AASHTO GSGLC-2001 Part I Guidelines for the Selection of Supplemental Guide Signs for Traffic Generators Adjacent to Freeways Part II Guidelines for Airport Guide Signing Part III .pdf

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AASHTO GSGLC-2001 Part I Guidelines for the Selection of Supplemental Guide Signs for Traffic Generators Adjacent to Freeways Part II Guidelines for Airport Guide Signing Part III .pdf_第1页
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AASHTO GSGLC-2001 Part I Guidelines for the Selection of Supplemental Guide Signs for Traffic Generators Adjacent to Freeways Part II Guidelines for Airport Guide Signing Part III .pdf_第2页
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AASHTO GSGLC-2001 Part I Guidelines for the Selection of Supplemental Guide Signs for Traffic Generators Adjacent to Freeways Part II Guidelines for Airport Guide Signing Part III .pdf_第3页
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AASHTO GSGLC-2001 Part I Guidelines for the Selection of Supplemental Guide Signs for Traffic Generators Adjacent to Freeways Part II Guidelines for Airport Guide Signing Part III .pdf_第4页
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AASHTO GSGLC-2001 Part I Guidelines for the Selection of Supplemental Guide Signs for Traffic Generators Adjacent to Freeways Part II Guidelines for Airport Guide Signing Part III .pdf_第5页
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1、 . PART I Guidelines for the Selection of Supplemental Guide Signs for Traffic Generators Adjacent to Freeways PART II Guidelines for Airport Guide Signing PART 111 List of Control Cities for Use in Guide Signs on Interstate Highways 2001 O Copyright, 200 I, by the American Association of State High

2、way and T-anspor- tation Officials. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without written permission of the publisher. ISBN 1-5605 I - I 54-0 Published by the American Association of State Highway and Transportati

3、on Ofkials Washington, D.C. 20001 444 North Capitol Street, N.W., Suite 249 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Offkials Executive Committee 2000 President: Thomas Warne, Utah Vice President: E. Dean Carlson, Kansas Secretary-Treasurer: Larry King, Pennsylvania Elected Regional

4、Members: Region I: James Sullivan, Connecticut, One Year Term William Ankner, Rhode island, Two Year Term Region II: Kam K. Movassaghi, Louisiana, One Year Term David McCoy, North Carolina, Two Year Term Region 111: James C. Codell, 111, Kentucky, One Year Term Cristine Klika, Indiana, Two Year Term

5、 Region IV Sid Morrison, Washington, One Year Term Pete K. Rahn, New Mexico, Two Year Tem Ex Officio Members Past President: Dan Flowers, Arizona Secretary of Transportation: Rodney Slater Executive Director: John Horsley AASHTO Highway Subcommittee on Traffic Engineering 2000 Chairman: William L. M

6、oore, Jr., Tennessee Vice Chairman: Thomas Hicks, Maryland Secretary: George Schoene, FHWA Alabama, Timothy C. Taylor Alaska, Joseph L. Perkins Kurtis J. Smith Mike Downing Loren Rasmussen Mike Manthey Phillip L. McConnell Eric Phillips James Barnett California, Kim Nystrom Arizona, Colorado, Matthe

7、w Reay Jerold D. Simpson Connecticut, Walter H. Coughlin Delaware, Reza Moghissi District of Columbia, David Erwin Florida, Jack A. Brown Georgia, Marion G. Waters 111, PE. Hawaii, Paul Hamamoto Illinois, Joseph S. Hill Kenneth C. Wood Indiana, Frank S. Vukovits Iowa, Timothy D. Crouch Kansas, Mike

8、Crow Kentucky, Simon Cornett Maine, Bruce Ibarguen Maryland, Thomas Hicks Massachusetts, Charles F. Sterling Michigan, John ODoherty Minnesota, Karl Rasmussen Mississippi, Edward Bailey Missouri, Steve McDonald Montana, Donald Dusek Nebraska, Randall D. Peters Nevada, Scott Thorson New Hampshire, Ja

9、mes Colburn Lyle W. Knowlton Timothy J. Szwedo William E. Anderson Robert F. Dale New Mexico, Robert Bracher New York, New Jersey, Bruce W. Smith David C. Woodin North Carolina, Jimmy M. Lynch North Dakota, AI Covlin Oklahoma, Alan Soltani Oregon, Harold Smart Sam Johnston Edward Fischer . 111 Puert

10、o Rico, Roberto Silva Rhode Island, Paul Annarummo, RE. South Carolina, Richard B. Werts South Dakota, John Adler Tennessee, Don Dahlinger Gerald Gregory William L. Moore, J. Michael L. Tugwell Texas, Rick Collins Utah, Sterling Davis Virgin ia, Ilona0. Kastenhofer Richard L. Quesenbery Steve Wilkie

