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1、NOT MEASUREMENTSENSITIVEMIL - DTL - 9854D22 November 2010SUPERSEDINGMIL - PRF - 9854C29 November 1996DET AIL SPECIFICA TIONTECHNICAL MANUALS: STRUCTURAL REP AIR(AIRCRAFT)Comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may beof use in improving this document should be su

2、bmitted to: ESC/HGGI, 4170 HebbleCreek Road, Bldg. 280, Door 15, Area A, W right - Patterson AFB, OH 454335653 orby email to: Since contact information can change, thecurrency of this address information should be verified using the ASSIST Online databaseat https:/assist.dap

3、 N/A AREA TMSSDistribution Statement A. Appr oved for public r elease; distribution is unlimited.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL - DTL - 9854D1 SCOPE1.1 S c o p e . This specification covers the requirements for tec

4、hnical manuals containing aircraft structuralrepair instructions, excluding battle damage repair . In addition to paper delivery , this specification providesfor electronic delivery of data.1.2 B a t t l e d a m a g e d a t a . The acquiring activity will specify whether battle damage data will be p

5、rovided asa separate manual or as an appendix to the basic manual (see 6.2 ). When issued as a separate manual, bothmanuals shall reference each other according to the requirements in MIL - STD - 38784.1.3 D e t a i l . The level of detail contained in this detail specification is necessary to compl

6、y with therequirements of the Joint Computer - aided Acquisition and Logistics Support (JCALS) system.2 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.1 G e n e r a l . The documents listed in this section are specified in sections 3 , 4 , or 5 of this specification.This section does not include documents cited in other sec

7、tions of this specification or recommended foradditional information or as examples. While every ef fort has been made to ensure the completeness of thislist, document users are cautioned that they must meet all specified requirements of documents cited insections 3 , 4 , or 5 of this specification,

8、 whether or not they are listed.2.2 G o v e r n m e n t d o c u m e n t s .2.2.1 S p e c i fi c a t i o n s , s t a n d a r d s , a n d h a n d b o o k . The following specifications, standards, and handbooks forma part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the

9、 issues of thesedocuments are those cited in the solicitation or contract.DEP AR TMENT OF DEFENSE SPECIFICA TIONSMIL - PRF - 28001 Markup Requirements and Generic Style Specification forElectronic Printed Output and Exchange of T extMIL - DTL - 83495 Manuals, T echnical, On Equipment Set, Or ganizat

10、ional Manuals:Detailed Requirements for Preparation ofDEP AR TMENT OF DEFENSE ST ANDARDSMIL - STD - 1808 System Subsystem Sub - subsystem Numbering (SSSN)MIL - STD - 38784 T echnical Manuals: General Style and Format Requirements(Copies of these documents are available online at https:/assist.daps.d

11、 orwww or from the Standardization Documents Order Desk, 700 Robbins A venue, Building 4D,Philadelphia, P A 191 1 1 - 5094.)2.2.2 O t h e r G o v e r n m e n t d o c u m e n t s , d r a w i n g s , a n d p u b l i c a t i o n s . The following other Government doc

12、uments,drawings, and publications form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwisespecified, the issues are those cited in the solicitation or contract.AIR FORCE TECHNICAL MANUALST O 00 - 5 - 3 AF T echnical Order Life Cycle Management(Copies of this document are availab

13、le online at https:/www .tinker .)2.3 N o n - G o v e r n m e n t P u b l i c a t i o n s . The following documents form a part of this document to the extentspecified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are those cited in thesolicitati

14、on or contract.INTERNA TIONAL ORGANIZA TION FOR ST ANDARDIZA TION (ISO)ISO 8879 Information processing - T ext and of fice systems - StandardizedGeneralized Markup Language (SGML) (DoD adopted).(Copies of this document are available for purchase online at http:/www .ansi.or g or may be ordered by ma

15、ilfrom the American National Standards Institute, 1819 L. Street, NW , US - W ashington, DC 20036.)2Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL - DTL - 9854D3 REQUIREMENTS3.1 P r e p a r a t i o n . The general manner of preparation of the ba

16、sic structural repair manual and battle damagedata, when required, shall be in accordance with MIL - STD - 38784. System Subsystem Sub - subsystemNumbering (SSSN) shall be developed in accordance with MIL - STD - 1808.3.1.1 M a r g i n a l C o p y . When structural repair manuals will be used in con

