1、i i i I I I 1 I i I f ! . .r BODY, STILL yIC7“FB, AJXCAFT RECONUJSSAIEE Cfi!EFtA, TYR3 D-b. This amennent form a part of Eilitary Specification 16601 (LEAF) dated i7 April 1953 Page i, title: Revise title to read as follower .Body, Still Ficture, Aircraft Fteconnaissance Camera, Type D-W Page 1, par
2、agraph 1.1 Delete: “Type w“ and substitute “Type D-4a“ therefor and incorporate this change wherever “Type D-4“ appears in this specification. Page 12, paragraph 6.2 dd cm a new parcigrapht . .- 96.2- Supersession data The :Type 0-4;. designation ia required to reflect the change in the camera body
3、which permita it to me$ the :-.- - !- :. I i I 1 i I I I f I new radio Interference requirements specified in the current revision or peciication it1-61. referenced in Specification MIM-6494. Specification ML-C-8494 depicts the requirements for the Type U-2 cmera of hich the Type D-4A camera bdy is a major component.“ - . I t e. . -_ 1 .- _. -%. .- ._ . .- . -,. - _. -. . - I. .- . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-