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1、GUIDE FOR CLASSIFICATION OF DRILLING SYSTEMS OCTOBER 2017 Guide to Color Coding Used in Online Version of the Guide The following summarizes the colors corresponding to Rule Changes, Corrigenda items and editorial changes in the Guide files which are available for download. Rule Changes: Corrigenda:

2、 CORRIGENDA/EDITORIALS 9 November 2017 Editorials: Editorial Changes Guide for the Classification of Drilling Systems GUIDE FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF DRILLING SYSTEMS OCTOBER 2017 (Updated November 2017 see next page) American Bureau of Shipping Incorporated by Act of Legislature of the State of New

3、 York 1862 2017 American Bureau of Shipping. All rights reserved. ABS Plaza 16855 Northchase Drive Houston, TX 77060 USA Updates November 2017 consolidation includes: October 2017 version plus Corrigenda/Editorials Foreword Foreword This Guide describes criteria to be used for drilling systems, whic

4、h are approved by the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), and built to requirements of recognized codes and standards. This Guide is to be used in conjunction with other applicable ABS Rules and Guides, codes and standards as referenced therein, and applicable national regulations. ABS Classification

5、 continues to provide the offshore industry with a pathway toward agreement with Regulatory Authorities. Any Owner/Operators specific request for compliance with applicable requirements of flag or Coastal State Authorities affecting the drilling systems is to be filed as an addendum to the Request f

6、or Classification. The 2017 edition of the Guide for the Classification of Drilling Systems is an updated version of the 2012 edition of the subject Guide. The first edition of the CDS Guide was published in 1986 to support the drilling regulations developed for rigs operating in the UK sector of th

7、e North Sea. As part of ABSs commitment to promoting the security of life and property and preserving the natural environment, ABS has endeavored to continuously update the Guide by applying the latest industry standards and trends in risk abatement. Previous Sections of this Guide have been reforma

8、tted to Chapters and each Chapter has been updated in accordance with the latest industry standards and practices as well as ABS plan review and survey practices. This Guide specifies only the unique requirements applicable to drilling systems. This Guide is always to be used with the ABS Rules for

9、Conditions of Classification Offshore Units and Structures (Part 1). The particular changes made to the Guide are as follows: General: i) All sections have been reformatted into Chapters with previous Sections 2 and 3 being combined into a new Chapter 2. ii) Other Sections have been renumbered into

10、new Chapters so the Guide now consists of eight Chapters iii) Added sections on scope for CDS notations and sub-notations (WCS, DSD, DSC, DSP) General Changes: New Chapter 1: Scope and Conditions of Classification Chapter 1 Section 1: Classification: i) Section 1 was updated to refer to the “Generic

11、” Rules ii) Paragraphs covered by the Offshore “Generic” Rules have been removed and the Generic Rules have been updated to include reference to this Guide. Chapter 1 Section 2: Classification Symbols and Notations: i) Paragraphs covered by the Offshore “Generic” Rules have been removed. ii) Include

12、d Classification items unique to CDS that are not covered by the “Generic” Rules. Chapter 1 Section 3: Rules for Classification: i) This Chapter has been edited to separate Sections on Rules, Submittal Requirements and Alternatives. ii) “Generic” Rules have been referenced where applicable. Chapter

13、1 Section 4: Plans and Data to be Submitted for Review: i) A new Section has been added. ii) Text has been condensed with respect to plan submission by referencing Chapter 2 content. ABSGUIDE FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF DRILLING SYSTEMS .2017 iii Chapter 1 Section 5: Alternatives: i) This Section was

14、updated to address General Considerations, National Standards and Novel Features. ii) The Risk section was moved to a new Section 6. Chapter 1 Section 6: Risk based Techniques for Alternatives: i) A new Section has been added to provide guidance on risk based techniques. ii) This Section includes ma

15、terial from ABS Guidance Notes on Risk Assessment Application for Marine and Offshore Oil and Gas Industries. Chapter 1 Section 7: Definitions: i) New definitions have been added. ii) Text in existing definitions has been modified where needed to provide clarity. Chapter 1 Section 8: Acronyms and Ab

16、breviations: i) Acronyms have been added for CDS Sub Class notations General Changes: New Chapter 2: Drilling Systems i) Existing Sections 2 and 3 have been combined into new Chapter 2. ii) Focus has been placed on performance objectives for equipment layout considerations. iii) Stakeholders and sta

17、keholders responsibilities in the CDS class process have been more clearly defined. iv) Requirements for submittal of material specification used in the engineering design has been clarified. v) References to technical standards have been updated. vi) Risk assessments and FMEA/FMECA requirements hav

