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1、 Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels for Service on Rivers and Intracoastal Waterways RULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING STEEL VESSELS FOR SERVICE ON RIVERS AND INTRACOASTAL WATERWAYS 2018 American Bureau of Shipping Incorporated by Act of Legislature of the State of New York 1862 2017 Americ

2、an Bureau of Shipping. All rights reserved. ABS Plaza 16855 Northchase Drive Houston, TX 77060 USA Table of Contents RULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING STEEL VESSELS FOR SERVICE ON RIVERS AND INTRACOASTAL WATERWAYS CONTENTS Notices and General Information . 1 PART 1 Conditions of Classification (Supple

3、ment to the ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification) . 6 CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification . 8 See also separately published booklet ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification (Part 1) PART 2 Materials and Welding 14 See separately published booklet ABS Rules for Materials and Weld

4、ing (Part 2) PART 3 Hull Construction and Equipment . 15 CHAPTER 1 General 16 CHAPTER 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements . 24 CHAPTER 3 Subdivision and Stability 109 CHAPTER 4 Fire Safety Measures . 125 CHAPTER 5 Equipment 133 CHAPTER 6 Testing, Trials and Surveys During Construction Hull 136 PART 4

5、 Vessels Systems and Machinery 148 CHAPTER 1 Classification of Machinery 149 CHAPTER 2 Propulsion and Maneuvering Machinery . 155 CHAPTER 3 Pumps and Piping Systems . 174 CHAPTER 4 Fire Extinguishing Systems and Equipment 227 CHAPTER 5 Electrical Installations 244 PART 7 Surveys After Construction .

6、 372 See separately published booklet ABS Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7) ii ABSRULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING STEEL VESSELS FOR SERVICE ON RIVERS also machinery general arrangement, installation and equipment plans as referenced in Part 4, are to be submitted and approved before proce

7、eding with the work. 5 Additional Plans Where certification under 1-1-5/3 or 1-1-5/5 of the ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification (Part 1) is requested, submission of additional plans and calculations may be required. ABSRULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING STEEL VESSELS FOR SERVICE ON RIVERS a doub

8、le laced truss is one having diagonal bracing in both directions in each space. 18 ABSRULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING STEEL VESSELS FOR SERVICE ON RIVERS & INTRACOASTAL WATERWAYS .2018 Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment Chapter 1 General Section 1 Definitions 3-1-1 15 Amidships Amidships is the

9、middle of the length L. 17 Block Coefficient (Cb) The Block Coefficient (Cb), is given by Cb= /LBd where is the volume of molded displacement, excluding appendages, in cubic meters (cubic feet). 19 Double Ended Rake Barge A Double Ended Rake Barge is a barge with similar rakes at each end and fitted

10、 with towing bitts arranged in such a manner that the barge in normal circumstances may be towed from either end. Each end of barges with this configuration is to be considered as the forward end in the application of these Rules. 21 Oil As used in these Rules, the term Oil refers to petroleum produ

11、cts having flash points at or below 60C (140F), (closed cup test). 23 Passenger A Passenger is every person other than the master and the members of the crew or other persons employed or engaged in any capacity onboard a vessel on the business of that vessel and children under one year of age. 25 Su

12、perstructure A Superstructure is a decked structure on the freeboard deck extending from side to side of the barge or vessel, or with the side plating not being inboard of the shell plating more than 0.04B. 27 Cargo Area The Cargo Area is that part of a barge that contains cargo tanks, slop tanks an

13、d cargo pump rooms and includes ballast and void spaces, cofferdams and pump rooms adjacent to cargo tanks and also deck areas throughout the entire length and breadth of that part of the barge over the above mentioned spaces. In chemical and liquefied gas tank barges having independent cargo tanks

14、installed in hold spaces, cofferdams or ballast or void spaces aft of the aftermost hold space bulkhead or forward of the forward-most hold space bulkhead are excluded from the cargo area. 29 Cargo Pump Room A Cargo Pump Room is a space containing pumps and their accessories for the handling of the

15、cargo. 31 Weathertight Weathertight means that in any sea conditions water will not penetrate into the vessel. 33 Gross Tonnage For vessels in domestic service, gross tonnage is the national gross tonnage as specified by the country in which the vessel is to be registered. For vessels which are enga

16、ged in international voyages, gross tonnage is to be determined by the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969. ABSRULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING STEEL VESSELS FOR SERVICE ON RIVERS & INTRACOASTAL WATERWAYS .2018 19 Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment Chapter 1 General Sec

17、tion 1 Definitions 3-1-1 35 Units These Rules are written in two systems of units, i.e., MKS units and US customary units. Each system is to be used independently of any other system. Unless indicated otherwise, the format of presentation in the Rules of the two systems of units is as follows: MKS u

18、nits (US customary units) 20 ABSRULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING STEEL VESSELS FOR SERVICE ON RIVERS & INTRACOASTAL WATERWAYS .2018 PART Section 2: General Requirements 3 CHAPTER 1 General SECTION 2 General Requirements 1 Materials 1.1 Steel (2017) These Rules are intended for barges and vessels of w

