AIR FORCE MIL-R-9542 A-1957 RADIO SET CONTROL GROUP AN-URA-19( )《AN-URA-19( )型无线电设置控制组》.pdf

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AIR FORCE MIL-R-9542 A-1957 RADIO SET CONTROL GROUP AN-URA-19( )《AN-URA-19( )型无线电设置控制组》.pdf_第1页
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AIR FORCE MIL-R-9542 A-1957 RADIO SET CONTROL GROUP AN-URA-19( )《AN-URA-19( )型无线电设置控制组》.pdf_第2页
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AIR FORCE MIL-R-9542 A-1957 RADIO SET CONTROL GROUP AN-URA-19( )《AN-URA-19( )型无线电设置控制组》.pdf_第3页
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AIR FORCE MIL-R-9542 A-1957 RADIO SET CONTROL GROUP AN-URA-19( )《AN-URA-19( )型无线电设置控制组》.pdf_第4页
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AIR FORCE MIL-R-9542 A-1957 RADIO SET CONTROL GROUP AN-URA-19( )《AN-URA-19( )型无线电设置控制组》.pdf_第5页
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1、 L. = 6-3L.I - Ma-R-95+2A( USAF) ZMarch 1957 Superseding . 12-June 1956 l41LR-9542( USAF) MILITARY SP.!ZIZTGATJN RADIO SE“ CONTROL ROUP AN/URA-19( ) 1, SCOPE 2.1 SCPE.- This specification covers one type of radio Bet con- trol. group deslgnated Radio Set Control Group AN/URA-l9( ) e hereinafter refe

2、rred to as %he control group“. The parentheses appearing in the nomenclature will dropped or replaced by a letter, to indicate the particular design8 and nomenclature for the individual components of the equipment, where required, will be furnished upon application to the proouring activity, 1,2 2,

3、APPLZCABU DOCWIENTS 2,l The following documents, of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids, form a part of this specification: SPEIFICATIONS Federal NN-B-591 Boxes ; Fiberboard , Wood-Cl.afed (For Domestio Shipment) NN-E-621. Boxes; Wood, Nailed and hck-Corner Wood, Wirebound PPP-B-601 B

4、oxes , WoQd, Cleated-Plywood Military JAN-PlOO . JAN-P-lQ JAN-P-106 JAN-P-108 . . . 11116 MIL-B-123. 111130 MIL-3.138 -. Packaging and Paokng For versea8 Shipment, Genetzal Spec i fica t ion Packaging and Packing For Clverseas Shipment Boxes ; Wood Cleated : Solid Fiberboard Boxes; Wood, Nailed (Ove

5、roeas Type) Boxea, Fiberboard, Corrugated and Solid P re serva t ion, He t hods Of Barrier-Naterial, Greasepmofed, Fexfble (IJa terpmofed ) Barrior-Ilnnterial., Papar, Noncorrosive Ioxs, Wood, Fiberboard-Lined For Overseas Shipiant (For Weight of Contents Not Exceeding 500 Pounds) Provided by IHSNot

6、 for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T- 27s MIL- General Require- ments For Paper, Tissue, Wrapping Tests; Vibration and Shock Ground Electronic Equipnent (Reqiiirenients For) Environmental Testing, Aeronautinal and Asso- ciated EqUiTmSnt, General. Spoc

7、ific*ntiori For Electronic Equipment Aircraft General Speci- fication For Control Panel; Aircraft Equipment, Rack OP Console I-ounted Cases In Airci-af t, Ganeral Specification Rack Structure, Electronic, Por Equipment Rack System In Aircraft, General Specification Electric Poimr, Aircraft, Characte

8、ristics Of Test Reports, Preparation Of Box, Wood, Cleated, Veneer, Paper Overhid Electronic, For Equipient Rack System Colors Marking For Shipment and Storage Racks, Electrical Equipment, 19-inch and ciated Panels (Copies of documents required by contmctors in conneoton w ASSO- th specific procurem