17、junction with Or ganizationalMaintenance Manuals (OMMS) prepared in accordance with of MIL - DTL - 83495.Electronic media: Display of SSSN shall be in accordance with MIL - STD - 38784.Print media: Structural repair manuals shall display the applicable SSSN in the lower - outer corner ofeach page, u

18、sing 18 point type, directly above the page number .3.1.2 N o m e n c l a t u r e . When SSSNs are used, vehicle equipment nomenclatures excluding structuralcomponents shall be followed by the applicable higher level reference designation in parenthesis. Manualtitles, chapter/section titles, and sys

19、tem/subsystem nomenclatures shall be followed by the applicableSSSN in parenthesis.3.2 B a s i c s t r u c t u r a l r e p a i r m a n u a l . The extent of coverage shall be as follows:3.2.1 C o n t e n t . The structural repair manual shall contain information required by maintenance personnelfor

20、determining the extent of damage to the aircraft structure and instructions for its repair that are notcontained in general manuals for structural repair and other general repair manuals. C o v e r e d r e p a i r s . When repairs covered in the general repair manuals are acceptable for theap

21、plicable aircraft, it shall be so stated and referenced in the appropriate chapter/section of the manual.If the information in the general repair manuals is unacceptable, the aircraft manual shall contain theproper information as the aircraft manual will take precedence over the general manual. Elec

22、tronic mediaonly: All references shall be linked to the data to which it applies. N e w o r p e c u l i a r s t r u c t u r e s . Repair instructions for new or peculiar structures, such as tapered skin,sandwich materials, honeycomb assemblies, reinforced plastics, and composite materials sha

23、ll be included inthe manual if they are not covered in the general repair manuals. Coverage of structural components ofpods and external tanks shall also be provided. D e t a i l . Repairs contained shall be simple and practical (considering accessibility , adjacent structures,etc.). Wherever

24、 practical, repairs shall require only hand tools. The use of jigs, machine tools, etc., andrivets requiring heat treatment before driving, shall be specified when necessary . R e p a i r s i n v o l v i n g e x t r u s i o n . When a covered repair involves the use of an extrusion, an altern

25、aterepair , utilizing sheet, bar , or tubing, instead of extrusion, shall also be shown, when practical. N e w t y p e s o r c l a s s e s o f m a t e r i a l . When new types or classes of material are incorporated in theoriginal construction of the aircraft, an alternate repair , if practic

26、al, shall be included based on usingthe more common materials generally available. R e m o v a l a n d i n s t a l l a t i o n i n s t r u c t i o n s . Removal and installation instructions shall be includedfor all structure beyond or ganizational and intermediate level maintenance that is n

27、ot included inthe or ganizational maintenance manual. C o r r o s i o n c o n t r o l i n f o r m a t i o n . Corrosion control information shall be included when a separatecorrosion control manual is not being procured (see 6.2 ). S p e c i a l r e p a i r i n s t r u c t i o n s . In

28、structions for one - time (ferry) flight repairs, temporary repairs, criticalarea repairs, and combat area repairs shall include information of flight restrictions to be imposed (ifapplicable) until such time as permanent repairs have been completed.3.2.2 D a m a g e . Classification shall be as fol

29、lows: negligible damage, repairable damage, crash damage, andcombat area damage. D e fi n i n g c l a s s e s o f d a m a g e . Each class of damage shall be clearly defined, with examples cited, foreach component of the major structural groups covered by the structural group repair sections

30、in themanual. The definitions of each class of damage for a component shall appear in the section ofthe manual covering the component.3Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL - DTL - 9854D3.2.3 R e p a i r s . The scope of the repairs to

31、the various components shall provide for the repair of anyrepairable damage in any location. Definitive statements regarding repair decisions shall be made to precludemisinterpretation and indecision in connection with typical repairs. Cautions shall be included to prohibitunauthorized repairs and m

32、aterials. Where the loads, material thickness, and mar gin of safety vary , atable indicating the station, material, thickness, fastener , diameter , number of fastener rows, fastenerspacing, doubler overlap, and bonding requirements, extent of allowable damage, and information regardingreinforcemen