19、elded construction using steels complying with the requirements of Chapters 1 and 2 of the ABS Rules for Materials and Welding (Part 2). Use of steels other than those in Chapters 1 and 2 of the above Part 2 and the corresponding scantlings will be specially considered. Where it is intended to use m

20、aterial of cold flanging quality, this steel is to be indicated on the plans. ASTM A36 steel otherwise manufactured by an ABS approved steel mill, tested and certified to the satisfaction of ABS may be used in lieu of Grade A for a thickness up to and including 12.5 mm (0.5 in.) for plates and up to

21、 and including 19 mm (0.75 in.) for sections. 1.3 Aluminum Alloys The use of aluminum alloys in hull structures will be considered upon submission of the proposed specification for the alloy and the method of fabrication. 1.5 Design Consideration Where scantlings are reduced in connection with the u

22、se of higher-strength steel or where aluminum alloys are used, adequate buckling strength is to be provided. Where it is intended to use material of cold flanging quality for important longitudinal strength members, this steel is to be indicated on the plans. 1.7 Guidance for Repair Where a special

23、welding procedure is required for the special steels used in the construction, including any low temperature steel and those materials not in Chapters 1 and 2 of the ABS Rules for Materials and Welding (Part 2), a set of plans showing the following information for each steel should be placed aboard

24、the barge or vessel. Material Specification Welding procedure Location and extent of application These plans are in addition to those normally placed aboard which are to show all material applications. 1.9 Materials Containing Asbestos (2005) See 4-1-1/21. 3 Scantlings 3.1 General Sections having ap

25、propriate section moduli or areas, in accordance with their functions in the structure as stiffeners, columns or combinations of both, are to be adopted, due regard being given to the thickness of all parts of the sections to provide a proper margin for corrosion. It may be required that calculation

26、s be submitted in support of resistance to buckling for any part of the vessels structure. ABSRULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING STEEL VESSELS FOR SERVICE ON RIVERS & INTRACOASTAL WATERWAYS .2018 21 Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment Chapter 1 General Section 2 General Requirements 3-1-2 3.3 Workma

27、nship All workmanship is to be of commercial marine quality and acceptable to the Surveyor. Welding is to be in accordance with the requirements of Section 3-2-6. The Surveyors are to satisfy themselves that all operators to be employed in the construction of barges and vessels to be classed are pro

28、perly qualified in the type of work proposed and in the proper use of the welding processes and procedures to be followed. 5 Proportions In general, these Rules are valid for vessels having lengths not exceeding 30 times their depth, and breadths not exceeding 6 times their depth. Vessels with other

29、 proportions will be specially considered. 7 Structural Sections 7.1 Required Section Modulus The scantling requirements of these Rules are applicable to structural angles, channels, bars, and rolled or built-up sections. The required section modulus of members such as girders, webs, etc., supportin

30、g frames and stiffeners is to be obtained with an effective width of plating basis as described below, unless otherwise noted. The section modulus is to include the structural member in association with an effective width of plating equal to one-half the sum of the spacing on each side of the member

31、 or 33% of the unsupported span , whichever is less. For girders and webs along hatch openings, an effective breadth of plating equal to one-half the spacing or 16.5% of the unsupported span , whichever is less, is to be used. Where channel construction is adopted, as illustrated in 3-2-1/Figure 5 a

32、nd 3-2-2/Figure 5, the required section modulus is to be obtained solely by the channel. The required section modulus of frames and stiffeners is assumed to be provided by the stiffener and one frame space of the plating to which it is attached. . For bars or shapes which are not attached to the pla

33、ting, the section modulus is to be obtained in the member only. It may be required that calculations be submitted in support of the resistance to buckling of longitudinals. 7.3 Serrated Sections Serrated sections may be used for girders, webs, frames and stiffeners, but the depth of the member is no

34、t to be less than 2 times the depth of any cutout. The cutouts are to be arranged to provide regularly spaced points of contact with the plating sufficient to obtain the welding required. Where supporting members are cut out for framing and stiffening members, the depth of the cutout should not exce

35、ed 50% of the depth of the supporting member. 9 Structural Design Details 9.1 General The designer shall give consideration to the following: 9.1.1 The thickness of internals in locations susceptible to rapid corrosion. 9.1.2 The proportions of built-up members to comply with established standards f

36、or buckling strength. 22 ABSRULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING STEEL VESSELS FOR SERVICE ON RIVERS & INTRACOASTAL WATERWAYS .2018 Part 3 Hull Construction and Equipment Chapter 1 General Section 2 General Requirements 3-1-2 9.1.3 The design of structural details, such as noted below, against the harmfu

37、l effects of stress concentrations and notches: i) Details of the ends, the intersections of members and associated brackets. ii) Shape and location of air, drainage, or lightening holes. iii) Shape and reinforcement of slots or cut-outs for internals. iv) Elimination or closing of weld scallops in

