AGMA ISO 10064-5-A06-2006 Code of Inspection Practice - Part 5 Recommendations Relative to Evaluation of Gear Measuring Instruments《检验实施规程.第5部分 与齿轮测量仪器的评价相关的建议》.pdf

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AGMA ISO 10064-5-A06-2006 Code of Inspection Practice - Part 5 Recommendations Relative to Evaluation of Gear Measuring Instruments《检验实施规程.第5部分 与齿轮测量仪器的评价相关的建议》.pdf_第1页
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AGMA ISO 10064-5-A06-2006 Code of Inspection Practice - Part 5 Recommendations Relative to Evaluation of Gear Measuring Instruments《检验实施规程.第5部分 与齿轮测量仪器的评价相关的建议》.pdf_第2页
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AGMA ISO 10064-5-A06-2006 Code of Inspection Practice - Part 5 Recommendations Relative to Evaluation of Gear Measuring Instruments《检验实施规程.第5部分 与齿轮测量仪器的评价相关的建议》.pdf_第3页
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AGMA ISO 10064-5-A06-2006 Code of Inspection Practice - Part 5 Recommendations Relative to Evaluation of Gear Measuring Instruments《检验实施规程.第5部分 与齿轮测量仪器的评价相关的建议》.pdf_第4页
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AGMA ISO 10064-5-A06-2006 Code of Inspection Practice - Part 5 Recommendations Relative to Evaluation of Gear Measuring Instruments《检验实施规程.第5部分 与齿轮测量仪器的评价相关的建议》.pdf_第5页
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1、AGMAINFORMATIONSHEET(This Information Sheet is NOT an AGMA Standard)AGMAISO10064-5-A06AGMA ISO 10064-5-A06Identical to ISO/TR 10064-5:2005AMERICAN GEAR MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATIONCode of Inspection Practice - Part 5:Recommendations Relative to Evaluationof Gear Measuring InstrumentsiiCode of Inspectio

2、n Practice - Part 5: Recommendations Relative toEvaluation of Gear Measuring InstrumentsAGMA ISO 10064-5-A06CAUTION NOTICE: AGMA technical publications are subject to constant improvement,revision, or withdrawal as dictated by experience. Any person who refers to any AGMAtechnical publication should

3、 be sure that the publication is the latest available from theAssociation on the subject matter.Tablesorotherself-supportingsectionsmaybereferenced. Citationsshouldread: SeeAGMAISO10064-5-A06,CodeofInspectionPractice -Part5: RecommendationsRela-tive to Evaluation of Gear Measuring Instruments, publi

4、shed by the American GearManufacturers Association, 500 Montgomery Street, Suite 350, Alexandria, Virginia22314, http:/ July 18, 2006ABSTRACTThis information sheet provides methods and examples to support the implementation of ANSI/AGMA ISO18653-A06. It proposes evaluation and c

5、alibration procedures for involute,helix, runout,and tooth thicknessmeasurement processes. Methods are given for the evaluation of condition and alignment of instrument ele-mentssuchascenters,guideways,probesystems,etc. Guidanceisgivenontheapplicationofmeasurementprocessestotheinspectionofproductgea

6、rs,includingfitnessforuseandtherecommendedlimitsfor U95un-certainty based upon the accuracy tolerances of product gears to be inspected.Published byAmerican Gear Manufacturers Association500 Montgomery Street, Suite 350, Alexandria, Virginia 22314Copyright 2006 by American Gear Manufacturers Associa

7、tionAll rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronicretrieval system or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher.Printed in the United States of AmericaISBN: 1-55589-881-5AmericanGearManufacturersAssociationAGMA ISO 10064-5-A06AMERIC

8、AN NATIONAL STANDARDiii AGMA 2006 - All rights reservedContentsForeword iv.1 Scope 1.2 Normative references 1.3 Definitions of terms 2.4 Instrument environment 25 Measurement system condition 4.6 Artifacts 167 Uncertainty estimation guidelines 248 Measurement procedures 27.9 Comparator measurement u

9、ncertainty estimation examples 29.10 Statistical process control 32.11 Instrument fitness for use 35.12 Measurement process (instrument) correlation 38.Bibliography 62.AnnexesA Effect of temperature on gears and artifacts 40.B Modified involute, helix, pitch artifact testing 43.C Non-involute pin, b

