AECMA PREN 2063-1975 Airframe Rolling Bearings - Technical Specification - Aerospace Series Edition 1《航空航天系列.飞机机架滚动轴承技术规范.第1版》.pdf

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AECMA PREN 2063-1975 Airframe Rolling Bearings - Technical Specification - Aerospace Series Edition 1《航空航天系列.飞机机架滚动轴承技术规范.第1版》.pdf_第1页
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AECMA PREN 2063-1975 Airframe Rolling Bearings - Technical Specification - Aerospace Series Edition 1《航空航天系列.飞机机架滚动轴承技术规范.第1版》.pdf_第2页
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AECMA PREN 2063-1975 Airframe Rolling Bearings - Technical Specification - Aerospace Series Edition 1《航空航天系列.飞机机架滚动轴承技术规范.第1版》.pdf_第3页
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AECMA PREN 2063-1975 Airframe Rolling Bearings - Technical Specification - Aerospace Series Edition 1《航空航天系列.飞机机架滚动轴承技术规范.第1版》.pdf_第4页
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AECMA PREN 2063-1975 Airframe Rolling Bearings - Technical Specification - Aerospace Series Edition 1《航空航天系列.飞机机架滚动轴承技术规范.第1版》.pdf_第5页
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1、AECMA PREN2063 75 = 30L233L 0003898 3 - - Approved by COMIT DE NORhlALiSATION Of A.E.C.M.A. 1975-12-05 A .E .C. M .A, STAND A R D NORME A.E.C.M.A. A.E .C,M .A. NO Rhf Thc cqulvalent versions in French and German languages cun be supplied by D.N.A.E., E. rue Morc.w-Yuulhiar 7 I 92100 DOULOGNE-nlLLANC


3、t of this standard, which exists in lhrec equivalent al IC stayc oi draft) Copyright Association Europeene des Constructeurs de Materiel Aerospatial Provided by IHS under license with AECMANot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-AECMA PREN2063 75 W 1012311

4、0001703 3 prEN2063 Page 6 6.6 Geometrical characteristics 6.6,l Dlmenslons -Tolerances - Mass These shaii conform to the values given in lhe dimensional standards. 6.5.2 Form tolerances On Lhe inner ring: raceway radiai run-ou t shall be =S 25 Aim raceway nin-out with reference side shall bc 4 40 ur

5、n On the outer ring: raceway radiai nin-out shall be t 40 pm raceway run-out with reference side shall be ss 40 pin. (The mn-out is 6.5.3. Internal radial clearances ot applicable to sell aligntti bearings.) The internal redial clearances shall conform to the values shown in the diniensional standar

6、ds, 6.6 Mechanieai characteristics 6.6.1 Running behaviour The beurings shall be suitable for normal functioning in the prescribed teniperature range. They shnii be easily turned by hand, not exhibit frequent and regular hard spots such as those which may be due to the baUs fouling the filling slots

7、. 6.6.2 Perniissible static loads The beatings shall withstand the permissible static loads given in the dimensional skndards for one continuous minute without causing unacceptable permanent deformation on the tacewqs, affecting the behaviour In running and in oscillation when the load is retiioved.

8、 6.6.3 Rupture static loads The ruptlire slatic loads ate radial or axial maximum static loads which the bearings shatl withstand for one con- tinuous minute without jamming, cracks or fractures being observed when Che load is removed. The ruphira static load shall be riot les than 1,s tinies the ua

9、luc of the permissible static load. -, 7 INSPECTION OPERATIONS AND TESTS 7.1 visual exmiination The bearings dial1 be subjected to a visual exmiination to check the external condiiion and to ascertain: compliance of marking with the provisions of clause 10.1 correct attachment of the seals or protcc

10、tion shields. 7.2 Material, protection and lubrication inspection 7.2.1 Material inspection Thc clicmical snalysis shall be in compliance with that shown in the niaterial standards. 7.2.2 Protection inspection Plating thickness rcgatding bearings with surface proleclion slrall be cheeked. 7.2.3 Lubr

11、ication inspection Lubrication shall be checked in order to sscertaiii lhat lie voids ate chugcd with grease according to the specification of clause 6.3. -r t i Copyright Association Europeene des Constructeurs de Materiel Aerospatial Provided by IHS under license with AECMANot for ResaleNo reprodu

12、ction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-AECMA PREN2063 75 LOLZ3LL OOOLO4 5 -I prEN2063 Page 7 7.5 Geometrical inspection 7,$,1 Dlmenslons - Tolerances - Mass The vaiuos given in the disnensionni standards dial1 be checked by means of the usunl measurlng lnstrunients, Measurement o

13、f bore and of oufer dimeter The dlameters shall be measured: In the centre plane for rings o a width G 10 mni In two planes parallel to the faces Cor rings of a width 10 mm, and at a distance from the faces o twice the maximum value of chamfer r. The smallest and iargesf diameter shall be determined

14、 in each measuring pinne, The mean diameter (dmt i)m) is the arithmetic meail of the extreme values. Measurement of ring widths The width of each ring (distance between the two faces) shall be checked at not les than fout points 7.3.2 Form tolerances The values glven in 6.5.2 shall be checked by the

