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1、MILITARY SPBCIFICATIOB +TT t SAWIG MACHINE, JIG, BEEH 10 SCOPE 1.1 Soope.- This spsoifioation oovers w Wood, Nailed end Look Corner Colors (For) Ready-Mixed Paints of this speoifiaationr SPEZIFTCATIOLSS I FEEWLr rn=B Boxes, Wood, Nailed Preservation, Methods of Paokagine; and Packing for Overseas Sh

2、ipment, Cartons, Folding Paphoard Packaging and Paoking for Overseas Shipment - Barrier-Uaterial, Waterproof Flexible Paokaging and Packing for Overseas Shipment - Boxes, Set-up Paperboard Paokaging and Packing for Overseas Shipment - Plywood, Container Grade Adhesive, Water-Resistant, Waterproof Ba

3、rrier- Material Marking, Identification of hronautical Equipment, Assemblies end Parts f- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-4546 32 7777906 0243367 3 W i STANDARDS: yIL4TD=i29 Marking of 8hipnta AIR PORCE-IATV IISBOAUTICL BUUETXaI

4、 143 Speoiflaationo alid Standardsi Use of L (Copies OF speoifioationi, atandarda, and drawings required by oontrautoro rom the proouring agenoy or as direoted by the oontraoting officer.) in oonneotion with speoifio proouremont Funotioar rhould be obtained I I 3. REQUI- - e 1 -! l- -_ I l i 3.1 Spe

5、oifloations and standards. = 8peoifioatione and rtandardr for all materials, parta, and Government osrtificatian and approval of prooesses and equipment, whioh are not speoifioally designated heroin and irhioh are neoessary for the emoution of this apeoifioation, shall be seleoted in acoordanoe with

6、 Bulletin No. 43, exoept as provided in the following paragraph. 3.1.1 Standard parts. - AN or MIL Standard parts rhall be ured iihsrsvar they are suitable for the purpoee end shall be identified by their part numbers. et oetere, may be Used, provided they have suitable properties and are re- plaoea

7、ble by the AN or MIL Standard parts without alteration, and provided the oorresponding AY or YL part nianbers are referenoed on the drawings and in the parts lists. In applications for uhioh no suitable oorwsponding AN or MIL part is in effeot on date of inVila%ion for bids, commeroial parts may be

8、used provided they oanform to the requirements of this speoifioation. 3.1.2 lbtiarial. - miaria1 used in the conetmotion of the sawa shall be sound, of uniform quaity and oondition, and shall oonform in oompoaition, heaStreatment, and suitability to the standard prrotioe of reputable manu- faoturers

9、 producing equipment of the type oulled for in this speoifioation. All metal parta shall be of oorrosion-resiskmt type, unless otherwise suitably proteoted to resist oorrosion during normal servloe life. Camaeroial utility parts suoh as som, bolts, nuts, ootter pine, 2 1 Provided by IHSNot for Resal

10、eNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3.13 Unless otherwise speoified by the Proouring Agenoy, the friilowine; items of equipent shall be furnished with eaoh jig saws Saw

11、 Blades Thioknesa Width Length Teea Number Inohes Inohes Indies Per noh 3 eaO70 o35 b110 842 642 $42 642 64/2 642 84/2 6-1/2 20 10 16 10 15 32 l4 22 One aaoh - Pulley - y2 inoh top width, 2-3/?+ inoh outside tiiameter, One ea/er inoh bore provided with two heavy set sorows. peripheral length. 3.4 Fi

12、nish. - All metal surfaces of the jig saws shall be finished The firial applioation shall inolude a satiafaotory filler with one or more ooats of primer having good adhesive and milt resiitant proparties, smoothly finished and sealed, followd by not less than two of good quality, high gloss enamel o

13、r lacquer. oolor shall be Gray No. 1625, Federal Spaoifioation TT-C-595, Unless otherwhe speoified, the 3.15 Identifioation of produot. - The jig iam shall be marked Por identifiaation in aoaordanae with Speoifioation Ma-Id-7911, The naaeplata shall oontain the folloiring infonnationz Sawing hohine,

14、 Jig, Bench, 18 Ino Speoifioation =during praotioe, covering this olass of equipent. 4. SAMPLING, IWPECTION, A!W TEST PROCEWES 4.1 The jig saw8 and all material entering into the manufacture thereof, rhall be subjeot to inspection by authorized Government Inspeotors. inepeotion is oonduoted at the o

15、ontratora plant, tests shall be oonduoted by the oontraotor, under the supervision of the authorized Government Inspeotor. When Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-4546 32 7777706 0243370 3 4.2 Previous acceptanoe or approval of mat