11、 Washington, Toby D. Rickman West Virginia, Barry Warhoftig Wisconsin, Peter F. Rusch Wyoming, Michael N. Gostovich Edmonton, Alberta, Roy Jurgens Richard Chow Victoria, British Columbia, Randy Sawyer Winnipeg, Manitoba, O.A. (Ben) Rogers Fredericton, New Brunswick, Emilia Rodrigues St. Johns, Newfo

12、undland, Gary Gosse Northern Mariana Islands, Edward M. Deleon Guerrero Halifax, Nova Scotia, R. Hessian Downsview, Ontario, Colin Rayman Regina, Saskatchewan, Tom Gutek Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Masood Hassan Foreword The Manual on Uniform TrMc Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MU

13、TCD) discusses in Sections 2E-28 and 2F-20 the use of Supple- mental Guide Signs to provide motorist information regarding desti- nations accessible from an interchange, other than places shown on the standard interchange signing. The guidelines outlined in Part I of this document are intended to pr

14、ovide a basis for development of individual state policies for the selection of supplemental guide signs for traffic generators adjacent to freeways. These policies should consider local needs, customs, and legal requirements. Earlier editions of Part I included supplemental guide signing for air- p

15、orts adjacent to freeways. In response to the AASHTO Standing Committee on Aviations request, these airport guidelines were ex- panded to include all highways. Part II contains the new guidelines for supplemental guide signs for airports. Sections 2D-37,2E-33, and 2F-7 of the MUTCD make reference to

16、 the use of control cities which have national significance. Part III of this document contains the list of approved control cities for pur- poses of providing directional guidance on the Interstate Highway System. V PART I Guidelines for the Selection of Supplemental Guide Signs for Traffic Generat

17、ors Adjacent to Freeways The Manual on Uniform Trafic Control Devices for Streets and High- ways (MUTCD) is the national standard for installing traffic control devices on all roads open to public travel. The MUTCD contains the standards for signing freeways and expressways for motorists who are unf

18、amiliar with an area, but who are traveling between and through the Nations principal traffic generating centers. The selection of information to be presented at an interchange is critical to the safe and efficient use of the highway system. The MUTCD provides mandatory requirements for installing m

19、any free- way signs, but leaves other signing discretion to the States. One of these discretions is the selection of destinations to be used on major guide signs and supplemental guide signs. Numerous facilities that warrant inclusion on supplemental guide signs, and the addition of new facilities,

20、have posed signing problems in many states. The guidelines contained herein were developed to assist the States in selecting the most appropriate generators for display on freeway supplemental guide signs. These guidelines provide a basis for devel- opment of individual State policies which should c

21、onsider local needs, customs, and legal requirements. The MUTCD provides several restrictions on the use of supplemen- tal guide signs on freeways. Those portions of the MUTCD are re- peated below. Sec.IA-3.1 “Traffic control devices shall be placed only by the authority of a public body or official

22、 jurisdic- tion, for the purpose of regulating, warning, or guiding traffic. No traffic control device or its support shall bear any advertising or commer- I Part I: Selection of Supplernentol Guide Signs for Traffic Generotors Sec. 2F-20 Sec. 2E-28 cial message, or any other message that is not ess

23、ential to traffic control . All unofficial and non- essential signs should be removed.” “.the major signs at freeway interchanges and on their approaches are advance guide signs and exit direction signs. It is essential that the same destination messages be displayed on these signs. New destination

24、information should not be introduced into the major sign sequence for one interchange, nor should information be dropped . Supplemental guide signing should be used sparingly, as provided in Section 2E-28.” “Information regarding destinations accessible from an interchange, other than places shown o

25、n the standard interchange signing, may be shown on a supplemental guide sign. Such a sign may list one or two destinations followed by the inter- change number (and suffix) or if interchanges are not numbered, by the legend NEXT RIGHT or SECOND RIGHT or both, as appropriate. The supplemental guide

26、sign installation should be erected approximately midway between the two major advance guide signs. If only one advance guide sign is used, the supplemental guide sign should follow by at least 800 feet. Supplemental signing can reduce the effectiveness of the other important guide signing because o

27、f the possibility of overloading the vehicle operators capacity to receive and make decisions on visual messages. The AASHTO Guidelines for the Selection of Supplemental Guide Signs for Trafic Generators Adjacent to Freeways is incorporated in this section as a guide. States may develop an appropria

28、te policy for such signing. Such items as population, traffic generated, and distance should be taken into account. Only one supplemental guide sign may be used on each interchange approach. If used, it is nor- mally installed as an independent guide assembly. 2 Part I: Selection of Supplemental Gui

29、de Signs for Traffic Generators Sec. 2F-34 Sec. 2H- I6 Secs. 2F-4 I, 2E-42, 20-49 (paraphrased) Guide signs directing motorists to park-and-ride facilities shall be considered as supplemental signs .” “Scenic area signing should be consistent with that specified for rest areas. Standard messages sho

