1、I., .,.-, , ,.NOTE: MIL-STO-SOSA(USAFI hasbeen redesignatedasahandbook,andIstobeusedforguidancepurposesonly.ThisdocumentisnoIongertobecttedasarequirement.Foradministrativewqmdlancy,theontyphysicalchangefromMIL-STO-SOSA(USAF) isthiscoverpage. However,thisdocumentIsnolongertobecltadasarequirement.Ifci
2、tedas a requkarnent,contractorsntaj dlsregsrdtherequirementsofth!sdccumanl and InterpretM,mntentsonlyasguldanca.GEiEilMIL44DBK-SOS(USAF)18JULY 199SSUPERSEDINGMlL431D-SWAfUSAF)18JANUARY 19S3, .MLITARY HANDBOOK ,.,FINISH, PROTECTIVE AND CODES FORFINISHfNG SOHEMESfOR +OUNDANDGROUND SUPPORT ANO EQUIPMEN
3、T. .-. :. . . . . . . . . . . .fww NMDISTRIBUTION STA EMENT T A.AREA MFFPApproved forpublicreleasedistributionisunlimited.,., ,.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.IIIIIIIIIIIWL.STD-RORA(!SA?).-.-OEPAP7MFN7 or DE?FNSEWashington, EI.C. 20
4、301Finishes , Haterials and Processes for Corrosion revention andControl tn Supoort ouiment. WL-STn-BDBA(USAF).1. This i1Itary Standard is anproved for use bv the Afr OrceUright aeronautical Laboratories, Department of the Air Force,and Is available for use by all Departments and Aqencies of theDepa
5、rtment of Defense.2. Beneficial comments (recoc+nendations, addltfons, deletfons)and any pertinent data which may be of use In improvfng thisdocument should be addressed to the Air Force WrightLaboratories, alLSA,Mright-Patterson Air Force Base,by using the self-addressed Standardization) OocumentPr
6、oposal (Ob Form 1426) appearfng a? the end of thisby letter.Aironaut icalOhio 45433Improvementdocument or1. ,Iiid. k, ,Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I/-)MIL.STD7B08A(USAF )FOREUORDThe purpose of this standard is to establish accept.
7、able retirementsfor materials selection, materials processing, cleanin9 processes.finishing materials and finishing processes and techniques foreffective protection against corrosion for support equipment exclu-ding munitions and electronic equipment. This standard covers bothorganic and inorganic f
8、inishes. A finish code system is providedfor identifying the selected finish on engineering drawings.-. ,.?,.,-: - ,. .,. .,.,. + . .”=., .-.iiiProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-i: ,:.;Paragraph -
9、,45.1 ,2.55.1,,;,!,!,i,.,.!, .:.:. . . . . . . . . . .HIL-sTD-80BA(USAF) “ :,-”1CONTENTS%SCOPE!. . . . .Scope.”.” “”Exclusions . . . . . . . .” .“Classlficatfon . . . . . . . . .Applicability. .“. . . “ “QEF
10、ERENCE XVIENTS. . .“ . . . . . . .Government documents . . . “ . .Specifications and Stendards . . . . .Other documents and publications . . .oEFINITIO?IS. . . . . . . . .” “”Abrasive blasted surfaCeS. . . .white metal surface finish . . .Sxranerctalblast metal surfacefinish . . . -GL REQUItHTS -Fin
11、ishing p-esses.*terlals. . . .Selection. . . . . .Exceptions . . . .pS*S 9abr*cat$.Noles and recesses .14asklng. . . . . “DETAILED REWfWMTS :. . . . . . . . 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lqaterial
