1、A-A-59166March 16, 1998SUPERSEDINGMIL-W-5044C25 August 1970COMMERCIAL ITEM DESCRIPTIONCOATING COMPOUND, NONSLIP (FOR WALKWAYS)The General Services Administration has authorized the use of this commercial itemdescription as a replacement for Type I and Type II of MIL-W-5044 for all federal agencies.1
2、. SCOPE. This Commercial Item Description covers nonslip compound used for walkways onexterior aircraft surfaces.2. CLASSIFICATION. The walkway compound shall conform to the following types and sizesas specified (see 7.3).2.1 Type . Type I Smooth texture (without grit)Type II Rough texture (with gri
3、t)2.2 Size . 1 Quart1 Gallon3. SALIENT CHARACTERISTICS.3.1 Compound materials composition . The compound shall have no adverse effect on the healthof the personnel when used for its intended purpose. The compound shall not contain anyhazardous ingredient as defined in FED-STD-313, nor shall it conta
4、in any chemical listed in thecurrent report of known carcinogens of the National Toxicology Program. Specifically, thecompound shall not contain benzene, chlorinated solvents or ethylene base glycol ethers and theiracetates.3.1.1 The volatile organic content shall not exceed 420 gram/liter when test
5、ed in accordance withASTM D 3960.Beneficial comments, recommendations, additions, deletions, clarifications, etc. and any datawhich may improve this document should be sent to: WR-ALC/TILCC, 420 Second Street, Suite100, Robins AFB, GA 31098-1640.FSC 8010INCH-POUNDProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo repr
6、oduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-A-A-591663.1.2 Type I shall be a minimum of 50 percent total solids. Type II shall be a minimum of 60percent total solids.3.1.3 The grit used for the Type II compound shall remain suspended and shall not migratethrough the coating and cau
7、se abrasions to the surface of the underlying metal.3.2 Color . The walkway compound shall be furnished in colors conforming to FED-STD-595 oras specified in the contract or order (see 7.1 and 7.3).3.2.1 Color identification . The color identification number shall be formatted in accordance withFED-
8、STD-595.3.3 Drying times . A coating of the compound shall be sufficiently dry in a maximum of 30minutes to accept recoating. A single coat of the compound shall be completely dry in amaximum of 6 hours. During and after drying the compound coating shall not crack, separate,lose adhesion, discolor,
9、or deteriorate.3.4 Consistency . The compound, after hand stirring for no more than 5 minutes, shall have auniform fluid to solid consistency. There shall be no evidence of surface skins. Settled solidsshall easily be reincorporated, upon stirring, to form a uniform mixture. The compound shallmainta
10、in a hand brushable consistency.3.5 Wear resistance . The compound, coating a walkway, shall be resistant to wear as specified in5.3.3.6 Adhesion and flexibility . The walkway compound shall adhere to metal surfaces intemperatures from -60 0 F to +200 0 F. The walkway compound, after applied to a su
11、rface, shall notcrack, soften, blister, discolor, separate, or deteriorate when bent through an arc of 180 0 around a2 inch mandrel within the specified temperature range.3.7 Fuel and fluid resistance . The walkway compound, after application, shall be resistant toaircraft lubricants, hydraulic flui
12、ds, hydrocarbon fuels JP-4, JP-5, and JP-8, and deicing fluids.3.8 Shelf life . A new container of walkway compound shall be satisfactory for use after one yearof storage in a dry sheltered area at room temperature or 75 0 F + 5 0 F.4. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS.4.1 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) .