9、ent functions should tio obtained from the procur- ing activity or as directed by tho contracting officer.) 2.2 OTHER PIJ3LTCRTIONS.- The following dociments form a part of this spe.cification. on date of invitation for bids shall apply. Unless otherwise indicated, the issue in effect Consolidated C

10、lassification Committee Consolidated Freight Classffication Rules (Applications for copies should be addressed to the Consolidated Classification Cornnittoe, 202 Chicago Union Station, Chicago 6, linois, ) 3. REQUI.E?Xi)TS 3.1 PREFRODUCTION SAIIIPLE.- This specification makes provisions for preprodu

11、ction testing. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-9542A (USAF) 31 2 COMPONENTSI - The control group shall consist of the following: Item No, Quantity Description Requir ement I 1 each Coder, Audio Frequency 3.5.1 2 1 each Decoder,

12、Audio Frequency 3.5.2 KY - 19 8/URA- I 9 KY-197/URA-19 3,3 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS. - The requirements of MIL-E-4158 and MIL-E-5400 shall apply as requirements of this specification for the ground and airborne components respectively. Where the requirements of the general specifi- cation and this spe

13、cification conflict, the requirements of this specification shall govern. Exceptions and additions to the general specifications shall be as follows. I 3,3. i EXCEPTIONS TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF MIL-E- 3; 3.1.1 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE, - The control group shall be designed and constructed to.operate in a

14、“Standard Area. l1 33.1.2 LIGHTWEIGHT MATERIALS. - Wherever practicable, lightweight, high . strength materials shall be used to produce a lightweight equipment, 3,3,1,3 QUALIl?ICATION OF WELDERS, - Qualification of welders shall not be required, 3.3.2 EXCEPTIONS TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF MIL-E-5400 3.

15、3.21 ALTITUDE, - Continuous operation at barometric pressures ranging from 30 inches of mercury down to 1.3 inches of mercury (approximately 75,000 foot alti- tude), the pressure remaining constant for long periods of time or varying at a rate as high as O, 5 inches of mercury per second. 3,3.2,2 OV

16、ERLOAD PROTECTION. - Overload protection for the equipment shall be in accordance with the general specification except that fuses shall be used through- out the eqhipment in preference to circuit breakers. 3.31 2.3 SERVICE CONDITIONS (ELECTRICAL). - The control group shall be de- signed to operate

17、from a nominal voltage f 26ivolts d-c with parameters as specified in MIL-E-7894, 31 3.3 SERVICE CONDITIONS (: MFCHANICAI). - The control group shall not suffer: damage nor fail to give the required performance when subjected to conditions encountered during operation, storage and transit. 3,3,4 SER

18、VICE LIFE.= The control group shall be capable of operating 24 hours ,= - 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. MIL - R- 9 5 42A (USA F) per day for a per iod of 120 days with only normal maintenance and without major OVE haul. The oper

19、ational period may start after an initial storage period not exceeding 2 years. 3. 4 PERFORMANCE. -The control group shall provide facilities for the calling ( individual aircraft over standard Air Force ground-tb-air communications systems. This shall be accomplished by the use of a ground unit to

20、provide a system of digital tone codes which, when transmitted over any standard Air Force amplitude modulatic receiver and used to trigger the airborne portion of the control group which in turn SI alert the pilot of an impending transmission. 3.5 DETAILS OF COMPONENTS 3.5.1 GROUND CODER, A

21、UDIO FREQUENCY KY-198/URA-19. - The audio frequency coder shall be capable of being used in conjunction with any standard Air Force transmitter. The unit shall generate a 5-digit tone-code signal, which, when trans- mitted, shall be capable of causing the correct aircraft Decoder, Audio Frequency KY

