AGMA 9001-B97-1997 Flexible Couplings - Lubrication《挠性耦合器.润滑剂》.pdf

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1、ANSI/AGMA 9001-B97Revision of ANSI/AGMA 9001-A86Reaffirmed May 2014American National StandardFlexible Couplings -LubricationANSI/AGMA9001-B97iiFlexible Couplings - LubricationANSI/AGMA 9001-B97Revision of ANSI/AGMA 9001-A86ApprovalofanAmericanNationalStandardrequiresverificationbyANSIthattherequire-

2、ments for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval have been met by thestandards developer.Consensusisestablishedwhen,inthejudgmentoftheANSIBoardofStandardsReview,substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests.Substantialagreementmeansmuchmorethan

3、asimplemajority,butnotnecessarilyuna-nimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that aconcerted effort be made toward their resolution.TheuseofAmericanNationalStandardsiscompletelyvoluntary;theirexistencedoesnotin any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved

4、the standards or not, frommanufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures notconforming to the standards.The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in nocircumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard. Moreov

5、er, noperson shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretation of an American NationalStandardinthenameoftheAmericanNationalStandardsInstitute. Requestsforinterpre-tation of this standard should be addressed to the American Gear ManufacturersAssociation.CAUTION NOTICE: AGMA technical publ

6、ications are subject to constant improvement,revision, or withdrawal as dictated by experience. Any person who refers to any AGMATechnical Publication should be sure that the publication is the latest available from theAssociation on the subject matter.Tables or other self-supporting sections may be

7、 quoted or extracted. Credit lines shouldread: Extracted from ANSI/AGMA 9001-B97, Flexible Couplings - Lubrication, with thepermission of the publisher, the American Gear Manufacturers Association, 1500 KingStreet, Suite 201, Alexandria, Virginia 22314.Approved March 25, 1997ABSTRACTThis standard pr

8、ovides information on lubrication of gear couplings, chain couplings and metallic grid cou-plings. Typesoflubricantsandlubricationmethodsandpracticesareincluded.Inaddition,selectionguidesforgrease and oil lubrication are provided.Published byAmerican Gear Manufacturers Association1500 King Street, S

9、uite 201, Alexandria, Virginia 22314Copyright 1997 by American Gear Manufacturers AssociationAll rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronicretrieval system or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher.Printed in the United States of

10、 AmericaISBN: 1-55589-686-3AmericanNationalStandardANSI/AGMA 9001-B97AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDiiiContentsPageForeword iv1 Scope 1.2 Normative references 1.3 Grease lubrication 24 Oil lubrication - external 4.5 Oil lubrication - self contained 56 Lubricant selection guide 5Tables1 Grease lubricated

11、coupling operating classifications 2.2 AGMA coupling grease specifications 3.ANSI/AGMA 9001-B97 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDivForewordThe foreword, footnotes, and annexes, if any, in this document are provided forinformationalpurposesonlyandarenottobeconstruedasapartofANSI/AGMAStandard9001-B97, Flexib

12、le Couplings - Lubrication.Couplinglubricationrequirementsareunique.Properlubricationisanessentialelementforthe satisfactory performance and long life of lubricated flexible couplings. Requisites forproperlubricationare:selectionofproperlubricant,awelldesignedlubricationsystem,andanadequatemaintenan

13、ceprogram.Thisrequiresthecooperationofthemanufacturer,theuser, and the lubricant supplier.WorkwasbegunonthestandardbyAGMAFlexibleProductGroup5,TechnicalCommitteein January, 1973. To insure representation of the manufacturer, the user, and the lubricantsupplier, a group from ASTM Technical Division G

14、 on Lubricating Greases was asked toparticipate. Thisstandardwaspreparedasajointeffortofbothgroups.ItwasapprovedbytheAGMAmembershipinMarch1986andapprovedasanAmericanNationalStandardonFebruary 18, 1987.This revised version of the standard was approved by the AGMA membership in March1997, and as an Am

