AGMA 9103-B08-2008 Flexible Couplings - Keyless Fits (Metric Edition)《柔性接头.无键配合(米制版)》.pdf

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1、ANSI/AGMA 9103-B08Metric Edition of ANSI/AGMA 9003-B08Reaffirmed June 2014American National StandardFlexible Couplings -Keyless Fits (Metric Edition)ANSI/AGMA9103-B08iiFlexible Couplings - Keyless Fits (Metric Edition)ANSI/AGMA 9103-B08ApprovalofanAmericanNationalStandardrequiresverificationbyANSIth

2、attherequire-ments for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval have been met by thestandards developer.Consensusisestablishedwhen,inthejudgmentoftheANSIBoardofStandardsReview,substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests.Substantialagreementmean

3、smuchmorethanasimplemajority,butnotnecessarilyuna-nimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that aconcerted effort be made toward their resolution.TheuseofAmericanNationalStandardsiscompletelyvoluntary;theirexistencedoesnotin any respect preclude anyone, whether he

4、has approved the standards or not, frommanufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures notconforming to the standards.The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in nocircumstances give an interpretation of any American National Sta

5、ndard. Moreover, noperson shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretation of an American NationalStandardinthenameoftheAmericanNationalStandardsInstitute. Requestsforinterpre-tation of this standard should be addressed to the American Gear ManufacturersAssociation.CAUTION NOTICE: AGMA t

6、echnical publications are subject to constant improvement,revision, or withdrawal as dictated by experience. Any person who refers to any AGMAtechnical publication should be sure that the publication is the latest available from theAssociation on the subject matter.Tablesorotherself-supportingsectio

7、ns maybereferenced. Citationsshouldread: SeeANSI/AGMA 9103-B08, Flexible Couplings - Keyless Fits (Metric Edition), published bythe American Gear Manufacturers Association, 500 Montgomery Street, Suite 350,Alexandria, Virginia 22314, http:/ May 20, 2008ABSTRACTThis standard pres

8、ents information on design, dimensions, tolerances, inspection, mounting, removal, andequipment that is in common use with keyless tapered and keyless straight (cylindrical) bore hubs for flexiblecouplings.Published byAmerican Gear Manufacturers Association500 Montgomery Street, Suite 350, Alexandri

9、a, Virginia 22314Copyright 2008 by American Gear Manufacturers AssociationAll rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronicretrieval system or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher.Printed in the United States of AmericaISBN: 978-1

10、-55589-925-7AmericanNationalStandardANSI/AGMA 9103-B08AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDiii AGMA 2008 - All rights reservedContentsForeword iv1 Scope 12 Normative references 13 Terms and symbols 14 Responsibility 1.5 Design considerations 26 Configurations for hydraulic installation or removal of hubs 57 Ta

11、pers, interference rate, and advance 6.8 Hydraulic mounting and removal equipment 7.9 Hub inspection, mounting and removal procedures for taper bores 8.10 Hub inspection, mounting and removal procedures for straight cylindricalbores 11.Bibliography 22AnnexesA Derivation of constants 13B Typical desi

12、gns and dimensions for grooving and hydraulic fitting holes 15C Mounting and dismounting equipment 17.D Example calculations 20.Figures1 Hub with multiple sections 32 Flexible hub, gear tooth section influencing torque capacity and pressure 3.3 Rigid hub, flange not influencing torque capacity and p

13、ressure 34 Rigid hub, flange influencing torque capacity and pressure 35 Bore configurations 36 Oil port in shaft 67 Oil ports in hub 68 O-ring groove locations 69 O-ringswithback-uprings 6.10 Typical mechanism for hydraulic mounting and removal 811 Initial position measurement 912 Measurement of hu

14、b advance 9.13 Retaining mechanisms 1014 Relief groove 1115 Hub retainer plate and stress relief groove 12.Tables1 Symbols and definitions 22 Hub advance per millimeter of shaft diameter, Sd, vs. interference rate, i,for specified diametral tapers 7.ANSI/AGMA 9103-B08 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDiv AG

15、MA 2008 - All rights reservedForewordThe foreword, footnotes and annexes, if any, in this document are provided forinformational purposes only and are not to be construed as a part of ANSI/AGMA9103-B08, Flexible Couplings - Keyless Fits (Metric Edition).This standard was developed after intensive st

16、udy of existing practices, standards andliterature.Theintentofthisdocumentistooffertorotatingequipmentdesignersandusersastandardfordesignpracticeanddimensionsregardingkeylessfitsforflexiblecouplings. Ingeneral, the information in this standard is a consolidation of the most common practicesand stand

17、ards currently in existence.This AGMA standard and related publications are based on typical or average data,conditions, or applications.Work was begun on ANSI/AGMA 9003-A91 in 1985 and was approved by the AGMAmembership in February 1991. It was approved as an American National Standard onMay 20, 19

18、91.ANSI/AGMA 9103-B08 split the original standard into inch (ANSI/AGMA 9003-B08) andmetric versions, updated annex B and added an example calculation as annex D.ThefirstdraftofANSI/AGMA9103-B08wasmadeinOctober,2004. ItwasapprovedbytheAGMA membership in October, 2007. It was approved as an American N