33、t data to transfer design loads, shall be provided. Where the loads do not vary , typical loadsand minimum design loads for tension, compression, and shear shall be shown. D e s c r i p t i o n o f r e p a i r s . The description of repairs shall be complete and show compliance with allreleva

34、nt design requirements. The repair shall be such as to make the strength of the repaired structure equalto or greater than that required. It shall also maintain the structural capability of the aircraft with dueconsiderations to stif fness and thermal problems. Illustrations of the members of compon

35、ents showing wherethe various types of repairs are to be employed shall be given and the areas where each type is to be usedshall be indicated by shading or other appropriate means. When a combination of two or more repairs willweaken or over stif fen the member beyond the safe limit, the combinatio

36、n shall be indicated and a cautionshall be given to prohibit such a combination. All specific repairs shall be identified by part numbers. U s e o f s t a n d a r d p a r t s . Where ever possible, Government standard parts shall be specified foruse in repair or replacement. References in the

37、 manual to these parts shall be by the applicableGovernment standard part designation.3.2.4 I l l u s t r a t i o n s . In addition to the illustrations specified in , the following illustrations, diagrams,and charts shall be included in the manual with as many additions as required to illus

38、trate detailed repair ofthe aircraft. Illustrations shall be located as close as possible to the related text. F r o n t i s p i e c e . Electronic media: The link to the frontispiece illustration of the aircraft shall belocated at the beginning of Section I.Print media: A three - quarter vie

39、w frontispiece illustration of the aircraft shall face the first page of Section I. F r o n t v i e w . A three - quarter front view illustration in exploded form, indexing all major structuralgroups, shall be placed in Section I (F), Chapter 1 (A). S e c t i o n I . Diagram(s) shall b

40、e provided in Section I identifying, by number , the airplane stations.Numbers shall be identified with the stations by use of connecting lines. M a j o r s t r u c t u r a l g r o u p s . The manual shall include an illustration of each major structural group inthe applicable repair section.

41、 This illustration shall be indexed to show the location of the repair index ofeach component. Component repair index illustrations shall be coded and an accompanying table shallindicate, as applicable, the index number , major or subassembly drawing number , description, size, gage,material, heat t

42、reatment, and reference to the repair illustrations. Print media only: The illustration of eachmajor structural group in the applicable repair section shall be a full page illustration. P r i n c i p a l s y m m e t r y c h e c k d i m e n s i o n s . Diagrams(s) shall be provided showing the

43、 principal symmetrycheck dimensions and permissible field variations. These variations shall never be less than the originalmanufacturing tolerances. Measurements shall be taken from clearly defined points which may be easilylocated and identified in the field. Diagrams and text shall also be provid

44、ed giving alignment check data forlanding gear , wing, stabilizers, etc., to ensure proper aerodynamic performance. L e v e l i n g o f a i r c r a f t . An illustration shall be included clearly showing and identifying the specialpoints used in leveling the airplane transversely and longitud

45、inally . Leveling tools shall be describedand illustrated, as necessary . R e p a i r d i a g r a m s . Repair diagrams and illustrations shall be provided. These diagrams andillustrations shall show all dimensions required for repairs. Such diagrams and illustrations shall consist ofpatch si

46、ze, patch overlaps, cover plates, extrusions, stringers, longerons; rivet, bolt, plug, and screw sizes;spacings, edge distances, materials, etc. Sketches shall be included of specific repairs, and repairs typical tothe construction of the applicable aircraft, which are not covered in general manuals

47、 for structural repair .4Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL - DTL - 9854D3.2.4.8 M a j o r s t r u c t u r a l c o m p o n e n t s . Illustrations shall be included for the major structural components(wings, stabilizer , etc.) which

48、will provide contour data and dimensions necessary for the construction oftemplates, support fixtures, and repair jigs for use in repairing the principal components. Where applicable,contour data shall include the list of contour and master dimension drawings. S t r u c t u r a l r e p a i r

49、k i t s . Illustrations of structural repair kits (and explanation of the use of eachkit) shall be provided, when applicable.3.2.5 A r r a n g e m e n t . The manual shall be arranged in the following order and the sections numberedconsecutively . Electronic media only: The manual shall be chunked by sections.Front MatterSection I GeneralSection Separate sections shall be provided for each of themajor structural groups, such as fuselage, empennage,wing, landing gear , engin


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