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1、!:ILITARY SPECIFICACIOR EBGI$iE_:S, GAEOLIHE y Gi?OUI?D IJUE P/CKEX!l?E, GEXXl1AL SPECiFICATIOA FOI? 1. SCOPE 1.1 ; docwnents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal form a part of this specifkxtion: SPECIPICATIOKS Federal KIL-P-114 HI L-D- 10 O O : IL-c- 3703 P

2、1 tinc, Cadmium (El ctrodeposit 5) 7 !namel, ALkyd, MOSS (For FXterjor Anci Interior Firfaces ) Priver Coatin;, P.lkyd hod And Ferrous ?et a 1 Gasoline Automotive Gasoline, Autorotive, OW Leaded Or Gn 1 e ?-de d ?reservat%on, !ethoas Of Lirawiny;s Inpineerinp_ And Associated Lists Lidx-icati nc 05.1

3、, Intemp 1. Combust ion %,rine, Tectica.1 Yervice ksoline !.tomot.ive Corbat YaCgnesiim Alloyy Precesses For Pretreatmint And Orevention Of Corrosion On Cable, Power, ?Ckctrical; f,rnition, Ilicti-Tensi on EnvironPenta1 Iesting , Aerotmutical And Associated l!qiriprent, General Cpe ci f i c at ion F

4、or Chemical Conversion Coatings On Alurinm An(? AluTinurn Alloys Gsicoline , Aviatior! : Sratles 30/87, ioo/im, 115/1h5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-E-2b24A 28 !,:I 1,- I!- R79 5 SIIL- E-lOOC2 i.33.t ary I!IL-STI)- 4 80 Air Fo

5、rce -Xavy Aeronaut ad Equipxxent Procedures For Packaging And Packing Of Test Reports, Preparation Of ni ssi” Yet als Clisliioning . finchorinE, Bracing, Rlockinp, And Waterproofing; Vith Apyropri nix Ties t !-lethods Vaaor Pressure Chart (Copies of specifications , standards, drawings , and o

6、ublications required by suppliers in connection with succific procurement functions should be obtained from the Drocuririn activity or as darected by tnne contracting officer. ) * 2.2 ? holes shall have helical coil thread inserts. or equivalent. Tubular steel removable pushrod. housinys shall be re

7、tained in the cylinder head by sprinl: pressure and scaled to the crankcase mounted flanges by special synthetic-rubber seals. Pushrods shall be tubulsr stpe alloy with hardened-steel ball ends. Valve rockers shall be alloy-steel forsinEs hardened on wearing surfaces , equinped with bronze bushings,

8、 and drille? for pressure lubrication of the bushings. Valves shall be alloy-steel forgings with hardened tips. The exhaust-valve faces shall be coated with Stellite Wo. 6 alloy, or equivalent. Rocker sha.fts shall be seamless alloy-steel tubes, ground to size after hardening. Positive valve rotator

9、s on the outer spring ends shall he locked to valve-sten grooves by hardened, split conical keys to rotate the valves slightly each cycle. * 3.11 Pistons m_d_-npA. Pisfons shall be aluminum-alloy castings of frill trunk desir;r? machined wit5 necessary ricg grocves to properly control oil usage WIE

10、i:rev2nt co:.;r?ssior, 1eiiks;c xiLti mixklrn YV ar,d ring sticking. The pistor, skirt shall be cm groucd to fit the circular cylimier walls with adequate contact area at normal cylinder operatifig temperature. ?he pin bore shall be finished to a surface roughncss of not more than 2 microinches, roo

11、t nean square (rmc), and truly square with the piston axis. of oistons of any gi-xm part nu?:ker shnll v:ary not more thcm one-half ounce. Only a single type anci part number of piston shall be used in my pck-ette engine Rodel. Piston pins sfia.11- e of scaxleus alloy-steel tubinr, shall be carburiz

12、ed, shall !lave ah-iizix: e:d. ;ilugc pressed in I or alz*.i tim: 3-zo:x.j.: plugs forrise contac?, arid shnll be rachined before center- less grinding and polishir?g of tke pins. Piston rincs shall be fabricated from the best quality, close-grained, piston ring cast iron. The top com;iression ring

13、shall be of the centrifugal cast type or equivelent. P.1.1 rings shall be rr,olybdenun faced to resist scuffing and increase ring life. shall be of the center-slotted type with circw.ferentia.1 e-Ganders . The weights Oil control rings 3.12 ghAuEt-sxs+ two sinple exhust pipe assemblies, one attached

14、 to the exhaust port of each cylinder. Xode1.s havins Cour or more cylinders shaU be eqiiipped with two exhaust manifold assemblies. one a.ttachec1 to each bank of cglinders. A heat- resistant gasket shall be installed betveen each pipe attaching flange and the cylinder port pad to seal the joint. F

15、 flanre shall be attached hy brass hex nuts to twc c:rlinder ctucls. Rach exhaust pipe or manifold assembly shall be constructed of corrosion-resistant steel or e$iivalent metal selected to withstand exhaust, gas heat and corrosive pffect,s. Tach pipe shall be cut from seamless tubing, and each