22、-197/URA-19 to be triggered into operation. The Coder, Audio Frequency KY-198/URA-19 shall consist of the Item No. Quantitx Description - Requir em nt following: 1 each Tone-code generator 2 1 each Control panel 3 1 set Interconnecting cables 1 TONE-CO

23、OE GENERATOR FRONT PANEL. - The front panel of the tone-code generator unit shall contain tone test buttons, a tone oujqut meter and a test-operate switch for checking the operation of the unit. digital selection on the control panel and shall be released for transmission by. means of ac

24、tivate buttons (see, Five decade digits are transmitted tocalla parti- cular aircraft. The five digits that are transmitted shall be selected by means of switches operated by five knobs on the front of the control panel. All digits shall be transmitted sequentially. eliminating the interm

25、odulation problem. At no time shall more than one tone be present in the output. The same tone shall not occupy adjoining positions in forming any of the 100,000 codes, eliminating the timing problem, TONES. - There shall be a maximum of 10 tones (one tone minimum for use with each digit

26、). FORMATION OF CODES. - Codes shall be formed by means of a Hence, at any given time only one tone shall be on, thus DIGITS. - A digit shall consist of one tone or a group of tones transmitted sequantially. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted

27、 without license from IHS-,-,-3 .! FRQUENCY STABILITY,= All transmitted tones shall be 3.5 .l. 2.1.6 TONE AMPLITDE STABILITY,= The Coder, Audio Frequency held within plus or minus .i5 percent of their nominal frequency, KY-lgS/URA-lg, when used with a standard Air Force transmitter, shall b

28、e capable of maintaining the modulation percentage of the particular transmitter as close to a nominal 95 percent as possible, measured at the tone-code generator shall maintain constant amplitude, once set, withtn plus or minus 1 decibel (db) over at least a. 48-hour period . Output 3 .5 .l. 2.1.7

29、TONE W,K-TIROUGH. - Tone leak-through plus noise shall be at least 30 db below a single tone level during cycling. TMER.- The total transmission of the code tones shall not exceed 3 seconds. shall he accomplished by means of a-timer. ground installation, The spacing and length of the ton

30、e codes The timer shall also incor- porate circuits to energize the transmitter push-to-talk circuit of the . OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS.- Provisions shall; be made to adjust the amplitude of each individual tone in addition to a master output level adjustment for all tones. generator shall

31、be 600 ohms. between the limits of minus 10 and plus 15 dbm. Provisions shall be made gither in the tone generator or on the control panel to activate the transmitter push-to-talk circuit automatically when a call is initiated from the control panel. The output impedance of the The output level shal

32、l be adjustable POWER REQUIREMENTS.- T.he total .power consumed by CONTROL PANEL A control panel shall be included as The control panel the digital-tone-code generator shall be less than 100 volts amporos, part of the Coder, Audio Frequency KY-198/URA-19. shall have facilitles

33、 of allowing it to be preset and holding a total of at least ten tone codes, with suitable write-in means of identification, for the purpose of releasing the tone code signals for transmission. line ten-position switches, shall be provided for the setting up of the tonal combinations, 7, 8, 9, O. Th

34、e control panel shall be capable.of expansioit, by the addition of other control panels in parallel. - There shall also be ten activate buttons, Five knobs, control The hobs shall be numbered 1, 2, 4, 4, 5, 6, MOUNTING.- The control panel shall be construoted to Provided by IHSNot for Re

35、saleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3.5,1 . 2.3 INTEliCOflECTING CABLES 3 .5 .L.2,3 ,l RACK MOWZED EQUIPMENT.- Units supplied with a rack mounting control panel shall include a cable to interconnect the tono- codo Generator unit with the control panel, shal lx 3

36、feet in length. The interconnecting cables 3.5,1,2,3,2 CONSOLE MOUNTED EQViPI4W“T- Units supplied with a console mounting contml panel shall include a cable to interconnect the tone-code generator unit with the control. panel, ing cables shall be 8 feet in length. shall. be supplied with each unit.

