ACI ITG-4.1-2007 Specification for High-Strength Concrete in Moderate to High Seismic Applications《中高抗震设备中高强度混凝土用规范》.pdf

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ACI ITG-4.1-2007 Specification for High-Strength Concrete in Moderate to High Seismic Applications《中高抗震设备中高强度混凝土用规范》.pdf_第1页
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ACI ITG-4.1-2007 Specification for High-Strength Concrete in Moderate to High Seismic Applications《中高抗震设备中高强度混凝土用规范》.pdf_第2页
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ACI ITG-4.1-2007 Specification for High-Strength Concrete in Moderate to High Seismic Applications《中高抗震设备中高强度混凝土用规范》.pdf_第3页
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ACI ITG-4.1-2007 Specification for High-Strength Concrete in Moderate to High Seismic Applications《中高抗震设备中高强度混凝土用规范》.pdf_第4页
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ACI ITG-4.1-2007 Specification for High-Strength Concrete in Moderate to High Seismic Applications《中高抗震设备中高强度混凝土用规范》.pdf_第5页
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1、ACI ITG-4.1-07Specification for High-StrengthConcrete in Moderate to HighSeismic ApplicationsReported by ACI Innovation Task Group 4and Other ContributorsAmerican Concrete InstituteAdvancing concrete knowledgeSpecification for High-Strength Concretein Moderate to High Seismic ApplicationsFirst print

2、ingMarch 2007ISBN-13: 978-0-87031-238-0Copyright by the American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI. All rights reserved. This materialmay not be reproduced or copied, in whole or part, in any printed, mechanical, electronic, film, or otherdistribution and storage media, without the written co

3、nsent of ACI.The technical committees responsible for ACI committee reports and standards strive to avoid ambiguities,omissions, and errors in these documents. In spite of these efforts, the users of ACI documents occa-sionally find information or requirements that may be subject to more than one in

4、terpretation or may beincomplete or incorrect. Users who have suggestions for the improvement of ACI documents arerequested to contact ACI.ACI committee documents are intended for the use of individuals who are competent to evaluate thesignificance and limitations of its content and recommendations

5、and who will accept responsibility for theapplication of the material it contains. Individuals who use this publication in any way assume all risk andaccept total responsibility for the application and use of this information.All information in this publication is provided “as is” without warranty o

6、f any kind, either express or implied,including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose ornon-infringement.ACI and its members disclaim liability for damages of any kind, including any special, indirect, incidental,or consequential damages, inc

7、luding without limitation, lost revenues or lost profits, which may resultfrom the use of this publication.It is the responsibility of the user of this document to establish health and safety practices appropriate tothe specific circumstances involved with its use. ACI does not make any representati

8、ons with regard tohealth and safety issues and the use of this document. The user must determine the applicability of allregulatory limitations before applying the document and must comply with all applicable laws and regula-tions, including but not limited to, United States Occupational Safety and

9、Health Administration (OSHA)health and safety standards.Order information: ACI documents are available in print, by download, on CD-ROM, through electronicsubscription, or reprint and may be obtained by contacting ACI.Most ACI standards and committee reports are gathered together in the annually rev

10、ised ACI Manual ofConcrete Practice (MCP).American Concrete Institute38800 Country Club DriveFarmington Hills, MI 48331U.S.A.Phone: 248-848-3700Fax: 248-848-3701www.concrete.orgACI ITG-4.1-07 was adopted November 7, 2006 and published March 2007.Copyright 2007, American Concrete Institute.All rights

11、 reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by anymeans, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by electronic ormechanical device, printed, written, or oral, or recording for sound or visual reproductionor for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or device,

12、 unless permission in writingis obtained from the copyright proprietors.ITG-4.1-1Specification for High-Strength Concretein Moderate to High Seismic ApplicationsReported by ACI Innovation Task Group 4 and Other ContributorsACI ITG-4.1-07This specification is a reference specification that the licens

13、ed designprofessional can make applicable to any construction project by citing it inthe project specifications. The licensed design professional supplements theprovisions of this reference specification as needed by designating or spec-ifying individual project requirements.This specification cover

14、s cast-in-place, normalweight, high-strengthconcrete in structures that must be designed for moderate to high seismicapplications. More specifically, this specification applies to structures: Located in Seismic Zones 2, 3, or 4 defined by the Uniform BuildingCode;Assigned to Seismic Performance Cate

15、gories C, D, or E of the BOCA/National Building Code (1993 and subsequent editions) or the StandardBuilding Code (1994 or subsequent editions); orSeismic Design Categories C, D, E or F of the International BuildingCode or the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 5000 BuildingConstruction and

16、Safety Code.Irrespective of seismic hazard, seismic performance, or design category,these requirements shall apply to normalweight, high-strength concrete inintermediate or special moment frames and intermediate or specialstructural walls.Keywords: curing; high-strength concrete; mixture proportioni