15、 fallowfng mensurements: measurement of radial run-out and raceway run-out (rigid bearings only) see figure 1. The bearing shall be installed with a sliding fit, its unmarked face downward, on a shouldered mandrel, arranged uertlcally between centres. It shalI be loaded with a concentric mass intend

16、ed to ensure contact between baiis and raceways irrespective of grease and any clearance: 6 N up to 30 mm bore 7,5 N from 35 to 60 mrn bore. Two cial gauges graduated in micrometres shall be placed in contact with he outer ring, one of them radial in the centre plane, the other axial at the centre o

17、l the bottom face. The following checks shall take place: on the inner ring: wlth he outer ring and mass rigidly held, Lhe mandrel and inner ring shall be rotated by at iesst one turn; the radial run-out “a” of the inner ring is equal to the difference between the max, and min. readings of radial di

18、al gauge A; the raceway run-out of tire inner ring %I ic equrri to the difference between max, and min. teadingcot the axial dial gauge B; on the outer ring: -I ,I .s with the Inner ring and mandrel rigidly held, the outer ring an3 niaG shall be rotated by at ioiist one turn; the radial run-out of t

19、he outer ring “c” is equal to the difference between max. and min, readings of mdial dial gauge A; tho niceway run-out of the outer ring “d” is equal to the difference between max. and niin, readings ot the axhl dial gauge B, Radial dial gauge A -c a Axial dial - gauge B Figure 1 Copyright Associati

20、on Europeene des Constructeurs de Materiel Aerospatial Provided by IHS under license with AECMANot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- AECMA PREN2063 75 1i01ii)311 0001905 7 prEN2063 Pqe 8 7.3.3 Radial clearance rhe radial clearance shall be nieasurcd by n

21、ieans of n dial gaugc plnced in the radial plnne, while the bearing Is subjected to a radial load applied olternatcly in the sanie direction ns Llie dial gaugc ntid lhen in the opposito direction. The radial load to be appll$d shall be: 25 N for benrings cavered by standards EN2009, EN2010, EN2011 C

22、or bearings covered by standards EN2012 to EN2020 ol a noniinal bore diamater e8 mrn 50 N Por bearings covered by standards EN2012 to EN2020 OC a nominal bore diameter r8 mm. Tlte clearances noted shall conform Lo the values of the internal tadial clearances given in the dimensional standards. 7.4 P

23、hysical check 7.4.1 Hardness A Rockwell hardness test shall be carried out with diamond cone (test C) o check the values given in clause 6.1. This test shall be carried out on a ground and polished transverse section OC Lhe inner ring and of the outer ring, and as close as possible to the raceway. I

24、t shall also be applied to flat, ground and polished surfaces of three balls, 7.4.2 Surface tex ture l.Jsising the normal measuring instruments, the surface texturc shall be checked for conformity with the values given In 6. 7.4.3 Check of stability of bearings and seals at extreme temperatures The

25、bearing, subjected to a rotation of 3 rpm, shall be exposed in a test chamber for 100 h to the minhum tempemture ptegribed and subsequently for 100 h to the maximuni temperature spcclcled. After cooling lo room temperature, the bearing shall have a rotation behaviour conforming to that specified in

26、6.6.1. The seal5 shall exhibit the characteristics spedfiec in 6.4. They shall be neither distorted nor show signs of brittleness. Not less than 50% grease eals and shields 3,OO 3,70 4,OO 4,60 5,50 6,OO The retention tesLfor seals and shields concerns only bearlngscovered by standards EN2815, EN2016

27、, EN2017, EN2018, ENSOIS, EN2020, I shall be conducted by applying a force at the end of a mandrel insetted fn the beating bore (see Oguw 2) The test shall take place along two directions at 900 from each other, The torques to be applied are givm io table 3. Figure 2 Table 3 5 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 - -

28、 1 0,JQ 0,40 0,4 O 0,70 0,80 1,oo 1,20 1,dQ n Copyright Association Europeene des Constructeurs de Materiel Aerospatial Provided by IHS under license with AECMANot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-AECMA PREN20b3 75 H 10123LL OOOL907 O I ! prEN2tj3 Page 1

29、0 7.5. hiechanical tests 7.5.1 Mnnual functioning test The bearlngs shall be tested in rotation by hand, The bearings which exhibit frequent niid regular hard spots such as those which may be due to balls fouling the fiHing slots shall be rejected. 7.6.2 Test at porniiuslble rndial slalic load C, (w

30、e Iigures 3 and 4) The bearing to be tested shall be instnlled with a sliding fit in a circular steel part (A). Tho assembly shall he nnanged hetween two supports by means of two spacers (B and C) clamped in the supports and asseinbled on Ihobearing by tl ph (D) in high strength seel. Section XX -1

31、I TTI Section YY F Dq A Figure 3 25 N Pin mounted F- Figure 4 After checking that the bearing turns freely by hand, the pcrmissible radial load c, (shown in the bearing standard) shall be applied for one mlnute, after which the bearing shall be removed from the fixture, It shall then be fitted on th

