ACI 104-1971 Preparation of Notation for Concrete《混凝土符号的编制》.pdf

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1、ACI Committee Reports, Guides, Standard Practices, and Com-mentaries are intended for guidance in designing, planning,executing, or inspecting construction, and in preparing speci-fications. Reference to these documents shall not be made inthe Project Documents. If items found in these documents are

2、desired to be part of the Project Documents, they should bephrased in mandatory language and incorporated into the Proj-ect Documents.ACI StandardPreparation of Notation for Concrete (ACI 104-71)(Revised 1982) Reapproved 1997Reported by ACI Committee 104*M. DANIEL VANDERBILTChairmanHIROYUKI AOYAMAHU

3、BERT K. HILSDORF HEDLEY E. H. ROYSTEPHANE BERNAERT GERALD B. NEVILLESVEN SAHLINALVARO GARCIA MESEGUER FRANCISCO ROBLESMETE A. SOZENIndicates how symbols shall be selected to represent quantities or terms.Principal symbols are upper and lower case Roman letters and Greek lower caseletters. Roman lowe

4、r case letters are used as subscripts and Greek upper caseletters are reserved for mathematics.Keywords: coding; concretes; definitions; nomenclature; notation; prestressedconcrete;reinforced concrete; structural analysis; structural design; symbols;terminology.PREPARATION OF NOTATIONScopeAll symbol

5、s used in defining any aspect of con-crete construction shall be prepared using theguide outlined in Table 1.Construction of symbolsThe preparation of a symbol to represent agiven quantity shall be conducted in the follow-ing manner.(a) The leading or main letter of the symbolshall be selected from

6、Table 1 based onTABLE l-GUIDE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SYMBOLS(a) Roman capital letters (dimensions: force, forcetimes length, area, area to a power, tempera-ture)1. Moments, shears, normal forces, concentratedloads, total loads2. Area, first and second moments of area3. Strain moduli (exception to dimen

7、sions)4. Temperature- -(b) Roman lower case letters (dimensions: length,length per time to a power, force per unitlength, area, or volume, except where used as sub-scripts)1. Unit moments, shears, normal forces, loads2. Linear dimensions (length, width, thickness,etc. )3. Unit strengths, stresses4.

8、Velocity, acceleration, frequency5. Descriptive letters (subscripts)_-.-(c) Greek upper case lettersReserved for mathematics(d) Greek 1ower case letters (dimensionless)1. Coefficients and dimensionless ratios2. Strains3. Angles4. Specific gravity (ratio of densities)5. Variable stresses (exception,

9、CEB usage only)1Copyright 1980, American Concrete Institute. All Rights reserved, including themaking of copies, unless permission, in writing, is obtained from the copyrightproprietors.(e) Indices= compression(f) SubscriptsRoman lower case letters may be used fol-lowing the main symbol as required.

10、 Defini-tions assigned to subscripts include but arenot limited to those listed below: Compatibility between ACI and CEB symbology for stressestobe achieved in the future.*.ACI 104 has been maintained by Committee 116 since 1981.Adopted as a standard of the American Concrete Institute in accordance

11、with theInstitute s standardization procedures. Revised by the Expedited StandardizationProcedure effective January 1, 1982.104-l104-2 ACI STANDARDconsideration of the dimensions of thequantity under consideration.(b) An index representing compression shallbe added to symbols representing geometri-c

12、al quantities if required.(c) Descriptive subscripts may be selected asdesired. When subscripts other than thoseappearing in Table 1 are used, a clearwritten definition of their meaning shall begiven.(d) The sign of a computed stress is given by+ (plus) for tension and - (minus) forcompression.NOTAT

13、ION FOR CONCRETEThe following commentary and appendices, while not apart of ACI 104-71, will assist the user in applying thestandard and selecting notation which conforms to selec-tions made by ACI committees, based on the standard.Commentary on Application ofStandard NotationNeed for standard notat

14、ionA “symbol” is here defined as a short grouping of lettersand numerals to represent a written definition of someengineering concept. Thus, As is commonly used to definethe cross-sectional area of reinforcing steel. The body ofsymbols used by an engineering discipline is further definedas the “nota

15、tion” for that discipline. The sole function of anotation is to serve as a form of “shorthand” to aid in thecommunication of ideas among members of the discipline. Agood notation then is one which best serves its masters.Hallmarks of a good notation are lack of ambiguity indetermining the meaning of

16、 any given symbol, consistency ofconstruction of symbols, and a common use of the notationby all members of the discipline.Prior to the adoption of ACI Standard 104 in 1971, thenotation for concrete in use in United States practice was theproduct of random evolution and not systematic planning. Asa

17、result, a single symbol was often used to represent amultiplicity of disparate concepts in a number of cases. Forexample, the symbol D was used to represent dead loads, bardiameter, column diameter, and wall length. Also a numberof slightly different definitions of the same basic conceptwere represe