12、s and flntsh process consider-ations$ndes$w . . . . . . . . . .Deslqn cum Werrk%s.”ylfldit;n or. . . . . .,Exclusion of water . . . . . . . . . .ventilation . . . . . Drainage . . . . . . . . . . . Dissimilar metals. . . . . . . . .Insulating materials . . .Hinges. .”, “. ”SternQe comrtments . . .Mt
13、teiy”arms. . . . .” . . .E*buLt sys*a. . . ,5.I.Z.1O NDnstarl(lrdferrous hardware .5,1.2,11 closed hcllc.wmembers.I111122245.555556:(i67777778B88.9999T9(-.,. . . .,: ,: .i“. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-(”.IIIIInPeraoraDh 5,25.2.15
14、.,3.15.3: . . .”1.15;4.1;2,5.4.2.;.,.-.,. , - .-,. .% .4.1S.,?-MIL.slTk80BAusAF)CONnNTS - Centfnu: oDocumen
15、tation. . . . . . . . . . . .Finish specificotfon . . . . , . .I)etailed draw+ngs. . . . . . . . . .Supplementary notes. . . . . . . . .Manufacturers options. . . . . . . . .Multiple finish. . . . . . . . . . . .Cleanfng requirements. . . . . . .Precleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cleantng of sur
16、faces . . . . . . . . .Almlnum and Its alloys. . , . . . . .Lowstm?nqwk” steels. . . . . . . . - .Abrasive blestlng. . . . . . . . . . .Zinc surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hioh strendth steels . . . . . . . . .Corrosfon a71nd heat resistino steels. .Pessivetion treatment. . . . . . . . .M6gnesfum
17、 and Its alloys . . . . . . .Surface rki%i-ts Yor wtals. . . .Alumfnum and alumfnum SI11OYS . . . . .EIUtrical pertS . . . . . . ,.mw: ;. ; ;. .,., . . . :.,.,.,.-“talgal:alloyi “.:. :. . . . “.“RR5.11.?c.,11,.,. . . .IL.STO-8013A(U5AF)CONTENTS - Centinued.Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Env
18、ironmental controls. . . . . .Application equipment . . . . . . . .Organic coating application . . . . .%terial . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mixing . . . . .Selection of thinners , . . . . .Storage of paint materials. . . . . . .Cleaning, general . . . . , . . . . . .Tests for surface condition . . .
19、.Reaction of surfstce . . . . . . . . :Mater-break test. . . . . . . . . . . .Hanua?ly applied surface treatmentand touch-up . . . . . . . . . . . . .Aluminum and magnesium surfacetreatments . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Final preparation for palntinq. . . .Special precautions .,. . . . . . . . .Genera
20、l requirements. . . , . . . . . .Production s.nraytest nels . . .Final +y of the.fl,dsh . . . .,:- .A)limtton of subsequent .coets to- -previously painted surfaces .,. . . . .Finish code selettlOn. - . . . . . . .Finish selection. . . . . , . . . . . ,Coll+s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Color codin
21、g . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pipelines and compressed gascylinders . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Authorized colors . . . . . . . . . . .Exterior surfaces . . . . . . . . . .Interior surfaces . . . . . . . . . .Barking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Reflectorjed_adsj.vs, sheeting . . . .Stencil ing. . .