15、erican National Standard on March 25, 1997.Suggestions for improvement of this standard will be welcome. They should besent to theAmerican Gear Manufacturers Association, 1500 King Street, Suite 201, Alexandria,Virginia 22314.ANSI/AGMA 9001-B97AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDvPERSONNEL of the AGMA Flexibl

16、e Couplings CommitteeChairman: Donald B. Cutler Rexnord Corporation.Vice Chairman: Glenn Pokrandt The Falk Corporation.ACTIVE MEMBERST.G. Fromknecht Zurn Industries, IncJ.W. Mahan Lovejoy, IncJ.R. Mancuso Kop-Flex, Inc.R.E. Munyon Kop-Flex, Inc.J.O. Tennies Renold, IncR.G. Thompson Deck Manufacturin

17、g CorporationASSOCIATE MEMBERSP. Dixon Metal Improvement Company.T. Hewitt Rexnord CorporationD.W. Hindman Rexnord Corporation.V. Ivers Xtek, IncE.C. Kus Deck Manufacturing CorporationD. Lindsay Emerson Power Transmission.J.O. Mays Rexnord Corporation.J. Paluh Zurn Industries, IncS. Levi Pearson Mob

18、il Oil CorporationA. E. Phillips Rockwell Automation/Dodge.W. Pizzichil Philadelphia Gear CorporationR. Post Renold, IncD. Reynolds Rockwell Automation/Dodge.E.I. Rivin Wayne State UniversityT.M. Schatzka Lovejoy, IncJ.F. Slusarick Huffman CorporationR. Whitney Emerson Power TransmissionANSI/AGMA 90

19、01-B97 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDvi(This page is intentionally blank)1ANSI/AGMA 9001-B97AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDAmerican National Standard -Flexible Couplings -Lubrication1Scope1.1 Types of flexible couplingsThis standard covers the lubrication of the followingtypes of flexible couplings and gener

20、ally applies toother types of lubricated couplings.- gear couplings;- chain couplings;- metallic grid couplings.Some types of flexible couplings do not requirelubrication.1.2 Types of lubricantsThetypesoflubricantsforflexiblecouplingscoveredin this standard are:- oils;- greases.NOTE: Correct lubrica

21、tion can minimize wear, but it isnot a substitute for correct alignment.1.3 Lubrication methods and practicesThe flexible coupling lubrication methods andpractices covered in this standard are:- Self-contained lubricant. In this categorylubricants can be oils or greases.- Externally supplied lubrica

22、nt. In this catego-ry, the couplings can be continuously suppliedwith oil at a specified flow rate, be dip lubricated,submerged in oil, or intermittently lubricated withoil that is replenished periodically.1.4 Application limitations1.4.1 Food and drug industryThe lubricants covered by this standard

23、 are notrecommended for food and drug industry applica-tions where contact with the product beingmanufactured may occur. The user must assumethe responsibility for selecting the proper lubricantfor all food and drug industry applications.1.4.2 ExperienceCoupling manufacturers recommendations mayvary

24、 for a specific application based on experience.1.4.3 CoolingThis standard does not apply to couplings where anoil flow is provided solely for cooling purposes.2 Normative referencesThe following standards contain provisions which,throughreferenceinthistext,constituteprovisionsofthis American Nation

25、al Standard. At the time ofpublication, the editions indicated were valid. Allstandards are subject to revision, and parties toagreements based on this American NationalStandardareencouragedtoinvestigatethepossibil-ity of applying the most recent editions of thestandards indicated below.ANSI/ASTM D1

26、28-89d, Methods of Analysis ofLubricating GreaseANSI/ASTM D217-88, Method of Test for ConePenetration of Lubricating GreaseANSI/ASTM D445-88, MethodofTestforKinemat-ic Viscosity of Transparent and Opaque Liquids(and the Calculation of Dynamic Viscosity)ANSI/ASTM D566-87, Test Method for DroppingPoin

