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1、WI i-.- .-e.- MIL-A-9207B 47 I 997970b 0243922 5 I 1 I. I MILIT Wood, Xaile3 (Overseas ?!a) Presemtiaa, Yethods of Cable, Ftexible, 3O ad 600 volts Electron fibes, Choice and Application Of Conneotore, Electrical, *AN* Pupa _ . . . . - . - . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking

2、 permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-9207B 47 9777906 0243723 7 W . - MILI -6181 -. Drawings and Data- Lista i Preparation of Bnufac turera (for Produc tion Aircraft, hidca Xissiles , Engines, Accesecriea and: Other huxiliary Equpmrnt ) Environmental Tes Tachom ter Four Pole Genera tcr ; Ta

3、chabter, Two Polo, Air- craft interference Liniks, tests an. Design Requirements, Aircraft Electrical and Electronic Equipment Lubrication of Aircraft, General Speci- fication for . Screw Thrsads i Standard, Aeronautical MLSTD- MILsTD-l3O rkrkir43: for CbipGnt and Storage -Identification Marklw of W

4、. S. Kiiitary Propertry DRAWINGS Ur ForcedJsvy Aeronautical i AN3102 Connectors = Ehctrical, Receptacles, AIm1oOog Bx Mo;intlw mmting Pad and brive - Aircraft I Tachometer : _-. - - m20005 Wive - Type XV Engine Accessory c (Co2iea of specifications , etandards , drawinga , and publics tiom required

5、by contractors la connection with specific procurement functions should be obtsined trau the procuring activty or a3 directed bj the contractins offioer.) 2.2 mm mLxcmom American Society.For Testing Ihterials ASTM-D1752-!j6T CR=!V Polychloroprene Shea th Compound For Elsetsical Insulated Cords and C

6、ablea - . ._ . - -_ . . . . . .- . 1 . . . . _I ._ . . . . . _._. .-. _-._ _I_._I._._ _. . . _._ _ ._- .-. . ._ . . . . - .-. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-72078 49 9799706 02LI3724 7 ._ ta LA-92078 ( UM). (Co2ies of American

7、Society For Testing Vatarials Reports nay be obtained on applfcatoD to American Society For Testlng anal-per instnrnrnt , cylinder selector tiwitch, engine driven synchronizer vbsn required for vibration analysis, capacitive oc inductive timfrg pulse indicator, vibration pickups , vibration harness

8、leads, vibration pichp adapters, ignition lead cables, vibration lead cables, m suitable receptacles for att8Ching dl electrical leads. , b. The type II analyzer shall consist of the type I analyzer but hgving in additicn, a non-ensine driven syilchronizer and a metel carrying case. storing the harn

9、ess to suitch cable. The reel will consist of two (2) discs tin9 a timm assembly which shall be removed fra the box for reeling or unreeling of the cpble. The reel will be rollsd on the ground to discharge or pickup. the cable, A removable rack for thirty (30) vibration pickups. shall also be provid

10、ed. stored in tho carrying case shall occur when tmbling the carrying case. The carrying case shell be provided with a rdel for No scattering of items 3.2 PATEFiU3.S.- Materials shall conform to the applicable specb ficatias and shall be as specified herein. bhterials which are not covered by apalic

11、able specifications, or which are not specifically described herein, shall be ofthe best quelity, of the lightest practical weight, and suitable for the purpose inkendede i 3.2.1 FUGUS TaEA“T Materials that are nutriente for Aina shall used where it is.practica1 to avoid them. they shall be t

12、reated with a fungicidal agent acceptable to the pro- curing activity. fiagicidal agent. . construction of the complete analyzer that are subjst- to det8riOrStin when exposed to clinzatic and environmental condii,iono likely ti7 raYur during service usage, they she21 be protctzd &;r; such det-?

13、fmation fn 8 m-mner that will in no way prevent cnx:;-! -.ce with thcl ;Zio-Ce requiremeats of tbie specification. that will crack, chip, or scale with aga or extpr,ms of climatic OT en- viromental conditions ahell be avoided. ! vided with an indicator liate I _- i Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo re

14、production or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-i ! ! SIIGIS GR .JLnFLE r,:r“;“ERi E4TX!XIS.- Tlie Types I an5 II anslyzor instmat siin11 ce assenbled in a unit ch1ssi3. -Jzria tioiis to this requirerzt i .3:iall be subject tcr Sie approvsl OZ the promrinz activit;,

15、 .I 3 03.3 1 PO;I% 3.3.,3.1.1 factorily fro= the following power source: 60 and /LOO cycies. SCilFGE.- %le analyzer instmcnt shall ope ref satis- 320 volt; arc., sinse rhase, Pk.EXR?CS.- The analyzer pt :ern obrcrved on the cathode ray screen slinll confom to t!ie following: SI=.-

16、*th of horizont31 si;Gep shall Oc Z to 28ichf:s. For single pttcm rt?uluai ex- _L- ?- . . - *.- -. _. . . . . . _ . _ - - - . .- - - . - - - . - .-. . -. . “ - . . -.- - . - . _-_ . - . -.- . .-.- - .-. - .- - . * .- -._._ . -. “_ - -. . -. - 4 .I / Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or ne

17、tworking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- sTAaZLITY.- AEalgzur circaitf shall not cause . hdluidual jmtterna to xmve more than 1 creillk.shaft degree per IC0 rga chane when engine speed is veried fim 1,000 to 3,000 rp. At any fixed speed within this range the pattern shall be stable.

