1、ANSI/AGMA 2116-A05Reaffirmed April 2011American National StandardEvaluation of Double FlankTesters for Radial CompositeMeasurement of GearsANSI/AGMA2116-A05iiEvaluation of Double Flank Testers for Radial Composite Measurement ofGearsANSI/AGMA 2116-A05ApprovalofanAmericanNationalStandardrequiresverif
2、icationbyANSIthattherequire-ments for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval have been met by thestandards developer.Consensusisestablishedwhen,inthejudgmentoftheANSIBoardofStandardsReview,substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests.Substanti
3、alagreementmeansmuchmorethanasimplemajority,butnotnecessarilyuna-nimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that aconcerted effort be made toward their resolution.TheuseofAmericanNationalStandardsiscompletelyvoluntary;theirexistencedoesnotin any respect preclude anyo
4、ne, whether he has approved the standards or not, frommanufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures notconforming to the standards.The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in nocircumstances give an interpretation of any Americ
5、an National Standard. Moreover, noperson shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretation of an American NationalStandardinthenameoftheAmericanNationalStandardsInstitute. Requestsforinterpre-tation of this standard should be addressed to the American Gear ManufacturersAssociation.CAUTION
6、 NOTICE: AGMA technical publications are subject to constant improvement,revision, or withdrawal as dictated by experience. Any person who refers to any AGMAtechnical publication should be sure that the publication is the latest available from theAssociation on the subject matter.Tablesorotherself-s
7、upportingsectionsmaybereferenced. Citationsshouldread: SeeANSI/AGMA 2116-A05, Evaluation of Double Flank Testers for Radial Composite Mea-surement of Gears, published by the American Gear Manufacturers Association, 500Montgomery Street, Suite 350, Alexandria, Virginia 22314, http:/www.agma.org.Appro
8、ved December 29, 2005ABSTRACTThisstandardprovidestheevaluationcriteriafordoubleflanktesters. Recommendedartifactsizesandgeom-etryareprovidedalongwithmeasurementsystemconditions. Annexesareprovidedformethodsofestimatingcalibration uncertainty and artifact calibration certificates.Published byAmerican
9、 Gear Manufacturers Association500 Montgomery Street, Suite 350, Alexandria, Virginia 22314Copyright 2005 by American Gear Manufacturers AssociationAll rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronicretrieval system or otherwise, without prior written perm
10、ission of the publisher.Printed in the United States of AmericaISBN: 1-55589-871-8AmericanNationalStandardANSI/AGMA 2116-A05AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDiii AGMA 2005 - All rights reservedContentsForeword iv.1 Scope 1.2 Normative references 1.3 Definition of terms 14 Application 1.5 Condition of the me
11、asurement system 2.6 Environment 3.7Artifacts 3.8 Measurement uncertainty 5AnnexesA Method for estimating uncertainty 6.B Calibration certificate requirements 9Figures1 Hierarchy of calibration 2ANSI/AGMA 2116-A05 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDiv AGMA 2005 - All rights reservedForewordThe foreword, foot
12、notes and annexes, if any, in this document are provided forinformational purposes only and are not to be construed as a part of ANSI/AGMA2116-A05, Evaluation of Double Flank Testers for Radial Composite Measurement ofGears.Between 1994 and 1998, AGMA published three standards on calibration of gear
13、measuringinstruments:ANSI/AGMA2010-A94,MeasuringInstrumentCalibrationPartI,Involute Measurement, ANSI/AGMA 2113-A97, Measuring Instrument Calibration, GearTooth Alignment Measurement, and ANSI/AGMA 2114-A98, Measuring InstrumentCalibration, Gear Pitch and Runout Measurements. These standards covered
14、 elementalmeasurements specified in the accuracy requirements of ANSI/AGMA 2015-1-A01,Accuracy Classification System - Tangential Measurements for Cylindrical Gears.TheCalibration Committee decided that supplemental information, on measurement systemconditions for calibration, accuracy requirements
15、and uncertainty determination, wasdesirabletohaveinanInformationSheet,AGMA931-A02,CalibrationofGearMeasuringInstrumentsandTheirApplicationtotheInspectionofProductGears,thatwaspublishedin2002.The material in these AGMA documents was combined and submitted to ISO for thedevelopment of ISO 18653:2003,
16、Gears - Evaluation of instruments for the measurementofgears,andISO/TR10064-5:2005,Cylindricalgears - Codeofinspectionpractice -Part5: Recommendations relative to evaluation of gear measuring instruments.The Calibration Committee decided that similar standardization and information wasneeded for the
17、 evaluation methods of double flank testers used for radial compositemeasurement of gears. After a study of existing practices, standards, and literature theinformation contained herein is a consolidation of the most common methods currently inexistence.ThefirstdraftofANSI/AGMA2116-A05wasmadeinAugus
