AECMA CTI 78 6728-1978 Tooling Definitions《工具的定义》.pdf

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1、ASSOCIATION EUROPEENNE DES CONSTRUCTEURS DE MATERIEL AEROSPATIAL Dfinitions dOutillage Tooling Definitions Definitionen der Fertigungsmittel RECOMMANDATION NO: CTI /78/6728 AECMA CTI/78/6728 78 W LOL23Ll 0000273 2 W - . Copyright Association Europeene des Constructeurs de Materiel Aerospatial Provid

2、ed by IHS under license with AECMANot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-r- Man is a tool using animal without tools he is nothing, with tools he is all Thomas Carlyle, 1795-1881 Sartor Resartus Bk i.Ch.5 Copyright Association Europeene des Constructeurs d

3、e Materiel Aerospatial Provided by IHS under license with AECMANot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-AECMA CTI/7/b728 ? a LOL23LL 0000275 b M CHAIRMANS FOREWORD This recommendation forms part of the results c?f the Working Group “Tooling Philosophy“, whic

4、h was installed in January 1976 by the “Commission Technique et Industrielle of AECMA. As such it reflects the opinions of a group of individuals (see Appendix C), without necessarily binding the companies they are representing. The recommendation is intended to assist in the pursuit of a standardis

5、ation of definitions and procedures and in this way to facilitate the implementation of joint ventures and other co-operative projects. The Working Group hopes it may improve common understanding between companies and in a minor way help to strengthen the position of the Ebropean aircraft industry a

6、s a whole. An important restriction on the use of this recommendation must be made: It cannot and shall not be used to give a definite answer to the question whether or not contractor- furnished funding is required for a particular piece of equipment or tooling. The recommendation sets purely techni

7、cal criteria for the definition of “specific-to-type“ tooling, It should be clear, however, that economics, risk factors, commercial aspects and other industrial-strategic considerations should also be brought to bear when the question rises whether the contractor will provide funding or coverage fo

8、r capital investments, equipment etc., which - technically - can be used for possible follow-on projects, but which directly are to be acquired for the project in hand. As chairman of the Working Group it is my pleasure to express gratitude to all members of the Working Group for the support given i

9、n the execution of our joint task. ir. Th.C.J. van Bijleveld Chairman. May 1978. Copyright Association Europeene des Constructeurs de Materiel Aerospatial Provided by IHS under license with AECMANot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-AECMA CTI/78/6728 78 I

10、 LOLZ3LL 000027b B I PREFACE DU PRESIDENT I Cette recommendation est une partie des rsultats du groupe de travail “Tooling Philosophy“ cre par le “Comit Technique et Industriel de 1AECMA en Janvier 1976. Comme tel, elle prsente les opinions dune groupe de spcialistes (voir Annexe C) sans engager nce

11、ssairement leurs Socits. Cette recommendation a pour but daider la recherche dune standardisation des dfinitions et procdures et, de cette manire, de faciliter Lexcution dentreprises communes et autres projets en coopration. Le groupe de travail espre que cette recommendation peut amliorer la comprh

12、ension entre compagnies et, accessoirement, renforcer la position de lindustrie europenne. Une importante restriction dans lutilisation de cette recommen- dation doit tre faite: Elle ne peut et ne devra pas tre utilise pour donner une rponse prcise la question de savoir si le matre doeuvre doit ou n

13、on financer sur fonds propres une fourniture ou un outillage particulier. Dans la prsente recommendation la question de savoir si, un outil est “spcifique ou non“, reoit une rponse sur des critres purement techniques. Les conditions conomiques, les facteurs de risque et autres considrations industri

14、elles stratgiques devront tre ajouts aux critres techniques lorsque la question est de savoir si le contractant apportera le finan- cement ou la couverture relatifs aux investissements en capitaux, etc., qui techniquement, peuvent tre utiliss pour des projets ventuels suivants mais qui directement d

15、oivent tre acquis pour le projet en cours. Comme Prsident du groupe de travail, jai le plaisir de remercier tous les membres du groupe de travail pour laide apporte dans lexcution de notre tche commune. ir. Th.C.J. van Bijleveld Prsident Mai 1978. p-la Copyright Association Europeene des Constructeu

16、rs de Materiel Aerospatial Provided by IHS under license with AECMANot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I AECMA CTI/78/6728 78 m 1012311 0000277 T m VORWORT DES VORSITZENDEN Diese Empfehlung bildet Teil der Ergebnisse der Arbeitcgruppe “Tooling Philosoph