16、erial in the course of manufacture shall in no case be conatrued as a guarantee of the acceptance of the finished product. 4.3 The insxmtor shall have the right to require replaoement of parts which show inferior worknmnship or material, or whioh, in his opinion, are unsuited for the purpoae intende

17、d. 4.4 Unless otherwise speoified by the Procuring Agency, the jig saws shall be completely assembled. proper functioning of all mechanical parts of the jig saw. A thorough oheck shall be made to insure the 4.5 Rejections. = 4.5.1 Jig saws failing to meet any one of the requirsnienta of khi6 speoifi

18、cation shall be rejected. b.5.2 Rejeoted parts, materials, or artioles shall not be resubmitted for inspection without furnishing full partioulars ooncerning previous re- jection and measures taken to overoane the defeota. 5. PRWA,RATIOaI FOR DELIVERY 5.1 Applioation. - The packaging, packing, and m

19、arking requirements specified herein apply only to direct purohases by or direot shipments to the Government. 502 Preservation. = Those jig saw parta, whioh are not oonstructed of corrosim-resisting material and uhioh are not proteoted by methods, suoh as painting, plating, or chemioal treatment, oo

20、neidered adequate by the Proouring Agenoy for protection during shipment or storage, shall be protected against oorrosion in accordanoe dth Specification MIL-P-116, fithod I. 5.3 Interior packing. - fil parCs and equipment of eaoh jig raw shall be packed with the jig saw in rooordanoe with speoifloa

21、tion JA-P-120 or JAN-P-133 5.4 Exterior paoking. - Unless olenrise rpeaified, all items,shrll The exterior shipping oontainers, insofar possible, shall oontain identioal items, shall be of unifora rice, and be packed for export shipaient. shall be designed to enolose the contents in (L snug, tight-f

22、itting manner. 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-flIFcZq6 32 9999906 iJSq337L 5 MILIs-4$+6( USAF) j.,!+*l Export shipmentr - Unless packaging for domestio shipment ia rrpeoified by the Proouring AgenoyO the interior packages shall be

23、padred for export 6hipent i# oleated plywood boxe8 oonforming to Speoifiobttion JA?i-P-105, emept that the plywood shall be in accordanoe with Specifioation JM-P-139, Type B, Condition I0 or in wood nailed boxes conforming to Speoi- fication JAN-P-106, owe liner whioh shall be oonatruoted of a barri

24、er-material oonforming to Speoifioatlon JA#-P-125, and sealed with an adhesive conforming to Speoifioation The interior of each box shall be lined with a waterproof MILJ-O S.k02 Domestio 8hipent. - ?hen packing for dcunestio shipnent is rpeoified, the jig aaw shall be paoked in accordance with Speoi

25、fioation IN-Bel or N4-6010 oontainars shall be marked in acaordanoe with Standard MIL-STD-12s). nomenclature shall be as follows$ 18 Inoh, Ebctrio Mohr Driven, Motor Data -0 * Mfrs Part No. * 0 speeifioation Il4546. %pliable data to be entered by contraotor, 505 Zdarking of shiprnent.6. - Interior p

26、aokages and exterior shipping The Sawing Machine, Jig, Woodworking, Bench, 6, NOTE3 6d Intended use. - The jig saus covered by this speoification are intended for use in mobile repair ahops, machine shops, and wood shops. 602 Ordering data. Invitations for bids, contracts, and purchase orders should

27、 speoify the followingt a. Title, nmber, and date of this speoiricatiaa br Type required (See 1.2) o. Whether domestic or overseas shipment is required. d. Instruotion Manual. - A coaiplete list of replaceable parts and an operating and maintenanoe manual shall be furnished with each saw. A oopy of

28、the manual shall be submitted to the Procuring Agenoy for approval prior to puhlication. NOTICES When Goverment drawings, speoifications, or other data are u8ed for any purpose other than in conneotion with a definitely related Oovement proourement operation, the United States Government thereby hou

29、r8 no responsibility nor any obligation whatsoever; and the fact that the %vernent may have formulated, furnished, or in any way siipplied the said drawings, speoificatiom, or other data is not to be reprded by implicration or otherwise as in any manner lioensing the holder or any other person or oo

30、rporation, or oonveying any riglts or permissioh to manufacture, use or sell any patented invention that may In any way be related t3iereh. (Copies of this speoifioation may be obtained from the Commanding General, tinght Air Development Center, Kright-Patterson Air Foroe Base, Chio) YRxPN CEL/rh am M. _- 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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