18、e been updated and clarified. vii) The previous table on submittal of plans has been removed. viii) Well Test provisions were removed and flare booms were moved to the Well Control section (2016). (completed in 2016 and restated here for reference) ix) The definition of service temperature has been

19、clarified. x) Standard listings of cross references have been removed where redundant and replaced with a general statement on generic requirements. xi) Vessel motions analysis text has been clarified. xii) Align the Guide requirements with API 16Q and a site-specific global riser analysis is to be

20、carried out by operator per API 16Q xiii) Submittal of drilling riser global analysis is not mandatory xiv) Deleted requirement to submit a global riser analysis deferring to 16Q xv) Added a requirement for submittal of a Riser Operations Manual (16Q) xvi) Removed man-riding provisions. Reference ha

21、s been made to the optional application of the ABS Guide for Certification of Lifting Appliances (Lifting Appliance Guide) for man-riding. xvii) An updated definition on pressure relief system capacity has been provided. xviii) BOP Stack up requirements have been aligned to API 53. xix) BOP closing

22、capacity requirements have been updated. xx) Vent height requirements on Mud Gas Separator units have been updated. xxi) “Kill Unit” with Cementing Unit provisions have been consolidated and MAC requirements for prime movers and gears has been applied. iv ABSGUIDE FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF DRILLING

23、SYSTEMS .2017 xxii) Clarification added for applicable standards for Stack Mounted Valves. xxiii) Zone Management is renamed as Collision Avoidance and the detail requirements are added under Chapter 2, Section 7. xxiv) Added interlock override function requirement for Diverter Control System. xxv)

24、Clarification provided for Drawworks Breaking System. xxvi) Added a new section for Riser Running Equipment. xxvii) Reference to MODU Rules for electrical requirements has been clarified. xxviii) Lifting attachments and foundation anchoring provisions have been modified to focus on equipment items a

25、ssociated with CDS classification. xxix) Skid requirements have been enhanced for clarity. xxx) Requirements for bolted connections on derricks/masts have been updated. xxxi) Lifting appliances dedicated to drilling operations has been maintained under CDS. (Lifting Appliance Guide applies to non-dr

26、illing cranes and personnel lifting). xxxii) FMEA/FMECA, FAT and Commissioning plan submittals have been added. xxxiii) Software security control and change history requirements have been added. xxxiv) A section on hydraulic motors used in critical load path service has been added. xxxv) Design Plan

27、s and Data Submittal Requirements is included in Appendix. General Changes: New Chapter 3: Scope of Drilling System and Equipment Approval i) Previous Section 4 has been renumbered to new Chapter 3 including cross references. ii) Subsection 3/1, “Design Review” has been updated. iii) Subsection 3/3,

28、 “Survey”: 3.3.1iv) has been removed. iv) The Vendor Co-ordination Subsection 3/9 has been enhanced to make this process mandatory. New section name is “Project Management and Vendor Co-ordination” v) IRC/COC is now only offered to Primary Drill-Thru Equipment. vi) Previous equipment Section 4, Tabl

29、e 1 has been reformatted and renumbered to Tables 1 through 10 with the following additional updates: Revised to align with CDS Class sub notations Added informative API references Clarified Testing requirements Enhanced readability Added Approval Tiers in 3-2/Table 1 Removal of personnel lifting/ho

30、isting equipment as this equipment is now in the Lifting Appliance Guide. General Changes: New Chapter 4: Drilling System Piping i) Previous Section 5 was renumbered to Chapter 4 including cross-references. ii) Section 1: General: Removed list of systems (redundant) iii) Section 2: Design Criteria:

31、Enhanced to provide for use of split flanges Expanded pressure rating for Socket Welds ABSGUIDE FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF DRILLING SYSTEMS .2017 v Revised to simplify provisions for threaded joints Removed reference to Hydrocarbon Hoses General Changes: New Chapter 5: Materials for Drilling Systems

32、and Equipment i) Text has been edited to focus on materials and related processes (Specifications, Properties, Manufacturing, Fabrication, Coatings and NDE) ii) Requirements for threaded fasteners have been added with measures to prevent hydrogen embrittlement. iii) NDE provisions for materials was

33、transferred from Chapter 6 to Chapter 5. iv) Material traceability requirements were expanded and added into Data Book requirements. v) Additional requirements for Critical Components have been provided. vi) Subsection 1/3, “Material Specifications” has been supplemented to include primary load bear

