1、ACI 374.1-05(Reapproved 2014)Acceptance Criteria forMoment Frames Based onStructural Testing and CommentaryAn ACI StandardReported by ACI Committee 374Copyright by the American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI. All rights reserved. This material may not bereproduced or copied, in whole or pa
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10、ailable in print, by download, on CD-ROM, through electronic subscription, orreprint and may be obtained by contacting ACI.Most ACI standards and committee reports are gathered together in the annually revised ACI Manual of ConcretePractice (MCP).American Concrete Institute38800 Country Club DriveFa
11、rmington Hills, MI 48331U.S.A.Phone: 248-848-3700Fax: 248-848-3701www.concrete.orgAmerican Concrete InstituteAdvancing concrete knowledgeAcceptance Criteria for Moment FramesBased on Structural Testing and CommentaryApril 2014printingISBN 978-0-87031-199-41ACI Committee 374 adopted ACI T1.1/T1.1R-01
12、 as ACI 374.1-05 on October 12, 2005.ACI T1.1/T1.1R-01 superseded ACI ITG/T1.1-99 and became effective March 9, 2001.Copyright 2005, American Concrete Institute.All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by anymeans, including the making of copies by any photo proces
13、s, or by electronic ormechanical device, printed, written, or oral, or recording for sound or visual reproductionor for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or device, unless permission in writingis obtained from the copyright proprietors.ACI Committee Reports, Guides, Manuals, and Commentariesa
14、re intended for guidance in planning, designing, executing,and inspecting construction. This document is intended for theuse of individuals who are competent to evaluate thesignificance and limitations of its content and recommendationsand who will accept responsibility for the application of themat
15、erial it contains. The American Concrete Institute disclaimsany and all responsibility for the stated principles. The Instituteshall not be liable for any loss or damage arising therefrom.Reference to this document shall not be made in contractdocuments. If items found in this document are desired b
16、y theArchitect/Engineer to be a part of the contract documents, theyshall be restated in mandatory language for incorporation bythe Architect/Engineer.Acceptance Criteria for Moment Frames Basedon Structural Testing (ACI 374.1-05) and CommentaryAn ACI StandardReported by ACI Committee 374ACI 374.1-0
17、5(Reapproved 2014)This document defines the minimum experimental evidence that can bedeemed adequate to attempt to validate the use, in regions of high seismicrisk or in structures assigned to satisfy high seismic performance or designcategories, of weak beam/strong column moment frames not satisfyi
18、ng fullythe prescriptive requirements of Chapter 21 of ACI 318-11. This documentconsists of both a Standard and a Commentary that is not part of the Standard.Originally prepared by Innovation Task Group 1 and CollaboratorsNorman L. ScottChairNeil M. HawkinsSecretaryMichael E. Kreger Leslie D. Martin
19、James R. Libby Robert F. MastCollaboratorsGeraldine S. Cheok Suzanne Nakaki John F. StantonS. K. Ghosh M. J. Nigel Priestley Dean E. StephanH. S. LewDavid C. Seagren*William C. Stone*Deceased Ronald KlemencicChairJohn R. Hayes, Jr.SecretarySergio M. Alcocer Mary Beth D. Hueste Andres Lepage Arturo E
20、. SchultzMark A. Aschheim Mohammad Iqbal Ali M. Memari Shamim A. SheikhJohn F. Bonacci Brian E. Kehoe Vilas S. Mujumdar Bozidar StojadinovicSergio F. Brena Dominic J. Kelly Javeed A. Munshi Andrew W. TaylorPaul J. Brienen Richard E. Klingner Stavroula J. Pantazopoulou Raj ValluvanJoAnn P. Browning M
21、ervyn J. Kowalsky Chris P. Pantelides John W. WallaceDuane E. Castaneda Michael E. Kreger Long T. Phan Eric B. WilliamsonJeffrey J. Dragovich Sashi K. Kunnath Jose A. Pincheira Sharon L. WoodJuan Carlos Esquivel James M. LaFave Mario E. Rodriguez Fernando V. YanezLuis E. Garcia Dawn E. Lehman Murat
22、Saatcioglu2 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR MOMENT FRAMES BASED ON STRUCTURAL TESTING (ACI 374.1-05) AND COMMENTARYAmerican Concrete Institute Copyrighted Materialwww.concrete.orgThe document has been written in such a form that its various parts can beadopted directly into Sections 2.1, 2.2, and 21.1.1 of