18、nted by a single symbol, such as t to representmany kinds of thickness. With the rapid development of newknowledge and the corresponding continual need for newsymbols, the need for a consistent method for the con-struction and definition of symbols was apparent.In the 1977 Code, the subscript u has

19、been reserved forload effects (shear force, bending moment) computed fromfactored loads. The subscript n is used for nominal strengthwhich is the strength calculated using the nominal values offc, fy, etc., and the standard calculation procedures.Development of standard notationRecognizing the need

20、for a standard, the Technical Activi-ties Committee of ACI organized Committee 104, Notation,in 1964. Initially, the committee examined the notation*prepared by Commission VII, Notation and Terminology, ofthe Comite Europeen du Beton (European Concrete Com-mittee) to see if it could be adopted in to

21、to since one of thegoals was the attainment of a universal standard. However,the first version of the notation prepared by CEB VII was feltto be unacceptable since it involved the use of a large numberof sub- and superscripts and Greek letters. Hence, it wasnecessary for ACI 104 to develop an indepe

22、ndent notationwhich was, however, modeled as closely as possible on thatof the CEB. The first version of the ACI 104. notation waspublished in the May 1968 ACI JOURNAL.2Close liaison between ACI 104 and CEB VII was main-tained by having several persons serve simultaneously asmembers of each committe

23、e. The possibility of arriving at acommon ACI-CEB notation was continuously explored butappeared unlikely until about 1969, since the CEB notationhad already been adopted by several countries for use intheir national building codes. However, at the 13th biennialmeeting of the CEB, held at Schevening

24、en, Netherlands, inSeptember 1969, discussions of a common ACI-CEBStandard for notation were held. Extensive discussions wereconducted jointly by ACI 104 and CEB VII and also thegeneral assembly discussed notation during two meetings.The point was repeatedly made that several major codes,including t

25、he ACI, the CEB, the British, the Scandinavian,and others, were soon to appear in new editions and that theScheveningen meeting represented the last chance to arriveat a common standard for perhaps decades. During thediscussions numerous compromises were made and a pro-posed standard was developed.

26、The standard was adoptedby the CEB general assembly contingent upon its acceptanceby the ACI. The standard was then presented to ACImembership vote and adopted as an ACI standard in 1971.The new standard for preparation of notation for concretethus became the first universal standard in any professi

27、on.The logic of the system described in Table 1 of thestandard lies in the selection of the leading letter of a symbolbased on a consideration of the units of the physical quantityinvolved. One exception occurs in the case of strain moduli.The symbols E and G are retained for Youngs modulus andthe s

28、hear modulus since these are now universally in use.One divergence between CEB and ACI usage is the retentionby CEB of sigma and tau for normal and shear stresses.A detailed description of the usage of each Roman andGreek letter based upon the standard is given in Appendix A.Definitions which are no

29、t italicized were jointly adopted.Italicized definitions have been adopted by ACI.Appendix B is a listing of the notation used in ACIStandard 3 18.References1. International Recommendations for the Design andConstruction of Concrete Structures, Comite Europeen duBeton/Federation Intemationale de la

30、Precontrainte, Paris,1970. (English translation, Cement and Concrete Associa-tion, London, 1970, 80 pp.)2. Vanderbilt, M. D., “Notation-The Case for a NewSystem,” ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 65, No. 5, May1968, pp. 357-361.3. “Bases for Design of Structures: Notations, GeneralSymbols,” (IS0 3898-197

31、6), International Standards Organi-zation/American National Standards Institute, New York, .1976, 4 pp.NOTATION FOR CONCRETE 104-5AppendicesAPPENDIX A-DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF USAGE OF ROMAN AND GREEK LETTERS*Typical notation for reinforced concrete cross sec-tions is shown in Fig. 1.Capital Roman le

32、ttersA =B =c =D =E =F =G =H =I=J=K =L =M =N =0 =P =Q=R =S=T=U=V =W =X =Y=Z =areahtorsional constantdead loadmodulus of elasticity; earthquake loadforce; load; liquid pressuremodulus of shearlateral force; lateral earth pressuremoment of inertiaStrainsBeamany coefficient with proper dimensionslive lo

33、ad ,bending momentnormal force(VOID)prestressing force; axial loadfirst moment of an area; internal forces; load effectstorsional moment; temperaturerequired strengthshear forcewind loadreactions or forces in general, parallel to axis xreactions or forces in general, parallel to axis yreactions or f

34、orces in general, parallel to axis zIsolatedT- beamLower case Roman lettersa=b=d =e=f=g=h=i =j =k =1=m =n=0=p =q =r=S=t=u =v =w =x =y =z=deflection; distance; depth of rectangularstress blockwidthdistance from compression fiber to neutral axiseffective depth; diameter (see also h)eccentricity, base