27、t of Lubricating GreaseANSI/ASTM D942-90, Test Method for OxidationStability of Lubricating Greases by the OxygenBomb MethodANSI/ASTM D1743-87, Method of Test for Corro-sion Prevention Properties of Lubricating GreasesANSI/ASTM D2265-88, Method of Test for Drop-ping Point of Lubricating Grease of Wi

28、deTemperature RangeANSI/ASTM D2509-91, Test Method for Measure-ment of Load-Carrying Capacity of LubricatingGrease (Timken Method)ANSI/ASTM D2596-87, Method for Measurementof Extreme-Pressure Properties of LubricatingGreases (Four-Ball Method)ANSI/AGMA 9001-B97 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD2ANSI/ASTM D

29、4425-90, Test Method for Oil Sepa-ration from Lubricating Grease by Centrifuging(Koppers Method)3 Grease lubrication3.1 Lubrication at assemblyTwo methods for lubricating flexible couplings withgrease are as follows:3.1.1 Lubrication before closing couplingAnappropriateamountofgreaseismanuallyapplie

30、dinto each working part of the coupling so that theteeth and slots are coated with grease.3.1.2 Lubrication after closing couplingIn the installed condition, two lube plugs in theperiphery of the coupling are removed. The correctamount of grease, as specified in the couplingmanufacturers recommendat

31、ions, is pumped in.The lube plugs are replaced and properly seated.Always usethesametypeoflubeplugsorfittingsasoriginally furnished by the coupling manufacturer.NOTE: It is suggested that the workingsurfaces ofthecouplingbecoatedwiththespecifiedgreasebeforethecouplingisclosed. Thisistopreventbaremet

32、alcontactbetween working surfaces on the initial start up.3.2 Re-lubrication practicesPeriodic maintenance of couplings is necessary ifthecouplingsaretogivesatisfactoryservice. Thisshould be done at regular intervals as suggested bythe coupling manufacturer or coupling greasemanufacturer, or more of

33、ten as indicated by experi-ence. It is desirable to disassemble and cleancouplings periodically to rid them of foreign materialand to check moving parts for wear. The couplingsare completely disassembled and all the parts arewashed in a solvent. After they are dry they arecarefully inspected to see

34、that all foreign particlesare removed and that wearing parts are in goodcondition. Thecoupling,withwornpartsreplacedasnecessary, is then lubricated per 3.1.1 or Separation problemsThe elements of a grease, namely the base oil, thethickeners, and the additives are subject to separa-tion due

35、 to centrifugal force generated by couplingrotation. The method used to minimize centrifugalseparation is to equalize, as closely as possible, thespecific gravity of all these elements. See tables 1and 2 and clause 6.Table 1 - Grease lubricated coupling operating classificationsOperating conditionsO

36、peratinggroup IOperatinggroup IIOperatinggroup III1. Rotational speed (rpm)Shaft diameter, d (in) 36002800d1) 2800d1)Shaft diameter, d (mm) 3600 14 100d14 100d2. Misalignment (degree) 3/4 1/2 3/43. Continuous torque, Tlb-in 1200 d31200 d32)1200 d32)Nm 1200 d3(8.8)(25.4)38.310- 3d38.310- 3d34. Peak t

37、orque 2.5 T 2.5 T 2.5 T5. Maximum coupling surface temperature 150F(65C) 170F(77C) 212F (100C)6. Normal re-lube interval (months)3)6-12 12-36 1orlessNOTES:1) Relates to centrifugal force on the lubricant of approximately 200 Gs.G is the ratio ofactual accelerationgravitational acceleration28.4 d (rp

38、m)2/106when d is in inches.1.12 d (rpm)2/106when d is in mm.(d is not an exact value as it relates approximately to its pitch radius of a coupling.)2) Relates to shaft torsional stress of approximately 6000 lb/in2(0.207 MPa).3) The actual re-lube interval is dependent upon experience with the specif

