AIR FORCE MIL-R-6208 A-1952 RECEIVER-TRANSMITTER RT-126( ) APN-60《RT-126( ) APN-60接收发射机》.pdf

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AIR FORCE MIL-R-6208 A-1952 RECEIVER-TRANSMITTER RT-126( ) APN-60《RT-126( ) APN-60接收发射机》.pdf_第1页
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AIR FORCE MIL-R-6208 A-1952 RECEIVER-TRANSMITTER RT-126( ) APN-60《RT-126( ) APN-60接收发射机》.pdf_第2页
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AIR FORCE MIL-R-6208 A-1952 RECEIVER-TRANSMITTER RT-126( ) APN-60《RT-126( ) APN-60接收发射机》.pdf_第3页
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AIR FORCE MIL-R-6208 A-1952 RECEIVER-TRANSMITTER RT-126( ) APN-60《RT-126( ) APN-60接收发射机》.pdf_第4页
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AIR FORCE MIL-R-6208 A-1952 RECEIVER-TRANSMITTER RT-126( ) APN-60《RT-126( ) APN-60接收发射机》.pdf_第5页
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1、Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provid

2、ed by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. . -. . . ., _- _-_ _-I- - -.-. - i4.3 - Prappodustion Tes ti I 4.3.i Three reoeiver-tranenaitters a$ apeoifd in the sont;soss and minor assemblies of any detail Mrts not interml therein, showing projections

3、. (o) . Three oopies of a prmtioal wiring diagram of eaoh JOP 800 sembly OP of eaoh oonstruotional unit thereof, whfehsver fo practicable, showing the physioal looation and oonneotions of detall parts Bind subassemblies with refwenoe symhle and terminal nunbere indioated. Three oopies of brief opera

4、ting instruotiona. Three oopiee of a oomplete sehamatio diagrau reduoed eo %te simplest form, showing the oirouits of ri1 mador ami minor assemblies and of detail parts not internal therein ia- dividually in sohematio form with elecrtrioal intereonraeotiont indicated. Three oopies of an over-all fun

5、otlonal book diagrme I I l (d) (e) ._ (f) (6) Prior to submission of the preproduotion sample equipment, three copies of a report by the oontraotsr of hi8 tests on the equipment. Inoluded with thie shall be an analyeis of ell failures which Ooourred8 and suggestipna for improvemes in deeign whioh mi

6、ght be lnoorporated in later preduotioaee 4.3.4 The preproduotion teats shall oonsist of the inspeation teetea th fo1lowing te8tsJ and any other tests deemed neoesaary by tim Proouring Agemoy to determine oomplianoe with the requirements of thle speoifioation. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reprodu

7、ction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-h03.401 Environmental 2estr.- The reosiver-trangnitter rhrll b oapable of operation after baing rubJootsd to the following torta in rooordame rlth Spoolf iortion MibE-5272 s - Htmridiw Prooeduro I Salt Spray Prooedure I 4 FwP Prooedure I San

8、d and hot Prooedure I Ekploson Proof Prooedure I Sho ak Prooedure I b.3.4.2 Radio Noise.- The reoeivsr4rrnsmitter shrll be rubJeoted to radio noire Cesta in aooordanoe with Speaifioatlon MIL-1-6181. transmitter ahall be operated at full load and triggered at a rate of 2000 pulres per seoond and a pu

9、lse duration of 0.8 mioroseoond. ifioation HIC- Pyoceduro III. ratirfrotorily during thio test. ribration ter3 in rooordrnoo with Speoifioation MIbE-5272, Prooedure I. reooivor-tranmnitter rhall operato ratirfaotorily during thin toot. The reooivew Altitude.- The altitude teet ohall be in ao

10、oordanoe rith Speo- The reoslrer-tranrPlitter rhrll operate Vibration.- The reoelver-tranamitter ohall be rubjeoted to a Tho 4.3srr reoords of all inspeotion work and terte, giving the results of tero U rdtton, moh roooinr4rrnmitt.r rhll bo 4.4.2 Individud Teotro* hoh roeivw-truisaritter ab1

11、1 bo aubdeatsd I/ Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I h4.2.2 Eleotrioa1.- The follow& ele.trioaI periomanoe hall be $sake4 for oomp1ianoGIa rpeaifioationt (1) Delay Th (2) Jitter (3) Sensitivity (4) Duty Cyole (5 Noise Triggering (6 ! P

12、ulse Width 7) Power Output 8) Ihquenoy Stabiley (9) USO Time i 4.4.3 8am lin Tostso- men sampling %ocBa are apeifid on B ntmbe of . item that U u0 80 eote as representative of a oekio gwnti&y, a& me more of thir number hila to meet the epeoifiwi test(r), aooeptaeos ef oll itema shall be wthheld unti

13、l the extent and oause o% fkflwe ie dstemhds For oierational reasons, individual tests may be oontinued pending inves$iga- tion of a sampling test failure, but the fiml aoaeptrnoe of the produa& $0 oontingent upon the inspeotors dsoieion regarding the orer-abl eo&mmse of the produot to specifiaation

14、 requirements. or reworked to oorreot the defects, after diok all neoesaary testa shall be repeated. furnishing all partioulars oonoerning previouri reJeotione and the meaewtm taken to oorreot the defeot(s),s If investigation indioates that the defeotes may exist in items previouely aooepted, hl1 pa

15、rtioulars aonoerning the defeot( 8) found, inoluding reoommendatione for oorreotion, dll be furnish& to the Proouring Agenoy. ReJeoted units shall be reglaad - Rejeoted equipment shall not be resuhaittsd for inspeotion without Sam lin Plan.- Sampling teata ehall be oonduotsd on one reoeiver-

16、transmitter _Q_gf_ so eoted at rudom from eaoh 15 reoeiver-trmeUait$eps produoed in quantities of 60 or 1088 and on one reoeivar-transmitter fss eerob 25 reoelver-transmittera produoed in quantities of more thon 60. Thii, raki may be inoreasnd or decreased during production, depending upon the guali

17、ky, at the option of the authorized Goverfiment 1nspeotor.or Proouring &enoye The sampling teats shall oonsist of any of the preproduotion The teste Vil1 be so9duotsd testa oonaidered neoessary by the Inspeotor. only to the extent deemed noesmry. .-_ - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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