17、y“, die im Januar 1976 von der “Commission Technique et Industrielle“ der AECMA gegrndet wurde. Die Empfehlung gibt die Auffassungen einer Gruppe von industriellen Sachverstndigen wieder (Sehe Appendix C) ohne notwendigerweise die Unternehmen, die sie vertreten, zu binden. Die Empfehlung hat zum Zwe

18、ck, das Bestreben einer Standardi- sierung von Begriffsbestimmungen und Verfahren und damit eine Verwirklichung von “Joint Ventures“ und anderen gemeinschaft- lichen Zusammenarbeits-Programmen zu frdern. Die Arbeitsgruppe erhofft somit ein besseres Verstndnis zwischen Unternehmen und - wie bescheide

19、n auch - eine Verstrkung der Position des gesamten europischen Flugzeugbaus. Auf eine wichtige Einschrnkung bzl. des Gebrauchs dieser Empfehlung muss hier hingewiesen werden: Sie kan und darf nicht angewandt werden um eine endgltige Antwort auf die Frage zu geben, ob seitens des Lieferanten fr eine

20、bestimmte Ausrstung oder Vorrichtung Finanzierung erforderlich ist. Diese Empfehlung nennt rein technische Kriterien fr die Definition von “specific-to-type“-Vorrichtungen. Es wird jedoch klar sein, dass wirtschaftliche Erwgungen, Risikofaktoren, Vertriebsaspekte und andere industriell-strategische

21、Uberlegungen eine Rolle spielen wenn die Frage errtert wird, ob der Lieferant Finanzierung oder Deckung von Kapital-Investitionen, Ausrstung usw. fr eigene Rechnung nimmt, die - technisch - mglicherweise fr sptere Nachfolge-Pro jekte benutzt werden knnen, die aber direkt fr das laufende Programm ben

22、tigt werden. Ais Vorsitzender der Arbeitsgruppe ist es mir ein Vergngen, alle Mitgliedern der Arbeitsgruppe recht herzlich zu danken fr ihren Beitrag an der Erfllung unserer gemeinschaftlichen Auf gabe. ir. Th.C.J. van BijLeveld Vorsitzender Mai 1978. Copyright Association Europeene des Constructeur

23、s de Materiel Aerospatial Provided by IHS under license with AECMANot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-i ii 1 2 3 4 5 6 AECMA CTI/78/b728 78 E LL23LL 278 ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Chairman s foreword Table of Contents Introduction The tooling budget in genera

24、l Tooling activities 3.0 General 3.1 Definitions relating to tooling activities 3.2 Recommended budgetary locations Tool accounting procedures 4.0 General 4.1 Definitions related to tool accounting 4.2 Vague areas in tool definitions procedure c Phases of the programme 5.0 General 5.1 Definitions re

25、lated to phases in the programme Tooling policy, or the general approach to tooling programmes 6.0 General 6.1 Definitions related to the general approach to tooling programmes 6.2 Tooling policies in various European air- craft programmes Appendices: A Some specific tool definitions P- 1 P-2 P- 3 P

26、-5 P-7 p-18 p-20 p-25 B Tooling policies for some aircraft development plans C Members of the W.G. Tooling Philosophy“. p-2 Copyright Association Europeene des Constructeurs de Materiel Aerospatial Provided by IHS under license with AECMANot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without

27、license from IHS-,-,-AECIA CTI/78/6728 78 1012311 0000277 3 CHAPTER 1 IMTRODIJCT I ON Before a new aircraft project can be launched, an estimate of the-costs of that particular undertaking is necessary. As the tooling costs constitute a relatively high proportion of the launching costs, ways and mea

28、ns must be available to arrive at a reasonably accurate figure at an early stage and on the basis of preliminary data. It has been shown that it is possible to determine formulas where tooling costs (and other cost constituents) are related to aircraft size, complexity, production-rate and other fac

29、tors. Such formulas can generate cost figures which allow, in the project-definition stage, the prediction of e.g. the aircraft direct operating costs with sufficient accuracy. Moreover , they can give at that early stage of the project a broad outline of the non-recurring costs to be expected in or

30、der to allow financing plans to be laid down. However, in the project-implementation stage of the new aircraft, it will be necessary to develop more refined “working-level“ tooling budgets. At present there is much doubt among aircraft manufacturers about the validity of said cost-estimating formula

