans Where modifications are required for the LGC, the plans as required in

21、 relevant sections of ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels (Steel Vessel Rules), in particular Part 5C, Chapter 8 for Vessels Intended to Carry Liquefied Gases in Bulk and Part 5C, Chapter 12 for Liquefied Gas Carriers with Membrane Tanks, and the IMO International Code for the Construc

22、tion and Equipment of Ships carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code) are to be submitted to ABS for review. These include, but are not limited to: Cargo operations manual Statutory drawings including stability Hull structure and equipment foundation Boil-off gas management Liquefied gas cargo pip

23、ing and equipment Additional documents to be submitted for the Storage Service notation are: Design Basis as required by Subsection 2/1 Sloshing Analysis as required by Subsection 2/3 6 ABSGUIDE FOR LIQUEFIED GAS CARRIER STORAGE SERVICE .2016 Section 2: Design Review SECTION 2 Design Review 1 Design

24、 Basis A Design Basis for the vessel that addresses the applicable parts of 1.1.10 of the IGC Code is required to be submitted. The Design Basis is to include the site location showing the berthing arrangements and or fixed mooring location and mooring configuration. Unless the vessel is to be moore

25、d hard up to the berth, the geographic location of the vessel (while in storage service) is required to be specified. 3 Sloshing Analysis Where it is intended that the vessel will be loaded and offloaded while moored at a protected location, but not hard up against a berth, the suitability of the co

26、ntainment system and hull structure will be reviewed for sloshing loads using site-specific conditions with a ten (10) year return interval over the full range of loading conditions from full to empty. ABSGUIDE FOR LIQUEFIED GAS CARRIER STORAGE SERVICE .2016 7 Section 3: Surveys SECTION 3 Surveys 1

27、Conversion to Storage Service 1.1 Survey Requirements Provided the work associated with the conversion is carried out in accordance with approved plans to the satisfaction of the attending Surveyor, he will issue a report recommending Classification as Storage Service. 3 Surveys After Construction 3

28、.1 General LGCs in storage service will be surveyed in accordance with the applicable sections of the ABS Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7), including the requirements for lightering service, except as noted below: 3.3 Drydocking Surveys 3.3.1 The vessel is to be properly prepared for the

29、 extended positioning. The preparation would normally include a complete Special Survey appropriate to the age of the vessel, in accordance with 7-3-2/5.11 of the ABS Rules for Survey after Construction (Part 7) and preparation of the underwater parts in accordance with Appendix 7-A-1 of the ABS Rul

30、es for Survey after Construction (Part 7). All requirements for Survey and thickness measurements are to be applied. Drydocking Surveys will continue to be required at the regular rule required intervals (normally twice in a 5 year special survey period). However, Underwater Inspection in Lieu of Dr

31、ydocking (UWILD) examination may be carried out to meet the Drydocking requirements as noted is 3/3.3.2 below, provided the vessels flag administration is in concurrence with same with regard to the statutory certificates issued on their behalf. Owners plan for the UWILD is to be reviewed by the att

32、ending Office and agreed upon by the respective Assistant Chief Surveyors (ACS) Office before the survey commences and same is to be discussed during the pre-planning meeting held onboard. 3.3.2 For vessels less than 15 years of age the drydocking requirements for Special Survey and Intermediate sur

33、vey may be accomplished by UWILD for up to 10 years of storage service. For vessels that are over 15 years of age the Intermediate survey drydocking will be permitted to be accomplished by UWILD, the Special Survey drydocking will be required to be an out-of-water docking. For vessels exceeding 15 y

34、ears of age, the time allowable where UWILD is applied may be extended to a maximum of 10 years (in storage service) in special circumstances where agreed to by the Assistant Chief Surveyor. Special consideration may be given by the Chief Surveyor to allow UWILD for additional inspections, in Lieu o

35、f Drydocking, beyond 10 years (in storage service) subject to agreed plans and arrangements being put in place and provided the flag administration is in concurrence with same. 3.3.3 Upon completion of the storage service, the vessel is required to proceed to drydock for an out of water drydocking s

