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1、i MIL-D-4Lb2 67 7777706 OLL177Lb 4 / MILITARY SPECIFICATION MA(RDCH KIT, PIIOTOGRAPXIC, AIR PORTABLE, TYPS v-1 1.1 niir 6peoiiYoatlon oovers one type o? darkroom.klt, dwignated Typo U-1, nhi.oh I8 a portable darkroom for use inside an available shelter to provide wo*- ne rpaoe in whioh field photogr

2、aphia prooesslng equipment om be operated, 20 APPLICABLE SPBCIFICATIOI4S AND DRAIDNG h1 The followinp, speoifloations end drawing, of the issue in effeoh on tha date of imitation for bids, shall form a part of thir rpeoifioation to the oxtent rpeoifl d herein: - 2.1.11 Witaq: JAN-P-100 Paokaainq and

3、 Paok for Olerrear Shipment; JAN-P-105 Paokaging and Paokinr for herrear Shipment: JAN-P-O Paokaging and Paoking for versear Shipment; JAN-P-125 Paokwing and Paoking for verser Shipment: JAN-P-1201 Paokaging and Paokinc for Overseas Shipment: JAN-P-139 Packaging and Paakinp: for Overreas Shipment: J

4、AN-P-llpO Paokaglng and Paoking for Overseas Ehipiaent; Omerrl Speoifiortion Boxer, Rood, Cleated, Plywood Boxer, riood, Nailed Bar ri eM!a t eri al s , Viat erproo f, Fl ex1 bl e Tape; Water Ros1 sfant, Gved Plywood, Container Grado Adheslvea, bat er- Re si staut, Case-Liner 20101.2 Air Foroe-Nary

5、Aeronautioalr AN-F12 Tape: Adhesive Moisture Reri stant .AN-P-l3 Preservation and Paokaging; Parti end Equipment (General Bpeoifloation For) u s. AY: 9bk0645 arkiug; Exterior, bmertio and Upart Shipment, by Contraotorr I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted wi

6、thout license from IHS-,-,-MIL-D-4162 67 77377Ob 0147717 b . . . .i . . . .- Q “ - 3 4- UIL-D-U (USAF) (Copies of thio spool fioation, Yilitary, Air Fpro-Navy Aeronautioal (AN), and U. S. Army epeoifioetions, and the U. S. Air Force dreuing may be obtained upon application to the Conmianding General

7、, Air Nateriel Comand, Wright- Patterson Air Foros Brrse, Dayton, Ohio. Both the title and identifying number or symbol should be stipulated hen requeeting oopies.) 3.1 Design.- The kit shall oonfom to Drawing No. shall engage the servioes of a oameroial tepting laboretory oapable of oonduotlng teat

8、s to determine o0101 plianoe with all the requirements and testa in the speoifiostion, and aooeptp to the Government. Contraotors not having laboratory 4.2 Inspeotion Samp1ea.- Three kits shall be taken-at-random from eaoh lot and eubjeoted to the sampling tests. individual tests speoifiad herein. s

9、eme oonditGs and suomitted for inspeotion et substantially the same time. These tests shall be in addition to the 4.2.1 Lot.- A lot shall oonslat of kits manufaotured under essentidilythe 4.2.2 Lot Re3eotion.- When tests are speolfied tn a number of kits that are representative of a lot, and one or

10、more of thle number fails to meet the requirmentr, the entire lot shall be rejeoted. The defeat and itr oauaea shall be remedied prior to resumption of the regular sampling prooedure. 4.3 Inspeotion Test Methods.- Inapeofion of the kit shall consist 01 the fOllOdfig t.Ost6 t . 4.3.,1 _.C Individual

11、Tests.- Eaoh kit shell be subjeoted to the following teste: Fjramination of Produote- The kit shall be inspeoted for oonformuroe with the requlremants tspecified herein, in regards to Quality of oonstruation, dlmensiona and suitability of meterle1 ued. 4.3.2 SUnpling !88%6: tight Pro

12、of.- The kit shall be set up cnd the entrance vestibule and saoh of the darkrooms shell, when olosed, be light proof when exposed to direat sunlight or artifloial llzht intensity of 10DOOO foot-oandles from any dimotion at ti heieht of 30-degree angle above the horizontal plane. daykrooms shall rema

13、in liy,ht proof with the outaide door of the vestibule open. The 1).3.2*2 HiIdditlc- Wood SeOtiOn8, OlOSOd, nithotit oontents shall he plaoed under a fine sprny of water at a temperature of 70“ f 5O F for a oontinuoua period o 120 hours, CUl.tain6 of fabria shal enolose the case end sprayed 00 tha$