31、s for that particular process. This doubt is even greater when the formulas are proposed as a basis to be used in the allocation of partial tooling budgets to firms participating in a joint venture. At least part of these misgivings is created by the very broad terms in which “tooling“ is defined in

32、 such formulas. On the other hand it must be put on record that in the European aircraft industry there is no clear common understanding about questions like “what comes under tooling“, and “what constitutes the tooling-budget“. It goes without saying that as a consequence it is difficult for partne

33、rs in a joint project to mutually evaluate the reasonableness of each others tooling-budgets when a common understanding is absent. The purpose of this recommendation is to create a list of tooling definitions which will make it possible to agree on the answers to the questions mentioned above, or a

34、t least to determine the subjects on which there is a difference of opinion, in a systematic way, P- 3 Copyright Association Europeene des Constructeurs de Materiel Aerospatial Provided by IHS under license with AECMANot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

35、AECMA CTI/78/6728 78 h 1012311 0000280 T mp Furthermore, a suggestion is given for a systematic grouping of activities under a relatively small quantity of budgetary headings. At present there is much diversity in the way tooling activities are allocated to the costing systems. The working group hop

36、es that if industries or governments deem it necessary to change procedures in their costing systems, such changes will move into the direction of conformity. Although the recommendation is based on aircra2t manufacture, many similarities arise in general tooling philosophy on engines and equipment.

37、 It should not be assumed, however, that all the points made apply in the engine and equipment field. P-4 Copyright Association Europeene des Constructeurs de Materiel Aerospatial Provided by IHS under license with AECMANot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,

38、-,-AECMA CTI/78/b728 78 LOL23LL 000028L L H CKAPTER 2 THE TMLING BIJEET IN GENERAL A tooling budget for a specific phase of an aircraft-project can be seen as a three dimensional body, having a certain volume and a certain weight. The specific weight can be best compared with the average hourly rate

39、, which indicates that the volume of the body is comparable to the amount of hours. (A minor flaw in this comparison is the tooling material, which obviously belongs to the tooling-budgets, but is usually expressed in a direct monetary value). For a proper assessment of the volume, (see fig. 1) thre

40、e questions must be answered: 1. Is the activity a direct charge (in manhours or machine- hours) to a budget which is attributable to tooling. 2. Is the subject of the activity to be called a specific- to-type tool. 3. Is the activity as executed attributable to a Specific and well-defined phase (in

41、 time) of the project. The answers to these three questions concur with dimensions along the three directions in fig. 1. Fig. 1 The tooling budget as a series of volumes P-5 Copyright Association Europeene des Constructeurs de Materiel Aerospatial Provided by IHS under license with AECMANot for Resa

42、leNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-AECMA CT1/78/6728 78 m LOl123kL 0000282 3 - 0 A direct comparison of the tooling budgets (in hours) of various companies is of value only if the answers to the three aforementioned questions in all cases are identiea1 for each co

43、mpany. This at present seldom occurs. 1 An activity in one company can be charged to the overhead, and consequently be absorbed in the hourly rates, whereas in another company the same activity can be charged as direct hours to the project tooling budget. 2 The question whether a tooling activity is

44、 booked to e.g, the non-recurring or the recurring tooling costs can be answered differently by various firms. 3 And also the question whether a tool should be considered a specific- to-type tool, or in one way or another be charged to the hourly rate, is answered on the basis of different criteria.

45、 In the following paragraphs an analysis is given of the variations which currently exist, definitions are given to improve mutual understanding between companies, and where applicable and possible a recommendation for possible unification at a future date is given. The three aforementioned question

46、s will constitute the framework for this analysis. In a separate cha;)ter, attentibn will be given to the general strategy of a tooling programme, and its related definitions. In comparing tooling budgets, it is necessary to keep in mind that low tooling costs is not an end in itself. The ultimate g

47、oal is a low total of non-recurring and,recurring costs, compatible with an acceptable level of financial risk in relation to the envisaged quantity of aircraft to be built. - Copyright Association Europeene des Constructeurs de Materiel Aerospatial Provided by IHS under license with AECMANot for Re

48、saleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-AECMA CTI/78/6728 78 m 1012311 0000283 5 a- CHAPTER 3 TOOLI NG ACT IV IT I ES 3.0 GENERAL - The activities involving the creation and upkeep of project- related tooling follow a pattern which is very similar in most companies. The easiest way to set up a framework for the discussion as to which activities should be attributed to tooling is to follow that pattern. To that purpose we will track an engineering drawing from its conception until it is used in the tooling-department for


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