23、ACI 318-11 and thecorresponding sections of the Commentary of ACI 318-11. Among thesubjects covered are requirements for: procedures that shall be used todesign test modules; configurations for those modules; test methods; testreports; and determination of satisfactory performance.The Commentary des
24、cribes some of the considerations of the InnovationTask Group in developing the Standard. The section numbering for theCommentary is the same as that for the Standard, with numbers precededby an “R” and the text in italics to distinguish them from the correspondingsection numbers of the Standard.The
25、 Commentary references documentary evidence, additional to thereferences of Chapter 21 of the ACI 318-11 Commentary, that supports theStandard. Consistent with the approach of ACI 318-11, no comparison ismade, either in the body of the Standard or its Commentary, of researchresults for test modules
26、satisfying ACI 318-11 with those for modules that,although not satisfying ACI 318-11, do satisfy the Standard. Suchcomparisons, both experimental and analytical, are available in the referencesof the Commentary.Keywords: acceptance criteria; drift ratio; energy dissipation; lateral resis-tance; mome
27、nt frame; post-tensioning; precast concrete; prestressedconcrete; seismic design; test module; toughness.CONTENTSIntroduction, p. 21.0Notation, p. 22.0Definitions, p. 33.0Scope, p. 44.0Design procedure, p. 55.0Test modules, p. 56.0Testing agency, p. 67.0Test method, p. 68.0Test report, p. 79.0Accept
28、ance criteria, p. 810.0References, p. 9INTRODUCTIONFor seismic design, ACI 318-11 specifies in Section21.1.1.8 that “a reinforced concrete structural system not satis-fying the requirements of this chapter (Chapter 21) shall bepermitted if it is demonstrated by experimental evidence andanalysis that
29、 the proposed system has strength and toughnessequal to or exceeding those provided by a comparable mono-lithic reinforced concrete structure that satisfies the require-ments of this chapter.” This Standard defines the minimumexperimental evidence that shall be provided in order to vali-date the use
30、, in regions of high seismic risk or for structuresassigned to satisfy high seismic performance or designcategories, of a weak beam/strong column moment frame notsatisfying the requirements of Chapter 21 of ACI 318-11.Consistent with the ACI 318-11 requirement for analysis,this Standard specifies th
31、at, before the testing mandated by theStandard, a design procedure shall have been developed forprototype frames having the generic form for which accep-tance is sought and that design procedure shall be used toproportion the test modules. Further, the Standard assumesthat the prototype frames have
32、forms that are essentiallyregular, having no significant physical discontinuities in planor in vertical configuration or in their lateral-force-resistingsystems, and that the frames satisfy some, but not all, of therequirements of Chapter 21. Such frames might, forexample, involve use of precast ele
33、ments, precastprestressed elements, post-tensioned reinforcement, orcombinations of those elements and reinforcement. Prescrip-tive requirements for moment frames constructed with suchelements are not included in ACI 318-11. Such frames mightalso, for example, use alternate methods, other than those
34、specified in Chapter 21, for force transfer through beam-column joints.The provisions of this Standard are intended to supplementthe provisions of Chapter 21 of ACI 318-11 and not tosupplant them.1.0NotationOnly symbols additional to those in ACI 318-11 aredefined.Emax= maximum lateral resistance of
35、 test module deter-mined from test results (forces or moments)En= nominal lateral resistance of test module determinedusing specified geometric properties of test mem-bers, specified yield strength of reinforcement, spec-ified compressive strength of concrete, a straincompatibility analysis for flex
36、ural moment strength,and a strength reduction factor of 1.0Epr= probable lateral resistance of test module determinedusing actual geometric and material properties of testmembers, an analysis for probable flexural momentstrength of beams based on strain compatibility andincluding strain-hardening ef