17、ng; placement;quality control; seismic application; temperature; trial batch. NOTES TO SPECIFIERThis specification is incorporated by reference in theproject specification using the wording in P3 of the prefaceand including information from the mandatory requirements,optional requirements, and submi

18、ttals checklists followingthe specification.PREFACEP1. ACI Specification ITG-4.1 is intended to be used byreference or incorporation in its entirety in the project speci-fication. Do not copy individual parts, sections, articles, orparagraphs into the project specification, because takingthem out of

19、 context may change their meaning.P2. If sections or parts of ACI Specification ITG-4.1 arecopied into the project specifications or any other document,do not refer to them as an ACI specification because thespecification has been altered.P3. A statement such as the following will serve to makeACI S

20、pecification ITG-4.1 a part of the project specification:“Work on (Project Title) shall conform to all requirementsof ACI ITG-4.1-XX published by the American ConcreteInstitute, Farmington Hills, Michigan, except as modified bythese contract documents.”P4. Each technical section of ACI Specification

21、 ITG-4.1 iswritten in the three-part section format of the ConstructionSpecifications Institute, as adapted for ACI requirements.The language is imperative and terse.P5. The specification is written to the contractor. When aprovision of this specification requires action on thecontractors part, the

22、verb “shall” is used. If the contractor isallowed to exercise an option, the verb “may” or, whenlimited alternatives are available, the conjunctive phrase“shall either. or.” is used. Statements provided in the spec-ification as information to the contractor use the verbs “may”or “will.” Informationa

23、l statements typically identify activitiesor options that “will” be taken or “may” be taken by theowner or the licensed design professional.Joseph M. Bracci D. Kirk Harman Adolfo MatamorosMichael A. Caldarone Daniel C. Jansen Andrew W. TaylorOther contributorsDominic J. Kelly Andres Lepage Henry G.

24、RussellACI Innovation Task Group 4S. K. GhoshChairITG-4.1-2 ACI STANDARDCONTENTSPreface, p. ITG-4.1-1SPECIFICATIONSection 1General requirements, p. ITG-4.1-21.1Scope1.2Definitions1.3Referenced standards and cited publications1.4Organizations producing codes and standardsSection 2Materials, p. ITG-4.

25、1-42.1General2.2Products2.3ExecutionSection 3Mixture proportioning and trial batches, p. ITG-4.1-43.1General3.2Products3.3ExecutionSection 4Mixture submittal requirements,p. ITG-4.1-54.1General4.2Products4.3ExecutionSection 5Preconstruction meetings, p. ITG-4.1-55.1General5.2Products5.3ExecutionSect

26、ion 6Ordering, p. ITG-4.1-56.1General6.2Products6.3ExecutionSection 7Production and delivery, p. ITG-4.1-67.1General7.2Products7.3ExecutionSection 8Concrete temperature control,p. ITG-4.1-68.1General8.2Products8.3ExecutionSection 9Placement, p. ITG-4.1-79.1General9.2Products9.3ExecutionSection 10Cur

27、ing, p. ITG-4.1-710.1General10.2Products10.3ExecutionSection 11Sampling and testing, p. ITG-4.1-811.1General11.2Products11.3ExecutionNOTES TO SPECIFIERSForeword to checklists, p. ITG-4.1-8Mandatory requirements checklist, p. ITG 4.1-9Optional requirements checklist, p. ITG-4.1-9Submittals checklist,

28、 p. ITG-4.1-10SECTION 1GENERAL REQUIREMENTS1.1Scope1.1.1 GeneralThis specification covers normalweight,high-strength concrete in structures that must be designed formoderate to high seismic applications. More specifically,this specification applies to structures:Located in Seismic Zones 2, 3, or 4 d

29、efined by theUniform Building Code;Assigned to Seismic Performance Categories C, D, or Eof the BOCA/National Building Code (1993 and subse-quent editions) or the Standard Building Code (1994 orsubsequent editions); orSeismic Design Categories C, D, E, or F of the Interna-tional Building Code or the

30、National Fire ProtectionAssociation (NFPA) 5000 Building Construction andSafety Code.Irrespective of seismic zone, seismic performance, orseismic design category, this specification shall apply tonormalweight, high-strength concrete in intermediate orspecial moment frames and intermediate or special

31、 structuralwalls as defined in ACI 318- Supplemental specificationThis specificationsupplements “Specifications for Structural Concrete (ACI301-05)” by providing more restrictive selected require-ments when high-strength concrete is used in moderate tohigh seismic applications. The requireme

32、nts of ACI 301-05shall apply unless otherwise specified in this specification.1.1.3 High-strength concreteUnless otherwise specified,high-strength concrete is defined as concrete having aspecified compressive strength for design of 6000 psi (41 MPa)or greater.1.1.4 Dual unitsThe values stated in inc

33、h-pound or SIunits shall be regarded separately as standard. The SI unitsare shown in brackets. The values stated in each system maynot be exact equivalents; therefore, each system shall be usedindependently of the other.1.2Definitionsadmixturematerial other than water, aggregates, orhydraulic cemen