22、 . . . . . . . . . . . .Other finishes.El_ttFi=”Eoiiilla-tfon v , .(Mailed requirementsQemovable fasteners .kknclar,d Stcirt”!es:i fd5t.eners/:, “)2020202020202121212121222222.23 ,2323 “z?2426272727,?-tviIProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,
23、-,-.,l!.Paragraph 6,, 1.il.:11Iv.iL-5TD-S(l!lA(UShf)WTEW - ctinuedIHSPICTIDN. . . . . . . . . . . .f?esponsibility for inspectionGeneral inspection requirementsleits . . . . . . ” . . ., . . . . w.25. . . . . . 28. . . . . . 2BTest specimen s . .,.29Condi
24、tion of surface prior to pain;ing, . 29Continuity and uniformity of coating. . . . 29Thickness of coating. . . . . . , . . . . ,29Paint appl ication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29Paint adhesion . . . . . . . . . . . . ?9Color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29Hiding power, gloss, and smoothness
25、 of paint. 29Data requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . zgTABLESPlating finishes (P), . . . . . . . . 31Paint finishes (F and FF) . . . . . . . . . . 33:l:rj:l :Drdu:.t$uir of pz:s:va.-. *7 . .-.,:.- .$.1.2.5- Insulating aeteria+s.-Wsen thermal or acoustical insulatingmatwials are required, they shel
26、l.hev-either a pes=anent bakedon water repellant binder system .or suitably protected with sealantto prevent a71ny mtstsare a.bmrbd by the mswrial frn contactingthe metal structure. The mel to which the insulation materialI is attached shall have a71 caplete finish syatea of priaeerand top-coat prio
27、r to application. After inst.alletion, all edges shall besealed with sealant mterial conftming to HIL-S-81733.S.1.2.6 Iiines. Allhinges used on su ca;bon steel leaves, PSteriiil“D),plctcd or geiveni red ingccwdence with Table iad Table IV .b.vLh6Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networ
28、king permitted without license from IHS-,-,-,!,!MIL-STC.-W8A(USAF)htnge mdnuf.hcturer after.ferming and other manufacturing opera-tions have been completed. The htngepins shall be wear resistantnylon conforming to L-P-41IJ. The nylon pins shell be secured inthe hinge nodes with button head 5000 seri
29、es aluminum fasteners orbutton head nylon fasteners.The design of the selected hinge shall have sufficient:lear;ce from the outer face of the knuckle to the cutout of tneopposite leaf to preven: the removl of paint finishes when thehinge is rotated through the entire range of its pivotal movement.5.
30、1.2.7 Storaqe compartments . S:orage compartsnentS Of supportequipment for hoses, ducts, tools, electrical cables, etc. shallbe orotec.ted:from abrasion with a pressure .senslttve transparentadhesive protective coating system applied. Battery areas. Battery compartments not constructed ofleak
31、proof and corrosion resistant materials consisting of MIL-R-A60 polyester t-esfn and NIL-M-43248 glass fibers or equivalent,shall have the battery compartment and adjacent areas which aresubject to vapors and spills coated with a suitable polyurethanecasting resin.5,1 .2,9 Exhaustsystems. AiI compo,
32、 ng activityhaving rescmnsiblity for a system or item.5.2.1 Finish process specification. The contractor shall prepare afinish process specification in compliance with MIL-STO-490 whichidentifies the specific cleaning processes and finishes to be used onthe various substrates of all parts , componen
33、ts and complete assembliesto protect them agafnst corrosion in the environments to which theywill be exposed. After the document has been approved by the respon-sible Air Force engineering activity, the requirements contafned thereinshall be intlsstfedin nll epplitable production drawings. The finis
34、hprocess specification shall also include the fcllowing data.a. Desfgnatfon of a perSon or persons in the”design, a71ngfneerfng,and manufacturing departments as focal points for corrosion control .b. ta justifying the contractors assterials selectton andfinish processes and wterials selectlon crlter
35、la shall bepresent=land any specfal testing requirements shall be identified to insureacceptable levels of protection against corrosion.-+ . ,4., , .-. . T.CUY cny terfals end .finfsh.pr A drawing which must reflect mofe than onef$nlsh wrii.,shsll .contstin.sodtsand notes toidentffy :, the finlshes