13、The offeror/contractor shall submit an MSDS witheach shipment of walkway compound. The MSDS shall be prepared in accordance with FED-STD-313.4.2 Recovered materials . The offeror/contractor is encouraged to use recovered materials to themaximum extent practicable. In accordance with paragraph 23.403
14、 of the Federal AcquisitionRegulation (FAR).Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-A-A-5916635. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS.5.1 Contractor certification . The contractor shall certify and maintain substantiating evidencethat the product off
15、ered meets the salient characteristics of this Commercial Item Description, andthat the product conforms to the producers own drawings, specifications, standards, and qualityassurance practices. The government reserves the right to require proof of such conformanceprior to first delivery and thereaf
16、ter as may be specified in the contract.5.2 Market acceptability . One of the market acceptability criteria specified in 5.2.1, 5.2.2, or5.2.3 are necessary to document the quality of the product to be provided under this CID.5.2.1 The company producing the item must have been producing a product me
17、eting therequirements of this CID, for at least 2 years.5.2.2 The company, offering the item, must have sold 1000 units, meeting this CID, in thecommercial market place or to the Government over the past 2 years.5.2.3 The company producing the item must submit a sample of their product from their ow
18、nproduction. The product sample shall meet the requirements of this CID.5.3 Wear resistance . The walkway coating shall withstand 5000 wear cycles when tested asspecified in FED-STD-141, method 6192.1 (see 3.5).6. PACKAGING.6.1 Packaging . Preservation, packing, and marking shall be as specified in
19、the contract or order.7. NOTES.7.1 Part identification number (PIN) . The following part identification numbering procedure isfor Government purposes and does not constitute a requirement for the contractor.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
20、-,-,-A-A-59166The following example describes of the PIN for CID A-A-XXXXX.AAXXXXX-2G30318 Example of referenced PINAAXXXXX - 2 G 30318Type: 1 = Type I2 = Type IISize: Q = QuartG = GallonColor: NUMBER COLOR25414 = Blue26270 = Gray30318 = Brown36081 = Gray36231 = Gray36251 = Gray36440 = Light gray370
21、38 = Black37875 = WhiteCLEAR = Transparent or Neutral7.2 Source of documents.7.2.1 Federal Standards are available from the Standardization Documents Order Desk, 700Robbins Avenue, Building 4D, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.7.2.2 ASTM standards are available from the American Society for Testing and M
22、aterials, 100Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken PA 19428-2959.Color Brown per FED-STD-595Size - GallonType IICID IdentifierDashProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-A-A-5916657.3 Ordering data . Procurement documents should specify the fo
23、llowing:Title, number, and date of this CIDType (see 2.1)Size (see 2.2)Color number (see 3.2)Quantity7.4 National Stock Numbers ( NSNs) . The following is a list of assigned NSNs, whichcorrespond to this CID. The list may not be indicative of all possible NSNs associated with thisCID.FED-STD-595NSN
24、Type Size Color 8010-00-141-7838 II Gallon 340878010-00-141-7840 I Gallon 364408010-00-141-7842 II Gallon 364408010-00-142-6525 II Quart 370388010-00-151-4903 II Gallon 254148010-00-202-1251 I Gallon 378758010-00-202-2499 I Gallon 360818010-00-599-9201 II Gallon 360818010-00-641-0426 II Gallon 36231
25、8010-00-641-0427 II Gallon 370388010-00-641-0428 I Gallon 362318010-00-641-0429 I Gallon 370388010-01-106-7786 I Gallon 303188010-01- 280-5130 II Gallon 362518010-01-382-3709 II Gallon 26270Custodians: Preparing activity:Air Force - 99 Air Force - 84Army - AVNavy - AS Agent:Air Force - 99Review acti
26、vities: (Project 8010-9802)Army - MINavy - SHProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4. NATURE OF CHANGE (Identify paragraph number and include proposed rewrite, if possible. Attach extra sheets as needed.)STANDARDIZATION DOCUMENT IMPROVEMENT
27、 PROPOSALINSTRUCTIONSThe preparing activity must complete blocks 1, 2, 3, and 8. In block 1, both the document number and revisionletter should be given.The submitter of this form must complete blocks 4, 5, 6, and 7.The preparing activity must provide a reply within 30 days from receipt of the form.
28、1.2.3.NOTE: This form may not be used to request copies of documents, nor to request waivers, or clarification of requirementson current contracts. Comments submitted on this form do not constitute or imply authorization to waiver any portion ofthe referenced document(s) or to amend contractual requ
30、Code)(1) Commercial (2) AUTOVON(If applicable) e. DATE SUBMITTED(YYMMDD)8. PREPARING ACTIVITYa. NAMEWR-ALC/TILCCb. TELEPHONE (Include Area Code)(1) Commercial (2) AUTOVON(912) 926-6630 468-6630c. ADDRESS (Include Zip Code)460 2nd STREET STE 221ROBINS AFB GA 31098-1640IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE A REPLY WI
31、THIN 45 DAYS, CONTACT:Defense Quality and Standardization Office5203 Leesburg Pike, Suite 1403, Falls Church, VA 22041-3466Telephone (703) 756-2340 AUTOVON 289-2340DD FORM 1426, OCT 89 (EF-V1) (PerFORM PRO) PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-