18、t,2003. ItwasapprovedbytheAGMA membership in October, 2005. It was approved as an American National Standardon December 29, 2005.Suggestionsfor improvementofthisstandardwillbewelcome. TheyshouldbesenttotheAmericanGearManufacturersAssociation,500MontgomeryStreet,Suite350,Alexandria,Virginia 22314.ANS
19、I/AGMA 2116-A05AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDv AGMA 2005 - All rights reservedPERSONNEL of the AGMA Calibration CommitteeChairman: Robert E. Smith R.E. Smith at a minimum to include axis alignment_1)presently at the stage of developmentANSI/AGMA 2116-A05 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD2 AGMA 2005 - All right
20、s reservedand linear measuring system accuracy. Thesemeasurements should include provision for testingthe machine with table loads that represent theweight of product gears being tested.4.2 TraceabilityThetermtraceabilityimpliesanunbrokencalibrationchain from measurements taken on a shop floordouble
21、 flank tester to the primary artifacts at anational laboratory, see figure 1. Traceability istransferred by calibrated artifacts. The primarylaboratoryhasthelowestuncertainty,anduncertain-ty increases at each level as the traceability chain istransferred to shop floor measuring instruments.Minimizin
22、gthestepsfromtheprimarylaboratorytoashop floor double flank tester will reduce themeasurement uncertainty.NationalinstituteCalibrationlaboratoryMeasuring roomGear measuring instrumentProduction, shop floorPrimary artifactReference artifactsWorking artifactsGearsFigure 1 - Hierarchy of calibration4.3
23、 ArtifactsThe artifacts used for these tests shall be of similarsize to product gears inspected on the double flankcompositetester. Artifactsshallbeusedtoevaluatetheaccuracyofeachparameterinspected. Specificartifact requirements are given in clause 7.4.4 Measurement uncertaintyConventional practice
24、recommends the uncertaintyof a measurement process be less than 10% of theparameter tolerance measured, to ensure that thereliable interpretation of the measurement results ispossible. However,thisisnottechnicallyachievablewhen inspecting high accuracy gears.For example, when gears have tolerances b
25、etterthan10micrometers,thebestachievableuncertain-tymaybeonly20to30%. Measurementuncertaintyis discussed in clause 8 and annex A.4.5 Sources of uncertaintyThe verification of measurement uncertainty shallinclude, but not be limited to, the assessment of theprincipal contributors to uncertainty, such
26、 as:- artifact data;- calibration data;- repeatability of the instrument;- reproducibility of the instrument;- probe system filtering, damping and dynamic re-sponse, and accuracy;- environmental influence, including temperatureand vibration;- mechanical alignment;- runout and mounting error measurem
27、ent;- servo control system;- evaluation software;- operator.Refer to ISO/TS 14253-2 for further information onthis subject.4.6 Evaluation intervalTheusershallestablishtheintervalforevaluationofthe measurement process. It is also recommendedthat interim tests be performed on a designatedartifact. Dat
28、a produced by the interim tests oncalibrated artifacts can be used for measurementuncertainty.5 Condition of the measurement system5.1 System characteristicsThecharacteristicsofthemeasuringinstrumentandreadoutsystemshouldbecheckedorverifiedbeforeproceeding with artifact measurement.5.2 Suitability f
29、or calibrationTheinstrumentshouldbesuitableforcalibrationandrepresentative of the normal operating conditions.5.2.1 Double flank tester alignmentDoubleflankcompositetestersmustbecheckedforaxis alignments on a regular basis. Axis alignmentANSI/AGMA 2116-A05AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD3 AGMA 2005 - All
30、rights reservedincludesthecross-andinline-axisparallelismoftheworkholdingandmastergearmount. Thesemountsincludebutarenotlimitedtosuchthingsassolidandlive arbors, solid and live centers, or a combinationthereof. Doubleflanktester alignmentandmethodsmust be within the original manufacturer specifica-t
31、ions or AGMA 935-A05. The alignment accuracymust be adequate for the accuracy grade of gearsbeing inspected, or by agreement between thepurchaserandsupplier. Thesetestsshouldbedonebefore calibrating the instrument linear measuringsystem.5.2.2 Readout conditionMeter movements and chart recorders shou
32、ld bechecked to the manufacturers specifications suchas magnification, linearity, lost motion, and frequen-cy response. See AGMA 935-A05.5.2.3 Checking load calibrationThe checking load should be calibrated at the loadusedtochecktheactualgears. Iftheinstrumenthasadjustable loads, then several loads
33、throughout therange should be checked. Checking loads can becalibrated with a dead weight tester or an appropri-ate force gage. Double flank testers and methodsmust be within the original manufacturer specifica-tions or AGMA 935-A05. The checking loadaccuracy must be adequate for the accuracy gradeo