10、all, or plane (flank) artifact interpretation 49.Tables1 Recommended guidelines for deviations when checking instrumentalignment 52 Probe system guidelines 133 Gear measurement process uncertainty guidelines 37.Figures1 Alignment error of the spindle axis and the between-centers axis 5.2 Center runo

11、ut test 6.3 Tailstock alignment measurement method (vertical axis instruments only) 74 Tailstock center alignment fixture for horizontal or vertical work spindles 75 Z-axis to “between centers” axis alignment verification -axial plane parallelto the measuring (base tangent) plane 8.6 Z-axis to “betw

12、een centers” axis alignment verification - perpendicular tomeasuring plane 87 Position of the base tangent slide during the deflection tests (+ maximumlength of roll for the verified measuring volume) 9.8 CMM volumetric tests 109 Ball plate tests 11.10 Rotary table tests 1111 Gaging system gain 1312

13、 LVDT system linearity 1413 Linearity with step gauge 14.14 Gaging system lost motion 14AGMA ISO 10064-5-A06 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDiv AGMA 2006 - All rights reserved15 Types of filtering 15.16 Proportions for involute master 1717 Proposed design for helix artifact 18.18 Proposed design for pitch

14、, cumulative pitch and runout artifact 19.19 Plane artifact (flank artifact) 21.20 Pin artifact 2121 Measurement of pin artifact 21.22 Ball (sphere) artifact 2223 Constructing the X and MR chart 34.24 A graphical representation of the GPS method 35.25 Example of the GPS approach to determining fitne

15、ss for purpose 36.26 Uncertainty contributors in measurement 37AGMA ISO 10064-5-A06AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDv AGMA 2006 - All rights reservedForewordThe foreword, footnotes and annexes, if any, in this document are provided forinformational purposes only and are not to be construed as a part of AGM

16、A ISO10064-5-A06, Code of Inspection Practice - Part 5: Recommendations Relative toEvaluation of Gear Measuring Instruments.In 1988, The American Gear Manufacturers Association recognized the need forestablishment of standards for the calibration of gear measuring instruments. The AGMACalibration Co

17、mmittee was formed between April 1989 and their first meeting in February1990. Between 1995 and 1999, this committee, as members of the Committee on GearMetrology (COGM), was instrumental in the establishment of the Oak Ridge GearMetrology Laboratory for the purpose of calibrating gear artifacts tra

18、ceable to the NationalInstitute for Standards and Technology.The AGMA Calibration Committee, between 1990 and 1998, developed and publishedthree national standards on calibration of gear measuring instruments: ANSI/AGMA2110-A94,MeasuringInstrumentCalibrationPartI,InvoluteMeasurement,ANSI/AGMA2113-A9

19、7, Measuring Instrument Calibration, Gear Tooth Alignment Measurement, andANSI/AGMA 2114-A98, Measuring Instrument Calibration, Gear Pitch and RunoutMeasurements.ThesestandardscoveredelementalmeasurementsspecifiedintheaccuracyrequirementsofANSI/AGMA2015-1-A01,AccuracyClassificationSystem - Tangentia

20、lMeasurementsfor Cylindrical Gears.In1999,thecontentofthesestandardswascombinedandsubmittedtoISOasaproposedwork item. As a result, ISO TC60/WG2 used this as the basis for development of ISO18653:2003,Gears -Evaluationofinstrumentsforthemeasurementofgears,andISO/TR10064-5:2005, Code of inspection pra

21、ctice - Part 5: Recommendations relative toevaluation of gear measuring instruments.During the ISO development period the Calibration Committee decided that supplementalinformation,onmeasurementsystemconditionsforcalibration,accuracyrequirementsanduncertainty determination, was desirable to have in

22、an AGMA Information Sheet. Thisresulted in the publication of AGMA 931-A02, Calibration of Gear Measuring Instrumentsand Their Application to the Inspection of Product Gears, in 2002.TheISOdocumentsexpandedtheAGMAworkandincludedmaterialonthedeterminationof uncertainty of measurement and the introduc

