ABS 74-1995 Safehull System for Tankers Guide for Assessing Hull-Girder Residual Strength for Tankers《评估油轮船梁残余强度油轮指南船体系统》.pdf

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ABS 74-1995 Safehull System for Tankers Guide for Assessing Hull-Girder Residual Strength for Tankers《评估油轮船梁残余强度油轮指南船体系统》.pdf_第1页
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ABS 74-1995 Safehull System for Tankers Guide for Assessing Hull-Girder Residual Strength for Tankers《评估油轮船梁残余强度油轮指南船体系统》.pdf_第2页
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ABS 74-1995 Safehull System for Tankers Guide for Assessing Hull-Girder Residual Strength for Tankers《评估油轮船梁残余强度油轮指南船体系统》.pdf_第3页
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ABS 74-1995 Safehull System for Tankers Guide for Assessing Hull-Girder Residual Strength for Tankers《评估油轮船梁残余强度油轮指南船体系统》.pdf_第4页
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ABS 74-1995 Safehull System for Tankers Guide for Assessing Hull-Girder Residual Strength for Tankers《评估油轮船梁残余强度油轮指南船体系统》.pdf_第5页
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1、ABS TITLE GAHGRST 95 Ob51302 0010783 T5b FOUnIDED 7862 AMERICAN BUREAU OF SHIPPING one within the midship region and another at the region of high shear forces. The collision damage is assumed to be located at the upper part of the side shell, down from (and including) the stringer plate of the stre

2、ngth deck. The following members should be assumed to be damaged and excluded totally or partially, from the hull girder section modulus calculation (see Fig. 2). side shell plating for the vertical extent of 4 m or D/4, (designated as “h“ in Fig. 2), whichever is greater, down from the upper edge o

3、f the shear strake, where D is the ship depth as defined in 3/1.5 of the Rules. strength of deck plating including the stringer plate extending from the side shell to the inner skin. side stringers and platforms, within the damaged zone extending for 75% of the double-side width, 3/4 b as shown in F

4、ig. 2. all deck and side Iongitudinals and longitudinal stiffeners attached to the damaged plating. 5.0 RESIDUAL STRENGTH ASSESSMENT The assessment is to demonstrate that the appropriate residual longitudinal strength of the hull girder after an accident as specified in 2.0 is in compliance with the

5、 strength criteria given in 7.0 for a single trip from the site of accident to a repair yard under load conditions as specified in 6.0. The residual hull girder section modulus may be calculated using either a finite element model or a simplified method based on the assumed damage, as given in 3.0 o

6、r 4.0. 2 ABS TITLE GAHGRST 95 Ob51102 0010788 538 = Kus Hogging Kuw Kus Sagging Kuw The residual bending strength should be analyzed both for collision and grounding situations. The Grounding Collision 1.1 1 .o 0.5 0.7 0.9 1 .o 0.5 0.7 residual shearing strength should be checked for collision, but

7、need not be analyzed for grounding. b 6.0 LOAD CRITERIA Residual strength of the damaged hull-girder should be assessed based on the total longitudinal bending moments, M, and shear forces, F, given as follows: kN-m (tf-m, Ltf-ft) kN (tf, Ltf) where Ms, F, - maximum still-water bending moment (hoggi

8、ng and/or sagging) and shear force (positive and/or negative), in intact condition. M, Fw = wave-induced vertical longitudinal bending moments (hogging and sagging) and shear forces (positive and negative), calculated in accordance with 3/6.3.3 of the Rules. Ku, and Ku, are given in the following ta

9、ble. Both hogging and sagging conditions are to be considered. Local loads for secondary and tertiary bending need not be taken into consideration. 3 ABS TITLE GAHGRST 95 m 065LL02 0030789 474 m 7.0 RESIDUAL STRENGTH CRITERIA 7.1 Residual Bending Strength Criterion The residual section moduli of the

10、 damaged hull-girder, calculated in accordance with Ed2A4.2.1 of the Rules excluding the nominal design corrosion values and the damaged members as specified in 3.0 and 4.0, are not to be less than the nominal section modulus: SM, = 0.9 Mfp cm2 - m(in.2 - fi) where M, is the total longitudinal bendi

11、ng moment as specified in 6.0. f, is the nominal permissible bending stress as specified in 3/6.3.4 of the Rules. 7.2 Residual Shearing Strength Criterion The shear stresses, f, in the side shell plating, after damage due to a collision, are not to be greater than that given by the formula: f, = n,

12、n2 F, mJ(lJ,) I 1.1 f, kN/cm2(tf/cm2, Ltf/in.*) where F, = total shear force as specified in 6.0 t, = thickness of side shell plating in cm (in.) f, = permissible shear stress specified in U2A4.2.3 of the Rules. m, and Ir are the first moment, in cm3 (in3), and moment of inertia, in cm4 (in4), of th

13、e “net“ hull-girder damaged due to a collision at the station being considered. n, = As2(A, + Ab + 0.5A,) n2 = D/(D-h) A, = residual shell plating area of the damaged side, in cm2 (in2). A, = total plating area of one side shell (outer skin), in cm2 (in2). Ab = total plating area of one outermost lo

14、ngitudinal bulkhead (inner skin), in cm2 (in2). A, = total plating area of all other longitudinal bulkheads between the inner skins, in cm2 (in2). D and h are as defined in Fig. 2. 4 ABS TITLE GAHGRST 95 m 065LL02 OOLOO 196 3/!H I 1 H -4 4rn or 8/6 whichever is greater Figure 1 0.7h but 3 b 3/4 b- h

15、 D/4 or 4m D Figure 2 5 ABS TITLE GAHGRST 75 Ob5LL02 OOL079L O22 M AMERIUN IIURAU OC 8HlPPINd 6 AmLlAlED COMPANIES 1995 TECHNICAL PUBLICATION ORDER FORM Corporate Publications Dept.: Two World Trade Center, 106th Floor New York, NY USA 10048 Tel: (21 2) 839-501 6 FAX (21 2) 839-5208 AMERICAN BUREAU

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25、tems (1 994) (1 995) RCN 1 39 The Certification of Offshore Moorina Chain (1 986) 42 Lay-Up and for Reactivation of Mobile Offshore Drillinq units (I 986) 43 Classing Vessels for Safetv Standby Service (1 986) 44 Certification of Cranes (1991), RCN-1 45 Certification of Container Securinq Systems (1

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27、n-Stabilized Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (1 990) 59 Preparing Fishina Vessels Stability Booklet (1 990) 60 Carao Vapor Emission Control Systems on Board Tank Vessels (1 991) 61 Building and Classing Hiah Sroee Craft, (1 990), Corr-1 I RCN-I - $75 62 Building and Classing Motor Pleasure Yachts, (1

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29、ilding and Classing Oil Recovery Vessels (1 993) 72 Dynamic Based Design and Evaluation of Bulk Carrier 73 &Condition Monitoring Systems (I 995) 74 Guide For Assessing Hull-Girder Residual Strength for Tankers 75 Guide On Improvement for Structural Connections and Sample Structural Details-Service E

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