34、f gears being inspected, or by agreement betweenthe purchaser and supplier.5.3 Table load considerationsConsideration must be given to the size and weightof the gear being tested in relation to the capacity ofthe instrument being used. Oversize or overweightparts may deflect or change the instrument
35、 align-ment. In such cases, instruments should becalibrated with a simulated load on the table. Gearswith significant mass may also cause measurementdeviationsinthemovingslidethatarereflectedintheinstrument readout. The effects of driving methodssuch as center size, friction characteristics, and liv
36、eor dead centers should be considered.5.4 System frequency responseSystem frequency response dictates the maximumrate of inspection on the composite tester. Frequen-cyresponseerrorprimarilyaffectsshortwavelengtherrors (tooth-to-tooth deviation). The followingconditions in the measuring system have v
37、aryingeffects on system frequency response: mass ofmoving head stock, response rate of the measuringsystem, lost motion, mechanical and electronicfiltering,androtationalspeedoftheinspectioncycle.5.5 Tooling and gagesAny tooling or gage used in the set up or calibrationof a measuring instrument shall
38、 be calibrated atsuitable intervals.6 EnvironmentThe stability of the environment will affect accuracyof the calibration process and measurement ofproduction parts. The required environment speci-fied by the instrument manufacturer shall be metduring its evaluation and use. Calibration requiresanenv
39、ironmentcontrolledtotheextentnecessarytoassure continued measurements of required accu-racy considering temperature, humidity, vibration,cleanliness, and other controllable factors affectingprecision measurement.In particular, an adequate thermal equilibrium of thereferenceartifactandtheinstrumentsh
40、ouldexist. Ifmeasurements of the reference artifact are takenwith an ambient temperature other than that of itscalibration (normally 20 Celsius), either the cali-brated value must be adjusted to the actual operat-ing temperature, or the measured values must becorrectedtothecalibrationtemperature.Thi
41、sproce-durewilladdsignificantsourcesofuncertaintytothecalibrationprocess. SeeAGMA935-A05fordetails.7 Artifacts7.1 Artifact size and geometryThis clause describes artifacts for estimating mea-surement uncertainty. Artifacts are required forverifying effective linear displacements of the mea-surement
42、system, which includes the slide andprobedevice,whetheritbeamechanicalindicatororelectronic gage. Recommendations, supportinginformation, and artifact design details are present-ed in AGMA 935-A05.The minimum requirement is that the artifact sizeshallbeselectedasnearaspracticaltothecenterofthemeasur
43、ementrangeoverwhichtheinstrumentisused.ANSI/AGMA 2116-A05 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD4 AGMA 2005 - All rights reservedArtifacts can be of the following forms:- Twomastergearsrunningtogether. Thesemas-tersshouldbecalibratedfortooth-to-toothcom-positedeviationandtotalcompositedeviation,aswellastooththi
44、ckness(size). Whenusingtheseartifacts, any sizeable deviation from calibratedresults would indicate the need to check the in-strument alignment features and measurementsystem according to manufacturers specifica-tions,orinaccordancewithguidelinesputforthinAGMA935-A05beforeproceedingwiththefinalcalib
45、ration.- Aneccentricdiscrunningagainstafixedmandrelor concentric disc. The amount of eccentricityshouldexercisetheexpectedrangeofmeasure-ment. This type of artifact will not indicate prob-lems of instrument alignment or moving slideresponse. Therefore, alignment checks speci-fied by the instrument m
46、anufacturer, or given intheguidelinesofAGMA935-A05shouldbeper-formed before proceeding with an eccentric disctest.- A concentric disc with various depth of flats run-ning against a fixed mandrel. The steps on thedisc should be incremental throughout the ex-pectedrangeofmeasurement. Rotationalspeedof
47、 the disc should be the same as used for in-specting the product gears to verify the movingslide and measurement system response. Thistypeofartifactwillnotindicateproblemsofinstru-ment alignment. Therefore, alignment checksspecified by the instrument manufacturer, or giv-enintheguidelinesofAGMA935-A
48、05shouldbeperformedbeforeproceedingwiththeconcentricflatted disc test.- Gage blocks of different sizes. The difference ingage block size should exercise the expectedrange of measurement. The use of gage blockswill not indicate problems of instrument align-ment. Therefore, alignment checks specified
49、bythe instrument manufacturer, or given in theguidelines of AGMA 935-A05 should be per-formed before proceeding with the gage blocktest.- A frequency response disc run against a fixedanvil or two dissimilar master gears run in tightmesh.The concentric disc has a uniform series of flatsground on its outside diameter. The amount ofdeflectionshouldbesimilartothetooth-to-toothcomposite deviation that is tested on the com-posite tester. The amount of deflection testedcanberegulatedb