1、 ABSRULES FOR CONDITIONS OF CLASSIFICATION HIGH-SPEED CRAFT .2013 1 RULES FOR CONDITIONS OF CLASSIFICATION HIGH-SPEED CRAFT 2013 NOTICE NO. 2 March 2013 The following Rule Changes to Part 1 were approved by the ABS Classification Committee on 28 February 2013 with the implementation date; EFFECTIVE
2、AS OF 1 MARCH 2013. (See http:/www.eagle.org for the consolidated version of the 2012 Rules for Conditions of Classification High-Speed Craft, with all Notices and Corrigenda incorporated.) Notes - The date in the parentheses means the date that the Rule becomes effective for new construction based
3、on the contract date for construction, unless otherwise noted. (See 1-1-4/3.3.) PART 1 RULES FOR CONDITIONS OF CLASSIFICATION CHAPTER 2 CLASSIFICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR HIGH-SPEED CRAFT SECTION 2 CLASSIFICATION SYMBOLS AND NOTATIONS (Revise Subsection 1-2-2/5, as follows:) 5 Special Purpose Craft (1
4、March 2013) Special purpose craft, which have been built to the satisfaction of the ABS Surveyors to arrangements and scantlings approved for the particular purpose, where approved by the Committee for the particular purpose, where approved by the Committee for the particular service will be classed and distinguished in the Record by the symbols null A1 HSC followed by a description of the service for which special modifications to the Rules have been approved, e.g., Special Government Services, etc.