37、The interconnect- 3.5 .I, 2.3 .i PUflR CABLE.- A DE CEIBCTOR UNIT 3 J. TONE-COD3 ACCEFTANCL3.- The tone-code selector unit shall accept and identify codedtone input signals consisting of five tonal “digits“, under any combination of the following coixlitions, without read justments : a. Signa

38、l input level ranging from 0.1 volt peak to o. level of 30 db above the 0.1 reference level. b. Sequential tone amplitudes differing by 6 db or less. c. Tone frequency harmonic distortion of i5 percent or less. d. Tone frequencies departing from the nominal frequencies lotse-to-signal ratio of input

39、 signal. of 6 cb or I.ess by plus or minus 0.15 percent or less, e. with respect to the lowest amplitude tone. INPUT MPRMEJCE,= The input impedance. of the tone- code sel.ector unit shall be 100,000 ohms or higher to allow connections to the low-level stages of a receiver, ahead of the s

40、quelch and volume control cirauits , with a minimum of circuit loading. 3.5 . OUTPUT CONhfECiTONS a = Connections shall be provided on the tone-code selector unit to accomplish the following electrical. functions when a proper code is received: a, Close circuit signal: Twg terminals to provi

41、de and main- tain, until released by the reset relay, a single closed contact having a rating of 2 amperes at 28 volt: d-c . b. Interrupted circuit signal: Two terminals to pmvide an alternate malte and break circuit with a repetition rate of .5 to 1 cycle per second and having a contact current rat

42、ing of 2 amperes at 28 volts. c, Reset relay: Two teminelo (isolated from ground) which will. cause an internal relay toreset the unit for subsequent monitoring when supplied momentarily with 28 volts d-o plus 10 percent or minus 20 paroent. mally connected to the 28 volt-d-c supply, be momentayily

43、grounded %o perform the reset function. One side of the relay shall be nor- The other lead shall 3 a5.2,1.2.h F4LSE OPERATION,- The unit shall not trigger under any combhattion of conditions as specified herein when tho input signals are applied: a. Tone codes of amplitude up to 50 db ab

44、ove 0.1 volt peak having tone frequency deviations of more than plus OP minus 2 percent fmin the basic tone frequency, - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-bITJ.d-9fjli.2A (USAF) b, Voice signals, other tono codes, or random noise of ani

45、plftudes up to 50 db above 0.1vol.t peak voltage, 3 .5 . 2 . 1.2 .Li TONE-CODE SELECTOR UNT FRONT PANEL . - The tone-code solector unit front panel shall be in accordance with m-c-6761, CASE,- The tone-code selector unit shall be enclosed in a caso constructed in accordance with. Type I,

46、 Glass I, Ctroup 3: of I*fIL-C -745 2 3,5,2.1,2.6,1 VENTILATION.- No ventilating blowers shall be used HANDLE.- The handle shall be mounted on +he front for the cooling of Lhe unit, panel of the unit and shall not extend outwards more than 2 inches, 3,5,2,1,3 CODE CONTROL PANEL- Tho cod

47、e control panel shall be interchangeable with other code contml panel units and shall allow any of the poseible 100,000 codes, which could be sent by the Coder, Audio Frequency KYL98/URA-19 to be set up on either tone-code selector unit, trol switches s.f.milar to the onos provided for in,Z.

48、 shall be provisions for attaching tho code control panel to the ar- frame of the aircraft. The code selection shall be accomplished by means of five Gon- There CALL INDICATOR PANEL.- The call indicator panel shall contain two indicator instruments which will alert the pilot or opera- toi-

49、 of an impending call. Each indicating instrument shall be activated by one tone-code selector unit only and a reset button shall be provided for each indicating instrument for resetting the instrument to an “OOfP condition after giving an alert. Provisions shall be made for attach fng tho call indicator panel to tho airframe of the aircraft. ESPW,NT MOUNTING RACK.= An equipment mounting rac


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