34、t, used as an ingredient of concrete andadded to concrete before or during mixing to modify itsproperties.aggregategranular material, such as sand, gravel, crushedstone, and iron blast-furnace slag, used with a cementingmedium to form a hydraulic cement concrete or mortar.concrete, flowingconcrete t

35、hat maintains a slumpgreater than 7-1/2 in. (190 mm) while remaining cohesive.concrete, hydraulic-cementmixture of portlandcement or any other hydraulic cement, fine aggregates,coarse aggregates, and water, with or without admixtures.SPECIFICATION FOR HIGH-STRENGTH CONCRETE IN SEISMIC APPLICATIONS I

36、TG-4.1-3concrete, high-strengthconcrete that has a specifiedcompressive strength for design of 6000 psi (41 MPa) orgreater.concrete, massa volume of concrete with dimensionslarge enough to require that measures be taken to cope withthe generation of heat and temperature gradients from hydrationof th

37、e cementitious materials, and attendant volume change.concrete, self-consolidatingfresh concrete that canflow around reinforcement and consolidate within formworkunder its own weight without vibration, and that exhibits nodefect due to segregation or bleeding.creeptime-dependent increase in deformat

38、ion due tosustained load; determined in accordance with ASTM C 512.curingprovision of moisture and appropriate temperaturesfor sufficient time for the concrete to develop the requiredproperties.modulus of elasticityratio of normal stress to corre-sponding strain for tensile or compressive stress bel

39、ow theproportional limit of the material, determined in accordancewith ASTM C 469.modulus of rupturea measure of the load-carryingcapacity of a beam and sometimes referred to as rupturemodulus or rupture strength; it is the apparent tensile stressin the extreme tension fiber of a test specimen subje

40、ct tobending under the load that produces rupture; determined inaccordance with ASTM C 78 (third-point loading), andASTM C 293 (center-point loading).slumpa measure of consistency of freshly mixedconcrete, mortar, or stucco equal to the subsidence measuredto the nearest 1/4 in. (6 mm) of the molded

41、specimenimmediately after removal of the slump cone, determined inaccordance with ASTM C 143.shrinkagedecrease in either length or volume. (Note:may be restricted to the effects of moisture content or chemicalchanges).splitting tensile strengthtensile strength of concretedetermined by applying a dia

42、metrical compressive forcealong the length of a cylindrical concrete specimen, inaccordance with ASTM C 496.strength, compressivethe measured maximum resis-tance of a concrete or mortar specimen to axial compressiveloading; expressed as force per unit cross-sectional area; orthe specified resistance

43、 used in design calculations.strength, specified compressivecompressive strengthof concrete used in design.1.3Referenced standards and cited publications1.3.1 Referenced standardsStandards of ACI andASTM referred to in this specification are listed with serialdesignation including year of adoption o

44、r revision and arepart of this specification. ACI standards301-05 Specifications for Structural Concrete318-05 Building Code Requirements for StructuralConcrete1.3.1.2 ASTM standardsC 33-03 Standard Specification for ConcreteAggregatesC 39/C 39M-04a Standard Test Method for CompressiveStrengt

45、h of Cylindrical Concrete SpecimensC 78-02 Standard Test Method for FlexuralStrength of Concrete (Using SimpleBeam with Third-Point Loading)C 94/C 94M-04a Standard Specification for Ready-MixedConcreteC 138/C 138M-01a Standard Test Method for Density (UnitWeight), Yield, and Air Content (Gravi-metri

46、c) of ConcreteC 143/C 143M-03 Standard Test Method for Slump ofHydraulic-Cement ConcreteC 150-04ae1 Standard Specification for PortlandCementC 231-04 Standard Test Method for Air Content ofFreshly Mixed Concrete by the PressureMethodC 260-01 Standard Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures for C

47、oncreteC 293-02 Standard Test Method for FlexuralStrength of Concrete (Using SimpleBeam with Center-Point Loading)C 469-94e1 Standard Test Method for StaticModulus of Elasticity and PoissonsRatio of Concrete in CompressionC 494/C 494M-05 Standard Specification for ChemicalAdmixtures for ConcreteC 49

48、6-96 Standard Test Method for SplittingTensile Strength of Cylindrical ConcreteSpecimensC 512-02 Standard Test Method for Creep ofConcrete in CompressionC 566-97 (2004) Standard Test Method for Total Evapo-rable Moisture Content of Aggregate byDryingC 595-03 Standard Specification for BlendedHydraul

49、ic CementsC 618-03 Standard Specification for Coal Fly Ashand Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolanfor Use in ConcreteC 989-05 Standard Specification for Ground Gran-ulated Blast-Furnace Slag for Use inConcrete and MortarsC 1017/C 1017M-03 Standard Specification for ChemicalAdmixtures for Use in ProducingFlowing ConcreteC 1064-05 Standard Test Method for Temperatureof Freshly Mixed Portland CementConcreteC 1157-03 Standard Performance Specification forHydraulic CementC 1240-04 Standard Specification for Silica FumeUsed in C


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