16、attaching fimge shall be fabricatea of flat s%ock o? sufficient thickness too resist warning under attaching nut bendinc stresses. Attachi.nF; flanges shall be joined to pipes and pipes shall ,joined torether to fom mnifolds, when required, by continuous welds made as specified in 3.28.6. assemblies

17、 shall be capable of withstmdjn(- corrosive effects and exhaust g,as temperatures throu*out the period of operation specified in 3.6.2 vithout Any nodel havinfi only two cylinders may be equipyed. with Fxhaust Fipe and manifold 7 - . . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permi

18、tted without license from IHS-,-,-leakage, cracking, scrioirs erosion of any surface, or distortion to such extent as to make removal or installation difficult. single manifold would produce excessive linear thermal expansion, it will be permissible to construct it of two riKifi sections joined by a

19、 suitahle, gastight clamp or other connecting device that will have the scame durability as the manifold section, will not unduly interfere with cooling 8.i circulation alonp the manifold, arid will relieve the stress of linear expansion on cylinders and on manifold sections. difficulty in disassemb

20、ly due to corrosion, seizure, or other forms of deterioration. Each exhust oipe and manifo1.d shall extend outside the cylinder cooling shroud a short distance to permit connection of an exhaust gas collector systerr. -fitting met81 jacket of such desian as to allow a continuous flow of cooling .ir

21、around the pipe or manifold fromthe enqine cooling fan to a point outside the cooling air shroud, provided that the length of such pipe or manifold within the shroud exceeds 6 inches. Exhaust manifold cooling air jackets shall be designed to p.ern5.t easy removal without disassembly of major portion

22、s of the cooling shrouds or removal of other major engine parts. shall. be constructed of corrosion-resistant naterials or their surfaces shn11 be treated to resist corrosim at the temperature attained in full load and rated speed operation throuph the period specified in 3.6.2. 3.13 Lubricatjornry$

23、gm. A force feed lubrication system shall be employed. The oil shall be stayed in, drawn from, and returned by gravity to a wet-tpe sump. engine passages by a positive displacenent pump with a.d.enuRt,e capacity to supply all pressure lubricnted arts under a11 onerating conditions syecified herein.

24、prevent the entrance of dangerously laxge particles. The intake shall be lower than the minimum safe oil level at my 8.ny;le of tilt specified in 3.6.3. An oil filter, as specified in 3.13.3, shall be -laced bettTeen the oil pump and all lubricated points in the enrine. One or more nressure relief v

25、aJ.ves, as necessary, shall be installed at such accessible locations that oil pressure throughout the Dressure system will be rnaintainsd between 10 oounds per square inch (psi) at recomended idling speed and 70 psi at rated speed. 111. plain bearings and all busbings in the engine, excludin.2 atta

26、ched accessories, shall be lubricated by the pressure s:ster:. Where the location of a bearing makes pressure lubricati on inpractical, a pease-sealed antikiction bearing sha.11 be employed. Gem- teeti-, cm lobes .cn;linder -w.lls s!:;ll b I.iricatcr?. 2:- c;I;lash. as iiiicated in 3.10, engine shal

27、l be lubricated, if necessaq;, by %he engine pressure system or shall be equipped with 1;rease-sealed bearings, or equal, with a life expectancy of at least that sGccified for the packette engine in 3.6,2, or these acces- sories shall incorporate provisions for Kanual lubricnti 011 %-hen assexbled o

28、r when installed 01: the pckette ecginc, ar?$ such zanual lubrication shall be adequate for the serioc! specifiefi in 3.6.2, !%en the length of a Such connecting means shall not cause Each pipe and manifold shall be enclosed in a tight Jacket parts The oil shall be dram from the simp reservoir and f

29、ed directly into The oil Dump intake shall be nrovided with a screen. or equal, to ?elve s: s3all %e pressure lubricatec. through tlie pushrods , Attacbetl acceasorics supplied as narts of the uackettc 3.13.1 3LJ.px. nay be youred into it without tlie use of.3. saecial container or funnel,

30、Wie cap shall be desicncd to I.cck in position on the fill-er opening when rotated not more than one-half revolution and to release when reverse motion is applied. A means of suspension near the filler opening shall be provided in the cap assexbly to prevent its loss. 5hi. oil sI1a11 ?.e cd

31、3:c-t size wA so loc:tt;ec? t,:tt oil 8 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-t1-26248fi.(us) 3.13.2 GiLJines. External hoses and tubes shall not be used to convey oil under pressure, unless specifically approved by the procuring activity.