18、 NT3SITY XM) FOCUS.r Adjuatrrient of intensity and focus shall be required only once during a single analysia and shell not afieot pattern position or wave form. trace and the engine crankshait position shall exist throughout a minimum of 1400 to 2200 revolutions per minute. speed range by

19、 linear interpolation of the indicated trace it shall Be possible to read within 5 percent of the crankshaft degree8 dis- pisyed similtmeouslg on the cathode ray tube-trace. haterpolation shall be possible across the entire cathode ray tube face when viewing thenonnal or expanded weepdispleys given

20、la LINE;ARITY.o dL linear relation between the horizontal Throughout this This linear 3 e3.2.3 PATTERN PRESEXTAT1W.- The mthod of presenting the pattern on the tube face shall be such that every portion of the 720 engine cycle can be viewed sbultaneously and. located in a nnimun

21、of tke. The vibration or ignition patterns for.each engine cylinder, presentad on the cathAe ray tube Bhall all begin with the same vibra- tion or ignition event at the same location on the tube face. These patterns shall be positively identifiable without the operator being required to how their se

22、quence. the scope shall be undistortcd by analyzer circuits, response for the analyzer isition circuitry shall be flat within 3 PB for a frequency range of 6 to 20,000 c.p.s. The response to any frequency outside of this range shall not exceed the level of any response within the ran. - SYli

23、CH;.O?iI“2Zt BiCwyP DRIVEN.=. This analyzer synchronizer, when used, shall cccnint on the engine tachometer drive psd which msy be either a typo I or type IS conforming to ANDlOOO5 and AND20005. it shall be posscble to tim the engine driven synckroaizer to the enblyzer spten at any desired crankshaf

24、t angle at bcth the generatcr u.d st tho ennlyzer. nechanical requirormts and tests outlined in tachamter eenerator Specif ieaticns h-G-6027 aid bXL4-5Q3. not exceod 2.25 pourids. VAVE FW.- The characteristic wave form presented on The frequency The synchronizer shall met all the applicabl

25、e WECKP.- The engine mounted synchronizing device shall . ._ . . ._ . - / . . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-7Z07B 47 m 7777Ob 02Ll3730 4 W SCiLiGiKZb IICPT-Ew gwth xhich 006s not affect operation shall not

26、be cause for rejection. S3ecific.tia 14IL-E-5272, Procedure I. At the coqpletion of this test, the wits shell be operated for oae hour ble8 and placed in operation. Eacb vacum tbe ex2loyed in the syH.t,em shall bs remved individually and replaced cansecutively with six tubes of $he sane ty-ge design

27、ation taken at randon fTm stock. Bny vaiation in ?erfor;r;ance shall be correctable with a minimum adjust- mnt af controls or adjustment nechanisxcs. , It ehall be permissible to utilize a standard aircraft ignition filter on mgrteto switch lead when conducting this test. exceed 159 watts as detemin

28、ed . measurer! ta detcnniac that the puder factor is not less than (.YO), 4.5 TEST IWTUTImT.- .4t the discretion of the procuring activitg, a test irstallation shall be Irade to determine the feasibility o,“ utiliz- ing this unit ca any aizcraft piston engine specified in paragraph 3.9.1. 5. XE?ARAT

29、IC2l FGt DELfVEiCf 5.1 FFESEZVA“IO?JA! TACKAGING 5,i. Pa mbm sHXPT (IMGDIATE USE mii s%im).- Arialyzers i l. shrill be affcrcled preservation and packaging in accordance dth the mu= facturer b: replacaen t-part pzactice. / . - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted with

30、out license from IHS-,-,-i 4 1 d / ! ! -7% - a- U-op3(ESAF) 5.1.2 Fa19 DCGSTfC Sm (LIMITED STCRACE).- Analyzers shall be afforded protection aTIO”Y7KlNG.- Reinspection =king shall be added in. accordance with Bulletin No. 1105. * . . ., . ._- - . -. . . 17 . , _. I . . . Provided by IHSNot for Resal

31、eNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I I_ MIL-A-7207B 49 = 7979706 02q3737 O IaL4-92G73(JSAF) . 6. EGTES , 6.1 INTEHDD USE.- The Engine hnalyzers described by this specifica- tion, cmtain C.he basic Analyzer Instrument. They are clesilped to detect, lcczte, arid ieca

32、tlfy reciprocating aircraft ensine nbao,qs?lities as well as to fnticats norm1 engine opration. The tyge I equismen5 will ba wed in the test cell uhile the Tye XI is prlmrily intended for Plight line Sf?. 6.2 D9BJisJC FLETctz?ET/uTrs.- Tbe attention of contractors is invited %o tire fact tbt Ga-rerm

33、nt contract?; for aqu+.pmnt, whether procured dLrectiy bj tht? kvarmnt or through anathsr ocntractor, .require that all Craiiinp scbmitted, mut be in accordance with the requirezeets of 53 cc 1 fica t ion XIL-D-528. 6,3 B3E31NG 3ATA.- Qequlsitions, con:racts, sr.d oraers should stu$e typ an? whether

34、 overseas pecking is require9 sad the cDnditions for.the following: 6.3.1 PRE?3CIxc.TfN TCjTS.- It is expected that tbe contract or prchae oder gill specify tbt me isition and vibration anfilyzerwLlL be reqkrcd 8s 9 swle by the procaring activity an9 that this sanple vil1 be sub jectQd to any or all

35、 tests of this specifica2ion. This sainple will be furnished with complete instructions for ccr, en engine amljrsi.3, such acd tho fact %?xi% the 2, or in my way supplied the said dravings, specifications, or osher zts is not to be regarded by implication or cstherdse 9s -in aw marner liccmi

36、ng the holder or OW other person or cozporation, of. convey- ing any rights or permission to wafacture, Use or se11 any patented invention that may in any way be related thereto. - . . . . - ._ - - - - . . . I-_ -._._-.-.-.- _I_._ I- r “ . . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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