36、WIth the approprl isteareas .or zones, , : - ., . .“. . . . .,= -. , .,.-5.3 Cleaning -;equiwments .“.S.3.1 +recleanins. Prior to subjecting materials to cleaning processesinvolving mechanical or chemical r+?mual of metal , all surfaces shall .iinc surfaces.nsed with clean water.lose,rnjll,scqle,oil
37、, ,grease,coated steel surfaces, hot-a75echanically applied zincbe solvent vapor cleaned,a corbination of alkalinealkaline detergent solutions,-!.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-,.,:“ ).- .I. . . . . . . .MIL-STD-B08A(USAF) . H
38、igh s?rencjthsteels. Steels, includfng corrosion andheat resistant steels, hardened by thermal treatment or by CO1dwurklng to full or surface hardness level of Rockwell C40 and higher,shall be mechanically blasted for rust or scale resmval. Corrosion and heat resistinq steels. Except as indic
39、atedin, corrosion and heat reststing nsetalsand alloys shallbe cleaned by suitable chemical or mechanical processes, or combin-ations thereof. However, materials which are susceptible to damageby hydrogen shall be mechanically cleaned. For metals and alloyswhich are sensitive to contaminatio
40、n by gaseous constituents shas hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, and are exposed to atmxosoherescontaining such materials “during tiat treatJW- .= . ., :.5.3.2143-”Passfvatoh t+eiMment.:W2 ftrnl:opemtion for 200, 300, 400 series and precipitatton-hardened corrosion resistantsteels shall be a71 msssiwt
41、ion treatit in“-:/.!haviq a tensile stqth of 1230 v,(180. KIO psi) and over. .ss,stated in sMJ1l be applicabh, teoitimgsfaar functiornluse except for chromiwn (see5.5.2.1”). blC81Z49MWC:?321.7 .or NIL-C-03488:?. .c:-:,. :.: -:”:-:? - ;:,:*,6.:;,“pO?.5cl. !.-., .“,.; ,-,-.;,5.5.2
42、 . . ., ,.,:. - .-. Phosphate treatments. Vhosphate treatments may be used onsteel -surfoces where it is impractical .W-apply-ntal Iic-coating.Phospte twtaments. that conform .taOo.,-. - .-5.7;3Ri k-tti+ial;“ Mrdessotherwlse speciffed; e1“1matirfaliwad inthe flnism coating “of support equient
43、 and parts shall .confonnto the.requiremmts of $he applicable specificatierts, and as specifiedhei%n” The isddifoii”tothe paintiof any materials oth+r Wn “”thinners Is prohibited. Cea!tractors sha11 condttctsuch check Wstsas necessary to a71nsure suitability of the materials. Mixln. Finishing
44、 materials shall be prepared for applicationunder clean conditions with clean equipusent. Cnating materials shal1be alloiied to equalize to standard conditions before mixing. The materials.shall be thorou hly,stirr Or shaken prior to,thinpin or mixix_ing ihil be controled by %ight, vo!ti, or”W and,.
45、 applIcatoRU”“viscosity to ensure complete uniformity of all material prepared forusrz-ThvmxnTg m s-af WC S-iijj-q.zt wcomtjiuim-i fd -by different manufacturers 1s prohlblted to avoid problens off-atfbiltty In the Ilwld and drying phases”. Every effort shouldbe made to assure that B Drimer of a sin
46、gle manufacturer is enployedon the ftem to b+ finfshedandsimilarly, “the topcoat Should”berestricted to a product of a single manufacturer.5.?.3.3 Selection of thinners. The thinner required in t,h?,.applicableprocess specifications snail be used. Adjust the amount of thinner,eS Wce5SWy, to Vbtnin t
47、treprescribed thickness of meting, but avoidexcessive thinning which could produce runs and sags. Temperature andhmidity conditions should be determined and thinnino adiusted asmanufacturer for his particularwcu ired by ?fieapplicable soefifi:dtion. $,.s“ tmspherir Crld;:ir,rS.Other thinners as reco
48、nnnended by the paintproduct may he ujed., (Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I141L-STD-SOEA(USAf )1,(, )5,7.3.4 ,Storage of .paint”materials. Supportequipment finishingmaterials shall be stored In a coof, dry place, indoors if possible,and should not be st red at a tssnperature lower than 50 (10%) orthigher than 80% (27 ) for long periods and may approach, but $houldnot exceed, 100% (38 ) for shorter periods not exceed