32、When used, such hoses shall conform to 1.lIL-II-8794, and hose assemblies shall conform to MIL-H-8735. 3.13.3 Oil filt_er_. A permanent, full.-flow type of oil filter shall be provided for the removal of injurious particles from the lubricating oil. shall be mounted in an accessible location so that

33、 removal for cleaning will not permit oil to drain on any part of the packette assembly. It shall have adequate dirt capacity for 50 hours of engine operation without attention. 3.13.4 Oil sump-. sufficient capacity to permit operation of the engine at its rated soeed and output for a period of i5 h

34、ours without addition of oil and without reducing the oil supply to an unsafe level when oil consumption is at, the maximum rate specified in the applicable militarj standard. sealed to the engine crankcase, either directly or by means of an adapter, in such a manner as to minimize the possibility o

35、f oil leakage. It Each packette engine shall be equipped with an oil sump of The sump shell be attached and C)hrnage. the oil sump, and this shall be the lowest point in the lubrication system when the packette engine is either in the level position or inclined at any angle of tilt within t

36、he linits specified in 3.6.3. sufficient size to permit reasonably ranid drainage of the oil supply and shall be tapped to receive a tapered pipe plug. A plug shall be installed in the drain hole, shall prevent any oil leakage when properly installed, shall not seize in the SD, and shall be removabl

37、e with a standard size and type of wrench. Oil drainage from cylinder rocker boxes into the sw.p through external metal tube assenlies xi11 be ?errx.ssi?ale vhen necessary to meet the tilt requirements in 3.6.3, provided that all external parts installed for such purpose, including any rubber parts

38、and connectors, will not require application of sealing paste or compound of such character as to make dis- assembly difficult in order to affect tight joints and will not be subject to deterioration or failure, due to vibration, tenperature effects, or chemical attack, within the operatint; period

39、specified in 3.6.2. An oil drain hole shall be provided in the bottom of The drain hole shall be of ?-il level Ea;%. A dip-stick type of gage assercbly with a handle designed to prevent loosening on the rod, if seyarate, shall be enclosed and retainec? ir; a sii?:tiort attached to the oil S

40、W,:, or in ,an easily accessible location so tnat the gage rod will always occupy the same position in the oil reservoir when correctly inserted to a ston on the assembly. from the gage support shall be allowable under any condition of storage or operation specified in 3.6.3 or 3.6.4. or otherwise p

41、ermanently labelled with level marks and words to indicate maximum and minimum recommended oil levels when the packette engine is in a level position. serious difficulty of insertion or likelihood of damage when inserted. Heat exc normal oyeration and during maintenance work on parts other

42、than cylinders and coolinfi shroud. The coolhg shroud enclosure shall be desipned with quickly removable a.ccess panels an subassemblies, as necessary, to provide easy access to engine parts requiring periodic inspection or maintenance. 3.15 ings The cylinder Means for momtine the engine shall be pr

43、ovided and 3.16.1 zue!IL-G-3056, type I or type IT, as apnlicable with prevailing ambient temperature, or to W-G76 or w-G-1690. 3.16.3 F_uel lines. accordance with 14IL-H-8791r and ?11L-H-8745 and shall include no water-collecting traps. 3.16.4 jtr-. total cylinder displacement, shall be provided. T

44、he carburetor shall maintain the fuel-to-air ratio required for satisfactor; oper8tion throuckout the entire spec5 and loail rxigc? of o2eration. solenoid valve shall be p-ovided to stop the engine and shall be an integral part of the carburetor. 3.16.5 oxi:*otei;! el%d to the full advance firin: an

45、t;le of the ericine c?iirin the crmkinf: nerio and to release and full advance firing at all engine onerating speeds. Fach magneto shall be provided with a inems of locating the rotor anri distributor position corresponding to the full advance firinp: nosition of the piston in iYo. 1 engine c

46、ylinder. Each magneto shall be flange mounted on EL two-stud pad of the engine and Shall he canable of oscillation ahout its shaft axis for exact timing and so located as to permit, full access for timing, removal, and any adjustments or pzrts replacerientc that may he necessary between overhauls ii

47、adio skiellis; coi,.onentn sr,txified i XI 3. les. 2 sha3.1 kr integrated 12 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-* 3.18.1 ainiJoLi-qn-. Ipitioi. cab1.c aha1 1 tte in accordance with :IIL-C-3702. Ignition cable comyonents shall Uri satisfa

48、ctory ?cr stilrtinE art,? o-,eral!.ng the engixe in ami)iact terperatsres ranging fropi rrix:.x 65 to plils 130. 3.18.5 Spwk ?lua. o:erate at 1 east 100 hcurs uj t hout servicins. Sp3.rk plugs shall be size I? rr.i.llimeter (n-) apd shn.11 3.13.1 Electrj,s-. A2 clectric stii-rting sptm conforming ta

49、o W!A Stmdard i-G-1-1955 shall bp provided. Thc stzrtcr shall deliver sufftcient ?over to turn the engine at crmking speed at sn amhient tetzyrntilre of rriniir, ?OF, with a potential of not less than ifi volts ?.cross the starter ?!he starter shall be capable of operating without hormful effect when a minimm voltage of 3(j volts is zylird at the tc:rmirrnls. 13 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or network


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