30、uld read SCENIC AREA or SCENIC VIEW or the equivalent.” “Supplemental guide signs with a white legend and border on a brown background may be used on an expressway or freeway when a park or recre- ational or cultural interest area is signed as a Sig- nificant destination for users of these roads. Th

31、e same color combination may be used for the ad- vance guide sign and the exit direction sign for an interchange where the crossroad leads exclusively to a park, or to a recreational or cultural interest area. Where the crossroads of an expressway or free- way leads to a destination other than a par

32、k or a recreational or cultural interest area, the advance guide sign and the exit direction sign shall retain the white on green color combination. All gore signs shall have a white legend on a green background, regardless of the above conditions. The background color of the interchange exit num- b

33、er panel shall match the background color of the guide sign proper.” If they do not interfere with signing for inter- changes or, other equally critical points, miscella- neous guide signs, or various types may be used to show state, county, and other significant local jurisdictional boundaries. Sig

34、ns of this character should not be installed unless there are specific reasons for orienting the users of the freeway or identifying control points for activities that are clearly in the public interest. 3 Part I: Selection of Supplemental Guide Signs for Traffic Generators Sec. 2F-40 ?The commonly

35、used name or trailblazer symbol for a toll facility may be displayed on free sections of the Interstate System at I. the last exit before entering a toll section of the Interstate System; 2. the interchange or connection with a toll facility, whether or not the toll facility is a part of the Interst

36、ate System; and 3. other locations within a reasonable ap- proach distance of toll facilities when the name or trailblazer symbol for the toll fa- cility would provide better guidance to drivers unfamiliar with the area than would place names and route numbers. The toll facility name or marker may b

37、e included as a part of the guide sign installations on inter- secting highways and approach roads to indicate the interchange with a toll section of an Interstate highway. Where needed for the proper direction of traffic, a trailblazer for a toll facility that is part of the Interstate System may b

38、e displayed with the Interstate trailblazer assembly.? 4 Part I: Selection of Supplemental Guide Signs for Traffic Generators General Criteria and Limitations General signing criteria and limitations should be established by the States. Generators which have the greatest traffic should be shown on s

39、upplemental guide signs. This does not mean that all facilities that meet the criteria should automatically receive informational signing. Signing for traffic generators is considered supplemental to the over- all signing system for freeways. Therefore, before a sign for a traffic generator is insta

40、lled, sufficient space should exist to accommodate the placement of the sign without interfering or conflicting with re- quired signing. Normally, supplemental guide signs for traffic genera- tors should not be installed at freeway-to-freeway interchanges. Not more than one supplemental guide sign f

41、or a traffic generator should be provided in each direction along any freeway. Signs for these facilities shall be located in advance of the interchanging road that provides the most direct route to the facility. Information relating to a traffic generator should be displayed at the freeway exit nea

42、rest to the facility. Consideration may be given to displaying the information at a second freeway when the prime crite- rion is exceeded by at least 50 percent and the traffic generator is within two-thirds of the specified distance for the nearest freeway and within the specified distance for the

43、farthest freeway. Supple- mental guide signs should not be erected for a traffic generator that would require a motorist to travel on the interchanging road beyond a second freeway. Signing for a seasonal generator may be displayed when warranted. Such signing shall be removed at the end of the seas

44、on, or a change- able message type installation may be used. Two traffic generators may be displayed on a single, permanent, or seasonal guide sign. When more than two traffic generators meet the signing criteria, generators having the greatest need for signing should be shown. Permanent supplementa

45、l guide sign and seasonal supple- mental guide sign information for traffic generators may be installed on the same supports. Signing for a traficgenerator should not be displayed on a supplemen- tal guide sign until signing has been installed at the ramp terminals and along the interchanging road a

46、nd other roads as necessary to direct the motorist from the freeway to the traffic generator. 5 Part I: Selection of Supplemental Guide Signs for Trafic Generators Specific Criteria Certain types of generators appear through attendance or special activities to warrant signing with minimal traffic vo

47、lume criteria. While it is recommended that criteria be established, signs may, at the option of the States, be erected for the following types of genera- tors, without establishing a traffic volume warrant. I. Major airports 2. Major military installations 3. Major colleges and universities 4. Fede

48、ral and State parks 5. Major recreational areas 6. Other incorporated cities Other generators that may qualify for signing on the conventional highway system are not normally of interest to the freeway user. Except under unusual circumstances, supplemental signing should not be considered for the ge

49、nerators shown in Table I. This table is not all-inclusive, but provides an indication of the type of facilities not normally warranting signs. Table II provides guidelines to establish criteria for selection of des- tinations to be shown on supplemental guide signs. In view of the broad range of population densities throughout the Nation, numerical values may be altered as required by local conditions. A typical se- lection of generators was included in this table and geographical conditions, legal requirements, or administrative policy may req


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