23、tion of spherical calibration artifacts. Thenaturalevolution,therefore,wastheadoptionofthetwocomprehensiveISOdocumentsasnational documents in place of the four AGMA documents.AGMA ISO 10064-5-A06 replaces AGMA 931-A02, also the instrument set-up andmeasurement recommendations contained within ANSI/A

24、GMA 2010-A94, ANSI/AGMA2110-A94, ANSI/AGMA 2113-A97, and ANSI/AGMA 2114-A98. The requirements forinstrument calibration can be found in ANSI/AGMA ISO 18653-A06.This information sheet is an identical adoption of ISO/TR 10064-5:2005.ThefirstdraftofAGMAISO10064-5-A06wasmadeinOctober2005. Itwasapprovedb

25、ythe AGMA membership in July 2006.Suggestionsforimprovementofthisstandardwillbewelcome. TheyshouldbesenttotheAmericanGearManufacturersAssociation,500MontgomeryStreet,Suite350,Alexandria,Virginia 22314.AGMA ISO 10064-5-A06 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDvi AGMA 2006 - All rights reservedPERSONNEL of the A

26、GMA Calibration CommitteeChairman: Robert E. Smith R.E. Smith ISO/TR10064-2:1996,Codeofinspectionpractice- Part 2: Inspection related to radial compositedeviations, runout, tooth thickness and backlashISO/TR10064-3:1996,Codeofinspectionpractice- Part 2:Recommendations relativeto gear blanks,shaft ce

27、nter distance and parallelism of axesISO 10360-1:2000, Geometrical Product Specifi-cations(GPS) -Acceptanceandreverificationtestsforcoordinatemeasuringmachines(CMM)-Part1:VocabularyISO 14253-1:1998, Geometrical Product Specifi-cations (GPS) - Inspection by measurement ofworkpieces and measuring equi

28、pment - Part 1:Decision rules for proving conformance or non-conformance with specificationsISO/TS14253-2:1999,Geometricalproductspeci-fications (GPS) - Inspection by measurement ofworkpieces and measuring equipment - Part 2Guide to the estimation of uncertainty in GPSmeasurement, in calibration of

29、measuringequipment and in product verificationGuide to the expression of uncertainty in measure-ment(GUM),BIPM,IEC,IFCC,ISO,IUPAC,IUPAP,OIML 1st edition 1993, corrected and reprinted in1995AGMA ISO 10064-5-A06 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD2 AGMA 2006 - All rights reserved3 Definitions of termsFor the p

30、urpose of this document, the terms anddefinitions given in ISO 1122-1, ISO1328-1,ISO1328-2andANSI/AGMAISO18653-A06apply.4 Instrument environment4.1 EnvironmentThe stability of the environment will affect accuracyof the calibration process and measurement ofproduction parts. The measurement temperatu

31、reshould be maintained as a constant. It is recom-mendedthatthetemperaturebe20C. Standardsorinstrument manufacturers recommendations oftenrequire an environment controlled to the extentnecessary to assure continued measurements ofrequired accuracy considering temperature, humid-ity, vibration, clean

32、liness and other controllablefactors affecting precision measurement.4.1.1 Important parametersThe following parameters are of primaryimportance1):- the cooling (heating) medium, usually air;- flow rate, distribution and velocity of the cooling(heating) medium;- frequency and amplitude of temperatur

33、evariations of the cooling (heating) medium;- temperature gradients within the cooling (heat-ing) medium;- vibrations;- electrical power supply quality.4.1.2 Practical guidelinesThe following are practical guidelines for gearmeasurements. However, compliance with theseguidelines does not guarantee m

34、easurements to aspecific accuracy.- Artifacttemperature. Tooling,artifactsandoth-ertestpiecesshouldbeleftforanadequateperi-od to stabilize to ambient temperature. Artifacttemperatureideallyshouldbethetemperatureatwhich it was calibrated.- Mean temperature variation. The instrumentmanufacturers tempe

35、rature variation guidelinesfor the desired accuracy should be consulted. Ifthis information is not available, it is recom-mended that the mean temperature should notchangemorethan1Cperhour,withamaximumchange of 3.5 degrees per day.- Temperature cycles. The temperature maycycle 2C,centeredonthemeante