19、ational Standardon May 20, 2008.Suggestions for improvement of this standard will be welcome. Theyshould besent to theAmericanGearManufacturersAssociation,500MontgomeryStreet,Suite350,Alexandria,Virginia 22314.ANSI/AGMA 9103-B08AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDv AGMA 2008 - All rights reservedPERSONNEL of

20、the AGMA Flexible Couplings CommitteeChairman: Glenn Pokrandt Rexnord Industries Coupling Operations.Vice Chairman: James Paluh Ameridrives Gear Coupling Operations.ACTIVE MEMBERST. Hewitt Lord Corporation.D. Hindman Rexnord Industries Coupling OperationsD. Lyle Ameridrives Gear Coupling Operations.

21、H.A. Lynn, III Rexnord Industries Coupling OperationsJ.W. Mahan Lovejoy, Inc.J.R. Mancuso Kop-Flex/Emerson Power Transmission.G.E. Saunders Ameridrives Gear Coupling OperationsT. Schatzka Rexnord Industries, IncJ. Sherred Ameridrives Gear Coupling OperationsJ. Smihal T.B. Woods, IncR. Whitney Riverh

22、awk Company.ANSI/AGMA 9103-B08 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDvi AGMA 2008 - All rights reserved(This page is intentionally blank)1 AGMA 2008 - All rights reservedANSI/AGMA 9103-B08AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDAmerican National Standard -Flexible Couplings -KeylessFits(MetricEdition)1ScopeThis standard pres

23、ents information on design,dimensions, tolerances, inspection, mounting, re-moval, and equipment that is in common use withkeyless tapered and keyless straight (cylindrical)bore hubs for flexible couplings. Calculated hubstress values and hub to shaft torque capacities arenominal values. This standa

24、rd does not present arigorous analysis of the components.1.1 ApplicabilityThis standard applies only to hubs and solid shaftsmadeofsteel,whichgenerallyhavematerialproper-tiesofmodulusofelasticityequalto2.07 x 105MPa,densityequalto7830kg/m3,andthermalexpansioncoefficient equal to 11.4 x 10- 6mm/mm/C.

25、1.2 ExclusionsThis standard does not apply to couplings attachedtoshaftswithkeyways,splines,splithubsorpolygonbores.2 Normative referencesThe following standards contain provisions which,throughreferenceinthistext,constituteprovisionsofthis American National Standard. At the time ofpublication, the

26、editions indicated were valid. Allstandards are subject to revision, and parties toagreements based on this American National Stan-dard are encouraged to investigate the possibility ofapplying the most recent editions of the standardsindicated below.ANSI/AGMA 9112-A04, Bores and Keyways forFlexible

27、Couplings (Metric Series)ANSI/AGMA 9009-D02, Flexible Couplings - No-menclature for Flexible Couplings3 Terms and symbols3.1 TermsThetermsused,whereverapplicable,conformtothefollowing Standards:ANSI Y10.3-1968, Letter Symbols for QuantitiesUsed in Mechanics of SolidsANSI/AGMA 1012-G05, Gear Nomencla

28、ture, Defi-nition of Terms with Symbols3.2 SymbolsThe symbols used in the formulas are shown intable 1.NOTE: The symbols and definitions used in this stan-dard may differ from other AGMA standards. The usershould not assume that familiar symbols can be usedwithout a careful study of these definition

29、s.4 ResponsibilityThepurchaserhasthesoleresponsibilityforspecify-ing the peak torque and all other pertinent loadingandoperatinginformationaffectingthehub-to-shaftjuncture. The machine designer is totally responsi-ble for the design of the hub-to-shaft juncture. Thesole responsibility of the couplin

30、g manufacturer is toprovidehubsdesignedandmanufacturedaccordingto the purchasers specifications.Compliance with this standard does not constitute awarranty of the rating of the hub to shaft junctureunder installed conditions. This standard onlyapplies to the hub design. There can be personalinjury o

31、r catastrophic failure of the shaft or hub-to-shaft juncture as a result of incorrect design,installation, or removal error, or other factorsunrelated to the hub design.WARNING: When working with hydraulic mountingand removal equipment EXTREME care and cautionmustbeusedtopreventpersonalinjuryanddama

32、getoequipmentduetoexplosiveaxialmovementatthetimeof hub release.ANSI/AGMA 9103-B08 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD2 AGMA 2008 - All rights reservedTable 1 - Symbols and definitions1), 2)Symbol Definition Units2)First usedCeRatio of average bore diameter of section to outside diameterof section under cons

33、ideration, Ce= Db/ Do- - Eq 2D Shaft diameter at largest end of bore mm Eq 13DbAverage bore diameter of section mm Eq 1DoOutside diameter of section mm Eq 2E Modulus of elasticity MPa Eq 2I Diametral interference mm Eq 13IcLoss of interference when rotating mm 5.1.4ImaxMaximum diametral interference