39、ic application.ANSI/AGMA 9001-B97AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD3Table 2 - AGMA coupling grease specifications1)Characteristic(test method) Type CG-12)Type CG-22)Type CG-32)1. Minimum base oil viscosity:In centistokesIn SSU (approx.)198 at 40C(104F)900 at 100F(38C)288 at 40C(104F)1300 at 100F(38C)30 at 1

40、00C(212F)150 at 210F(99C)2. Separation characteristics3)K3660/24, or 8%maximum fluid insol-uble materialK3624/24 No restriction3. National Lubrication GreaseInstitute (NLGI) grade(a) Metallic grid 1thru3 1thru3 1thru3(b) Gearorchainwhere rpm 200/pd in1008/pd mm4)0thru3 0thru1 1thru2where rpm 200/pd

41、in1008/pd mm4)0thru1 Not applicable 1thru24. Minimum dropping point 190F(88C) 195F(91C) 302F (150C)5. Compatibility5)The coupling grease must be compatible with coupling seals andgaskets.6. Oxidation resistance - max.pressure drop at 100 hours20 lb/in2(13 790 Pa) 20 lb/in2(13 790 Pa) 20 lb/in2(13 79

42、0 Pa)7. Anti-rust properties Not required ASTM Rating Pass ASTM Rating Pass8. Anti-wear additives5)Not required Not required Required6)9. Extreme pressure (EP)additives5)Not required7)Not required7)Required10. Timken OK load Not required Not required 40 lb minimum11. Four ball EP test Not required N

43、ot required Weld point 250 kgminimumNOTES:1) Accepted test methods:- Viscosity ASTM D-445- Grease composition ASTM D-128- Centrifuge test ASTM D-4425- NLGI Grade ASTM D-217- Dropping point ASTM D-566 or D-2265- Anti-rust properties ASTM D-1743- Oxidation resistance ASTM D-942- Four ball EP test ASTM

44、 D-2596- Timken OK load ASTM D-25092) See 6.1.2 for lubricant selection guide.3) ASTM centrifuge test (see 3.3.1 for test method).4) Relates to a centrifugal force on the lubricant of approximately 10 G.5) No test method.6) Experience has shown that a minimum of 5% (by weight) MoS2(molybdenum disulf

45、ide) is beneficial forcouplings with hardened teeth.7) EP additives recommended by some coupling manufacturers.3.3.1 ASTM Centrifuge test for greases (ASTMD-4425, Oil separation from lubricating greaseby centrifuging)Test method summary: Centrifuge tubes arecharged with grease samples and are placed

46、 in thecentrifuge. The grease samples are subjected to acentrifugal force equivalent to 36 000 Gs, at 122F(50C),forspecificperiodsoftime. Theresistanceofthegreasetooilseparationisthendefinedasaratioof the percent of oil separated to the total number ofhoursoftesting,normally24hours. The24hourtestwas

47、 used to generate the data in table 2.ANSI/AGMA 9001-B97 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD44 Oil lubrication - external4.1 Continuous flowOil is injected into the coupling by an oil jet directedtoward collecting lips (fixed or removable) or rings.The oil is either injected at one end of the couplingand exi

48、ts at the other, or each end of the coupling islubricated separately. The oil collectors can beprovidedonthesleeves,spacers,hubsorrigidhubs,as a function of the design. The oil jets are createdby nozzles designed to provide the required oil flow.4.1.1 Flow rateThe oil flow for a given coupling type,

49、 or design, is afunction of coupling size, transmitted power, andspeed of rotation. Two basic design features areinfluential in determining the oil flow:- Incouplingsincorporatinganoilexitdam,theoilflowisdeterminedbythecoolingrequirements;- In couplings without an oil exit dam, the oilflow must be large enough to ensure flooding ofthecouplingteethorotherworkingsurfaces. Thisflowisusuallylargerthanthatrequiredforcooling.4.1.2 Oil typeUsually,c


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