36、mperature,every 5 minutes or faster. The thermal inertia ofmost mechanical systems will allow for rapid cy-clic temperature undulations within these guide-lines for the stated accuracy. If a temperaturecycle of the instrument approaches 1 Cin15minutes, serious effects on the measuring sys-temaccurac

37、ymayoccur. Manypeopleuseanairconditionerinanattempttoachievethermalcon-trol. Thetemperaturesensorsintheseunitsmaybeveryslowtorespondtotemperaturechanges.Ifthe responseisslowerthan5minutes,seriouseffectsonmeasurementaccuracymaybenoted.- Temperature gradient. The temperatureshouldbewithin0.5Covertheen

38、tireareaoftheinstrument surface. The best way to do this iswith a high air flow. Air flow must be uniformthroughout the room to prevent dead spots andpreventgradients. Toaccomplishthis,diffusetheair coming in to the room and if possible designmultiple air returns to further diffuse the air uni-forml

39、yintheroom. Thegoalistohaveallairmov-ing uniformly in the room and at the sametemperature. Moving air mustremove heatfromelectronic controls, computers, motors,hydraulics, people, lights, etc., to preventgradients.- Vibrations. Vibrations caused by instrumentmovements should not be allowed to interf

40、erewith measurements. Also, vibrations from thesurrounding environment should be observed ormeasured. If they are affecting instrumentaccuracy, vibration isolation of the instrument ora suitable foundation may be necessary.- Electricalpowersupply. Powerfluctuationmaycausesomeelectronicinstrumentsand

41、 comput-er numerical control positioning systems tomalfunction._1)A more thorough discussion of the effects may be found in such standards as ASME B89.6.2, Temperature andHumidity Environment for Dimensional Measurement (R2002)AGMA ISO 10064-5-A06AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD3 AGMA 2006 - All rights re

42、served4.1.3 Workshop environmentIt is recommended that measuring instruments aresituated in a temperature controlled room. Howevermany measuring instruments are placed in a shopenvironmentwhereitisdifficulttomaintainaprocessmeasurement uncertainty of 5 microns. Accumula-tion of dirt or other contami

43、nants on the ways of theinstrument can cause inaccuracies as well aspremature wear.If an instrument must be used in this kind ofenvironment, care must be taken to avoid certainconditions, such as:- localradiantheatsourcessuchasspaceheatersor sunlight through nearby windows that maydistort the instru

44、ment;- roof vents that allow cold air to drop on theinstrument;- cooling systems or open windows that cause adraft to hit one side of the instrument.Theformulaein4.2.1and4.2.2mayalsobeusedforestimating the effect of a stable, but consistentdifference in instrument temperature from the stan-dard temp

45、erature (20 C). If the formulae are used,thecoefficientofthermalexpansion(CTE)shouldbethe instrument material or encoder scale value andthe sign of the resulting compensation should bechanged. Theusershouldbeawarethattheresultsmight vary depending upon the location of tempera-ture measurement.4.2 Ef

46、fect of temperature on gears and artifactsTemperature can have a significant effect on thegeometry of gears and artifacts. Temperatureeffects upon involute profile slope, fH, helix slope,fH, and tooth thickness measurements of externalgears and artifacts can be predicted using thefollowing formulas.

47、 Such calculations assumeuniform temperature of the given test piece; local-ized temperature variations cannot be convenientlymodeled. Temperatureofthemeasuringinstrumentis not considered in these calculations.The temperature of the measuring instrument is notconsidered in these calculations, but a

48、differencebetween standard temperature (20 C) and theinstrument temperature will also cause errors inmeasurement result.It may be desirable to correct profile and helix slopemeasurement values for temperature effect. Suchcorrections are required by U95estimation methodsdescribed in clause 7 of this

49、document.Uniform temperature variations of a gear or artifactare not considered to have an effect upon pitch orrunout (tooth position) parameters.4.2.1 Profile temperature effect calculationFor involute profile measurement, the effect oftemperature can be modeled by considering theassociated change in the base circle diameter. Theeffect upon profile slope, fH,can be calculated asfollows:a) Given (typical) dataz is number of teeth;mnis normal


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