1、 GUIDE FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION NOTATION FOR VESSELS SEPTEMBER 2009 NOTICE NO. 7 May 2015 The following Changes become EFFECTIVE AS OF 1 MAY 2015. (See http:/www.eagle.org for the consolidated version of the Guide for the Environmental Protection Notation for Vessels, 2009, with all Notices
2、and Corrigenda incorporated.) Notes - The date in the parentheses means the date that the Rule becomes effective for new construction based on the contract date for construction. (See 1-1-4/3.3 of the ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification (Part 1).) SECTION 3 ENVIRO NOTATION 3 Management and Su
3、pport Systems (1 August 2014) (Revise Paragraph 3/3.5, as follows.) 3.5 Support Systems Rapid Response Damage Assessment Program (1 May 2015) For vessels 500 gross tons and over, an approved contract is to be implemented with the ABS RRDA program, or with a similar program of another IACS Member Society. For offshore support vessels in length 100 m (328 feet) and below, the ABS RRDA program or a similar program of another IACS Member Society is not required. ABSGUIDE FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION NOTATION FOR VESSELS .2009 1