35、of Napierian logarithms(mathematical usage)unit strength or stress (fCfor concrete in com-pression, frfor concrete in tension, andfsfor steel)acceleration due to gravitytotal depth; thickness; diameterColumnFig. I -Typical notation for reinforced concrete crosssectionsLower case Greek lettersAlphaBe

36、taGammaDeltaEpsilonZetaEtaThetaIotaKappaLambdaMuNuXiOmicronPiRhoangle; ratio; coefficientangle; ratio; coefficientspecific gravity; ratiocoefficient; coefficient of variationstraincoefficient(VOID)rotation(VOID)(VOID)slenderness ratio; coefficientcoefficient of frictionPoissons ratiocoefficient(VOID

37、)reserved for mathematics, 3.14159geometrical ratio of reinforcementany coefficient with proper dimensionsspan; length of member or elementbending moment per unit lengthunit normal force; number(VOID)(VOID)radius of gyrationstandard deviation; spacingtime; unit torsional moment per unit lengthshear;

38、 stresscrack width; total load per unit length or areacoordinatecoordinatecoordinate; reinforcement distribution factornormal stress (CEB only)shear or transverse stress (CEB only)(VOID)strength reduction factor; creep coeficient*Italicized words indicate ACI usage.All other definitions are common A

39、CI-CEB-FIP usage.A blank space indicates an unassigned letter.Void indicates the letter shall not be used.Upsilon v =Phi . =NOTATION FOR CONCRETE 104-7Code notationThe terms in this list are used in the code and asneeded in the commentary.a = depth of equivalent rectangular stress block asdefined in

40、, in., Chapter 10av= shear span, equal to distance from center ofconcentrated load to either (a) face of supportfor continuous or cantilevered members, or (b)center of support for simply supported mem-bers, in., Chapter 11, Appendix AAb= area of an individual bar or wire, in.2, Chapters10,

41、12Abrg= bearing area of the head of stud or anchorbolt, in.2, Appendix DAc= area of concrete section resisting shear trans-fer, in.2, Chapter 11Acf= larger gross cross-sectional area of the slab-beam strips of the two orthogonal equivalentframes intersecting at a column of a two-wayslab, in.2, Chapt

42、er 18Ach= cross-sectional area of a structural membermeasured out-to-out of transverse reinforce-ment, in.2, Chapters 10, 21Acp= area enclosed by outside perimeter of concretecross section, in.2, see 11.6.1, Chapter 11Acs= cross-sectional area at one end of a strut in astrut-and-tie model, taken per

43、pendicular to theaxis of the strut, in.2, Appendix AAct= area of that part of cross section between theflexural tension face and center of gravity ofgross section, in.2, Chapter 18Acv= gross area of concrete section bounded byweb thickness and length of section in thedirection of shear force conside

44、red, in.2,Chapter 21Acw= area of concrete section of an individual pier,horizontal wall segment, or coupling beamresisting shear, in.2, Chapter 21Af= area of reinforcement in bracket or corbelresisting factored moment, in.2, see 11.9,Chapter 11Ag= gross area of concrete section, in.2For a hol-low se

45、ction, Agis the area of the concrete onlyand does not include the area of the void(s),see 11.6.1, Chapters 9-11, 14-16, 21, 22,Appendixes B, C.Ah= total area of shear reinforcement parallel toprimary tension reinforcement in a corbel orbracket, in.2, see 11.9, Chapter 11Aj= effective cross-sectional

46、 area within a joint in aplane parallel to plane of reinforcement gener-ating shear in the joint, in.2, see,Chapter 21Al= total area of longitudinal reinforcement toresist torsion, in.2, Chapter 11Al,min=minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement toresist torsion, in.2, see, Chapte

47、r 11An= area of reinforcement in bracket or corbelresisting tensile force Nuc, in.2, see 11.9,Chapter 11Anz= area of a face of a nodal zone or a sectionthrough a nodal zone, in.2, Appendix AANc= projected concrete failure area of a singleanchor or group of anchors, for calculation ofstrength in tens

48、ion, in.2, see D.5.2.1, Appendix DANco= projected concrete failure area of a singleanchor, for calculation of strength in tension ifnot limited by edge distance or spacing, in.2,see D.5.2.1, Appendix DAo= gross area enclosed by shear flow path, in.2,Chapter 11Aoh= area enclosed by centerline of the

49、outermostclosed transverse torsional reinforcement,in.2, Chapter 11Aps= area of prestressing steel in flexural tensionzone, in.2, Chapter 18, Appendix BAs= area of nonprestressed longitudinal tensionreinforcement, in.2, Chapters 10-12, 14, 15,18, Appendix BAs = area of longitudinal compression reinforce-ment, in.2, Appendix AAsc= area of primary tension reinforcement in a cor-bel or bracket, in.2, see, Chapter 11Ase= effective cross-sectional area of anchor, in.2,Appendix DAsh= total cross-sectional area of transverse rein-forcement (including crossties) within spacings


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