ACI SP-150-1994 Controlled Low-Strength Materials《控制性低强度材料》.pdf

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1、AC1 SP-150 * 0662949 0535405 T33 = CONTROLLED LOW-STRENGTH MATERIALS Rigid Pipe I Flexible Plpe - 5 Rigid P$e I Flexible Pipe - I I Wayne S. Adaska Editor Rigid P$e I Flexible P$e c ct SP-150 AC1 SP-150 94 0662947 0535406 97T = CONTROLLED LOW-STRENGTH MATERIALS Rigid Pipe I flexible Pipe -_ L Rigid

2、Pipe I Flexible Pipe * Wayne S. Adaska Editor Rigid Pipe I Flexible Pipe -t SP-150 AC1 SP-I150 94 = Obb2949 0535407 8Ob DISCUSSION of individual papers in this symposium may be submitted in accordance with general requirements of the AC1 Publication Policy to AC1 headquarters at the address given be

3、low. Closing date for submission of discussion is April 1, 1995. All discussion approved by the Technical Activities Committee along with closing remarks by the authors will be published in the July/August 1995 issue of either AC1 Structural Journal or AC1 Materials Journal depending on the subject

4、emphasis of the individual paper. The Institute is not responsible for the statements or opinions expressed in its publications. Institute publications are not able to, nor intended to, supplant individual training, responsibility, or judgment of the user, or the supplier, of the information present

5、ed. The papers in this volume have been reviewed under Institute publication procedures by individuals expert in the subject areas of the papers. Copyright O 1994 AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE P.O. Box 19150, Redford Station Detroit, Michigan 48219 All rights reserved including rights of reproduction

6、and use in any form or by any means, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by any electronic or mechanical device, printed or written or oral, or recording for sound or visual reproduction or for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or device, unless permission in writing is ob

7、tained from the copyright proprietors. Printed in the United States of America Editorial production Victoria Wieczorek Library of Congress catalog card number 94-71910 AC1 SP-150 9Y Obb2949 0515408 742 PREFACE Controlled Low-Strength Material (CLSM) is a self-compacted cementitious material used pri

8、marily as a substitute for compacted backfill. The material is known by many names including flowable fill, controlled density fill, unshrinkable fill and soil-cement slurry. The American Concrete Institute defines CLSM as a material with a maximum unconfined compres- sive strength of 1200 psi. For

9、most applications, however, the compressive strength of CLSM does not exceed about 300 psi. This makes it possible for the material to be removed should future excavation be necessary. At the 1992 AC1 Spring Convention, two well attended technical ses- sions on Controlled Low-Strength Materials were

10、 held. The sessions were jointly sponsored by Committees 229 on CUM, 232 on Fly Ash and Natur- al Pozzolans in Concrete, and E702 on Designing Concrete Structures. During the same year a technical session on CLSM was held during the Transportation Research Boards annual meeting in Washington, D.C. F

11、ollowing these sessions, papers were solicited from each of the speakers. The papers contained in this volume are a result of that solicitation. Sincere appreciation is extended to the many members of Committee 229 for reviewing the submitted manuscripts and a special thanks to Dr. Donald Milks for

12、serving as session chairman and co-organizer for the AC1 technical sessions. Wayne S. Adaska Chairman, AC1 Committee 229 Controlled-Low Strength Materials . III AC1 SP-150 94 Obb2949 0535409 687 = AC1 Committee 229 CONTROLLED LOW-STRENGTH MATERIALS (CUM) Wayne S. Adaska Chairman Joseph A. Amon Richa

13、rd L. Boone Theresa J. Casias Christopher Crouch Jose E. Fernandez Thomas A. Fox Kurt R. Grabow Daniel Green William Hook Henry J. Kolbeck William C. Krell Ronald L. Larsen Leo A. Legatski Donald E. Milks Daniel J. Morre11 Bruce W. Ramme Paul E. Reinhart J. David Robson Harry C. Roof Roy O. Scandrol

14、 Charles F. Scholer Glenn O. Schumacher Samuel S. Qson Harold Umansky AC1 Committee 232 FLY ASH AND NATURAL POZZOLANS IN CONCRETE Orville R. Werner II Paul J. Tikalsky Chairman J. Floyd Best W. Barry Butler Bayard M. Cali Ramon L. Carrasquillo James E. Cook Douglas W. Deno Ravindra K. Dhir Bryce A.