32、e split end of a pin mounted on ball bearings and fitted with a knurled knobpdiaiy loaded by a force of 25 N and turned by hand (figure 4). If the smoothness of running is appreciably reduced, the test shall be considered as unsatisfactory. 7.5.3 Test at rupture radial static load Tlie urne assembly

33、 isused as for the test at perniissible radial static load c, described in 7.5.2 (figure 3). A load of 1,5 C, shall be gradually applied ta the bearing and hcki fcr one minute; whcn the load has been removed, the bearing diail be exainineci. Any benring which cnnnot be turned by hand or 1% liicli sh

34、ows fractured or cracked conipoiieiits shnll be considered as not having sntisfied the test. 7.5.4 Test at perniissible axial static load (see figures 5 and 6) The bearing shall be mounted with a didirig fit in a hard heat treated steel part, with thc outer ling resting on II circular base. Using 8

35、shouldered part centred ir1 the inner ring, the pernilsiihle asid static load specified by the relevant dimen. sional standard shall be applied to Lhe benring for one minute (figure 5). After rernoving the load, the bearing stitill be turiied over and the test is repented. The bearing shall then be

36、as.wrnbkd on the equipnient of figure 6 l) and loaded nxially by a force of 25 I4 and rotated by hand using lie knurled knob. If ttic smoothness of functioning is appreciably rediiccd, the test shall be coiisidrrcd as uns:itisiactory. - 1) Sume equlpmeni LY tha of fibqire 4, Lut u1 nn en3r wf 90“ ,

37、a O O e Copyright Association Europeene des Constructeurs de Materiel Aerospatial Provided by IHS under license with AECMANot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-f AECMA PREN20b3 75 W 10L2311 OOOLOB 2 _ j prEN20G3 PRga 11 t 25N I Figure 5 Figure 6 7.5.5 Tes

38、 atrupture axial static load The gime assembly shall be used as for the test at permksible axial static load (see figure 5). A load of 1,5 F, mar. shall be gradual& applied to the bearing and held for one minute, The bearing shall then be turned Ovet and the procedure is repeated, After removal of t

39、he load, lhe bearing shall be examined. Any bearing which cawot be rotated by hand or which contains fractured or cracked components shall be considered as not having satisfied the test. 8 QUALIFICATION REQUIREXENTS 8.1 General provisions Quailfication is the recognition of the capability of a manuf

40、acturer to manufacture a product in accordance with this technical specification and to guarantee its production at an acceptable quality level. Titis qualification shall be granted by an authariscd bady or the customer in accordance with the provisions in force in each country. 8.2 Iicquired condit

41、ions -. The manu facturer shall obtain npproval far each type of bearing, for each niaterial and in principle in all sizes shown in the standards listed in clause 3. For a given benring to bc qualified, the mniiufactuter shall provide, in order to catry out the tests and inspection opcrntions given

42、in Uie table of lie Annex, n saniple af: 9 bearings if irst approval is concerned 7 benrings for any ather approvals It is however accepted tiid qualification of a given bearing (of a defined niaterial and type) may be considered BS acquired if thls has been obtained after tests nnd inspection far t

43、he two bearings lying immediately before and niter the bearing considered in Uie range ol bearings given in the standard. 8.3 Test procedure The tests to be applied for a qualification as well as the sequence in which these lests &re to take place are given in the table in Uie Annex. Copyright Assoc

44、iation Europeene des Constructeurs de Materiel Aerospatial Provided by IHS under license with AECMANot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- AECMA PREN2063 75 U 10L23LL 0001909 4 U prEN2065 Page 12 9 ACCEPTANCE REQUIIIEhl ENTS 9.1 Manufacturers responsibilit

45、y The manufacturer shall possess a quality control so that he can cover all stages of qunntity production and guarantee that the lwei of quality of this production is at least equal to the level required by the competent nuthority for quali- fication ol bearings. 9.2 Customers quality control On acc

46、eptance of a batch of bearings, the customer may carry out checks at his discretion to ascertain the quality of production and to determine whctiier the batch is acceptable. When the customer decides to conduct a check hc shall carry out those given bclow in clause 9.4. 9.3 Definition of the batch A

47、 batch consists of bearings of one type, of lhe sama dimensions and the same makrials, specified by the sanie stand- ard. 9.4 Inspection operations to be carried out The sample taken at random in the batch shall be subjected Lo the following inspection operations: visual check as specified in 7.1 di

48、mensional and tolerance check as specified in 7.3.1 and 7.3.2 chcck of internal radial cleriruuice as specified iii 7.3.3 functional check by hand as specified in 7.5.1 9.5 Statistical acceptance check When the customer uses a statistical acceptance check, he shall apply the national standards in fo

49、rce on rules and tables for sampling for checks by attributes or by counting of the number of defects - . 10 MARKING, PACKING AND CERTIFICAIE OF COMFOiiMITY 10.1 Marking of bearing Marking shall conform to the instructions of the dimensional standard ahd niust include the menufactiircrs trade mark and reference. Marking shall be legible and not degrade Ute material or adversely affect functioning of the


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