1、ASD STANDARD NORME ASD ASD NORM prEN 3373-002 Edition P 1 October 2007 PUBLISHED BY THE AEROSPACE AND DEFENCE INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION OF EUROPE - STANDARDIZATION Avenue de Tervuren, 270 - B-1150 Brussels - Tel. + 32 2 775 8126 - Fax. + 32 2 763 3565 - www.asd-stan.orgICS: 49.060 Descriptors: ENGLISH
2、VERSION Aerospace series Terminal lugs and in-line splices for crimping on electric conductors Part 002: General and list of product standard Srie arospatiale Cosses et prolongateurs pour sertissage sur conducteurs lectriques Partie 002 : Gnralits et liste des normes de produit Luft- und Raumfahrt K
3、abelschuhe und Stossverbinder zum crimpen an elektrische Leitungen Teil 002: Allgemeines und Liste der Produktnormen This “Aerospace Series“ Prestandard has been drawn up under the responsibility of ASD-STAN (The AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe - Standardization). It is publis
4、hed for the needs of the European Aerospace Industry. It has been technically approved by the experts of the concerned Domain following member comments. Subsequent to the publication of this Prestandard, the technical content shall not be changed to an extent that interchangeability is affected, phy
5、sically or functionally, without re-identification of the standard. After examination and review by users and formal agreement of ASD-STAN, it will be submitted as a draft European Standard (prEN) to CEN (European Committee for Standardization) for formal vote and transformation to full European Sta
6、ndard (EN). The CEN national members have then to implement the EN at national level by giving the EN the status of a national standard and by withdrawing any national standards conflicting with the EN. Edition approved for publication 31 October 2007 Comments should be sent within six months after
7、the date of publication to ASD-STAN Electrical Domain Copyright 2007 by ASD-STAN Copyright European Association of Aerospace Industries Provided by IHS under license with AECMA Not for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-prEN 3373-002:20072 Contents Page Forewo
8、rd2 1 Scope 3 2 Normative references 3 3 List of product standards .4 4 Quality assurance4 5 Technical specification .4 Foreword This standard was reviewed by the Domain Technical Coordinator of ASD-STANs Electrical Domain. After inquiries and votes carried out in accordance with the rules of ASD-ST
9、AN defined in ASD-STANs General Process Manual, this standard has received approval for Publication. Copyright European Association of Aerospace Industries Provided by IHS under license with AECMA Not for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-prEN 3373-002:20073
10、1 Scope This standard provides a list of all parts of EN 3373 required for the production of crimp connections. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated referenc
11、es, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. EN 3373-001, Aerospace series Terminal lugs and in-line splices for crimping on electric conductors Part 001: Technical specification. 1)EN 3373-007, Aerospace series Terminal lugs and in-line splices for crimping
12、on electric conductors Part 007: Nickel plated aluminium terminal lugs for crimping on nickel plated aluminium cable for inch series studs Product standard. 2)EN 3373-008, Aerospace series Terminal lugs and in-line splices for crimping on electric conductors Part 008: Copper lugs nickel plated ring
13、shaped for copper conductors nickel plated for inch series studs up to 340 C Product standard. 2)EN 3373-009, Aerospace series Terminal lugs and in-line splices for crimping on electric conductors Part 009: Terminal lugs, insulated, ring shaped for crimping on copper conductors, temperature up to 26
14、0 C for metric and inch stud series Product standard. 2)EN 3373-010, Aerospace series Terminal lugs and in-line splices for crimping on electric conductors Part 010: Terminal lugs, ring shaped, tin plated, for crimping on copper conductors, temperature up to 150 C for metric and inch stud series Pro
15、duct standard. 1)EN 3373-011, Aerospace series Terminal lugs and in-line splices for crimping on electric conductors Part 011: Terminal lugs, ring shaped, tin plated, for crimping on copper conductors, temperature up to 260 C for metric and inch stud series Product standard. 1)EN 3373-012, Aerospace
16、 series Terminal lugs and in-line splices for crimping on electric conductors Part 012: In-line splices, insulated and sealed, for crimping on copper conductors, temperature up to 150 C Product standard. EN 3373-013, Aerospace series Terminal lugs and in-line splices for crimping on electric conduct
17、ors Part 013: In-line splices, insulated and moisture resistant, for crimping on copper conductors, temperature up to 260 C Product standard. EN 3373-014, Aerospace series Terminal lugs and in-line splices for crimping on electric conductors Part 014: In-line splices, insulated and sealed, for crimp
18、ing on copper conductors, temperature up to 200 C Product standard. 1)EN 9133, Aerospace series Quality management systems Qualification procedure for aerospace standard parts. 1) Published as ASD Prestandard at the date of publication of this standard. 2) In preparation at the date of publication o
19、f this standard. Copyright European Association of Aerospace Industries Provided by IHS under license with AECMA Not for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-prEN 3373-002:20074 3 List of product standards EN 3373-007, Aerospace series Terminal lugs and in-line
20、splices for crimping on electric conductors Part 007: Nickel plated aluminium terminal lugs for crimping on nickel plated aluminium cable for inch series studs Product standard. EN 3373-008, Aerospace series Terminal lugs and in-line splices for crimping on electric conductors Part 008: Copper lugs
21、nickel plated ring shaped for copper conductors nickel plated for inch series studs up to 340 C Product standard. EN 3373-009, Aerospace series Terminal lugs and in-line splices for crimping on electric conductors Part 009: Terminal lugs, insulated, ring shaped for crimping on copper conductors, tem
22、perature up to 260 C for metric and inch stud series Product standard.EN 3373-010, Aerospace series Terminal lugs and in-line splices for crimping on electric conductors Part 010: Terminal lugs, ring shaped, tin plated, for crimping on copper conductors, temperature up to 150 C for metric and inch s
23、tud series Product standard. EN 3373-011, Aerospace series Terminal lugs and in-line splices for crimping on electric conductors Part 011: Terminal lugs, ring shaped, tin plated, for crimping on copper conductors, temperature up to 260 C for metric and inch stud series Product standard. EN 3373-012,
24、 Aerospace series Terminal lugs and in-line splices for crimping on electric conductors Part 012: In-line splices, insulated and sealed, for crimping on copper conductors, temperature up to 150 C Product standard. EN 3373-013, Aerospace series Terminal lugs and in-line splices for crimping on electr
25、ic conductors Part 013: In-line splices, insulated and moisture resistant, for crimping on copper conductors, temperature up to 260 C Product standard. EN 3373-014, Aerospace series Terminal lugs and in-line splices for crimping on electric conductors Part 014: In-line splices, insulated and sealed,
26、 for crimping on copper conductors, temperature up to 200 C Product standard.4 Quality assurance See EN 9133. 5 Technical specification See EN 3373-001. Copyright European Association of Aerospace Industries Provided by IHS under license with AECMA Not for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-