15、Ehmke William E. Ellis, Jr. Thomas A. Fox William H. Gehrmann William Halczak Ronald H. Hall G. Terry Harris, Sr. Tarif M. Jaber Jim S. Jensen Roy H. Keck Paul Klieger Henry J. Kolbeck Steven H. Kosmatka Ronald L. Larsen Richard M. Majko V.M. Malhotra Larry W. Matejcek Bryant Mather Richard C. Meini

16、nger Richard C. Mielenz Tann R. Naik Secretary Harry L. Patterson Terry Patzias Sandor Popovics D.V. Reddy Harry C. Roof Della M. Roy Mauro J. Scali John M. Scanlon Donald L. Schlegel Ava Shypula Peter G. Snow Bruce A. Suprenant Samuel S. Tyson Jack W. Weber IV AC1 SP-150 94 Obb2949 0515410 3T0 CONT



19、 1 INDEX 113 V AC1 SP-150 94 0662949 05L54LL 237 SP 150-1 Low-St reng t h Con Crete and Control I ed Low-Strength Material (CLSM) Produced with Class F Fly Ash by T.R. Naik and B.W. Ramme Svnomis: This paper presents results of research performed to identify optimum mix proportions for production of

20、 Controlled Low Strength Material (0 with high fly ash content. CUM is defined by the AC1 Committee 229 as a cementitious material that is in a flowable state at the time of placement and having a specified compressive strength of 1,200 psi (8.3 MPa or 172,800 Ibs./sq. ft.) or less at the age of 28

21、days. The fly ash used in this study met the requirements of ASTM C 618 for Class F material. Tests were carried out on concrete designed to have 500 - 1,500 psi compressive strength at the 28-day age with fly ash contents of approximately 500 Iblyd3. Slump was held at 8f 1 inch for all mixtures pro

22、duced. Compressive strengths at 28 days were found to range from 290 to 1,640 psi. Construction experience and other planned applications are also discussed. Kewords: Backfilling; compressive strength; controlled low-strenoth material (CLSM); density (masslvolume); flowobility; flowable fill; slurri

23、es; tesis low strenqth concrete; mix proportioning; slump; 1 AC1 SP-150 74 M Obb2747 0535432 173 M 2 Naik and Ramme AC1 Fellow Tamo R. Naik is director of the Center for By-Products Utilization and an associate professor of civil engineering at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. He receive his

24、BE degree form the Gujarat University, India, and MS and PhD degrees from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He is a member of AC1 Committees 201, Durability of Concrete; 231, Fy Ash and Natural Pozzolans in Concrete; 123, Research; Concrete Materials Research Council; E 801, Student Concrete Pro

25、jects; and 214, Evaluation of Results of Tests Used to Determine Strength of Concrete, and others. AC1 member Bruce W. Ramme is Assistant to the Plant Manager at the Port Washington Power Plant of Wisconsin Electric Power Company, Milwaukee, He received his BS and MS degrees in structural engineerin

26、g from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. He is a member of AC1 Committees 229, Controlled Low Strength Material; and 213, Lightweight Aggregates and Lightweight Aggregate Concrete. INTRODUCTION This paper presents the results of research performed to identify mix proportions for low strength c

27、oncrete slurry which falls under the classification of Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM) as defined by AC1 Committee 229. CLSM is defined as a cementitious material that is in a flowable state at the time of placement and has a specified compressive strength of 1200 psi (8.3 MPa or 172,800 Ibs

28、./sq. ft.) or less at the age of 28 days. It is primarily used for nonstructural applications below grade where low strength is required. In some cases it is intended to be no stronger than the surrounding soil. The CLSM described in this paper has a 28 day compressive strength of 500 psi (3.4 ma) a

29、nd higher with some mixtures actually producing strengths in excess of 1200 psi (8.3 MPa) which fall into the category of low strength concrete. Low strength, 100 psi f 50 psi (0.7 MPa f 0.35 MPa) CLSM flowable fly ash slurry produced as pari of this overall project has already been described in a p

30、revious publication i. The type of CLSM selected should be based on technical and economic considerations for the specific application. The fly ash used in the CLSM for this project was produced by Wisconsin Electric Power Company (WE) at the Valley Power Plant located in Downtown Milwaukee, Wiscons

31、in. The plant uses bituminous coal from Pennsylvania Mining District 2. The mix proportions for the CLSM used in this project were selected to obtain a moderate strength material in the 500 psi (3.4 MPa) to 1500 psi (10.3 MPa) (72 to 216 kipslsq. ft.) range. This level of strength is similar to that

32、 of many naturally murring bedrock formations and, therefore, provides excellent support for foundations and can assist in distributing foundation loads over greater areas. The scope of the research phase reported in this paper is limited to developing mix proportions consistent with specified stren

33、gth and flowability requirements. AC1 SP-L50 94 = 0bb291.19 0515413 OOT Controlled Low-Strength Materials 3 Literature Search A library search was conducted to identify existing similar work with respect to the development of high fly ash low strength concrete. Published reports by federal and state

34、 organizations, engineering periodicals and journals, and professional organizations were reviewed. The primary search covered the period from January, 1970 to June, 1988. The only similar work found on low strength fly ash concrete was done by the Detroit Min Company, Detroit, Michigan, and the Kuh

35、lman Corp., Toledo, Ohio in 19702. The investigation done by these companies resulted in the development of a new product that was called K-Krete. As a result of this development, a K-Krete Corporation was formally organized in 1974. The K-Krete mix consists of Portland cement, fly ash and a filler.