14、maximum condition6 of humidity will be maintained in and around the aase. At the end of the 120 hour period, all prirt6 hhell be in such a oondition that the doors can be oparated, the panels aesemblod, and all movable parts operated in e normal manner. There shall be no warping, swelling or deterio

15、ration of the structure to tho extent that the 1bborRfory is diffioult to assemble or rpquires repairs to render it servioeable. The wood seotione after redrying 01 shall * show no openings qf joints or delamination or failure of the plyrcocjd. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or network

16、ing permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4- MIL-D-S (WAF) 4*3*2b3 a.- Eaoh section of the kit paoked for shipment shall be plaoed inOhQ6 high; the support shell than be hiiddenly raoved, ailou- with on0 and of tho bottom rooting on a oonorote floor, the other end resting on a support ng tihi3 ond

17、to fnll free to the floor, endr The aomo ooction shall then bo dropped vartioally on eaoh end from a hoight of 12 inchoa, Ud motor BI1011 bo plaood with one end of the aide rostin on a conorete floor, the othsr end of tho side restinc on a tupport jl inahos hich, and the tibove teat ropeated on both

18、 sido6 Gf this oeotion, bo opened and inspaotodr Al1 parts shell be in normal position, end the kit #hall show no signs of splitting or damage to the oontents. Tho toot shall be repaatod with the other In mddition to tho sbove, the sdction oontainine the blower After these teats, the kit shall 4.3.2

19、*h Lerilcoo,- Aftor the drop toat, the sinks shall be set up, tho draina The plged, and viator plaood la the sinks to a lovol of approximately 3 inohea. level shall be rnaintfiinod for hmr8, eftor which the sinks ehall be dreined and driud at conditiono of 1350 f 50 F dry bulb, and 1000 f 5O F wet b

20、ulb, or dryer, for Irts hotiro. At 150 time durinp; the wetting and drying shnll tho sink warp to suoh a deeree thet the lid nil1 not, fit, and tb$o ahall bo no splitting or oponinp, of 6em6 sufficient to allow 1eakar;o p,rilat omugh to oauoe dripping. hic teet ehali be ropoatod at least one more ti

21、me. 4.4 Dcm-a ehPr11 be Soelad with tape oonfonning to SpecifiOatiOn JAWPmlar 5bzeea Crnbn Pea?.- The sink droin ilangoo shall be olosed nith a wood plut out off bo soled by tapa omforming to EpeoificaLlon AN-T-12. on tho outsido and inaida. fie inside of the flange shall J. 3 Fztorior Packing: 5.3.

22、1 - Damonid.o Iaa;c5n.- Unleao othornioe tpaoified, the kite shall be knOOk8d-dOirn and prriokad 3n uubatanti nl cormwoial extorior shipping oontainers conaBruotod to !i6ur0 saooptwao by oommoa or other carrier for safe trans- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted with

23、out license from IHS-,-,-MIL-D-LiLhZ 67 m 7777706 03Li7720 b m 6- wn-D.4l62 (U8AF) effeot at the time of shipnent, end shell be capable of withatending itorage, rehandling, and reshipment without the neoeisity for repeaking. !&3.? Ort Paoking.- Hhen export paokag is speofied, the kit rhall be paoked

24、 in e?erior containers oonfonaing to Speoifioations JAN-P-IO or JAN-P-105. Plyuood shall be Type B, Condition I, In aooordmoe wlth Speoifioatioa JAN-PlB. Rtroh exterior shipping oontainer shall be hrniehed with a sealed oa86liner from material oonfoxming to Speoifioation JAN-P-125. All 6em6 and olos

25、urei ohall be sealed with adhesive oonfonniryg to Speoifioation JAN-Y-lb 5.4 Nsrkingr 5.Ll Exterior Shipping Container.- The exterior shipping oontriner ,hell bo marked in aooordanoe with S peoi fio ation No. 94-40645. & NOTES b.1 Ordering Data.- Proourement dooumente should etate the following: a.

26、b. Title, number and date of this cpe01fioation. Whether donestlo or export paoking is required. PATENT NOTICES data are used for any purpose other than in oonneotion with a definitely tela ted Government proourement operation, the linited States Government thereby inours no responsibility nor any o

27、bli- gation whatsoevert and the faot that the Government may have formulated, furnished, or in any way aupplled the said dfarriqy8, speoifioations, of other data, is not to bs regarded by implication or otherwise as in any manner lioansing the holder or any other person or oorporation, or oonveyins any rights or permirrioa to manufaoture, Use, or sell my patented Sinrention that nay in erry rrey be related thereto. Pihen &verment drawings, speoifioations, or other Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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