34、ing, pressure retaining, containing and controlling components. vii) Subsection 1/5, “Manufacturing Specifications” has been enhanced with provisions for submittal requirements for threaded fasteners; primary load bearing and critical components. Comments have been added on surface treatment (platin

35、g, thermal spraying, cladding). viii) Subsection 1/7, “Material Selection”: Mechanical and structural load bearing traceability and Data Book requirements have been clarified. ix) Subsection 1/9, “Corrosion-Sour Service”: Definitions have been clarified. x) Subsection 1/11, “Threaded Fasteners”: New

36、 paragraphs have been added requiring API 20E as mandatory with ASTM B849 being required for applicable coating processes. Additional comments added comment on sources of hydrogen contamination. xi) Subsection 1/13, “Critical Components”: Quality management system requirements have been extended to

37、subcontractors. Q1 requirement has been replaced with generic requirements. Roles and responsibilities have been clarified. xii) Section 2, “Materials for Mechanical and Structural”: Mechanical and Structural requirements have been combined. xiii) Subsection 2/5, “Toughness”: CVN requirements have b

38、een aligned with industry practice and current standards applied and the CVN table has been condensed. xiv) Section 3, “Materials for Pressure Retaining/Containing/Controlling”: A new Section has been added with toughness requirements. xv) Section 4, “Manufacturing Considerations”: The API Q1 requir

39、ement has been replaced with generic requirements. xvi) Subsection 4/3, “Rolled Products”: Industry standard EN 10164 has been added. xvii) Subsection 4/5, “Forgings”: Text has been clarified. xviii) Subsection 5/1, “Welding”: Weld repairs on casting forgings and rolled products was transferred to C

40、hapter 5 from Chapter 6. xix) Subsection 7/1, “Documentation and Traceability”: This section was retitled and text clarified or added including documentation requirements, weld repair maps and treatment of corrective actions. xx) Section 8, “Nondestructive Testing”: This Section was both condensed a

41、nd clarified and the reference to equipment fabrication was moved to new Chapter 6. xxi) Subsection 8/1. “Specifications, Procedures and Material Documentation”: Surveyor acceptance text has been clarified. xxii) Subsection 8/7, “Extent of Examination”: This section was clarified to apply to raw mat

42、erials only. vi ABSGUIDE FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF DRILLING SYSTEMS .2017 General Changes: New Chapter 6: Welding and Nondestructive Examination i) Text has been edited to focus on Welding and Nondestructive testing of fabricated items. ii) A section has been added on post-weld heat treatment. iii)

43、Applicable NDE provisions for materials have been moved to Chapter 5. iv) Material traceability Data Book requirements have been expanded. v) Records Retention requirements have been enhanced. vi) Additional requirements have been added for Critical Components. vii) Section 1, “General”: The Chapter

44、 purpose (welding fabrication related processes) has been clarified. viii) Section 2, “Welding”: Text for requirements for repair welding have been enhanced. ix) Subsection 2/3, “Welding Procedures”: Requirements for Weld Procedure Specs and application of WPSs at “other” locations has been defined.

45、 x) Subsection 2/5, “Filler Metals”: Text has been enhanced for clarification. xi) Section 3, “Post Weld Heat Treatment”: A new Section has been added. xii) Section 4, “Nondestructive Examination”: Text changed to focus on fabrication and repairs during the fabrication process. NDE on raw materials

46、has been moved to Chapter 5. xiii) Extent of Nondestructive Testing: References to raw materials have been removed and 6-5/Table 1 has been aligned with industry standards. xiv) Section 6, “Inspection for Delayed (Hydrogen Induced) Cracking”: Changed headings in this Section for clarity. xv) Subsect

47、ion 7/1, “NDE Procedures”: Requirements have been enhanced and text has been clarified. xvi) Section 8, “Record Retention”: Enhanced text for clarification of requirements for tracking welds and associated welders. General Changes: New Chapter 7: Surveys at Vendors Plant, During Installation and Com

48、missioning i) Text added to require submittal of FMEA/FMECA validation test procedures. ii) A section has been added on non-conformances during the design and fabrication process. (Complimented by definitions in Chapter 1) iii) Text has been added to address treatment of major and minor engineering

49、changes (complimented by definitions in Chapter 1) iv) Vendor coordination and prefabrication discussions have been made mandatory. v) Data Book content requirements have been clarified and added. vi) Skid testing requirements have been changed to align with changes in Chapter 2. vii) Changes have been made to requirements for lifting attachments and padeyes. viii) Drawworks brake testing section has been updated to align with current practice. ix) Expanded and clarified details on manufacturing plans, specifications and fabrication details. General Changes:


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