34、 when not rotating mm Eq 4IminMinimum diametral interference fit required to transmit thedesign torque at specified speedmm 5.1.4i Interference rate mm/mm 7.2L Length of hub engagement mm Eq 1N Specified rotational speed 1/min Eq 3p1Calculated pressure at hub bore to mount or dismount hubdue to maxi

35、mum interference fitMPa 5.2.1p2Maximum recommended pressure at hub bore when mount-ing or dismountingMPa 5.2.2pminMinimum pressure at hub bore for design torque calculation MPa 5.1.3Ra Arithmetic average of surface finish mm 5.1.1S Advance mm 7.3SdAdvance per millimeter of shaft diameter mm/mm 7.3Sy

36、Tensile yield strength of the selected hub material MPa 5.3.1T Design torque capacity of hub-to-shaft connection Nm 5.1.2t Taper, rate of change of diameter per unit length mm/mm Eq 14 Thermal expansion coefficient mm/mm/C Eq 17T Required temperature difference between hub and shaft formounting hubC

37、 Eq 17HMaximum hoop stress in mounted hub when rotating MPa Eq 7maxMaximum hub stress at hub bore due to hydraulic pressurewhen mounting or dismountingMPa 5.3.1RRadial stress at hub bore due to interference fit of mountedhub while rotatingMPa Eq 7RvRadial stress in hub due to rotational speed MPa Eq

38、 7rotCombined stress in hub when rotating MPa Eq 7vHoop stress in hub due to rotational speed MPa Eq 7m Apparent coefficient of friction - - 5.1.1NOTES:1)Equations in this standard require the use of consistent units.2)Forthisstandard,pressureis notedinmegapascals(MPa)tobeconsistentwithhydraulicgage

39、s. 1 MPa = 1 N/mm2.5 Design considerationsThe design of keyless fits in power transmissioncouplings is based on the calculations required forthesafetransmissionofthespecifiedtorquethroughthe coupling hub-to-shaft juncture. These calcula-tions consist of the following:a) The interference fit required

40、 to transmit thespecified torque;b) The pressures involved in mounting anddismounting the hub;c) The stresses in the hub during mounting ordismounting and during operation.ANSI/AGMA 9103-B08AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD3 AGMA 2008 - All rights reservedThe equations in the following sections for hubpres

41、suresandstressesaccountforhubsofsubstan-tiallyuniformcrosssections. Theequationfortorquecapacity of the hub-to-shaft juncture assumes thehub outside diameter is uniform and equal to theoutside diameter of the minimum hub section. Thetorque as calculated is conservatively low.When a hub has multiple

42、outside diameters such asshowninfigure1,thehubcanbesplitintosectionsand the torque capacity of each section calculatedseparately. The total capacity is the sum of theseparatesectioncapacities. Hubconfigurationmustbe considered when performing stress and mount-ingpressurecalculations(seefigures1,2,3,

43、and4).Shrink or interference fit analysis is generally basedonLamesequationsforathickwalledcylinderunderinternal pressure.DbDo2231Do1Do3L1L2L3Figure 1 - Hub with multiple sectionsFigure 2 - Flexible hub, gear tooth sectioninfluencing torque capacity and pressureFigure 3 - Rigid hub, flange not influ

44、encingtorque capacity and pressureFigure 4 - Rigid hub, flange influencing torquecapacity and pressureTheboreusedinthedeterminationofthepressurefor tapered and cylindrical bore configurations is asshowninfigure5. Thefollowingequationsarebasedon the assumption that the shaft and hub havesubstantially

45、 equal surface finish, hardness, andmodulus of elasticity.LDbDoD(a) TaperedLDbDoD(b) Cylindrical(c) GroovedLFigure 5 - Bore configurationsANSI/AGMA 9103-B08 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD4 AGMA 2008 - All rights reserved5.1 Determination of interference fit required totransmit the specified torqueThe in

46、terference fit required is dependent upon thedesign torque to be transmitted, the coefficient offriction selected, the physical dimensions of the huband the specified speed of operation. The interfer-ence fit range is determined by either the minimum/maximum shaft and bore diameters for cylindricalb

47、ores,orbytheminimum/maximumhubadvancefortapered bores.5.1.1 Apparent coefficient of friction, mThe apparent coefficient of friction, m between thehub and shaft can vary widely depending on suchfactors as cleanliness, oil type, contact pattern,surface finish and rate of load application. Valueswhich

48、are widely used are:m = 0.12 to 0.15 if hydraulically mounted with eachsurfacehavingafinishof0.8micrometersRamaximum, and adequate draining time aftermounting.m 0.15 to 0.20 if heat-shrink mounted with cleanand dry surfaces,each havinga surface finish of 0.8micrometers Ra maximum.5.1.2 Design torque

49、 capacity of hub-to-shaftfit, TThedesigntorquecapacity, T, ofthe hub-to-shaft fitis a function of the hub dimensions, the interferencefit, the hub and shaft material, centrifugal expansionand coefficient of friction. The design capacityshould exceed the peak torque of the application.When the peak torque is well defined, the hub toshafttorquecapacityshouldexceedthepeaktorqueby a minimum factor of 1.15. When the peak torqueisnotwelldefined,thisfactorshouldbeincreasedorbasedonex


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