37、fects in the reinforce-ment, and a strength reduction factor of 1.0 = column overstrength factor used for test module = drift ratio = relative energy dissipation ratioR1.0NotationOnly symbols used in this Commentary that are additionalto those in Section 2.1 of ACI 318-11 and ACI T1.1-01 aredefined
38、in the following:Ah= area of hysteresis loopE1, E2= peak lateral resistance for positive, negative, loadingfor third cycle of loading sequencef1= factor on live load defined in R2.6h = height of column of test module, in. or mm K,K = initial stiffness for positive, negative, loading forfirst cycle1,
39、2= drift ratios at peak lateral resistance for positive,negative, loading for third cycle of loadingsequence1 ,2 = drift ratios for zero lateral load for unloading atstiffnesses K,K from peak positive, negative,ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR MOMENT FRAMES BASED ON STRUCTURAL TESTING (ACI 374.1-05) AND COMM
40、ENTARY 3American Concrete Institute Copyrighted Materialwww.concrete.orglateral resistance for third cycle of loadingsequence (Fig. R2.4) = lateral displacement, in. or mm. See Fig. R2.1a= allowable story drift, in. or mm. See Table 12.12-1of ASCE/SEI 7-102.0Definitions2.1 Drift ratioAngular rotatio
41、n under load of the columnchord of the test module with respect to the beam chord,where the chords are the straight lines connecting thecentroidal axes of the points of contraflexure in the beam andthe column, respectively, or the centroidal axis at the point ofcontraflexure to the centroid of the b
42、eam-column joint in thecase where a member extends on one side of the joint only.R2.1 Where a column exists on both sides of the joint, itschord is defined by the line joining the loading (or support)points. The same is true for a beam that exists on both sidesof the joint. If a column or beam exist
43、 on one side of the jointonly, then the chord is defined by the line joining the endloading (or support) point and the joint centerline.The drift ratio concept is illustrated in Fig. R2.1 for anexterior column-beam module. The position of the module atthe start of testing, with its self-weight only
44、acting, is indi-cated by broken lines. The module is pin supported at A androller supported at D. The self weight is taken by verticalreactions VADand VDD. That weight, however, also causesa twisting about the centroid B of the joint so that opposinghorizontal reactions, HADand HCD,develop. Under se
45、lfweight alone, the pin at C must be constrained to lie on thecentroidal axis of the column that passes from C through Bto A. That chord is the vertical reference line for driftmeasurements. The setup also constrains the chord joiningthe centroid of the joint B and the centroid of the section atD to
46、 be horizontal.For acceptance testing, a lateral force HCE is applied to thecolumn through the pin at C and results in the specimentaking up the deformed shape indicated by solid lines. Thelateral force causes reactions HALat A and VDL at D. Thecolumn at C displaces laterally by an amount . The chor
47、ddefining the reference axis for the beam, however, remainshorizontal. The drift ratio is the angular rotation of thecolumn chord with respect to the beam chord and for thesetup shown equals / h where h is the column height andequal to the distance between the pin at A and that at C.2.2 Moment frame
48、Space frame in which members andjoints resist forces through flexure, shear and axial force.2.3 Overstrength factorRatio of the sum of the nominalflexural strengths of the columns at their interfaces with thejoint to the sum of the nominal flexural moment strengths ofthe beams at their interfaces wi
49、th the same joint.R2.3 The column overstrength factor should be selectedso that Enis greater than the probable lateral resistanceEpr. It is to be expected that the maximum lateral resistanceof the test module Emaxshould be similar to Epr. In Section21.6.2.2 of ACI 318-11, the ratio of the sum of the moments atthe faces of the joint, corresponding to the nominal flexuralstrengths of the columns framing into that joint, to the sum ofthe moments at the faces of the joint, corresponding to thenominal flexural strengths of the beams framing into thatsame