1、MIL-G-4412 52 m 7777706 0368547 7 1- 1 MILITARY SR3 CiFICATIOl! GAmS, TI-:IC:(I“!%S Amy Air Porco . Specification 10 September 1946 XO 507 1, SCOm AID CWSIFICATIOI! xqitltenanco and impaction purpsec. . 1.1 This specification covers thickness gages that shuU be used for 1.2 Tmes.- Tniclcnesa gasos c
2、overoj. by this spcificrltlon dz2.Z ha of tho foilowim typos 03 spcifiod (see 6.1.j; Typo I - bago, 26 Loaf, Tapared Typo II - Gago, 6 Loaf, Straight Typ III - Gago, Foeler Stock 2. APPLICN3I.E SPZCIFICATICE! .AI?5 STAIDARDS 2.1 Smcifications,- “he folloving specifications and stwrds of tho issue in
3、 effect on the date of invitation for bids fonn Q p Doxes, Yood, Cleated, Plpiood Paclaging and Packing for verooao Shipnt; Boxes, Wood, Railed Prrclcaging and Packing for Overseas Shipont; Carbono, Folding, Paper Board Pac!caging and Packing for Overseas Shipnent; Zarricr kteriisls, Ihtcrproof, Flc
4、xiblo Packaging and Packing for horseas Sldpxent; bxes Set-up Papr Doard Paclcagiw and Prrclcl for Overseas Shipont; Plprood Container Grade Packagiq and PacMrc for Overseas Shipmnt; Acooivoo, 1hter Resistant, Caso Liruir Licensed by Information Handling ServicesProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo repro
5、duction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.: I ; i 1- i . :. . I I 1- i i. I i. i, I : ! l. .- -. . ! I .: . . -. I. !:. . .- .- - ,- . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Mlitaq Standards XILSFl=lO Surtace .Roughnbss V
6、ayineso and I;ry . !3.:LS?D-105 XILSTI)=l29 S;unpling Tablas for Inspection by Atfiributos i hrlcing of Shipent s (Copies of specificatiom and standads .required for Air Forco pur= chases my be obtdm fron tho Conmndi General, 7Jright Air Dcvelopiont Center, Yriglit-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio,) e
7、ffect on the dato of invitation Zor bids hiln a part, of this specification. 2,2 Other nublicntiona.-=hs follo:dx publications of tho issus in PT upn application, accoxpanicd by r;oy order, coupon or cash, to tho Suprintenrlont of Docmcnts, bverrnorrt Printing Office, Xnofiitgton 25, De C. Price $1.
8、50 cornplcte.) 3 or defocta thxt my render thc thicknoso gage unsuitablo or inofficiont for tlie purposo Intcndcd. to fold into tho cam and dso to be locked in any position about tho hirco axis. Lho thic!cnsss gap shall bo compsed of leavos .0015, .002, ,0025 and .O to .O25 inclusivo. in incrumonts
9、of .o01 inch trith tho two thickest lcavos on the outsic for protection (see figure 1). thick and shall epgago tho cges of all leaves. Om end shall be tho hiwe end and tho end opposito shd have a hollow rivet, solid rivot, or screw assombly unloss othemdse spccifieci by the procurix agency (seo 6.9
10、Tho case shall be fuy rounded at the ends and s2iall be mtchcd throwh ora edge of both sides at the hinge end to facilitate access to tho leaves. Tho case shall bo frco from burro and tho finish in accordanco with good comrcial practico covcrine; this type of equipont. rolled tool steel proprly hard
11、ened and tcriiprod. Faces of di 1003 sholl havo ic macir;iWn rou$nea:, valm of 16 Il5 in accordanco with Standard :.III,- SiD-10 and tho odgcs ohell bo clonn cut and fro3 fron burro. Tho loaves shall be 3 inches, t 1/16 inch lorce cold- , I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking
12、permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3.2.3 Lockin: mmh.rrnim.- The loc!dng msclaxxisn of thickrfiss gayos covom? bj thio opcification diali. lock all. lecrvoo in aqy position about thj iiirGrJ 5.3. iU threaded parts slaal1 be in accorhnco idth lirrnciboo: Ir22 and 1750 Su?plononk thoreto. . .or tr
13、aGxa%rk o: 341 1cm.r.m charactor. that tho mnufacburor may bo. readily x.1 positively Identified. Yhon spocllScd by tho procuring opncy, tho caso3 nh31 bct markcd iri a pomnent and lc:ilo raum with tha lettors W.S. . . Pimp %Y TL.- Peeler stock shdl bo Endo of olocl.ric fiirmcL SC:.;: WlL s5ec1, .hn
14、rcicnsd to a nxdnm of 52 with a t;?inix.m of ;7 on ?o:,. .,Ql Wt scalo. Fnccs of al1 fedar stock shell hcvo a ixihu iaughn:.; *,.-Tu0 of 1.4 X3 in accordanco with Standard 1XL-ST3-10 and tho odcoo ahci21 im clcvn cut and frco froa burro. Tho feolor stock shall ba 13 iiichosfl/G inch in boxth by 1/2
15、inch,3 l/i6 in iddth and with the dd;s.pralJK!. awl thc onrlc fully rounjcd. The one faco of all faoler stoc: shall be pcmanmtly and legibly marked with th3 respective nomid .cknooo in decimals of an inch idth a tolerance of f .O002 on leaves with thiclcrnoser; ficin .o35 inch to .O20 inch and 5.000
16、15 on leaves with tlticlcnsoseo fmn 60015 inch to .O04 inch inclusive (see figure 3). 3.5 ?ater.inI- %,terial shall be of good quality throughout anci chdl be ontirely suitable hr the purpose intondod. 3.6 Yor1mmshin.- Vorlnianship shall be in accordance with high Grade . c0mmrcia.l practice coverin
17、g the pmduction of procision tools. 4.1 Gznsra1.- Thickness gages and ali material enterir-129. Tho nonenclisture shall bo: Gage, Thickms (KO. of Blades), (Longth of Blade), (Straight or Taprzd), (Thiclcnessas of Blades or Thickneso of Elades), (Tsrpe, in accordace tdth Specification :.iIGG=fr*s. pa
18、rt NO.) it Applicable data to be entered by contractor. 6, tam3 - 6.1 prdor5n.T data.- Purchaser shoud exercise aw desired option offered herein, and should incorporate such options in tho invitations for bids, contra.;i.it . point of rn-co:;ilianco. TY) exception b5 subdttwi, ths thiclx,L?ss cozplf
19、inll, in svery particular vtth thio syocification. Aw variations fourd to cxSot at tho time of inspsction shall bo corrected by tho contractor, Govermont . PA?X? IOTkCZ .- tihen Gaverment ckaidngs, spcirications, or other data are Used for arll)r purpaso okhor than in conrmtion with a def5.nitd.y re
20、lated Cbnmmmt procurerant operstion, the Unitod States Governiaont thereby ificurc 110 responsibiiGy nor argr obigation whatsoever; and the fact that the Governient my hzve formulated, furnished or in aw my suppliad the said raws, spciricatfons, or other data is rxh to bo regarded by inplication or
21、otherwise as in aw manner Ucensing the holder or uw other person or corporation or conves- any rights or pennisslon to nanufacture, use or sell any patented invention that mriy in any tmy be rolated thereto. Should offered sh& be capblc of . reCari!l.ass of the cost incurred anc! frss of additiona e.xpamo to the * . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-