36、urvey if the vessel has been in Storage Service for five years or more since the last out-of-the-water docking. 8 ABSGUIDE FOR LIQUEFIED GAS CARRIER STORAGE SERVICE .2016 Part 1: Rules for Classification of Marine Vessels and Structures RULES FOR CONDITIONS OF CLASSIFICATION 2016 PART 1 (Updated Aug

37、ust 2016 see next page) American Bureau of Shipping Incorporated by Act of Legislature of the State of New York 1862 2015 American Bureau of Shipping. All rights reserved. ABS Plaza 16855 Northchase Drive Houston, TX 77060 USA Updates August 2016 consolidation includes: July 2016 version plus Notice

38、 No. 2 July 2016 consolidation includes: February 2016 version plus Notice No. 1 and Corrigenda/Editorials February 2016 consolidation includes: January 2016 version plus Corrigenda/Editorials ABSRULES FOR CONDITIONS OF CLASSIFICATION .2016 iii Rule Change Notice (2016) Rule Change Notice (2016) The

39、 effective date of each technical change since 1993 is shown in parentheses at the end of the subsection/paragraph titles within the text of each Part. Unless a particular date and month are shown, the years in parentheses refer to the following effective dates: (2000) and after 1 January 2000 (and

40、subsequent years) (1996) 9 May 1996 (1999) 12 May 1999 (1995) 15 May 1995 (1998) 13 May 1998 (1994) 9 May 1994 (1997) 19 May 1997 (1993) 11 May 1993 Listing by Effective Dates of Changes from the 2015 Rules EFFECTIVE DATE 1 January 2016 shown as (2016) Part/Para. No. Title/Subject Status/Remarks 1-1

41、-4/7.5 Other Rules To clarify that the SHR notation may be also assigned to liquefied gas carriers with membrane tanks complying with Section 5C-12-4 of the Steel Vessel Rules. Listing by Effective Dates of Changes from the 2016 Rules Notice No. 1 (effective on 1 July 2016) to the 2016 Rules, is sum

42、marized below. EFFECTIVE DATE 1 July 2016 shown as (1 July 2016) Part/Para. No. Title/Subject Status/Remarks 1-1-A3/5.5 Product Quality Assurance Certification (PQA) Tier 4 (IACS UR Z26 Alternative Certification Scheme) To incorporate IACS UR Z26, which replaces UR M5 unavailability of repair facili

43、ties; unavailability of essential materials, equipment or spare parts; or delays incurred by action taken to avoid severe weather conditions), consideration may be given for an extension of the Special Periodical Survey not exceeding three (3) months, provided the vessel is attended and the attendin

44、g Surveyor(s) so recommend(s) after the following has been carried out: Annual Survey; and Re-examination of recommendations; and Progression of the Special Periodical Survey as far as practicable; and In the case where drydocking is due prior to the end of the class extension, an underwater examina

45、tion is to be carried out by an approved diving company. An underwater examination by an approved company may be dispensed with in the case of extension of Drydocking Survey not exceeding 36 months interval provided the vessel is without outstanding recommendation regarding underwater parts. 8 ABSRU

46、LES FOR CONDITIONS OF CLASSIFICATION .2016 Part 1 Rules for Conditions of Classification Chapter 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification Section 2 Suspension and Cancellation of Classification 1-1-2 (1 July 2005) If the vessel is at sea on the Special Periodical Survey due date, consideration may b

47、e given for an extension of the Special Periodical Survey provided there is documented agreement to an extension prior to the due date, positive arrangements have been made for a Surveyor to attend the vessel at the first port of call, and ABS is satisfied there is technical justification for an ext

48、ension. Such an extension shall be granted only until arrival at the first port of call after the due date. However, if owing to “exceptional circumstances” the Special Periodical Survey cannot be completed at the first port of call, the Rule above for an extension of the Special Periodical Survey m

49、ay be followed, but the total period of extension shall in no case be longer than three (3) months after the original due date of the Special Periodical Survey. 7.11 (1 July 2005) When a vessel is intended for a demolition voyage with any periodical survey overdue, the vessels class suspension may be held in abeyance, and consideration may be given to allow the vessel to proceed on a single direct ballast voyage from the lay-up or final discharge port to the demolition yard. In such cases, a short term Class Certificate with conditions for th


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