38、way of butts, “softening” of bracket toes, reducing abrupt changes of section or structural discontinuities. 9.1.4 Proportions and thickness of structural members to reduce fatigue response due to cyclic stresses, particularly for higher-strength steels. 9.3 Termination of Structural Members Unless

39、permitted elsewhere in the Rules, structural members are to be effectively connected to the adjacent structures in such a manner as to avoid hard spots, notches and other harmful stress concentrations. Where members are not required to be attached at their ends, special attention is to be given to t

40、he end taper, by using soft-toed concave brackets or by a sniped end of not more than 30. Where the end bracket has a face bar, it is to be sniped and tapered not more than 30. Bracket toes or sniped ends are to be kept within 25 mm (1.0 in.) of the adjacent member, and the depth at the toe or snipe

41、 end is generally not to exceed 15 mm (0.60 in.). Where a strength deck or shell longitudinal terminates without end attachment, it is to extend into the adjacent transversely framed structure or stop at a local transverse member fitted at about one transverse frame space beyond the last floor or we

42、b that supports the longitudinal. ABSRULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING STEEL VESSELS FOR SERVICE ON RIVERS & INTRACOASTAL WATERWAYS .2018 23 PART Chapter 2: Hull Structures and Arrangements 3 CHAPTER 2 Hull Structures and Arrangements CONTENTS SECTION 1 Tank Barges 30 1 Application . 30 3 Classificati

43、on . 30 5 Structural Arrangement . 30 5.1 Between the Rakes 30 5.3 Rakes 31 5.5 Double Skin Construction 31 7 Longitudinal Strength 31 7.1 Definitions 31 7.3 Loading Conditions 32 7.5 Loading/Unloading Sequences and Bending Moment Calculations . 32 7.7 Hull Girder Section Modulus 32 7.9 Items Includ

44、ed in the Section Modulus Calculation . 33 9 Deck and Trunk Plating . 33 9.1 Between the Rakes 33 9.3 Rake Decks . 34 11 Frames 34 13 Trusses . 34 13.1 Top and Bottom Chords . 34 13.3 Stanchions . 35 13.5 Diagonals . 35 15 Web Frames, Girders and Stringers . 35 17 Tank Head for Scantlings 35 17.1 Pr

45、essure Setting 0.12 kgf/cm2(1.7 psi) or Less . 36 17.3 Pressure Setting Over 0.12 kgf/cm2(1.7 psi) . 36 19 Bulkheads . 36 19.1 Arrangement 36 19.3 Construction of Tank Boundary Bulkheads 37 19.5 Construction of Other Watertight Bulkheads 37 21 Shell Plating 38 21.1 Bottom Shell 38 21.3 Side Shell 38

46、 21.5 Bilge Plating . 38 21.7 Tank Spaces 39 21.9 Bilge Angles . 39 24 ABSRULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING STEEL VESSELS FOR SERVICE ON RIVERS & INTRACOASTAL WATERWAYS .2018 23 Hatches and Fittings . 39 23.1 Hatchways . 39 23.3 Deck Fittings 39 25 Barge Reinforcement 39 25.1 General 39 25.3 Reinforce

47、ment . 39 TABLE 1 Brackets 40 FIGURE 1 Bilge Bracket . 41 FIGURE 2 Intermediate Bilge Bracket 41 FIGURE 3 Alternative Arrangement . 41 FIGURE 4 Gunwale Bracket . 42 FIGURE 5 Tank Barge 43 FIGURE 6 Tank Barge 44 FIGURE 7 Tank Barge 45 FIGURE 8 Double Skin Tank Barge . 46 FIGURE 8A Trunk Top Beam End

48、Connection. 47 FIGURE 9 Double Skin Tank Barge . 48 FIGURE 9A Trunk Top Transverse End Connection 49 FIGURE 10 Double Skin Tank Barge . 50 FIGURE 11 Rake Framing 51 SECTION 2 Dry Cargo Barges . 52 1 Application 52 3 Structural Arrangement . 52 3.1 Between the Rakes . 52 3.3 Rakes 52 5 Longitudinal S

49、trength 53 5.1 Section Modulus 53 5.3 Section Modulus with Continuous Coaming 53 7 Deck Plating 53 7.1 Minimum Thickness . 53 7.3 Between the Rakes . 53 7.5 Watertight Decks . 53 7.7 Cargo Decks 53 7.9 Wheel Loaded Strength Decks 54 9 Frames 54 11 Trusses . 54 11.1 Top and Bottom Chords 54 11.3 Stanchions . 55 11.5 Diagonals 55 13 Web Frames, Girders and Stringers . 55 15 Bulkheads . 56 15.1 Construction of Tank Boundary Bulkheads . 56 15.3 Construction of Other Watertight Bulkheads . 56 ABSRULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING STEEL VESSELS FOR SERVICE ON RIVERS & INTRACO


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