36、 The primary use of K-Krete is as a replacement for compacted granular materials. Such uses include street utility baclbills, sanitary backfills, backfills around foundations, etc. The compressive strength for K-Krete mixes ranges between 100 - 1600 psi (0.7 MPa - 11.0 ma). The permeability ranges b

37、etween 0.001 to 0.00003 ftImin (0.3 to 0.009 mm/min), which indicate that the K- Krete mixes have comparable permeabilities when compared to regular backfill materials (e.g., silty sand permeability varies from 0.002 to 0.00002 ft/min (0.6 to 0.006 mnmin). The K-Krete materials had resistance to dir

38、ect wearing erosion similar to that for a comparable granular fill. It was suggested that for removability K-Krete mixes should be designed for about 100 psi (0.7 MPa) compressive strength at one year age. It was recommended that research is needed to investigate and develop the fly ash low strength

39、 concrete to meet user needs. The July 1990 issue of Concrete International featured articles on CUM. An article written by Ron Larsen 3 sites several excellent application examples on uses of this material including filling of abandoned underground fuel tanks, protecting under- road petroleum pipes

40、, placing culverts, erosion prevention, saving bridges and steel arch pipe culverts and filling voids. Several fly ash concrete and slurry publications 421 are identified in the bibliography to give the reader leads to other work with similar fly ashes and their applications. OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE Th

41、e mix proportions for the low strength concrete in this project were selected to obtain a low strength material in the 500 to 1500 psi (3.4 to 8.3 MPa) range. This level of strength makes it suitable as a low cost material for pipe bedding, utility duct envelopes, for filling overexcavated zones und

42、er structural foundations, as a high quality road base, and in similar applications. This material can serve as a non-structural material at a cost lower than normal structural concrete in applications where lower strengths are adequate. The material should not be used for above grade applications w

43、ithout being properly protected, .e., covered, since AC1 SP-150 74 0662749 0515414 T4b 4 Naik and Ramme it does not possess qualities that make it durable against freezethaw and abrasion exposure. Valley Plant Class F Flv Ash Valley Plant Class F fly ash is a by-product of Eastern United States bitu

44、minous coal combustion. The fly ash is captured by eiectrostatidprecipitators from flue gases prior to discharge by exhaust chimneys. It meets the requirements of ASTM C618 Class F Designation, see Table 1. Materials and Mixing The high fly ash low strength concrete mixes were produced for this proj

45、ect at a batch plant of the New Berlin Redi-Mix Concrete Co., New Berlin, Wisconsin. The fly ash was stored in separate silos in a dry state. The cement used in these tests was Type I. The mixing water was heated. The Fime aggregates used were a natural sand material meeting ASTM Test Designation C-

46、33 with a fineness modulus of 2.79. The maximum size of coarse aggregate was 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) (pea gravei). No air entraining agent was used. The materials were loaded into a ready mix truck and transported form the batching plant to an on-site location where the tests were performed. The batch quan

47、tity for each mix was approximately two cubic yards (1.5 cubic meters). The concrete batch in the truck was allowed to mix at the transit speed of the mixer drum for about 30 minutes. A small front end loader was used to obtain the desired quantity of concrete, about 4 CU. ft. (0.11 cum.) to perform

48、 the tests and make the test cylinders for each mix. Each time about two front end loaders full of concrete, about 8 CU. ft. (0.23 cum.) were discarded before taking the final sample for testing and cylinder casting to assure homogeneity of the product. Preliminarv Mix Proportioning Preliminary mix

49、proportions were developed to produce CUM with a low cernent factor but a high proportion of fly ash and sufficient water to produce high workability and/or fluidity. The slump was targeted for the 5 to 8 in. (127 to 203 mm.) range for the special consmction applications described in the scope. Final Mix ProDortioning Mixes F-1 to Fd were produced with a low cement content and a high fly ash to cement ratio to compensate for the low cementitious characteristics of the Class F fly ash. These mixes were all high in slump, 7 in. - 9 in. (180 mm - 230 mm) range. Adjustments which we


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